prince Rupert Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone671 VOl XIV, NO. 108. ei 1 H. wu Ihinl hrie. Tn v lioi.e ran, the lerby T un I le-li. Ridden by 'k -V A liiiiald. beinit unplaced. IE ;i w.Jii by a bead while nn- brad neparated llriliMi K . at ul Oreeufirr. PREMIER TRIED TO SAVE BANK His Testimony Not Heard as Yet; Inquiry Into Defunct Institution Ending l A. Ma 7. I he firl r o the Home Hank imiuiry 'aaliiiK Hie clainn of de-s iib-aiii! Ihe jtoxernineiit ai 'insr jl eonelulou. t'.oiini'el Mm depoitur announced be GOVERNOR'S MEDAL IS GIVEN PENT1CT0N BOY VANCOl Yl'.ll. May 7 ll,c ... i. .i .i vovernor (leuerni kohi was al n meeliiiK or the I niver-hIIv scnale Hit's nrieriioou uward- icd lo (iiHiffrey lliddcboimh. Till lv,.:ir he concluded Ills honor iii,iiMiruuieui mi mirn" i .... !,,.i ..ii li...,. ... , i i.. ,.n. I course in I.UK'llsb language ai ' llirir I'VMICIlie i" - - ; , ,,,,. 1., remained but argument, lilcra ure a... I.ali ; be n Tlmma, While, orliim ar-lnl ' 1 tZux i . . ..i inrs v of Ca fornia. Jlc I iioin own roiinsei. nas piimt'-iu o be nresciil and nrRiie Iks (uc A iiBesou was made by "'lai-rliohlerV rinincl llial I're-"i !' Mackeiiile KInK le asked lo H'l'iii before the rominliision lo ! 11 of bin efforl made nl Ihe 3' miiiule to nave Ihe bank, was adopled. lie may bo asked ' Icsliry al a laler ulniic. opponentsofYnion do not want bill to BE PASSED ANY MANNER "TTAWA, May 7. llefusal In '"'Id the Church Union bill, "Hilled wllh an amendment Mint " lmul,l only no force on n -my ,H,r cpll (f li,.,.,l,y Jfrlan churrli mcmbeiv or ad-"J'renla was made by V. II. 'Iiyrwlcr. KJ!.. rnmiKel for Hn' "I'boiietiU of Union In Ihe lloino "f oininoiiM commlllee ye.slenlay "'ruocn reiiuciou. FISH ARRIVALS Small Sales this Morning with Good Prices Paid for First Class The sales at I In! 1'ish ex change Ihi- inornlntr were noi very large and prices were good. The following sales were made: American to PaciHe Western -3."00 Fisheries ' i6 U) nml 7 Pelican ,5,000 to Cold Storage at C and 7. Canadian Margin "m1"' ,,AT" :,,,l0 lo llooth fisheries al 15.10 and a in'iinell .Vo I" "'j s,"nlt,, ul ir.!0 and 0e. l'aiiliy I'. a.OOO lo lloyal Fish Co. at 15.30 and Fubwrtbe for l Unlly News She COOLIDGE HAS i LEAD ALREADY Ahead of Johnson In San Francisco Primary as far as Counted SAN FHANCIsCO. .May 7. Ite- lunin from elerday' Itepubli' ran iir'ileiiiiai itriinaric lor about two-third of the Iota! preclude jiivn Srnalor Jolui-ou ZIU.GOt vales ami PrisidiMil UMdid?e 2 10.93 1 ole. Th"i l merely a Male liriniary hut ifeneral -iturpri" lftiircjAeil llial Pri'sidenl tolbJ(f flould ael Kiit'b "Irony ittipporl In stale I hat Senator Joluisoii was raid to bae "carried in his e( poekel." There Mill a po. sH.llily (hat Presidciil ( majority may be wiped oi' but, Miroii?h Hie KUpjiorl Kivcn him in other Males, most of which have already had their primaries, be ha enoiiifli ole lo practically assure him (be nomination. The final llepublieaii primary will be held in Cleveland in June. The slate licmocratic primaries, which weir also held heir, sravr W. O. McAdoo n majority of 01,21- The delegates wen iiuiuplnieled. Mr. McAdoo and Kx-('nieriior llalslou of Indiana are niiinins neck uud neck for the Democratic Humiliation with Seiialorrii-derwood of Alabama a jmod third. The I ("Mineral ir convention will be held in June in New York. C.N.R. USING Messages Regardlnq Canada are Bolnn Broadcasted from New York and Chicago MflNTIlKAL, May 7. To ad vertise Ihe attractions of Canada as Ihe centre of Hie worlds urea I iM mil of doors playground and lo- stimulate interest in Hie industrial possibilities of 'I ho I'ounlry, the Canadian National railway?) have extended Ibcir radio broadcu'llng points lo New York, and Chicago. The Can adiati