In The more outlying part of th city now have telephone coanec-lj.j. lion ami an anyone neeii to uo !hn desire a telephone i lo make application. Georpe V. Morrow, who has been ill for the last week or so is able lo lie up and about soon. HE TOLD HER Lillle Tommy had spent hi first day af school. "What did you loam" he was asked on his return. "Didn't learn anything." "Well, what did you do?" "lUiln I do anything! A woman wanted lo know how lo spoil 'cat' ami I told her." WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. DOUGLAS MACLEAN "GOING UP Adapted from tin1 international musical comedy success. A whizzing whopper of a cumedv -dranm. You will laugh (ill yuu crv ill liong. lie was an arc at making lovt hut u deuce when it came lo flying. She nked him lo fly iiud lie jul liud to. Flew this way ami dial, turned sonier-siiulls and landed on a tree. It was the wreck of a perfect day. It is real hoiiest-lo-goodness comedy with a sweet lillle romance interwoven. Strong supporting cast includes Marjojrie llaw. Il.illam I'.onlrv. Hnghie Mack. Wade Holder. F.dna Mnrphv and olhers. "FAST STEPPERS." No. 4, BILLY SULLIVAN IN "THE CHRISTMAS HANDICAP" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c AOEKCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Vlcktt Olfita, 528 Third At, Print Rupart. T1 f Phona 260. 10 uur many Customers We extend to you our best wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ' and thank you for your kind patronage during 1924 George D. Tite I WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT -jiI- ff ITiimc IWti FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, uiterm. Oiaie (h.iiii- .ai Ii tnla v.uu am. For STEWART a ltd ANYOX WfUtWMtay. 1 1. Ml pJ. S.S. PR'-CE JOHN Tor tr V Vaumuvrr aur.uvrr vis QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Dec i t7. Ja. ie. i(. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 5.00 pjn. for ITiiht George. EOMONTON. WINNIPEQ, Hi mhi ta-lrn Canada. I'nlu-d plate. Kred Auriol appeared in I li" I oily police court this morning before Magistrate McC.lynvpnt on a charjie of hreakniK ami entering- the residence of Mr. A. For- 701 KiKhlh Ave. West, on Christmas Kve ami Mealing a pearl necklace, dianioinl and ruby rinjr. scarf pins and liquor. The charge!) againt Thus, r.ook and (ieorye Cunninirham of being in possesion of stolen proerty in neotion with the robbery were withdrawn. Evidence was taken against accused who was com- i milted for trial. In giving evidence, Mrs. For- Her state dthat. upon arriving at her residence at 8 o'clock on Christmas Kve, the upvtair door; she found locked with the key turned on the inside. Upon discovering this, assistance was obtained from W. A. Ilell who effected an entrance. The interior of the place had been ransacked ind I lie content of drawers disarranged and the loss of the 'wcllcry was discovered. Mrs.' "ilier then identified a pearl -.cklaee, loose pearls. diamond ii. I ruby rinsr from which the ily was mbsinff. lw nnggei ins, a gotil safety pin, and several loose pearls. i I'olire Sergeant Hailey, who vas in charge of investigations a connection with the robbery, elated that on the morning of December 26 lie had arrested ieo. (Uinnint,haon on suspicion n ci m iiecl ion vi! h the robbery, 'e had eurminlcred (ainningtiani ti the police Mia I ion about lo Imv eleascd on a charge of assault. Ie had taken him into the office nd questioned him before police hief Vickers and elided the iu-j urination which led lo the ar-j est of Thos. Cook at the Km-uress Hotel. Later Sergeant, Hailey had gone to the Regent1 Hotel ami interview! the ac-t used. Fred Auriol, whom he look the police station and ques. ioned. 1'pimv searching the risoner. he found several pearl u his possesion and arrested im. Seryeant Hailey stated he had .one to Bulger k Cameron m,I found a stick nugget pin and a brooch nugget pin. and Mr. 