She SEP 1924 $9 etas 25 TAXI BOSTON GRILL and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wed-ding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT For rales, apply to Doston Grill, Thiril Ave. MATT VI DECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV., NO. 221. PRINCE Rl'PERT H.G., FRIDAY, SKPTKMHEIl 11), 1024. YMUrdty'i Clrculttonl 1768. tr..t ! B22 PRICE FIVE CENTS. SOVTE 1 OVER MILLION CASES Russian Soviet Seizes Wrangell Island and Inhabitants Imprisoned British Attitude One of the News MOSCOW, Sept. 111. The crew of the Mussina ship "Med October" hoisted the Soviet flag on Wrangall Island on August' Tliey found one American and some Eskimos on the island. They claimed Hie island' in the name of the Soviet government and look the inhabitants prisoners. ! LONDON, Sept. 111. "They can have U" is Hie unofficial altitude ia Mritish diplomatic circles in. regard lo the action of llu Soviet in raisin? the Russian flasr on Wraniri'Il Island. II is p.ointed out that in the negotiations between the Rritish and j Soviet delegations, which result-j rd in the signing of 1 he Anglo-; Husslan treaty, it was made clear to Hie Russians thai the Island would again become Russian territory. Russia Pleased LENINGRAD, Sept. la. Russia Is sending a scientific expedition to Wrangell Island lo chart the coast line and (he in terior hnd to make a complete survey of the natural resources and other features, Soviet officials express satisfaction over the success of the expedition in planting the Red Flag on Die Island and tuking formal possession. They believe this acMon will settle the stains of I lie Island, which has been in dispute for more lhan a century. They regard il as an important base for a wireless station and for supplies In the event of war. WRITS ARE ISSUED CAD VAIC riCPTIfiM ,l,c provincial P"'ice iiugni -rUK iALt ELLlllUlVderlakc the work when the city ipolice were not available led to OT TAWA. Sent. It). Writs' some discussion of the duties of i wero issued today for the federal by-eleclion In Yale. British Col uinbia,. Nomination day is fixed for October 23 and polling day November 0. The vacancy was created by Hie death of J. A. MacKelvie at Hie last session. He had a majority of 312 in the last election. ORIENTAL GAMBLING CASES BEING HE ARD Fan-tan Outfit and Currency Amounting to $102.90 Figured In Evidence this Morning A fan-Ian outfit and currency i amounting to $102.90 including everything from nickels lo ten dollar lulls were among lh' exhibits presented to Magistrate McClymont in the cily police court in connection with the Oriental gambling cases, the bearing of which commenced Ids morning. The charges were read as indictable offences and there was a great deal of evidence taken. Three hours were "pent on Iho cases when court adjourned at I o'clock this afternoon until tomorrow. A Chinese, Fong, and a Japan. 'se, Togobashl, arc charged with keeping a gaming house and Tom, Chinese, with beiiig an in. male. They wero arrested when Hie police made a raid on 814 Third Avenue West about ten lays ago. K. F.Jones, cily soli citor, is prosecuting and L. l'alinore Is defending. Sailing of the C.P.R. steamer Princess Beatrice to Vancouver and wayports Saturday, Septem ber 20 s cancelled. Sailings will be resumed Stfutember 27. '?'.''? n' Jin Don't Care on Receiving in London POLICE WORK AND TUC IlfillfiR QTHDP lllL LHJUUlA OlUIXL Montgomery. Suggests Will Little Sympathy With Anyone In That Business A complaint that owing to the shortage of police officers in the city be had been unable to secure a quick response from (lie police slatinu was reported having been received from William Millar, bead of the government liquor store in this city lo the police commission last night. Commssioner Montgomery expressed I lie opinion that a liquor seller would gel little sympathy when he was in that business. He sidd the people the liquor that made them drunk and he did not lliink I hey should put on special constables to look after them. The suggestion was made that I .. . ... . I. 1 the various police forces located in the city. JOE BAYLEY KNOCKED OUT ALEX. ROY SECOND OF TEN ROUND BOUT m..TOIUA, Sept. 19. - Joe Hayley, claimant or the Canadian lightweight championship knocked out Alex. Roy in Iho second round of a scheduled ten round bout. Roth are Victorians but Roy is well known in Prince Rupert where he lived- for some time. Revolt of One of Armies Defending Shanghai Throws Brunt of Fighting on Others SUVNGIIAI, Sept. II), The revolt of the third Chikiang nrmv defending Shanghai lias .thrown the brunt of the battle lod iv mi the first army under General Ho Feng Lin -hihI on the army holding the lines west of Shanghai against the Kiangsu forces fighting for the possession of this city. Reports from the council of war headquarters l General I a Yang Haiang at Tuchin, Chekiang province, said General La wis was inclined to surrender and demand a peace parley com-,.isiil of foreign mediators. The peace proposal was overruled ' 1 I II.. Ho. ...I. who il saiU U!l III ll ...... I I troops were loyal and be would continue to maintain Ihe derense (o save the Woo Sung forts at the outer anchorage f la-ghai and the Kiungnan arsenal al Lungwhai. General alarm. Is spreading and a rush of refugees into the foreign quarters is expected. SEIZES OF SALMON PACKED CIR. MANAGER FOR VANCOUVER! j A. E. Warren Will Open Office at Coast and Spend Part of . Time There . WINNIPEG", Sept. ID. Official announcement was made last night that in view of the incrcas- ing importance of I lie port of J Vancouver and the interests of j the Canadian. National Railways in II r il i mIi Columbia, il has been decided that A. K. Warren, general manager of Hie western region, will, in addition lo his office in Winnipeg, maintain an office in Vancouver ami spend a considerable portion of his time there. The proposed office ar- rangemenls in Vancouver and the new organization will enable the adminstration of the Canadian National Railway system lo 'keep i" close louch with develop. mtM1s j uriiish Columjiia and I provide the business people of bejiiat province with a speedy and authoritative means or communication wilh Ihe company. II is also the inleulion of the president, Sir Henry W. Thornton, and the various- ;vice-presidenls of the company to spend more lime in Rriljsh Columbia in Ihe future than has been the case jn the past. The proposed office will be opened as soon as circumstances will permit. U.S. FLYERS REACH MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA MUSKOGEE, Okla Sept. . The U.S. army world flyers landed here at seven o'clock last evening, making the 3 SO mile jump from SI. Joseph, Missouri, in 3 hours 55 minutes. CHECK MAILED TODAY AS RUPERT'S SHARE IN AUTO LICENSES (Special lo Daily News VICTORIA, Sept. 10. A check for $1,958 as Prince Rupert's share in the auto license fees was mailed today by Ihe department of finance.which is paying to the municipalities of Ihe province the total sum of $308,750. - .- MAN FELL FROM TOP VANCOUVER ELEVATOR ' VANCOUVER, Sept. 19. Falling 110 feet from Ihe top of Iho now Spillers elevator O. Dunton was instantly killed yesterday. Re was working on the structure and lost his balance. General Primo de Rivera, Spanish military dictator, is shown on a friendly visit to tle sou of Raisuli, the Morocean chieftain, who has lfurassed the Spaniards in Northern Africa for a century. Freight Rates Are Railway Commission and the Lawvers to OTTAWA, Sept. ID. With locunieiita'ry form, before it, the journed the hearing of complaints against the Crows Nest Pass rales until Monday, when counsel for the protcstauls against discriminations resulting from tariffs filed by the railways since the revival of the Crows Nest Pass agreement on July 7 last will open fire. Both H. J. Symington, representing Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta and O. O. MeGeer, counsel for R;C. announced their willingness: to proceed wilh the argument then. They will be followed by repre- - : .- senlatives of the railways beaded', v v v by F.ugene Lafleur, counsel for Ihe railway association of Can- adn. Tho hearing has been featured by tho filing of affidavits from British Columbia declaring Hie fruit growing industry of that, province- is imperilled by dis-j criminations resulting' from tho' Crows Nol rates, Mr. McGoer declared the discrimination having been proved the-onus was on the railways to justify jl. They must prove their rales, to be fair and just. SIR THOMAS ROBINSON i IS VISITOR IN CITY Director of Canadian Fish &j ! Cold Storage Co. Is Visiting Plant Her Sir Thomas Rob'- Mm of C. 'p-thorpe, England, a director of Hie Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., is a visitor in Iho city having arrived from tho Fast last evening. He will spi'nd a few days here before proceeding south. Sir Thomas was last here n couple ot years ago. BURNED AT VANCOUVER FROM ELECTRIC SWITCH VANCOUVKR, Sept. 19. William Oldroyd was burned, probably fatally, today while operating a ,40,000 volt transformer switch. As he received thi full force of the shock there was a dazzling flash and his fellow workers dragged him to safety. All the el'othing'wns Inirned from bis body. WRANGELL ISLAND THIS YEAR IN THIS DISTRICT Before Arme Next WeekUT"v-J all the evidence, most of il in railway commissioners ad i SHIPPING WHALER FOR USE HERE WITH R.C.N.V.R. COMPANY II. P. Ponder of this city has, received word that his commission as Lieutenant in the Royal tJan- adian Naval Volunteer Ro- servo has been approved and that a 27 foot whaler is being shipped lo this point for the use of Ihe local company when formed. Recruiting lias not yet commenced but inquiries are being made and as soon it as the forms arrive, active enrollment will commence. .,., . MANY WHALES ROSE HARBOR Station There Has Taken 180 Big Mammals This Year Nadon Harbor Not so Good Roth the Naden Harbor and Rose Harbor whaling stations on the Queen Charlotte Islands aro still in operation. Rose Harbor has been very successful this year and 180 of the big mammals have been taken. Owing to Ihe exceptionally rough weather, Naden Harbor has mjt done so well and has laken hardly half Ihe number of Rose Harbor. Roth plants will continue operations until nboul, the 'end of September. Over Million Cases Salmon Packed Already This Year in This Fishery District The total salmon pack for the district this' year? to date amounts to 1,02:),70I cases and the work is not yet completed. This compares favorably with last year's pack of 875t803 cases in all. . ' . The pink salmon run is over but several canneries are still m operation packing cohoes and chums. On Ihe N'aas River, wo canneries Wales Island and Somerville are still open; on the Queen Charlotte Islands, Lagoon May and Lockeport, ai(d in the Central division, Namit, Rella Rella and Butedale. BRITISH COLUMBIAN WINNFR OF PRI7F ".""" v" . LONDON, Sept. 19. Major. Skeena, it is expected, will run Gladstone Murray of Rritish '",'' September 30. Columbia, one of the two Cana- Canneries on the north of the dians included as prize winners 'Oueen Charlotte Islands Watun in Hie Rritish Columbia section llivcr Laura Whalen and Lau-of the competition for prizes f. Jtara are closed but on the south fered by Edward Filou or Boston Lagoon Bay and Lockcpor. - to,vl11 Probably continue till the for the best essays on how restore peace and prosperity! m",(lle of October. The run or through international co-opera- chums there to date lias not been lion. Murray wins 50. Wil-'00'1- rIie nack of t)inks on Hie ' Ham Edgar of Ottawa wins 10. Bolton Walker of Ireland was Ihe winner of the first prize of fit, 000. GROTE STERLING IS CONSERVATIVE NOMINEE CONTEST YALE ELECTION Sterling of Kelowna was nomin aled as Conservative candidate in the federal by-election for Yale at a convention here yesterday. He is a civil engineer and fruit grnwr " POLICE DEPARTMENT ALMOST PAYS WAY Income Amounted to 8758 and Payroll was S87S.50 for Month of August The monthly police report submitted by Chief Vick'ers at Hie meeting of the Police Commission yesterday showed that the department almost paid its way during the month, l-'ines amounted to $719 and there was collected $39.50 from Ihe Provincial Government for keeping' prison- ers, making h total income of for" a week. There, were about 1758. The payroll for the month J thirty applications presented to amounted to $878.50. jlhe board for the various posl- During Angus! there were 58Mons. A case before Hie courts with 5 1 1 Tenders for Hie supply of 14 convictions. Of these 29 were blinds for Borden Street School drunks; ' jwere opened and George. D. Tito Special activity was shown in got Ihe order for $19.50. The Iregard lo questionable characters jin downtown houses, nineteen visits in connection with this having bjen made with the re- suit that five suspects had lfft town. Others were being closely watched. ales Island will be closing down in a few days but Somerville will probably continue until ,l,c cml of tl,e month. All five canneries on the lalanun Has, however, been very fer,,0'J and 0,1 llie m,rth end .a lo,al uack of l"0.00" cases con- stitutcs the highest on record. Four salteries -are pullfng' up Chums on the Islands one at Jedway, one at Lagoon Bay in conjunction with the Canadian Fishing Co.'s cannery, and two at Skidegale. On account of the poor run or chums, their plants have not done mucji sd'far, how- ever. NEW TEACHERS ARE APPOINTED Miss Dorothy Kldd Named for Hlnh School and Miss Mary Hartln for Borden Street At a special meeting of the school board yesterday afternoon Miss Dorothy Kbbl of Burnaby was given the appointment of ex tra teacher in the High: School and Miss Mary Hart in was named for the Borden Street staff. Moth will arrive in the city shortly to lake up their positions. The appointment of another teacher for Junior Grado work was laid ovef job for the erection or six cup- boards al Borden Street school .was let to E. 11. Shockley who bid $156. ' I .. , , , Tho steamer Prince Rupert will arrive on time at 3.30. ' , Lieutenant Earl McLeod Left For Vancouver This Morning Intending to Arrive Today ii Flying in machine KM, Flight Lieutenant Enri L. MacLeod, who has. been in command of the local fisheries patrol detachment this summer, took off (his .morning at 7 o'clock on his return to Jericho Reach station where he will assume, command in the absence of Squadron Leader Earl Godfrey. Making slops at Rella Rella and Thurston Ray for refueling, Lieat. MacLeod expected lo reach Vancouver in about eight hours. Lending Aircraftsman N. C. Terrf accompanied him as mechanic. Flying Officer Hull will be here for about a week longer mid will muke a few more patrols with machine RR. Lieat. MacLeod may be in Seattle next week when the United States flyers arrive after their 'circumnavigation of the globe.