National railways are al ready broadcasting from Mont real. Ottawa, .NN iuuipeg, llesinn, Saskatoon, Calgary ami Hdmon ton. The iuatiuuralion of these Iwo new broadcasting cenlres for the, system marks Hie first liniclhat any Canadian Company has con tracted wilh United .slates broad- easlltiK still Ions lo transmit their message over Ihe air. In New York the first broad east will be made by Ihe lladlo station of Uio American lolo phone and Telegraph Company, Tuesday evening May 13 al 7.15 New York Time. At Chicago over "Tlie.. News" radio station this evening al 10 o'clock Chicago I line IMUNCK HUl'KItT, B.C., nVKD.VFSDAY, MAY 7, 1024. sfll lljjjsl John White Is Having Prelimin ary Trial Today Before Stipendiary Magistrate, John Conway John NVhile. charged with theft of a -trunk, Is having preliminary trial before Stipendiary Magistrate John Conway ul Anyox to day, lie was arrested by Hie pro vincial police on Monday nl Anyux. WIFE OF VICTORIA ALDERMAN PASSES YICIUIHA, May 7. Mrs. Annie Clara Harvey, wife of Alderman Harvey and for years an nclive church and temperance worker here, died yesterday. She was recording secrelary of the Provincial NV.C.T.U. NANCY AIKEN IS FREED FROM PRISON BKI.l'AST, May 7.. Nancy Aiken, brother of Frank Aiken, Ihe "mad dog of Ulster" was re lieved from prison where she bail PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper YtiUrdtr't Circulation 137 A port rail study is Imivii of Commandant Mary S. Allen, bead of the Women's Auxiliary Police Force of London, who is now un a tour of this coulinctil lo study police methods, juvenile roiirls and departmental routine British Labor Government well Supported on Refusal to Give Preference to British Empire I.UNDO.N, May 7. The Labor guverninenl'.s budget iiiicbUiiKed last night after the House of Commons had voled on four amendments lo alter llic provisions for reduced duties on lea. cocoa, coffee, chicory, uud sugar. The bitterest debale was on sugar. The (Joiiscrva lives proposed a leu year preference for sugar from llrilish possession. The House supported Chancellor Snowdon, however. Mr. Snowdon said Ihe hmpire production of sugar had increased only loo,oni ion-, under five years of protection Kvery penny of the. preference wen I lo Ihe West Indies lie Sii'l. md had gone lo increase Hie profits of the. WPsd India planters. ANYOX MAN CHARGED WITH THEFT OF TRUNK FIRM STAND OF FRENCH Polncare Says Will Withdraw from Ruhr In Proportion Reparations Paid PARIS, May 7. Premier Polncare, addressing the chamber of commerce, said France was perfectly ready to restore Germany's economic unity when the Reich puts Into exeoutlon the program of the experts and not before. French troops would be withdrawn from the Ruhr only In proportion to the amount of reparations paid. STRIKE AFFECTING LOCAL SITUATION The slrike in, the Alberta coal fields is beginning to atTeet the local coal supply. NVhile there were good- slocks ahead, generally, before the strike commenced, these have been pretty well used up and now local people ire using larger quantities of been iHyC'rncd f"r fifteen nionllis.JVanl'ouver Island coal tfmt Ui 42ft search keol up until every pos The Latest In Restaurants BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service, Private Boxes for Party Use. "Take Her to The Boston." sible avenue of informal ion has m . t j a t a PRICE FIVE CENTS. RACISM BEING INSTALLED AT JASPER POSSIBLY THERE MAY YET BE NEWS OF MAJOR MARTIN SAYS DESPATCH Hew Wireless Station is Installed at Jasper Broadcasting Soon MONTIIKAL, .May 7 A wireless receiving set of high power - hi iK iii"tullrtl in Hit' new convention IihII ul Japar Park mid ,i 11 planned to ni'tiill n broadr.uMiug Million mere winrji , .i( li all Hi" country round a fur vtl us Prince lluperl oii'J