'ulger had identified Ibe pri-ner ax the man who took the immIc In the bre. A loose pearl 'vt also been found in a vest belonging to the. prisoner hanging ii his room at the hotel. In the -norning of Iieeemtter 27 Scr-eanl Hailey had recovered two ing from J. Sal-don. proprietor f the Western Rooms, who tnld hi ni he had ohtained the rinK rom a Mrs. Aurklaiiil. ! RIGHTS TO IDE4 OF ! SAiLLESS SHIPS ARE a, PAGE EIGHT THE DM I V NFAV3 Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE LENSES BROKEN Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert h j December 29, 1914. ' Mori' Alaskan fish is beinu; : shipped direct over the liraud Trunk Pacific. The l'rosjieclorl j arrived recently from a second' trip lo the Alaskan banks ami, I (through the Atlin Fisheries, Iter icatch went east over the new line. IS COMMITTED Indian Goes to Higher Court In Connection With Fortler Robbery I , MIMIII - LADIES! LADIES! Don't Miss This Wonderful Opportunity To procure a dress from this assortment of HIGH GRADE garments just arrived from a well known firm in the East with instructions to sell at prices BELOW the actual cost of manufacture within 10 days. Taks advantajs early 12 including Plain and Check Sport Flannel with contrasting trim, Gaberdine and all wool Armure materials Street Costumes for Small Women and Young Girls tp Wr Cash and Carry Specials from 9 a.m. till 12 noon only including Poiret Twills Wool Crepe and Serge materials Maid of Clover Creamery Butter Hamstcrly Farm Pure Strawberry Jam 3 lbs., in bulk, $1.00 4 lb. pails, each 60c Limit 6 lbs. to each customer Limit 3 tins to each customer Service lireat lintain in Hi'- iiitii.i the U"luciti' nf the l"t'M "i .iil- !c- sinp, tor which lieruiany has n far had the credit. They claim they applied for I. riirlila fur lite mlor CLAIMED BY BRITISH vw- . -d the patent were panted them in iiiri K,, . ii.. - ii. .- February, IM7. Walter Scotleri Sell.',, exp'eri ","rU ," a coal ,.f Hull. ud f invcmion 10 me ik-iiipr "" in. I. i: It S..ii(.r Newca-ll -on-T to'. !ine decided ill iialenl ri'lil- for Your Last Chance to get Your Turkey at 40c per lb. We are idferniH a dis-eoiliil oT '11 ie- rent mi nlll' M'l-y innileialdy priced llivs and IKJI.LS as our -lock llllisl he cleared fore I In- New Year. Take aihantnue of following prices: Jap Oranges, per Imx Mixed Nuts, per ii.. . . Xmas Candles, "t 35c unit Phone 18 or 84. bc- tlie 85o 25o 40c ECONOMY STQR E a speed several liuies jrreaier lliiiu that all allied wild ordinary sails. HAZELTON Miss Kalphcna rmcli and Arthur and Harold i incli arrived from Vancomer on Tiies-I day la-l for the holidays. Mis jWriucli will remain at home. I Win. liranl spent , I'.hrisl nun Hay in Soiilliers with his dauli-I it. Mrst Nortiian Kilpalrnk. I 'red I 'retlcrickson if at I he hospital recovering after mini' trouble with Indians at South lla.ellon a eoupltt of days before Christmas. Wonderful reception of I'.hrislmas lu)' hriHiilcasts from distant points wre reported by local radio fans. Schenectady, N Y.. Was perfectly heard by I" II. Cox and II. S. SaiKcant wln a. Ii dpci a e n I li ?- uir sid Universal Trading Co 1 .i.natiie I... . i .1 all clea: i 1 1 1 1 and SI. Paul r more dialanl place t- l :i : : tt.i S.i.i, r .III"':,: heard lt. Wrliich arrived Im.iiic fii.m Victoria on Tuesday la-l. havuu' rainirieled biw li7lidalie dulo-for lhi year. The doctor wa well pleased with Ho- work o! , the' legislature and with the way' it. mm...m...m'i r..- i ii.. i meiit duniiK I he. war but the o. f,,.H.Mt ... ..... rial were loo busy lo eainint 7 .. '.. . 7 . . irrm in mr iiioje. nut nc iik j his scneme. jpoblir life bellrr all Ibe lime. A-i The rolor ship baa no sail. I (hr B lll(ljiy ,4 but two tall cylinders turned on,wr ,)r NVnn,.,, ,,,. , (,it H.e.r axles by a molor. j'hi ,.,..1 jous f (he ndiua lr action of the wind ayainal thnejajiaruM matters with t. hn-t-! ndatiiiH cylinder i saW lo fivewri( j derlle In the Halt- Ne4, T77.. 'I Ins is a llioiighitui u.r and most of us iippwmcti the New Year in u serious manlier. We are "ing i" do the best we can lo mi prove the comfort of oui home folks and will add to personal efficiency thai the world may In- a heifer place for our huvifi lived in ii. We sel hardware thai will make this a belter plure for you anif yours Kaien Hardware Co. Satisfaction End of the Year Special Haida Chocolate Rolls Assorted Centres1 For Ibe ol Hie veil' wc Will .ell Hi 50c per lb. i Hi Iriill in for voin I I'll MUM I n. we hive il ' 1 ORMES LTD. The Roxall Store GET IT AT! Phones 82 and 200 3rd Avenue and Gib Strett PHONE 586 HIGH CLASS -GROCERS EVERYTHING. SN CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES J