May 7. 1021. till'' THS DAILY OTWB. wire yV&u Dishes Tkt dookU rlchnMi el Si. C I IV, ompJ,ib I- ii, a Mv .4 ,i It k. ft im1 lev i it il, i little LM,k Xid T Con!n Co. Limited VANCOUVER T.tol4-M Let Us SUPPLY YOUR SPRING WANTS in Poultry Netting Fly Cloth Garbage Cans Garbage Palis Garden Hose Rake Hoi Spades Weeders Trowels Oratt, Shears Sickle Scythes Spading Fords Ctrden Seeds ii i n im naraware to CI Third Ave. Soil Finish T- Was Tel. 3. iat More Wheat v Ii Bread, Cakes. Paalrtes, hake Willi 'iveRoses Flour The World's Dest. Three Services, one of Hi h cxncly fill your flione u for partlculari. Canadian Steam Laundry Phono 8. M, S. SING tailor, cleaning and pressing! I'lionc, 771. , Third Avenuo Laundry Office I'.O. llnx HH. 'flnce Itupert, LATEST DANCES I CAUSING WORRY i (Flirtation With the Devil Says Policewoman In Regard to "Trance" Step , IXDIANAI'OLIS, May 7. hrek In Sheik dancing n a "flirlallnn Willi llie devil." ay Mr. Anna Ilruner, policewoman in charge of dunce hall malton who nrc wag. in If war mi Ihe "Trance" slcp, Inlel hall rmmi xciisatinii. ( Yo uran't get a toothpick be. tween thee 'hip hound' who are making immodest dancing a rule rather lliun an exception." .Mr. Ilniner declares, She rap the soul rare" of the Tranceslcp. i XtKlil after night of this "j.ur- iple paradise" puts pale ami pal. 'lid cheek on the Children of ;Jaz. matron rejmrl, I.ul, whrn such check iiH'el.slicik ami Shelm alrli eneh olhec hy the nape of neck uml nroiiml the hack a between a head-lurk nrut Ifl llfllf- VmIJ.M till. I II. ..I. ..... ai,.,, I inning llll-ir 'c. mow nway in emi-ii schihmics. Joy Is Unconflned Sometime,, they iluii'l -turn far, for other are iIoIiik (he name thing. Good to choice squirmer require only Iwn square reel nf floor opace. While high. priced : cow I urtiti syncopate "Maul Me iioo, Daddy, I Wanna lie ItruUed," llioe trying to mnke the world safe for i-anjly put a biave Hfi-e to reaeh tlllfmateil clineh expert ami call off objectionable struggle. While the .oh- "joy i uncoil fineil," youth auwrr jnulh, hot lip tremble, ami pleasure' plunge into a whirlpool of fantasy, the matrons .declare. 'ung girl darping together form the hulk of complaint a! police headquarter. It l charged Ihey allow lliefr emotion unrest ruined expression, even ilane. iiik together the entire evening calher than rlk a "kirkle" dance with the youth who "don't kimw hi stuff." Since the "new woman" ha come forward a row of paletnjar collar form a line jWlu're Ihr wall. flower hloom. ed in day npnne. Semi Apache Itui ii i the aftermath of ihei enn-Apnche dance that mii' thr policewomen lo hum a Ihynin of hate. i "(iirU Iwlweeti 10 and 1H yi-nr of ap;e erah Into dale and teml the rel of I lie niphl on wilil joy.ritle or mule parlle." !Mr. Ilrtiner aerl. "An aire IrerliUente tiuvlit to he pari of th japMire of eery flrt at a puhlie jdance. Xeilher men nor oirl UhouM he allowed lo ill dance ihalU alone. The nien come only lo pick up a pirl for Iherveninp ami Ihe trirl openly adertle for a partner, 1 tnoc and d"pe peddler itlonrl!! became of Ihe mixed 'crowd. A trirl dancing Imli erimliialely with iwn lie lia 'ieer een Itefore I in real 'danyer. Front Seat With Death "Modern ikinriiiR ha lak'ti a front eal with Heath a (he iureale! leveler nf all mankind. People" of nmol "every lalin . In life f to puhlie dan.-e. uoke, ankle. Hcralrh and mix drink." Mr. Ilruner reorter1 in her conference with Police Chief Herman Itikhoff. She tin l.een promWrd adilillonnl nilanre if imnrnnrirtie on not stop, .eariy cery pulpil In the city h:i launched an nllack on the dance hall.' I ,v younpr nmn delrinpr In slape a dance nt n downtown hotel, ake.l Mr. Ilruner for perm!-on. i -What arraniremenl have you made for n rnnlmn?" he wa ak-'rd. "Oli, a matron won't he nece. 