riday. September 19. 1924. None Will Satisfy Phone 109. liKe pure, delicioun J5 ABfi wmmmmmi VVJCK,1 H473 THe finest green tea produced in, th world, Ask for a trial package, mi SAMPLE ol GREEN TEA TO REQUEST. "SALAD." TORONTO YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena ockeye For picnics, choose "Iluperl Brand" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry are always handy. loclc a supply on your boat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Will cnit frrm PFllNf-.P RUPERT fnr VANCOUVER. VIC- 1 lit CUI1 II Ulll WH m mm- m m . w - . - - - f " TORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. 8.S. PRINCE JOHN for Massct, Port Clements and BucMey Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skidegate and ah ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENQfcR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, leiv Prince Itupert .m p.m. fur PMIMX OEUIIUE. EDMO.NTO.IT, WW-Ulrica, til points Eastern Cintila. United tutt. AGENCY ALL GCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clti Tlctst Offlcs, 521 Third A., Prints Rup.rt. Wtons 280. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Oflii-e.lmcr-: '' " ' P-'u. Open Kvei:'nig-i l. S,m' i .1 .nmlmenl Your Last Chance TO GET ONE OF THESE WEATHER PROPHETS This Coupon and 80c. Good, for One S1.00 Woathtr Houso Prophet An Excellent Gift. This Coupon will nol n!-.ir ' :g.-tin. M you haven't mailed or brought your fouppn i-i n'l ioi''kl.v for our supply-will not last long. Our pri ... while they Inst, only SOc When the wealher is line. ;u rliildren will be out, and when rainy weather is nnprtinrhing the witch will eoniu out S lo 2'i hours alienil of the ruin or snow. The hygrometer will lejl ndvaueo weather reports heller sind niore reliably lliaii general weather reports. It also has Thermometer, Klk's Head, Hiifs .Vest, etc. Mail orders le extra for pai'kihg and posluge. Cicmdiar, made beller than imported, ORMES DRUG STORE Local and Personal llayners, Underlakers, I'liono 351 D.C. Undertakers. Phono 1. Towing and freighting. Tug l'owena, 00 h.p., Capl. M. Clifton. I Phone lUue iOO. Night phone 23. tf Mrs, Field, Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 Second Ave'. Phone 23. tf Mrs. 0, McKinnon of Terrace was a passenger leaving for Van couver on the Prince George last! night. Mrs. J. Haslett arrived dn the Prince George last night from nyox to join Mr. Haslett who came in from Vancouver on Wednesday. 98 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE BREAD WITH -m m awi FS1 Gfie standard of Quality for over sojears si w?Mmm 1 Bafl.... -i S 1:1 ige Co. who has been on a trip .. nf '.,. iro'niiL- mine, who to Vancouver, is returning on the lia hwn in Uibci'ty for the past l'rince liuperl mis. aiiernoon. few .,..,. is relut.nins to Stewart 1 l. llninnit IHlrlAff (Xlllfvl. I If DANCE in Uoston Hall, Thurs- j.1Bk.s()n wllo was-liero with him. day, September 25 by Queen w, ... .... Mary Chapter I.O.D.K. Admis-, sion jSi.00. Dancing 9 p.m. sharp. , slalI1(,P Venture. Cant. Proceeds for Hidley Home Fund.', ioIinslune. in l)0rl fro,,, nienced operations. Miss M. 12. Lauder' of Kam-i loops, who has been judging domestic science exhibits at various Fairs in, the, north, returned south on the Prince George last night. - Dr. (Mrs.) A. Yocuni, matron of the mental sanitarium at Ag-new, California, passed through the eily from boat to train las! night. Mrs. Yocdm is on an annual vacation trip through this part of the country. - A parly of five persons, head, ed by George 11. Carr, who has been attending the annual national encampment of the United Slates Spanish American War Veterans al Michigan City, Indiana, arrived ou the train last night from Hie east and proceeded on the steamer Prince George to Portland, Oregon. E GZEMA YlU MS COt 0 xperlir.cn t- 1 r. g when vim use Dr. I'llAVH'S Olut- roent for Eeremil mil Sktti Irritations. It relieves at oncfi and gradually heals the skin. Sample hox 1'r. Chime's Ointment free It you nienuon inu paper anil tcud 2. twmji forotiief. mv. a box i all dealers or Kilnian'" Mlei ft (V jjiult"',. l'oroiit" , 10:30 to 11:30 this morning bound from Vancouver to Naas 11. 