PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9, and Saturday Matinee at 3. "Thundering Dawn" A gripping, melodramatic thriller. A stirring love story of two women, one good, the oilier bad, "and their struggle for the soul of a man. Glamour! Romance! Tremendous sensations! Spectacular effects! A mighty typhoon, an awe-inspiring tidal wave are amongst the big srenes picturized in this colossal love drama. Crashing storms. Devastating avalanches of water-wind-lashed seas, and amidst all, Ihe fierce, primitive struggle of a woman of culture and a woman of the underworld for the soul of a hnmap derelict. Superb cast. J. Warren Kerrigan, Anna (j. "Nilsson. Tom Santschi, Edward Burns, Chas. Clary, Winifred Hryson and .many others. Century Comedy "Hit 'em Hard." Admission 50c and 25c 7alk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY White Pickling Onions (now in; 15c to., 7 lbs. $1.00 Medium sized Cucumbers, splendid Tor pickling, 6 for 25c Fresh Citron, firs' shipment now in, lb 8c Fresh Outdoor Tomatoes, 5 lb. basket . . . 50c Hothouse Tomatoes, per 5 lb. basket 75c Large Head Celery .... 15c Golden llanlam Corn, dozen ... 50c New Carrots, 0 lbs. 25c Cooking Onions, U.C., 5 lb. 25c Vegetable Marrow, lb. . . 5c Ilarllelt Preserving Pears, heavy pack in apple boxes per case $2.85 Choice Cooking Apples, unwrapped, per box . . $2.50 f RupertTablcSiipply I Three Pliones-.-7KMii.2i2 LAND ACT. Nonet of intention to Apply to Leaa Land. I III yutrii Uiarlutle Imjmi! Lauii District, i Iti'i-ordin? lililflct of It Hire ltHpert. U.C., I and Minnie lieir Tow Mill. Graham Island. TAKE .NOTICE ihai I, lii-orf- W. Oov- ling, ur J48i camrnidK Stipet. Vancouver, II.C occupation iimnufairturer. intinds to, apply for i'rml9(n to leac the following oVkrrlbed lsi.l : i.oinmenclnt: at a I iHt vtanli'd near the root of Tow Hill, j east side. Ihence northerly lo low water mark; Uh-mo wi-strrly foliowinir low water I mark at ehaiiw; iti-nv southerly thrre (hams; llwwf raiterly so inm to point of roinmcnt'Ciiient and rontatulnz t& acres, more orle... OEOnflE w D0WLWfli , Applicant. : DAVE ftUTTE.N, AKem JnateI June 8. 14 tImbEh'saLE XG425, ' Scaled Tincltr will ho rcwlvt-d liy tlie Minister or Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon on the 11 Hi day or September, ivit, for ttu purchanc or LK-i-ur.e - 0411. to cut lineal Iwt or Hole and I'llliiK on l.otit 105 and I0H3. H timed alxiiil 3 W mill's and on other aide or skecna lilver rrom Ileum station, itanitn t, Coail I .a ml lilstrlet. Two (ii yours will he allowed Tor removal or llnilier. Kurllier oartieulari or ih- riiief k-ip ter. Vletorln, H.C., or District Forc.tcr, prlnrp luiticrt, B C 114TH BIRTHDAY Lady Celebrates This Afternoon With Young Brother of 100 t and Boy of 89 NCW YOHK, Sept. 19. When Mrs. Mac Urdang celebrates her U-Uli birthday this afternoon, among tho participants will bo her "yonmr" In oilier of n hundred and her "buy" just 89. PRINTERS ARRESTED Crosby and Leader Charged With - Forging Trademark VANCOUVim, Hopl. 19 lloberl Crosby anil James 1,'eader, print - ers, Were arrest pl hero and, charged with forging a trade- mark. These ate Hie men whom the police allege had possession1 of the dies of iwu manufacturers of wll know;! In ami-; of wbiskey. i Hot It Were released mi ball of ?2,-J 500. Fox News-Gazette ONE YOUNG WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of her wardrobe is Dainly Dorothy. She knows how lo make serviceable frocks out of last season's dresses and believes that the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONE 8 B0X392 P Rl N CEr-rftAj PE RT WALK OVER TO OUR STORE AND Save Money Take advantage of reduced prices now! Rogers' Syrup, 20 10 lb. tins ... . 5 lb. tins No 1 Uuttcr, lb. .. 14 lb. boxes . . I5.C. Kpjrs, 3 dozen I'otaloes, per sack l ancy Dry Onions, Carrots. 0 lbs. . . . Yellow Turnips. 4 lb. tins ... $1X5 . . . 85c , . . . 45c .... 40o . .. $5.50 for $1.10 .. $2.03 5 ibs. 25c 25c lbs. 25c ECONOMY STOR 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. E THE RINK Now Open for SKATING Willi Hand in attendance Tuesday Eve., Sept. 23. L. F. Marren, I'roi Jiilor. Phone Dlack 449. Sterling Furnace GOAL Dtlltarad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. TIiIj Is a very superior furnace coal. It elves a clean hot tire and Is entirely rree from soot, clinkers, slack and dirt. Some or the large.! heating plants In the city are now nuns- It with entirely satlsraitory remit., STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.50 per ton. We ire also Ag-ents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main orfleat Hottl Oantral. Phona 18 Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIQHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watohes, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stcck of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invltsd. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist BLUE RIBBON TEA and FARMERS' BEST TEA ON SALE. Friday and Saturday. Reg. 70e. Special, per lb. 50c Blue Ribbon Tea in 2ttlb. packages only and accompanying meat orders at our reduced prices: Boiling Ucef 6c Pot Roast 8c On 5 lb. Tea you save $1.00 Do not miss this chance. Other Specials are Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1-00 Bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs. for. . 25c Strawberry Jam (pure; per ' tin , 75o Fancy Jumble Pack Apples, per box $2.25 Orders of 3.00 delivered. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. SPIRITS FOILED BRITISH FLYER Natives of Urup Island Declare Stuart MacLaren Courted Bad Luck at Totokan Bog TOKIO, Sept. ly 111 fortune. which attended the attempt of A. Sluarl MacLaren, British round- the-world aviator, and his companions to fly across the remainder of the globe after leaving Japan, is attributed by the natives of Urup Island, one of the bleak Kuriles, to tho airman's own in difference to evil spirits. When Major MacLaren's big Vickers amphibian hopped off from Toshinioye, Yetorofu Isjand, one day in July, with I'aramu-sliiru Island, at the north of the Kurilc, chain, as his goal, fogs and wind compelled him to land at Totokan Bay, on the southwest coasl of Urup Island. The hay is exposed, and when the wind rosej Major MacLaren flew Jiis plane a short distance inland, aight- iug on a body of brackish water, known as Tolukbii Bog. In so doing, according lo the sparse population of Urup Island, lie. rourted the malevolence of evil spirils. v Totokan Bog is an ill-omened water. The natives say It is bottomless, and thai no man has ever entered its water and conic onl. alive. There is an evil female spirit, the natives believe, who makes a specially of handsome men, and when such a one comes to the hog he "vanishes like smoke" and his body is seen no more. Four years ago two sailors attempted lo cross the bog by swimming. They were seen lo reach llin middle of Ihd lake, swimming strongly, and then together went down without a sound. Major MacLaren resled for four hours on the shores of the bog, living at an experimental fox farm, inaiiilalned on Ihe island by Ihe Japanese Department of Agriculture and Commerce, and 'then hopped off on a successful flight In THE DAILY NEW3 GYRO CLUB AS ROTARY GUEST by a bridge tournament in which all member!! of each club will partieipatc. At the-' luncheon I here will be fifteen minute addresses by one person from each club on what; seems the most feasible under-1 taking for the club during the) coming year and whether itj should be undertaken by the clubs individually or jointly. This will be followed by a short discussion, by three, men on cither side after which the bridge will be started. The bridge tournament is to be under the nvauagemeut of Col. McMordie and the general arrangement for Ihe dinner arc to be handled by George Bryant, Thomas Mc'.lymonl, V. E. Wil liams. George Woodland Jim Lec. FAIR TERRACE Over 700 Entries at Annual Event In Fruit Centre The Annual Fall Fair was a great success this year. The entries were -much he;tvier thi year, there being over seven hundred entries. The ladies of the community served dinner, af. lernoon tea and supper and aid-! ed financially otherwise. Miss I.auder judged Ihe Fancy work, home cooking and school work. The entries in Ihe latter were heavy and Ihe fancy work exhibits were almost double. Mr. Mu ur o judged the field root, zrain ami grasses. Mr. Murray was the judge for fruit and vegetables. GERMAN STOCK C.P.R. IS SOLD YORK. Sept. 19 A Will be Entertained at Dinner! xfW lock of 38.000 shares of stock Week From Thursday: Bridge ,n he anaiUan Pacific Railway Drive After j formerly held by the German Imperial Government has been Instead of the regular Rotary I. ..,!,.... TI,.,rU.. DMnhor O" l" 0 "lIACi. I U ill 411 VII IJ II UUJ I I .... . . . 