'ary. She would le mil of place, ,nr maylie he could wear nn even, ilnp pnwn. eh?" ! "Xn," replied Mr. Ilruner, i"the malpHi will, he fully rlolh. p.l.M HAND CAME UP . OVER THE WALL Chlnesa Dope Peddler Convicted In London and Is Imprisoned and to be C.porUd 'OXHOX, May 7. - The trial wa conrluih-d at the On Ira! Criminal Court on Tliurday, he. tore titt. Hr-coriler, Sir Krnel Wild. K.C.. ir Itrillitirit Chang, 37 a Cliinee renlauraul keeper, on an indiclmcnt charirlny him with hclnir in ioiinri of cocaine without aiilhorily. The imv round the priomr ifiiilly, ami Ihe llecorilcr iilcnciil liim lo Ii monh' iiiiprixininent in the feroml ilivirtiou and recommend ed him for deportation. Nioh-I Payne, called a a wit- lic fur the proxeciiliou, aid that on 1'ehruary 2.1, he wa in a retaiiranl in l.imehoue. and lold Ihe ilcfciiil.ini thai ehe waul ed some cocaine. The defendant only latiched. Another man aid lo her, -You had lieller so oul- hle." The other man went out. She cf I (he relailranl. :nnl horlly Hflerward a hand came up owr a wall aud pave her a packet, for which she pave . She did not ep who the perou wa whoe hand pae ner the packet. Ihe Hecorder t-ald that Upon Dial evidence il wa quite clear Dial llieru wi unlhiiijr to con. neel Chaiix- with the incident of Ihe hand glviup the cocaine oer ilo- wall. Hie defpmlaul. in the witne hox, ail he had liecn iivinj: al l.imcioue ince the end of (tel. oher lal. Freda Kempton's Death Frederick Levy. Why. if you were a perfectly innocent iermn. would the police he after you inee poor Freda Kempton' death? The Hecorder. What happen- ed to Freda Kemplon? 'I he defendant. She died from an overdose of cocaine. I wa a witne in that rae. She hail hern at my relaiimnl the niphl liefore he died. The Iteconler, In iimins up. aid ihe Jury were not to aume for a moment that the defendant had anything lo do with Jhe death nf Freda Kemplon, or that any kind of Maine attached to him !ecau!e of her death. Came as Student After Ihe verdict of (iuilly had hcen returned ajrain! Hie de fendant, Meieciive Inspector .lane ald the ilefenitaut had neer lieen charsed Willi any of fence Iwfore. He wa born in (Uinlon, and came to Hit country in IUI3 a a ludeul. A a re-ull of a raid by Ihe IlirmfiiKham police In UM7. correpondence howed he wa cngaftrd in the true Iralllc. Later he managed a n'lauranl in llcfrenl lreel. All the evidence went lo how thai Chanir U!idied l ie.ta Kciiiplnn with the cocaine that caued her death, hut there wa not enough evidence lo proceed a''aiitl him; Ihcre wa no direct evidence thai he iiiplied her wild Ihe dm?. A few week later ix ditferenl Chinee were arrested, in the Ireel who were actually Irafllck-inii in Ihe lreel wilh cocaine In women. Four of lhec men were employed hy Chanpr. Immediately afler Chanp'. arrival at Lime-house information wa received that he wa lill eniiaped in the Irafllc. He was o crafly thai II wa almol impoible. lo calch him. Soul Destroying Drug A.IlriiiK Ihe defendant. The Iteconler sahl: The Jury have found you iruilly of brink' in the poeiou of Ihi oul-delroy-inp druif. II i you and men like you who are corrupting Ihe womanhood of this 'country. Parliament ha given Judge (j really extended power for deal ing wilh Ihe Iralllc in this foul lulT. The Hecorder added that pirl mul be prnlecled from Ihi Ira tile and society must be purped. The Leather will Wear when you use a polish which will keep it soft and pliable, and prolong its life. USE TiQQGET Shoe Polish BLACK TAN TONIYRm - - DARK BROWN. ALSO WHIT . . DrtMinf leak) and Whitt Utanw Ulquld) FLOATING SPECKS BEFORE THE EYES MEANS LIVER TROUBLE Whrn uperk nrt to flil before tlx? rjp, whrn evtrythlnit 'fn to turn bl-k for a few nerondt and you fcl If you r tolnir to filnl, you ran rent aMirrd that your llvrr l not workln proirly. The riwnllal thing to do In all ( wbrrn Ihe llrrr l ktwt laijf r torpid, In fi Mir It up hy tlw ii mi or Milhurn'a Mti-l.ln-r Hill and rh-ar away ihn arm-mutated man or and polxonout hiallrr from the ystm. Mr. Chan. A) Uml, rnriknili-, Ont., wrllrm "I lined to tie awfully bothered wilh rioatlna sHrk IWor my eyen. hi-lirhc ind sJrkWM to in jr rtomarh. I look JhM hair a vUl or your Mllhurtr Ijaia-t.lrrr PIIM and rvrr llnr I har frit at well ai I ever did. Mow I alway krep thrm on hand." Milhurn'a Mia-J.lvrr l'lll are ttr. a vial al all dealer, or nialM dlrwt on rrrelpt or prlr hy The T. Mllhurn f Limited. Toronto, Oot COLORED MAN SENT TO JAIL FOLLOWING A DRAMATIC TRIAL Scenes In Court During Which Accused Fainted Twice In Witness Box KDMOXTO.V, May 7. Ilobcrt Walker, cidored, wa sentenced to three monlli in Foil Saskatchewan jail by Jmlpe Taylor, after hat in? been found Kiiilly of ahaullinp William Wallace, school teacher, at Cainpie, a man of sixly-lhrce, fin March 23. J mine Taylor found the color, cd man puilly at the conclusion nf a dramatic trial in the Crim inal Couil, during yhich the ac- cued faiuled twice in Ihe witness !ox. "The assault was nml brutal, and the nccuel, who was al eal twenty year younper, in coiitiuuinp the aaull when Hie man wa down, acted in a cow ardly manner," said Judse Tay lor, in painp sentence. In addition to the sentence nf three month hard labor in Fort Saskatchewan jail, Walter wa a No required lo put up a iioml for jO0 ami two erurilie from hi friend for like amount that he should be of pood behavior for Iwo years, or otherwise remain in jail until the court ordered hi release. An apolopy offered by the ac cused in court and accepted personally by Mr. Wallace wa an incident that provided an unu-u at feature in addition lo the dra malic scene when the accused faiuled. 'The mention of a petition from while people of Camp le district a lo Ihe "peaceful nature" of the accused by J. C Lnndry. counsel for the defence. just previous lo Ihe passinp nf sentence added yet another hipli lipid to (he trial. The bad effect upon Ihe public mind should Ihe accused po unpunished for au assault which inipht have killed Ihe teacher wa poinled'onl by Ihe crown proserulor, K. H. Copsvvell, k.C, who asked. "Whal will be the effect on his colored brother. if ho returns free?" II wa while the cross-examin ation of the accused by the crown proseeulor wa quietly proceedinp thai Ihe cidored man who si nod in the vvilnc box, slumped iulo Ihe seat. While officials went to the aid of the faint inu man. Mr. Walker, who wa hi Ihe court room siinckcii and rushed lo hi side. Don't Kill Him "Hon'1 kill h1m! Oh! You are killinp him! He is innocent ami I can prove il. Oh! Oh! Oh! she wailed n counsel for Ihe defence tried lo quiet her. Iluh-huh reipned in the pallery while Constable Hare went lo the aid of Sheriff line and wilh water revived Ihe accused. The court paused as counsel conferred about nn adjournment when Ihe accused toppled off Ihe seal in Ihe witness box onto Ihe floor wilh his feel up llie seps. In another faint. A son nf Walker's then look upj the cry, "Oh, falher! Oh!" Others were vvnilinp and cryinp in Ihe pallery. While he with oilier mnaninp and weepinp relnlive of Walker were assisted mil of Ihe court room by sympathetic friends, Ihe sheriff called Dr. Forin lo attend Ihe wllness, and order Hie room cleared. VIOLATING LAWS OF A FRIENDLY COUNTRY Despite (he announcement that ships of foreign registry will not be allowed In trade along the Canadian Arctic coast Ibis sum-mer several vessels have left San FranclM'o whose skippers declare PROCLAMATION IJYNO OFATMY 1 (LAI CANADA OKOItfiH Till: Finil, by the Grace of Ood, nf the United Kinpdom of Oreat Jtritain and Ireland, and of the Hrilish Dominions beyond the Seas, KINO, Defender of Hie Faith, Kmperor of India. To all lo whom these Presents shall oome, or whom Ihe same may In anywise concern. OrtKRTINO: A PROCLAMATION F.. L. NKWCOMIIi:, Deputy Minister of Justice, Canada WIIF.flF.AS the protection and perpetuation of our forests are vital for the continued industrial welfare and national strength of Canada ami lo its individual health, comfort and prosperity; And Whereas it is shown by the statistics of the several forest authorities of the Dominion that the forest resources have suffered enormous losses through the occurrence of forest fire ind Hint tbc loss through such fires has far exceeded in amount the depletion in timber wealth through legitimate cutting operations; And Whereas Our Dominion s recognfaed as Ihe main source of supply of coniferous limber within Our Kmpire and it is essential that, if Canada is to retain and develop her position