0. Cutler of Anyox passed ,,, , . Tim vessel will so on a a Walter Veley, Indian, was C. M. Holston, manager of the,,;.,.,.. ooa,s in ... eitv lini.erial Oil Co. at Vancouver, pocc courl Ulis ,norning for in". returned south last night after ,oxioation. Uob(!rt Sinitii and Having spent a couple oi uaysuvnUo Aleicee were each fined in the city. Dominion Constable and Mrs. K. (i. Newnhain returned to Kincolth on the venture this $10.00 and costs on similar charges. Thomas 1). Illaak. son of Mr land Mrs. James Itlack, Alfred morning after having ' spent a street, sailed last ntght on tin lorinigni in uic cay. Prince Ueorze for Vancouver where lie will enter, his last year joiiii uoiunson, cnargeu wu,i:a, s;cjence studies in Hie Univer- intoxicaliou, pleaded guilty in sj. of lic T,,al twlll)iPlClj, it the police court this morning ;js lis iIll(.n.i0I1 io eanv on with and was remanded until .toiuor row. an electrical engineering course (J on km Hultrer sailed last nislit Alfred Adam of Massed is nn tilft iPinf.p fip.ii!?,. f..r Van. still- in the clly. Mrs. Adams will vouver Wliere be will seek Io join arrive early next week bringing tllc unil or fhe (janadian Air her children whom Mr. Adams i.orcc HusseJl Uulger has been will lake south to the CoualeeUa a couple of weeks and is Institute at Sardis lalleiiding the University of Brit- " : isli Columbia. Joseph Howe, of Howe & Mc- - Nulty, leaves shortly for -an cxJ ever tie , Recipe calls for nut 7 Because it is: pure and good safe and clean economical Cf sy to keep easy to order 1 St. Charles Rectp II Book Fri-Vrili J The Borden Co. ?A Limited IT.C.MS.J4 WONDERFUL NEW AIRPLANE FLIES Has Thousand Horsepower and Manipulates Easy as Scout: Cub Engine LONDON, Sent. 19, (Hy Can adian Press . The first official! flight of an aeroplane or l.uuu horsepower, the largest single-engine machine yet devised, took place recently at Urough. The machine and its initial flight are Ki I thus described in the TimVs by the aeronautical corresponuem ui the Thunderer: "The Blackburn-Napier the largest single-engined aeroplane in the world, built specially to utilize the full power of the 1,000 horsepower Napier Cub engine, in itself the highest-powered aero engine in existence, is designed to be either a torpedo or bomb carrier of exceptionally Mr. and Mrs. Matheson return- "r vn""lMm(ir "irin-0 UnnerL Ions rangf P,oint ?f duraUon cd on the Venture this morning aml may Ia,"y ue f.U 10 .P . 1 r , D u w froIn Vancou- . . .. . , laur. U. uonaiu, uoiu aui.uu nni,h fl noli ovpmmif. in in Aii'itf iiiiriini ;iii,i" ii:ivuiir . . t n n r -jvhw w. spcntTwe-ck in Iho cil 1!T " " " 1 aviation. . - ' nmo 'ons weigni U is he result or tne air- .OST.-Lady's containing purse Don,t mlsa Salo of ,adIcs. small sum of money. Finder neadvtoWear next to Frlnell's prau SKm 01 inc JJiacKDUrn,Aero' 01"ce' Auction sale Friday at 3 p.m. .. . 221 J. V. Nicholls, comptroller of! .4. the Canadian Fish & Cold Stor-1 r, , smiii. BiSii,nt mn. situated here on the edge of the Humber, and the long experience of internal combustion engines possessed by Messrs. D. Napier and Son, and its flight has been awaited with considerable interest, not only in Uritish air circles, but in many foreign countries. As h em'achine lias been buill to (lie order of the Air Minis' for service purposes, it is not permissible to refer in detail either to the performance of the marhine, which in itself is noteworthy', or to all the interesting features of all the internal ar rangements, " ' but it may be slated nrougii on uic rnncc ueoige inlo skoena on hcr return":. :." . V . last bound Los Anscles inai me ru cii,ui uic niMil for iiisi nielli iiuuiiu lUi UU3 iu0i.n.3 i,iii . . ntnnrrnw L n nrmnir l . . . . . .. , . inn nas io tawe inrougu u.e air business trip. f is over nine tons, and that the carrying capacity is approximately three tons. ' "The span of the machine, which positively lowers above one when standing on the ground, is 88 