2, arranjjemrnts have been made for the Rotary Club to entertain Ihe members of the local Gyro Club at a dinner to be followed. The block was part of a total of 58,000 shares held by Germany. The shares were taken over by the Canadian Government under! Ihe" treaty of Versailles. If is reported that the sale was made u 1 15 a share. DISAGREEABLE POLICE WORK Proprietor of Clinton Rooms Appears Before Commission Regarding Recent Search At the meeting of the police commission last night, J. Anderson, proprietor of the Clinton Rooms, Frase- Street, appeared in person to complain of the action of the police in connec- ,ion wil" a !'ealon ",al was ide and mere, u was explained inai me search was made by the 'oniin-' ion Police of the Indian depart-! ineiil, complaint having been made that Indians had been get-! ting liquor there.- .They were; aided by Sergeant Bailey of the 'city force. j Sergeant Bailey and Constable' Vatkinson both gave evidence of; the complaints that had been: made of these rooms and of the search that had been made there. j One Indian was found there I drunk but a white woman, who was suspected, ami who had Ix'en previously convicted, although she got olT on a technicality hid refused lo admit them. Indians were suspected of being in her room. They had not conducted themselves in any uncouth or indecorous manner. Mayor Newton said he was not presuming to tell Mr. Anderson how he should run Ihe Clinton rooms but advised him lo keep objectionable characters away. Commissioner Montgomery said he was satisfied (lie ollicers r. .uat-kic juugeu me live, had not exceeded their duly. Mistook and Mr. Rcid the poultry. referred to the possibility of The Fair Board wish to extend people over Ihe line moving up their thanks lo Ihe communilyown jf t1(. ,,acc. was not kept for the generous slipport which clean. was atforded them. Mr" Anderson commented on 'Ihe dance in the evening was Hie fact that the people over tho one of Ihe largest ever held here. iinc denied lo have a great deal Ihe newG.W.WA. Hall was filled 0f oreslitfe. He objected to be. almost lo capably mid the music ;jn(f dictated to by the people was excellent. Iiiipto FISH ARRIVALS The mayor said they had no prestige at all. If others were allowed to carry on thai kind of Only three boats sold their business up lowit they would catches here today as follows: t Hi ink they could eonie snd do the Radio 60,000 at IS and 7 to same, where they could mako Pacific Fisheries. jnore money. I Ila, 'J00 ai 15.10 and 9 lo Cold! Commissioner Montgomery Storage. said they were not dictating. Ho Koyosu 1,300 at 15.10 and "J to had simply used that argument Royal Fish Co. j to show that they must improve , .conditions uplown instead of al- Advcrtiso ,in the Dally News. lowing them to become worse OLD CROW BOURBON WHISKEY 'VJ til, MB m In its Field Superlatively the Best Noted for Its great age and mellow ff1 maturity. "Awakens old memories." ha f'3 I a I ...." ; 28 oz. botti. I- . iiiiih ;VV No. so 32 oz. bottle '$ ( Kv"'''.'v.VA..';.; This advertisement is not published or displayed by Iho Liquor Control Hoard or by the flovcrnmctit of British Columbia. Friday, September 19 l9, Cash & Carry Specials DEL MONTE CATSUP lleg. Qc. Special, 2 for ' NABOB or MALKIN'S BEST TEA 2,bs " ... $1.25 PURE LOGANBERRY or LOGAN RASPBERRY JAM Ul.lails 65c FANCY COTTON COMFORTERS A well filled Uotlon Comforter, covered with Art Silkoline in Hose, Blue and Yellow designs Sizes 00 x 72. Kxtfa Special for one week only ' cnch $3.15 BOYS' KNICKERS In Fancy Brown and Dark Grey Tweeds; also Navy Serge. Sizes 20 lo 28. Kxtra Special, p-ur 9 LADIES' OXFORDS Log (laliin Buck Goodyear Well on Mnyfair last Ii width only. Sizes :i lo 7. Kxtra Special, pair 55.45 Universal Trading Co, BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire Smith Block. Phon 575. j yrr -7 J ( .Ji .fa ;M vN y Snowy Table Linen Thr pure lalkir f Sunlit ' Soap cltantil Ik tlothtt natuf illy.NOTckrm. Ually.ThtiSflQO G uarantte of Parity It Ham p. ti on rvrry tab' let ff SunlUkt Soap. rV all things, table cloths andw? V kins benefit most from the t mi' cleansing Sunlight bath. An ordtnir washing wears table linen out even more than table use. How different tM Sunlight wayt Just soak the clotht'i after rubbing lightly with SunW Soap, and all dirt is loosened, all e"' dissolved and this without any grinding rub on the wash board. Then you rinse and tho dirt just run awiy. Hesult: freshness, purity and inowy cleanliness. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO I Commissioner Cameron also tint apprehend. ttfl staled that there- was no dicla-l Sumiuintr l'. I'11' , Lj li' Hon but It was impossible to be wanted Ihe pollco o keep people from lalkinw. lhe cominlssion was nc The Mayor said a couple had them In tightening up M.o9( c'omo up and slurled near tho'lle did not want lo , ft.llnlon" moms but had run unduly bothered W ' iigainst obstneles which Ihey did j police would k""!1 11