as an exporter of forest products, the unnecessary losses through foreL fires must be curtailed; And Whereas In many cases forest fires have resulted In disastrous loss of life, and of valuable, property other lhan timber wealth; And Wherea apart from d.irert loss through the agency of fire, Ihe vitality or the forest-is thereby seriously impaired, thus rendering it unduly susceptible to attack by insect and fungus pests; And Whereas forest fires disturb the equilibrium of stream flow, lower the w:aler table, and frequently give rise to serious erosive effects; And Whereas the Rreat majority of forest fire. are entirely attributable to inexcusable neglect or ignorance, and are Therefore preventable, and the exercise of reasonable Prudence and proper carefulness on the part of responsible individuals would reduce the timber losses by fire in Canada lo small proportions; And Whereas it is desirable that the attention of the public be directed to the extent and underlying'causes of the preventable loss or life and properly by fire and to the best and most praclieable means ror ils control and Hiaf a specirie period oTIhe year be set apart and properly designated for the dissemination of such information; Now Know- Ye that We, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, have thought fit lo appoint and do appoint the week commencing Sunday, Ihe twenty-seventh Iiai lo be their destination. They are of course doing nothing more, and certainly nothing worse, lhan Canadian rum-runners who have been trading in known, admilled, advertised, and more or less open defiance of the imporl laws or Hie L'nited Slates. Hut isn't it about time that international courtesy reached the point where clearance paper would be retired In n ship known to lie engaged in violating Ihe law. or a rriendly cnunlry?--Kdmonlon Journal. FACTORY TO MAKE PULP FROM STRAW Plant to be Established at Sel kirk Near Winnipeg to Utilize Waste WIXNIPF.G, Ma 7. Arrange ments have been completed whereby Greater Winnipeg is to have anosher it lusti'ial plant. Detail, under discussion ror n considerable period, have been brought lo a close whereby n 'plant Tor the manufacture or pulp Irom slraw will be erected al Selkirk. , M. Dolphus, representing the DeVins interest ol Great Brit ain, was in Winnipeg until this morning and completed Ihe ileal wilh a group ol Winnipeg busi ness men, prominent among whom was W. II. Allan, president (d the Union Bank of Canada. The site at the new- industry will be lo the north ir Hie town or Selkirk and const ruction work will be commenced almost at once. 'The properly on which the plan! will be located comprises part of lots 7, 8 and or the parish or St. Peter's,- w ithin Ihe Unfits or the town or Selkirk. The land is owned by the Selkirk Land nnd Investment (oinpaitv. and covers nn area nt 30 acres. AVhen you buy advertising you buy CIRCUCATION. and sea that you ret It. tr day or April and ending on Saturday, the third day or May In this present year as "Save the Forest Week-," during which period the citi-icns of Our Dominion shall be entreated earnestly to consider the Tacts hereinbefore set out, to give careful heed to information disseminated by the various forest protective agencies, and in particular lo act upon, the following suggestions: 1 That settlers and others engaged in the clearing of land should fully observe Ihe fire laws of the Dominion and of Ihe province, which laws have been enacted for their protection', as well us for the preservation of Our timber resources: 2 That at this time of the year, when thous ands are looking forward lo spending their summer vacations in Ihe woods, all should take cognizance of the fact that llie camp-fire, which is one of the most pleasant and valuable adjuncts to camp life, may, if neglected, easily result in disaster; and that to prevent repetition of such losses as have been annually sustained from this cause, all persons should familiarize themselves wilh the proper methods of building, using and extinguishing such fires; 3 That loggers, saw-mill operators and others interested in limber operations should see that all equipment and appliances designed to prevent the origin or spread oT fires shall be overhauled and placed in a state pf thorough repair; that such persons should review with care the rire protection requirements of Ihe legislation under which they operate; and that they should see .that all employees working under their direction are properly instructed as to the danger ol fire. Of all which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. In Testimony Whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Oreat Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed Witness Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Julian Hedworth Oeorge, Baron Hyng or A'imy, General on Ihe Retired List and in the Reserve of Officers of Our Army, Knight Orand Cross oT Our Most Honourable Order or the Bath, Knight Grand Cross ol Our Most Distinguished Order or Saint Michael and Saint George, Member or Our Royal Victorian Order, Governor General and Commander-in-Chier or Our Dominion or Canada. ,t Our Gvernment House, in Our City of Ottawa, this tweny-eighth day or February, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, and in the rour-leenlh year or Our Reign. Hy Command, THOMAS .MULVKY, Under-Secretary nl Stale. PRIZE ESSAY CONTESTPLAN Following is llie complete plans ror the essay competition, announcement ol which wa made yesterday: 1 The subject or the essay is lo be the proclamation designating the week April 27 lb May 3 as "Save the Forest Week," or any point relating lo rorest Hre prevention, dealt wilh in such proclamation. 2 The essay not lo exceed live hundred words in length. 3 The essay may be written either in Knglisli or French. 4 The ssay is to be in tho contestant's own handwriting,1 and to be written nn one side or the paper only. 5 The contest Is restricted to children under sixteen years of age. C i-F.ach essay must be accom panied by a certificate of a school teacher or clergyman that the contestant is under sixteen years or age. 7 Neither the name nor any other mark ol identification or the contestant shall appear on tho essay, but each essay must be accompanied by a separate sheet on which is legibly written the contestant's name and ad dress in lull, and school. If any, 8 No person shall be eligible to receive more than one prize, nor to enter moro than one newspaper competition. 0 The competition will close at twelve midnight tm May 3, 1921. The Prizes to The prizes for the com petition are as follows: (I) Radio Set A receiving outfit to con slst of (t) Regenerative tuner with detector and two stage audio frequency amplifier. (2) Complete set of tubes to work off dry battery. (3) One. pair telephone. and plug. (I) A and B batteries. (5) Complete antenna equipment. (C) Necessary wire' for connecting up set. (2) .'Twenty-five dollars in cash. (3) Ten dollars in cash. Honnrablo mention Five prizes of five dollars cash apiec. 11 The essay winning first prize shall be forwarded by, the newspaper to Ihe Acting. Director of Ihe Dondnion Forest Service, Department'or the Interior, Ottawa, who will Judge it In competition with other first prize essays lo be received by him from similar contests all over Canada. Central Competition 12 Tho Acting Director of Forestry will award the grand prize for the best essay received frpm all Canada. 13 The grand prize will also be a radio sol, as follows: Receiving outfit lo consist of (1) One tuner, detector and amplifier unit comprising not less than two stages radio frequency amplification detector, and two stages audio frequency amplification. (2) One pair telephones and plug. (3) One loud speaker. (4) Necessary "A and B batteries. (5) Complete antenna equip-. , ment. (G) Necessary wire for connecting up set. ' 14 The contestant winning the grand prize must return bis local first prize in good condition to Ihe newspaper which awarded il. The newspaper will thereupon deliver to him the grand prize. '15-rTlie local first prize so returned will be delivered by the newspaper to the contestant winning the second prize In the local competition. V