Wfdnfiday, May 7, 1021. 8 ISMT u I r ft Him V3U '' vO wWm m m m m MOM B.C. Coast Servicei L . ll I'llleii" ml puli, bed ir di-ip)vrd by til ti I. u ir Co'drd IImitiI or by Mic (jovcrnm'v.l of Urili li Columbia. D FISU AT ITS BEST A1 Thtr are just Two Rule to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. T lllc are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." llupert llrand in always ue-IimtciI to (lit slor. in dean new Ihi clearly slumped "llupert Brand." 2 Wrap in rooking paper, conk in moderate over for 5?o to ;e intitule-, remove jiiiit ami nerve at nin e. Four Kindt Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. ' M all lVh and Mi nt Market, and (irocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Ruperl and Prince Gtorge v v PRINCE RUPERT i ... VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE nxui ulcrnu ic pomi- ., h Thurs- N . da t 1 1 00 p.m. FOR ANYOX WiMliievJ.iv. 10.00 i.m. FOR STEWART Saturday. Jo.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via (.hiecn Charlotte I idv May loth. I'ilh. PASSENQIR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. lttt rrtnr Duff rl S.4I pa. tot MIXCE OECHGE. EbNOMTn.1l, WIS-t til pWOU tlMffO (Until, l'bHr-1 JUIM MtllCT ALL 0CIM STIAMtHIP LINES. 01, TltkH Orrk. t!S 1UH AM rrlnc ftypwt. ehoiu 60. 'AM Am AM I) A riL'fr DA(fU7AV iwxv trt iaumn rAurib aniLum Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle, May 2, 13, 23 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, May 0, 10, 30 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Occai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Foil Mnrmation from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenU Corner of 4th Street ant! 3rd Avenue, Prince Ruperl, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Siilinrn tun Mnre iin(rt. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ott.n rill., " Tud., B r.m. "M VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alrt B, nd Snon , S.lurdty Noon. "f ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. WlM Idintf. Sund.f S P.M. f fORT SIMPSON tn4 Hut Rl' CasnerUi, FrUU A.. Inrt Arnu. 4. BtrnXtf. Anl. Prlnrk HupfrL nC Family Shoe Store $2-95 Women's New White Canvas Strap Pumps and Oxfords $3-- BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS Huve Arrived. In liimt wearing materials ul nio.lornle pines. EXTRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phone Green 85. f Local and Personal B.C. Undertake. .- . Hayuera, Undei takers 361. Phone 41. Pboue tf - CuO'luwcrit, l'ol Tlanls. Mrs. McCarthy, the Florist, Kmad hluek. tf Iteiluced prices on shoes, house dresses iiml oilier goods. Mrs. Uralilinan, Keeond Avenue. 110 (real War Veterans' general meeting tonight al A full attendance of member is re quested. Ilaudrooilng. Mareel Waving, Alinoineal (Clasiuic Pack. Miss A. Ilorvik. Hy appointment. Phono lied 5 lit. If h. 11. i.ainiN or vaiicoiiviT, 111- IMTinr of luilian K'liooU. ar nvcil hi llw city ((! j-tuy afh-r ii'i'in mill i riKi"li'i-fi al Hip (liliri- Itlipfl'l Hotel. M.M. sli'aincr '.-niail ia 11 iluiili'iT. Ciij.l. J oh 11 .i'K'niaii arrivi-ii iii n o clock llns tiinriiiiiK from Vanciiuvcr vvilli a rai'KO of i'i-l fur lh" Terrace lu-iilac. . J. JelTfrinn, inaiuofer of Soinerville Cannery, and hi on. II. II. Jeffcrituii. arrived in tin cily llii iriornintr and are reifi- lered ul Iho J'rince Huoerl Holel. M. I. .Mrliaffery and Itecinald llcaiimonl were pai'iipT for Swni'oii May 011 liusineMt ailm 'iiilli hy Hie Cardena lat ieven- To-morrow nlqht at S o'clock In Empress Theatre, C .W. Cut' forth, of tha lecture staff Inter national Bible Students Assocla' tlon will lecture on the subject To Hell and Back! Who are There?" Seats free. No collec tlon. Aid. Then, r.olliirf 1 makitifr vli'iiwive iHiiinivenienls and al leraliotis o Id- resilience 011 Kiflli AvrniteWol whii li he r-eenlly purrhareil. The vvurk in elude. 1 lie mjlluiK rH of a sioni' fntliidal ion and baelelil and I lie leflsrlhenintr of Hie lioue liy leu fenl liiwanN Fifth Avenue. 