yuri'ii (Hiarltl' lhuid. according In A. H. McLean, gen-jKTiiili-iiil" ul of (iiiiilinn Nulioiial Itailwoy hub-Is, who . j si returned from the wcl mill wliu lias inspected nil the 1,-uldnigs diii looked iiilo present condition and prospects. l, ' r-- Mr. Mfl.pan ay that tti new rVlfinUAM 117 AM sleeping lodge- have been equip- llllll HVM nllll YY li if vi 11 H"I with forty room al Jasper. additional lo what was t litre AT MCUJM ADIrCTllH,, rar- ft,,Jiliw !rc Ai nLlf lllHllEll l,rw convention hall capable of accommodating S50 guest and willi moving picture uud Fnorlte Csme In First by a Head;ril(j( ,.qUjjeiu.- There I In and Other Close Behind laddilion a new lioul house on 'llir lake and u photo and curio BEATEN ONLY ONCE YET jMI0p which will supply Hie iicc.l - I of llie guests and help advertise 1 ttMAUKFT. I.iikIuimI. Maylihr Mark. ' iiii"i. u fiivortic al II u According lo Mr. McLean, coti- nt. owned ly II. II. Aku i ,it lo in western Canada appear a t a lnire llial lia won iiij,roving and (he outlook f fii of hi fwrnu-t fr tin hotel lrtilne this siim- .. . again winner of the 2-tHfr l exfltllfnt.;: Mr. McLean, v nra Makes, the firslwlio hu just relumed from an f llie I'JJI u"u run oiic'boi lour of Hie summer iay. lliolel of lb ylrm, reports that li ; ' 'Hi had hi li'-i "'',r'- a XPry large nunrbcr of liniuirie c u van second Ul NVwiiiarkel fttr aP1HMniniMalloii al Jaicr Oi Uibcr meHii.i. I"'ing by . parfc bwhtc haw been received a He wn tbr Middle Park a, j,jiri,tioii are thai Hie in. ai eying l w-iglil "f;CreasiM faelllUre there will be I. a few w'. V later, j ulilictl lo Hie full. In Wttmt- Aster's llriffhl Knight. l ,.?t ,u..jne al the Fori Harry 1 ' -igainM. came second H ' Itrivltlontn? appreciably and tt'-d J It. .iwi lirremire .. ii.u liolcl lo enjoy a jiinieniu uiMiiicr. Iiuriiiit h Irip. Mr. Mcl.eau .lwl lliiihliind Inn. .Mifoneon Park and Minaki Inn, Minaki On tario, Mroiinlly MipenWiiK im-IKirlanl alleralioiK and addilioiiw heliiK made to the flre-fiphliii iiiiiiineiil of holli lioli'N. New and laijter water main were laid. hiKhei .retire puinp.n in-Klalled and Hie Imildiiis. ipiip-ied wiih an elaliorale and fol-irMif fire alarm !.yleni and ad-diliunal fire erape riiii)iuieiil. CHOLERA CARRIES OFF MANY VICTIMS IN BENQAL, INDIA I'ATXA, India, May 7 A erifiuii rililriiiir of chol-era lias owepl Hie llehar iIiiioii of I (filial vthere more than I0.0U0 drat In occurred llii. year. In I he woil alTcrled district 1.0(H) died last week. The ('lid.'inic in Mill spreading Week Since Major Martin Left but Hope not yet Given up at Washington: Search Continues t 'Special lo Uaily Newsy VASIII(iTO., May 7. II i a week, ago lolay yince XJajor Frederick I- Martin, comniamJer of llic United" States roiiiid-lhe-world flying Mjundruii, and Slaff-Sergeanl A. L. liar-vey, llic mcchuiiic, in Ihe flag plane "Seattle," became missing somewhere on or off the Peninsula ufler leaving Chig-nik for Dutch Jlurbor. As far a.s ha jet been ascertained, neither Hie. fljers nor llieir maeliine have been seen since that time. News of Ihe fate of Ihe aviators is bejnir awaited feverishly not only by the beads of Ihe army department here but throughout I lie Lnileil Mate. Prcsnlenl Coolidce is anxiously keeping '"- DCD AD TiXTIlTC formed on all advices that ar- tlLiil lLlFjlEiJ rue. May be Safe j It is the in ten I iuti to have the! Ueeii exhausted. Hope that Jw" Major Martin and Sergeant Harvey will yet le found alive and safe is liy no means abandoned as yM. If they did not meet with injuries when I bey forced .down, they may yet quite possibly be ate and sound They were sup- hood of Hie Alaskan Peninsula. Mrs. Martin was recently in re ceipt of pictures of Major Mar tin and Ihe squadron sent from Prince lluperl by It. K. Benson and II. F. Mel.eod of that city. Canadian Press CIIKi.MK. May 7. It is pos-. title that information regarding the rale or Major Martin, com mander oT tbn United Stales roiind-llic-world flight, may bo hrouv'ht here today. Searching parties who leH here Satunlay equipped br travelling on ice, water or land declared on de parting llial, if Ihey round Major Martin, they might get back lo-day. Otherwise, Ihey might go on nod search along the Bering Sea side, of llie Aleutian Island' between Hie village of Meshik and leu miles south of the Seal Islands, In that Vase it would be a week or more licforo they would be back. C.N.H. steamer Prince Itupert, On pi. !. Donald, from Vancouver and way ports, is due in port on lime at 3 o'clock this afternoon, The train is also reported on time for 1.20. ANY KNOWLEDGE In Home Sank Because he Needed the Mor.oy, He Says REPORTS WERE FALSE OTTANVA, May 7. Concluding his evidence before the McKcown plied with emergency rations 'commission investigation PICTURE GIVEN the that would keep litem for several failure of the Home Hank, T. L. days and also carried inalches.lcrerar vigorously denied that ho Tb5jflyex,-W' anordwi)tihad sold, personal, stock Jn the revolvers and there fa every pos- bank because'of Itisfdef'iii forma. Mhilily that they may be able to Hon that it wa-i in bad condition, capture meat such as .seats and lie had sold because be wanted birds. Then again it is pointed Hie money. out here thai Ihey might have (Seorge Kdwards, chartered ac reached .-oine remote native sel- cminlant. estimated tlie t'.HG tlemenl. losses on accounts in Hie Toron. Search Dlmcutt to orrice alone at 3. 370.00(1. lie NVhile Major Martin might stated that since i'Jlo there had have followed cither the Paeificbeen large ovcr-stalemenis in Ocean or Bering Sea sides of Hie annual reports of the bank Hie Aleutian roast, it is now as-jregardiug profits made, suuied llial in some manner be! . lost his bcarinys thus making. Hie .search for him even more dillicull. A report having been received that be was seen 100 miles west of Chignik seven I'oiir.o after he bad left there oil Wednesday last ervis , to siren allien the belief that he mis.-ed his direction or had been I forced down shortly after leaving Cliignik. Stories that Major Martin's TO ADMIRALTY Perpetual Reminder -of United States Squadron Joining British Fleet During War t.i:im w!is kiniviii to livi. Li-i-ii LONDON, May 7. United defective when be lefl Sanla'-k,".,es ambassador Kellog pre,-Monica are discounted here. isenled the British Admiralty with Suspense of Wife a l'iplre depicting Ihe United SAN IiH'.CiO, CaU May 7. Slates battle squadron joining .Nlrs. Maili.i. vviTe o? the missing llie Drilisb grand fleet during the commander or llie United Stulcs wir- T,,c I'ii-ture will be placed round-tl.e-world llighl. is bear-;'" ,l,c l"lloric board room ing mi well uniier llie terrible u suspeuse id the pasl week dur.l:u"rs navnl 8,ory-ing which lime her husband has1 ,'"r'l Chelmsfonl. in accepting been missing in Hie neighbor-;",( l'i-'l"r. ! H M ulwas bring lo mind Ihe greatest com pliment ever paid the admiralty, namely I be. placing 'f Admiral Hod man's ffeel niiin'scrvNlly Rt ithe command of the British ad miralty. BERNARD SHAW NOT AMBITIOUS Satisfied With Two Homes, Couple of Cars, and Few Thousands In Pocket IS NOT A POOR DEVIL I.ONIiON, May 7 "I am an old :conuuuntsl," said (Seorge Ber nard Shaw at a Norwich meeting of Labor men. "My wants arc, very few. a nice lillle. Hal in Hie West F.nd of London, a pleasant country bouse mil loo far from London, a couple of motor cars, two or three Uipusauil pounds In my pocket and lliere, Is no more contented man in Kngland than Bernard Shaw. Mtilli. million. lalres describe me a n poor devil, I get aJung conuorlably.