PAQM FOtTH. Writ'" da,v. V TBI DAILY MWft. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu Money I'M CONN TCUt- bOMt 5AM - or MLTmE OUfa ( ll I WOT. A. C'C e005. S TVlKT" W WUZ TAUKUM' A.CKXVT r THCtE t4 ACTIVEX tmmc in lute. tmi J I oo fop. cuon a. rnM I I OT-" tOU IN TMC GROCEJVr VJHT THINK. OP THlb LWN Hec?.eTHE. I TCUU. S outhcrc- J v ' Orders WC OMO THE touNTRv Lire.' -y- a. ., hlir ' cL On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Ratea of Exchange. Make your reservations for lhat Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket., Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 129 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson' Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Garden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous Kdson Coal in any quantities Phone 58. Geo. Papadopulis' flew and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy. sell and exchange all kind of new and secondhand goods. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dajly. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 218. P.O. Box 895. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser SL Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water, Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 669. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerton Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, Itil Phone 686. Open Evening Only. For Spsolal Appointment. v. ' BBBBBBBBT WEATHER VAGARIES IN ENGLAND SUBJECT LEGISLATIVE BANTER Summer Time Bill Passes Amid Much Opposition Vote of 169 to 129. LONDON'. May 7. While lhe Home of Common wa dirus- i ing I ln Summer Time Hill snow. wan falling outside, and when Sir Kingsley Wood rose to ninvf the second reading he was greeted wilh shout of "Where are your skate." There was. in fart, a good deal of gibing al tin vagaries of the English rlima'e. One speaker, said Hie year wan divided into four seasons, "Bui lie was immediately challenged by .Mr. (iavan Huffy, the member for Whitehaven, who has a prct'y gift of humor, and who defined the English year a consisting nf nine months of cold weath.r and three months of winter . Xo r.. i. II...,. -II n,n,.,'t.Aj, l,.nb I iimii'inr ii wiiii hiirvk now wo. extra daylight wa valued by suburbia rallied lo the side of Sir Kingsley Wood, and the Hill was carried by 169 votes to 120. The opposition of the Scottish farmers to any change was voiced by the Duchess of Athnll, while Mr. Fisher said thai the general conclusion of Hie Hoard of Education wa that summer lime did not bring to school children as apart from the population a a whole any positive advantages, but thai the great objection lo it, in regard lo school children, lhat it would shorten their period of sleep was relatively slight and could be avoided by reasonable domestic care. ARE TALKING POLITICS IN ATUN CONSTITUENCY H. F. Kerln Does Not Say If he Will A?aln be a Candidate for Election Who, and how many political -audidales will. be in tiie field ill this constituency, in Ihe forth coming provincial election has I not yet been determined says the Alice Arm Herald. II. F. Kergin .when approached oi) Ihe subject as to whether ho would seek re election, slated Dial he bad noth ing lo say until after Hie Liberal convention which will be held shorlly. The Conservative parly will nominate their candidate al a convention lo Ije held in Anyox on May C. A number nf local men at bolh Anyox and Alice Arm have been discussed a like ly candidates but a choice has. vol In be made. The Provincial parly will hold peg. after every meal Cleaases month and teeth and aids digestion. Believe that over eaten feeling and acid month. Its l-a-st-l-ng flavor satisfies tae craving for sweets. YVrlQley'a Is double value In the benefit and pleasure It provides. Stolid in itt Purity Better Shape BRIER ' " - Oxti Ur-t Ftm Ssvkc. Ie. v m . 7Tf - I V- M 1 rasas- .7 '.'V ,Hheir convention in Any. within IIkim ilrrlnrol tliPMsplvp oi- posed to I h provision of the Hill, which sought to cslihlisli six month of summer lime. The two motive which ran Ihrocgn these speeches were Ihe child and the cow. both of whom were hvsl by these speaker to suffer from the attempt "to fool with the sun." Ilepresentalives of Mie manager of Ihe K D. A H. C. railway, on his return from Winni There is ample mnislure over the entire country to ensure a; 1 operation are in full swing. every field, three, four and six- horse leamr are hard al work putting the land into shape to receive Ihe seed from which will spring Ihe 1924 grain crop of the west. In many seel ion, grain I be ginning to show above Ihe 80 CITY BASEBALL LEAGUE STARTS Meeting Last Night Discussed Prospects for 1924 and Took Steos Towards Organization Oraiiizaluin for 'he forth-li)i"g baseball season was fcAVM a goml start at a large iieetiiig of players and fan held 'as' evrmnj:. V. D. Vaore, pri-s.ilent f the Prince Illiperl Hasetiall Association, wa in Ihe wan and almul :inr:y person w r p -esi'iil. Tlii' situation w.t thoroughly d Ti.-et ;,i it Wa finally de-tci Itut a City I.iMiiiie will te fo: toed and the s-aon itividc.1 j'i i wo dislinri halve. The winner in curb "f lhee halves will meei mi a Mii--'aon playoff !o di'i'ide Hie rity Three teams are already entered iiil'sr SMi of Canada and two weeks, when a candidate will Knighl of pnlumt.iis and the tie choen. S'maiuy ne a murni. ra it is understood that Oeorge , ,r,' arf . ' " evning Casey of Prime Rupert, the labor " H'Xi, rMy 13. candidate at Ihe last election I Apportioning Players Will not contest Ihe seal. V KaeU ,Pi"n league al Ihe The name of the independent Ifulsel i. If be limited lo six candidates al Ihe last election ("'P'"'1 Ilaer. a selerlion corn-were legion, but wilh Ihe pl.or'l,,l,,''', "f ,ne comprising showing they made al Ihe poll.""' president, vice-president and it i doubtful if a many will ,eerelnry lo allot the remaining again enter the arena. members lo Ihe team. All new jplayr arriving in the cily dur- SPLENDID OUTLOOK FOR will be idaeed tiy (lie league and. ROPS SAYS RAILWAYMAN will be subject to redistribution (by Ihe league. General Manager of E. D. A B. C. The main object this year is Says In Twenty-two Years . lo make such a distribution of Nevue Seen Land In i player lhat an iiiteresliuif and well coule.eil series will be as. j Ml red. i.w.iw.ww.. .May . m ni nrnmnc nr tirvnv Iwenly-two year spent in the DLULDllAlJJ Ut rtlllUA west, I have never seen Ihe land in better shape lo receive a crop than at Ihe nresenl time." de LADIES' TEAM WON clared J. A. Macgregdr. general Beat Pal bv Single Score Final Basketball Game of Season In AXYOX. May 7. -- The rinsing jcvenl of Ihr PJ23-2I basketball .I..I. ..r ik. I ..!... I ...... good slarl for Ihe growing grain.!" .' . "- i. u....... r..n.i t.. n 1 vU 1 remain a Ionic of animated of the prairie province, seeding!f0,,i::!1, f"r, ""' t I iiifniiif. i in niii.niriis uiiii rai' hi ' were Ihe comprlilor. for Ihe sil Ver bon bun dishe and Ihe chain pionship of Anyox. The schedule of games had been drnwn for two series, and each had won a series Thi necessitate,! a play-off, and Ihree nil limit good vame were the result. The first game went ground, in some districts Ihe '"e ifiucbiru. lottowe.i ny an blades df wheal having reached n'""'"1""' P"""' w,,icl' wa won b) height of an inch and a half or,"" Pats, nineteen eighteen two inches. Seeding in Manitoba was delay ed n few days through Ihe heavy and again honor were divided and both team even. the ECONOMY luv Friday night wound up Ihe ex rainfall of last week, but upringltemenl when Ihe gymnasium operation wert gelling under.was packed lo tin; doors Willi a way again by the mjddle nf lliN 'yPiliriK crowd lhat witnessed the week. faslesl game o ladies basketball Immigration i imiving freely 'el staged in Anyox. Al no lime into Ihe wesl, Mr. Macgregor was either team more ,tlutn one stales, and of (his, Alberta is point ahead, the final tally being gelling a liberal share. eleven to ten in favor of Ihe 1 Hluehird. ll wa anybody's rivprt In lb Oallv News, game from start lo finish, and e3r f ' rfayck" vAuo in. Packages 154 & 20t) 59 only in I'oiipertion with the staining of the roof of the Seal Cove srbool. Tender close al five o'clock Friday nexl. W. J I. Vance. Seerelr-. IKI WAXTKH. - liirl or wmnaii to work in house Mr. J. O. Williamson. 251 l-'iflh Avenue West. Phone Hreen 33H. 110 WAVrKI). Furniture, of even" description. Highest prices paid. I'rince Rupert Ilxcliange. Auctioneers. Phone 651. WAXTKH. Wanle to buy a small houe in rity. Term eay. Hx Itaily Xewa. FOR RENT FOR RKXT. Fumishe.1 housekeeping room, 0 Sixth Ave. Kasl. 1'hone Hltie 817. If FOR RKXT- -Four room. uio.ern. heatel apartment. Apply Smith A Mallei t. Ltd. If OFFICE FOR RENT, with modern luing quarter.. Weslenhnter Hros. If FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rales and home coin-forts If TO RKXT. Room Phone Hlue 10 1. nutl board III TO RKXT Room for i-enl. Phone Hlue 002. 100 BOARD AND ROOM ROAKH and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from I'ost Ofllre. H.Vl Second Aven. Miotic 1 3? . If was no disgrare lo Ihe loser. Ihe players wer: Hluebirds. Mesdame. (ly. Roy. Smilli, Mc- fjnarrie and McTaggnrl; Pat: Mesdame. Wenerstniiii and Chap man and Ihe Misses Champion. Heaue, Cahlerone and Moduli Fred Hrown haiiilet the whistle and gave satisfai'lion lo every body in the rnnilurl of Ihe game j Sport Chat j The fnct that Ihe' ?alc al Ihe opening match of Hie season on Monday nighl wa larger than thai recorded at any game last year would indicate lluil a lively interest is to lie laken in Ihe soccer league competition in Ijlt2l. The presence of so many new player on vnrlou llue-ups will undoubtedly fnakr Ihe open iug season games, at least, more attractive. There I a general curiosity on Ihe pari of fan to see al firsl hand what all these "black horses" can do. The Son of Canada and (ireal War Vet erans will meet In tomorrow nighl's league fixture and. like Ihe Cnllies-Sons of Kug)and en counter, there will also be a good deal of new blood introduced in Mils conic!. Yanderhoof is preparing for an active alhlelfc season and, a a prelude lo Ihe commence mcnl of Kniues, Ihere was a witrking bee of fans al Ihe recreation ground there last Sunday. Plan are already under way for Ihe cee In at Inn of Victoria and Dominion Hays. There will he football and baseball games on the for mer day and a children's tour namenl on .Inly I. The Athletic Association ha been considering Hie erection of a club house hw action lias been deferred for six month on ocacuiit of Hie A sorption's financial condition. 55 fi Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvirtlMmtnt Taken for !- than ROe WANTED FOR SALE FOR SAI.1L Ivory Wleker Hah) llufgy and Ivory Crib, two-hole Florence cooker with oven, fruit sealer. Wanted small wicker buagy. Phone Hlue 012. tf I BEAUTY PARLOR. I'KXHKItS WAXTF.H for Hie work FOfl SALE. Five roamed houoj Complete up on Second Aenue. llulldingon Parlor. Ilobb (iuveruinent wharf use as llairdresDing. li t a new stand. Nine t)-aeri iii. Skin and i lots, one l-acre lot at Terrnee.' Violet Hay. Pi i. . I'rince George, lot 10 and II, bloek til;, loin 10 and II, block 1 10; lots 28 and 10, Mock 7; lot (I, bloek 1 11. Apply A f. Little. Second Avenue. D5 FOR SAIV-I.aueli "Slar" 2U0. Fon I engine runverttal lit marine service. Atwaler Kent FOR SALE. Sixteen roin room ing boiie and store; all fur-nisheal. Full su bnmeiil willi new but uir turuun. P'nce 7.&00.0. Teetns ar-rongefl. Till IhiIMIiis is right In front of Ihe I try Hork. U?t Aibrwe Avenue. If FOR SALE. 25-10 h.p. Sterling engine; Iloseh Ignition; eom-plete to and Including eoup-ling. 1730.00 30 foot cruiser, 20 h.p. Just overhauled. toilet, galley. $1,000. M. M. Stephen. tf MRS. LOVE, Room 6. siepiu-: Henny Allen Co. jm, AUCTION SALES. floods HoukM f I Kxclianife l H. H. HEMMINOS, Auctions. Furniture and t-y irkti ... - 1 .... i i .... hi i .1 - i luiru flic MllllfVtl. .Ill IWIOC'I- t'l.JllKIII I... ,, . . . . .Jl,h"" M In steering bulkhead. lit light and searchlight. A speedy j boat at bargain price. Apply! corelaker, Prinee Rupert Yacht i Club, or plmne H. OdOIXH OUTFIT for sale and gasboat 33 fel long in good condition. Can be ee at Hie Aeroplane Ark, Seal Cove. fl FOR SALE. New and ucl Machinery, Ho a Is and Engine. Northern Exchange. If RESTAURANT fnr Sale or Lease. Apply H'x 175 Daily New of fice. ;CKKNK for sale. 132. LOST MISCELLANEOUS Phone Red I0'J LOST. Ladies diamond ring of particular value lo owner. ISO reward gladly paid. Return to Itaily News olflce. tf FOUND FOUND. An I.O.H. Owner car Jiave same al Dally News ollico by proving ownership and pay ing lor Ibis advertisement. I.f. WAIXWJHtillT 'Alberta) OIL FIELDS. Write for free book lei containing authentic information on this wonderful oilfield. Haslctl. 120 Seymour nireei, Vancouver, H.C. 110 INSURANCE. FRED H. STEPHENS Non. Hoard Insurance National Hen Franklin. Second Floor, Federal Hlock. TAXI Taxi 67 Phono. (Call OeorKS or Gust) Rosa Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night,-SI anil: Grotto Cigar Storo, Third Ave. kGZEMA You arc Mil iptrlmsnu Ing wtisn you in I. rornt lor KxcMns anA skin Irrtt. Un. it rrllsm at nn suit psdu. SltV hpKla IIia .bin HumiilMi. 11,. (Iism'i OliiUurnt trft It oi menUon Uilt PIir sii'l mua W.iinuiti for ismiiis. am, Ikiii kllilrtlrii or Kdinsnn. I'.li l & Oi.. LIiuIImI, iotmiix MAILjOEDULE For the East-Mondays. Wednesday rd fri. days, closes at 5 0 p r From the East-Mondays. Thursdays a: I urdays. Uo p.m. From Vancouver .Sundays .. P l Wednesday 1 Fridays 11 Halm-day. I C P R. May " t ' To Vancouver Tuesdays. Mail close at I rl Thursday . Saturdays SmtiMv s C.P.R. May - m J To Anyox, Alice Arm Weilnely SuiiIh From Anyox, Alice Arm TurmJays Thursdays To Port Simpson-Sundays 1 To Stewart and Premier- Sunday Saturday . From Stewart and Premier Sumlay Tuexlay From Port Simpson Tuesday To Alaska Points-May 0. U in. I From Alaska Points-May i. I t and . : To Qusen Charlotte Island rolnu May 10 and .'t From Queen Charlotte Polnu To Naas River Points and fort" Simpson u pM Thursdays From Naas lver Points Saturday Box Collection P M Graham A Atlin Ave- 1st Ave. .V Klghlh St r.lh Ave, A Fulton si Hlh Ave, A Thmnpson St Ilth Ae. V SKerhro.ik'' Ave Hlh Ave. A Conrnd Si f.lli Ave. A ilnys Cove Ave (Hit Ave, A liny Covf Circle, '81 h Ave. A Cotton SI '5th Ave. A Mcllrble SI Pro, Gov. Hblgs IPro. Gov. Wharf . - O.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. A 2nd SI. . . rird Ave. A Fulton SI 3rd Ave. A nth SI. . . I I I (I u in 5.1 &.-.' I 11 1 1 i i i AM. AH- 8.1"' ft.'1' II.M 0.1' 0.23 . A f f PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, May 7 High . H:IM a.m 5:5H p." d.ow 0:11 h.m. 21 til P.'"-Thursday, MV 8 High 3:311 a.m. IO::iH p.m. Low 10:211 am 22:21 p.l'i n.5 " 8.1 0.fl " i ; 2 t " 0.0