4. ... A.TIU. Any eouple roiileoidaliu? luarriave within the next few weeks ran ottlaiu II11O.110 eali: uiilliii7 riiix; inarria' lieenre ami inarriace rere-11inni.1l fme. For parliru-lar. wrile I' ll. to HI I. l'lincr lloperl. ll.C. All rorii'.'iiondenre (realeil in ah'idule reiM'rt and rm-fidenn1. If Hf.. i C. W. Cutforth ! MEMBER OF LECTURE STAFF In'rniaiKiiial llilile Students' As sociation will lecture on subjecl lit Hell and Back! who are. Itiere?" The correel answer lo this iuesion gives strength and courage, and .assists toward Ihe spirit of a sound mind. Mr. Culfuilli will give a complete Scriptural answer Jn Empress Theatre, Thursday Night At 8 p.m. SEATS FREE. WO COLLECTION TI1B DAILY REWB, PAOB THREE Dusty hands are germ'Carriers Everywhere, every dy, the hsndi are touching thingi covered with duit. Countleis times those dust-laden hands touch the face and the lips in the course of a day. Consider dust is a source of infection and danger. Lifebuoy Protects Take no chances cleanse your hands frequently with the rich, creamy lather of Lifebuoy. Lifebuoy contains a wonderful health ingredient which goes deep down into . the pores of the skin, ourif y-ing them of any lurking infection. The clean, antiseptic odour vanishes in a few seconds, but the protection of Lifebuoy remains. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP More than Soap -a Health Habit LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Lk-.fl We m'II Laminated naterials alo Fir Veneer. Consul! us be fore Iniyniy finisiiinx for your house. MirCalfery, Ltd tf Mm. Frank Fili-li failed las! niirlil 011 Hie Cnnleoa for Oeean Falls In Join Mr. I id'li who is al pi-eneni slalionej iln-re in I he riiMiinis M'rviee. TO HELL AND BACK! Who Are There? C. W. Cutforth, of the lecture staff International Bible Students Association will give a complete Scriptural answer In Empress Theatre, to morrow night at 8 o'clock. Seats free. No collection. John lli'llruii. I'liarKi'd in the police rnurl tin iuorniu;r with doinK wilful damage at the house if Lillian Itus.-ell, t'omox Ave ntu. was releasisl on suspended seuleure in the police court 1 1 1 s r nmrninp and nrdi-red lo p.-iy for damage he did in lircakin? windows. Passengers sailing yeslenlay afli'i-noou ho- tlieoulh on Hie sleauier Cardenu includeil M. Lucas, F. Thee, 11. H. tioul. bourne, J. Sheas-nHMi, .1. Clani'e and .1. Croehcr for Vancouver: Mrs.' Frank Filch for Ocean Falls: M. I. MiCafTery and ltei-uald Jteaumoiil for Swanson llay. POSSIBILITIES FOR USE OF WATER INSTEAD OF COAL FOR POWER PLANTS WASHINGTON. l.r... May.T. - While coal has possibilities of future development in the I'uiteil stales eight times as ureal as the present developmiMil, nt'cnnling In in format ion given oul today by Ihe geological survey. The bulletin sets forth thai the developed potential walerpower of the country as al present Installed, in- eluding plants of inn horsepower or more, is li.087.oiin horsepower. Iliiughly estimated,;!! j nid that this ran be developed to 7-.000,- Oun horsepower. Washington has greater 'horse power developed tha,: any other stale. II is closely pressed b, Oregon and California. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Chicago 0, Pittsburg 2. Huston 0, llrooklyn 3. New York t. Philadelphia 3. Cincinnali-SI. Louis, rain. American League WllslilUgtOII I, lloslou 1 1. Philaik'lplna New York 3. SJ. Louis 7. Cle-veland 1. Detroit 0. Chicago I. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Charles ,0. Anderson, Cum-shewa Intel: II. Wilson, L. A. Palmer, H. II. Cailns, Harry Neil- son, Vancouver; 0. Warmiler. Anyox; Mrs. F. I.. Thorson, Port Simpson; W. .1. Jeirersou and II. It. Jeirerson, Somorvlllc. Central Mrs. Hillson, Stowurl. REAL WEDDING MAY BE STAGED Novel Attraction Is Being Plan ned for Fair Board-Elks Carnival on May 24. The joint com mil Ire having in hand (he arrangements for the air lloard-F.lks Victoria Day carnival are plaiiuiiiLr to staxe real marriage ceremony as a fealure of t lie iirofrram. Any couple's i'onlciiilaliii; matri mony may obtain valuable prizes by xrllintr in touch with the carnival management and con M'liliiiK lo having I lie happy even! come olT in connection with I he festivities on May .'i. I'here wa a mcclins of lln: joint comiiiillee last nu'hl and various further details for lh lay were arraut'ed. liuffel lunclie. and refreshments will hv served under the direct manage ment of the joint comniillee. iroperly committee consisting o! P. Laporle. George Wausli anc Harvey Fraser was appointed. A. A. l-'asi.uu is cliairmun of Hie enlertaiiiinenl committee. ESSAYS COMING IN FOR COMPETITION Local Students are Preparing Theirs and Will Have Them In Before Saturday A balrh of essays fur the Save Hie Fore I week competition arrived yesterday from Alice Arm. and prior lo that Ocean Falls. lerrace and Pacific had sent in a consnieraule quola. Local Mudi'iils are preparing their cs- ays and by Saturday ni'-'hl when the contest closes it is expected (here will be 11 hi? job ahead of Ihe examiners. All essays must be sent lo the llaily Xews ollice before Satur day infill in order lo be eligible The first of Hie eisht prizes is on view in Thomas McClymout's new reaFeslate otllce. Third Ave, and is exciting much attention It is a fine radio set, cvervlliiii? complete. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. HKillY ISLAND. Clear, calm: barometer. 30.18; temperature, S5: sea smooth. ' . IKAI THF.F. POINT. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.-'l; temperature, ID; sea smooth ; 10 p.m. spoke -learner Caplo passed While Hock bound from Swan-son llay lo Koko: midnight spoko sleauier Prince John left Allhsoii Harbor northbound. Noon KHillY ISI.A.NIL Pail cloudy, calm: barometer, 30.15; temper-alure. 53; sea smooth; I p.m. spoke steamer Prince illuperl due al Prince llupert on time. UKAl! TJlF.K POINT. Cloudy, light soul beast wind; barometer, .in.v'O: temperature, t7; .sea smooth. Ul LI. IIAItllOli. Part cloudy lighl soiilheas! wind; bammeter 30.25: Icmpcrnlurc, 03; se moderate. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS The Canadian National Hallways announce low Summer ILx-cursiou fares lo hkislcrji Canada and the United Stales elTeclivc May 22nd. also to Jasper National Park, Kdmoiilnu. Calgary.vou sale May 15. Choice of routes slop-overs. Make a trip around the famous Tri-Angle Tour in one diryclion through Vancouver. Full information, City Ticket of-fiie. 528, Third Ave, Prince llupert, Phone 200. tf ANNOUNCEMENT Hyro Club Playground Concert, wesiiiolnio Thealre, Tuesday, .May 20. Women of Moosehearl Legion Whisl Drive and Dance. May 20. USE STMONDS Ml SAWS Their teeth are ol toughnett which mtkei them hold their keen culling edge under every uiage. .. sixonds emu saw co. limns Free bellvery In Prince Rupert. An appetizer Atonic A food A pure beverage A satisfying drink that's $100 to $300 Many styles and finishes to suit every taste. Jh n 'BeerwithartaPeer The better beer sold at all Government Liquor Stores VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Support LOCAL INDUSTRIES lave you received particulars regarding uu investment in. Skeena Laminated Wood Company, Limited An exceptional opportunity . A company mauiilucluriiig a product with an unlimited demand und making large profits. Full particulars on request. Financial Underwriters, Ltd. 522-5 Rogers Bldg. Vancouver B.C. I'rince llupert Representatives- MESSRS. PHILPOTT, EVITT A CO., LIMITED. Dining - room Suites Range in price from Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. KODAKS There's fun al the time in making Kodak pictures and Ihey store up fun for the future. Get' your Kodak here. Kodak Film The dependable film in the jellovv box, Your sire is here. Kodak Accessories Self Timers, Carrying Cases, Tripods I'orlruil Attachments. They're all in stock here. Let us help you plan a Kodak outfit for good pictures and lots of fun. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. 3rd Avenue A 6th Street.