feet, and despite its size, the wings are so arranged that they can be1 folded back for storage. The length is 51 fept and the overall height is slightly more than 19 feet. "The machine is the product of Major Hunipus, the chief designer of the Blackburn Aeroplane Company, who has already an exceedingly useful deck landing torpedo jdane (now in extensive use in the service) to his credit, and it utilizes the special triangular form qf steel fuselage construction which is a feature of lllackburn productions. The Flight "If the machine were impressive, its actual flight was even Lmore so, and despite its sizo it obviously was handled as easily naving oiiiaineu uiree nioiuns ns a coi ifs nii0f. Flisht- lended vacation trip to J.he Old iaVp nf ;rt.senpo. Ilnn-v Timnm. ... c ' i..... Country. He will visit England, otlice the' chipf elork , e of iyoilCSZoni the battlefields of France and Q,yAx. .freight, agent, will SrS,? ? S Helgium andrmany. leaV0 I1(.xt week fop MontPea, such thtallUng ,lovm close ,0 . ,...",, ; wbere he. will spend a, few days nie prouiul, flying directly toward Dr. h( 1. J. McDonald was a pas-. ,,cfon proceeding to StalTord- ..,. cillPla 0nCralors on: senger going through on the: Zd ou", shil.e, ,i.nglnnili where' he will a " n ou. d a an I I en en ope,, opc,ln ng out Venture this morning bound for;Ylsil his 8isler anJ brolllcrs Ml. UmMn" lupn mer Kincolill, after a trip lo Vancou-. Thl.ui( nlso ,)lun8 a inour ,rip J' l,,elrj ver . .; through France and , Helgium ai' oW Hmc il looked 'as if : into the Cologne district, in fieh- i i. i .n.,i.i W. J. Jefferson, manager ol Ina,ir whcro ,1P wa, vwJtIls lll0 ' . , Once the Cub got going it genially grumbled to itself in a deep-lliroaled rumble during the preliminary warming-up process, and then the pilot, a tiny figure it seemed, perched high up in the fuselage, 'taxied' over to I ho far side of the y'lerodrome) turned, and al once opened up the engine. Splendid Control "Willi a powerful roar the Napier Cub lifted the machine into the air after a run of less than 200 yards. Then followed over 20 minutes' delightful flying, and though one never lost the impression of the size of Hie machine, or the spread of its silver-colored wings, the ease wilh which it turned, banked and climbed over and around the sheds ou the aerodrome, and the smallness of the circle in which it manouevrcd, suggested info re the control of a sigle-scjiler scout than that of a ..machine weighing Ions, "The landing was the most perfect it has been one's pleasure to see for a long time; the hugei machine glided slowly lo the! earth, and without any perceptible moment -of contact wilh the ground sank on: lo Ihe oleo geart of (is double undercarriage and; came lo-resl'ina very short run," Keen, sparkling eyes, vigorous bodies and crispy Kellogg's just naturally go together. n 1 C11.J ...:U fl.imr nnrl rta1tH Amm riULCS uucu . serve with milk or cream. CORN PLAKES Ovn-frtih alwayi 0RN FKES Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. BURN Nanaimo Wellington Coal Our lump coal is double screened. Every lump is a chunk of heat. TRY OUR NUT COAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN RANGE Albert & McCafFery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. freshly mix. Son.crville cannery clurn d ., arnly of oc,Upatior, 'Je will A Jf clock a walery sun broke through he Naas lllvcr on the cnlure: yMly niak, tna ,aUer ,,rip v n;(ci,ial IVif fIni r C , , j( (, tl, self. ' W his morning. 1 ho local plant of, Tl wilh j)ollg,a8 stok and Joe MarieP waH al oncc Set to work J JJJ the has not. yet com-.i, , company ovvo. to ,n charge up nn the , h. big engine. .no . and fresh bread and d - . lunch fit for a jng .fc makcs the not only ,d.srtzcie digestible. ham more hutltmastbeColrttaris A. Lesson in Success Teach your children to save. Open a U,nion Bank Savings Account for each of them. Let them be friends with the Bank Teller and take their own deposits to him. Thm laiiHf toad to iugchi ja fh saving's hb)t UNiON BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager