PAOR TWO The Daily. News. PRINCE HUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ' Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 SUBSCRIPTION RATES! City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $i.00 By mail to all parts of Hie British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ..- $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ....! $7.&Q Contract Bates on Application. Transient Display Advertising. .$1.40 per inch pei insertion Transient Advertising .on Front Page..... $2.80 per inch Local Beaders, per insertion... 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion l&c per agate line All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day pre-ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday, October 3, 1921. Cowper Edits New Vancouver Weekly. "The Hook" published by J. Sedgwick Cowper, formerly editor or the Prince Rupert Daily .News, is now no more, it having been amalgamated with the B.C. Ladies' .Mirror to form a new weekly to be known as the Saturday Tribune. Mr. Cowper will be editor-in-chief of the new publication and doubtless he will make of it as great a success as he did of the Hook. Mr. Cowper is an able writer 'and an energetic man and should make a mark in British Columbia journalism. There is a great field for a good weekly in Vancouver. Fight Is On, Between Vancouver Dailies. ' There is a big newspaper war on between the Vancouver Evening Him and the Vancouver Star, both' published in the afi ternoon. The Slar is the paper that was purchased recently by General Victor Odium in conjunction with his father. Professor Odium. It skirted as a small one cent paper so the Sun dropped its price to one cent. Jiist recently the Slar complained that the Sun had adopted its make up and other characteristics o that a person buying a paper could not tell which paper it was without a second looc. The Sun is the evening edition of the morning paper that Jins been published in . Vancoiiverfpr a number of years. It was made possible by purchasing the Vancouver World and changing the name. Premier Tells How He Would Reform Senate. Premier Mackenzie King told his audience nt Fort William that he would reform the Senate by-making impossible to pass n measure over us .neaj. .niter- it had noe4it-p;)Ked by the Commons and rejected by the Senate twice. The third time' it would not need to go to the Senate. That is similar to the law passed a few years, ago in Great Britain, where the House of Lords was the stumbling block to I he change suggested by Mackenzie King is better than nothing but what many would like to see would be the Senate abolished altogether. It is not worth the money it costs. Protocol Is Adopted. .The protocol has been adopted by the Assembly of the Leagiie of Nations. Its adoption docs not make it law until it is adopted by Ihe individual- nations concerned. The Canadian Parliament will have to passMipon it. - From the meagre despatches that have come through in re-gard to the protocol it would seem as if it is a defensive alliance to which every nation except the United States will give allegiance. Possibly the U. S. may also be induced to go in with the others. It is the preliminary step to a world treaty between all nations and is probably the greatest historical document that has ever been drawn up. Remington Noiseless . Your Pallrvtr Tkrtt bmiiif lea f A Crash of Quiet! "And tticn quiet crashed in", said a soldier, describing the sudden stillness in ike trenches when gunfire ceased on Armistice Day, 1918. Similarly, when Remington Noiseless typewriters are first installed in offices accustomed to the rattle and bang of old fashioned machines, the quietness startles. But it does more than startle it delights both businesa eiecutives and stenographers and enables them to' do mora work with less fatigue. Wouldn't you like Remington Noiseless in yof office) 11. K. Stiles, Vice-President mid Managing Director. Head Office, Toronto. Mcltae Bros., Prince Rupert Dealers. Mtil Viii Coupon ptorc you org el it Remington Typewriter Company of Canada, Limited Prince Uunert Dealers: McKac Bra. Please send me particulars, Including plana of purchase, of the Kriulngtou NvlM-lesa Typewriter. Name . Address The Man in the Moon SAYS:- 41 I.OVK letters arc all right fori summer fiction reading, MANY n woman who is not a good cook swings a menu HF. stood on the street at mid. night Looking up at the planet Mars When a car came by and struck him And he saw a million stars. IX these days of analysis when we try lo discover our motives and, all about ourselves, our no tions und unnulses. it might ho well for young people to ask themselves are they hard boiled or fresh? IF employers were ideal, em ployees would be the same, and vice versa, all samee both ways. all u SOMK parson down east says smoker itt several I pipe criminals are cigarette 'I'tillf Id H-iwnt, l.rkA.k.tnA ..... in my iiiriui?. use It THE world will soon be laugh- less 1 A learned man has said There'll be no wit or humor Just gobs Of gloom instead. 't'lie comic sheet wilt vanish Likewise the quip and quirk; The "Man in the Moon" also, 'tis said, Will have to so to work. , - - IT is said that ihe prince is sore because the newspapers never notice him and Ihe girls give him the gate. A I'KHFEGT 36 has nothing to du.wilh age. A CHICKEN ate too much and then fell down and died. Came a cropper, doubtless. IT'S pretty hard to make a bit by singing your own praise. THESE are the days of Speed. Airplanes travel faster than any thing except ' light, radio waves and dad's salary. RE-WRITE CAREFULLY AND WATCH THE METRE Verses Are Sometimes Carelessly Complied and Not Revised Some contributors to the verse competition do not carefully re vise their verses and re-write them. They are seal in without that care which ought to be given. On the other hand some contributors have carefully typed their verses or wrillen them, very neatly with a pen. One. in par ticular has decorated the verses with very pretty cut out illustra lions, which have been very pretty and appropriate. The metre is also something flint should receive attention. As will be no! iced, some of the verses are very ragged in their metre and rhythm. It is well lo remem her that rhythm as well as rhyme, ijneessary. Following have neen receiveo recently: The Elusive' Duck "Hang" said Ihe gun, "Quack" said Ihe duck, "Dang" said Ihe hunter, That's just my luck. -.. The Seagull What so irlorious lo me As Ihe gull winging free here- the. wild waters roar 'fiafnst our isle's rocky shore; Or at rest on tfTe breast Of the wave ft loves best, When the winds lie asleep Harbored safe on the deep. The Bull Frog Hark, I hear Ihe bull frog sing ing O'er in yonder slough. Hark, I hear his voice Bringing Every note so true. He sings at morn, he sings at liighl, He sings at noon with all his might, His voice comes ringing through the trees From early spring until the freeze. If Ihe till 1 1 frncr emiM nnl aim, 11.1-1. 1. 1 a ." iiioiK wnai we Rliouni miss. Of all the singers, he's the king In this old world of bliss. the daily rrcvg Friday, Ooloiwr 3, 15? I Two Little Birds Two little birds were discussing The topics of the day; Do you think Ihitl you will migrate this year, said one. Or in Prince ltuperl stay. The other little bird said with a shake of his head, 'Twould he folly to go, elsewhere. For other little;blrds have gone away, And are just wishing they were in ltuperl today. For great possibilities are coining this way, So in Prince llupert I think I will stay. " x Erotlo The Indians say that long ago, An eagle mated with a raven. (Uuile a mcsalliancel know, And I don' I hold with . such be- bavln'). ' The offspring "of the amorous pair re bound to be unique, you'll say, Hut they are birds by no means rare. The idle, senseless, chattering" Jay. The verse must have to lo with some form of animal life such as a bird, fish, animal, inecl or germ. It may lake any form desired such as an ode, a quatrain or even the popular llmeriek. Three prizes will l.e olTered. $5 for first, 3 for second and 52 for third. The verses will be published as submitted but the name of tho author will he reserved to be used only in case of bis winning a prize. The verse should be neatly written on one side of the paper only nnd addressed to "Compett-Mon Editor," Daily News. No manuscripts will be returned. Ten Years Ago j In Prince Rupert October 3, 1914. Trophies won by exhibitors at Ihe fair were presented last night by President-elect A. J. Prud-homme. .Mr Prudhomme also explained the circumstance attending the failure of the' association to bring an airplane to Hie city for exhibition flights. A contract had been made but the airman had failed lo go through wilh II. A verdict of accidental death was returned yeslerday at the inquiry into Ihe L. J. Hoyt shooting near Hayspnrt last week. The inquiry was conducted by Coroner J. H.'Mc.Mullin and the witnesses were Fred Scadden and Thomas Mark, who accompanied Hoyt on the ill-fated trip. Work on Ihe sporls ground, at Acropolis Hill is proceeding favorably. The site is a few hundred feel beyond the Exhibition Hall. Four hundred feet square will be levelled off. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Ernest Blue, Hyder; Mrs. N. Nestock, KwinilsaMr.and Mrs. S. S. .usiis, Minneapolis;.' Cr .R. Kendallj yapfouve;;D: II. Hearty, Sarnia; Mrs. .1. lA.! Brown and child, l'orl. Essinglon. Central Mrs. C. Cundill and Children, H .Brown, Anyox. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED "Are vou sure." asked Mm nll woman, "that ibis century plant will bloom In a hundred yenrs?" "Positive, ma'am," answered the florist. "If Jt doesn't, bring it right back." American Legion Weekly. Sterling Furnace COAL DsMitrsd In Bulk. At S10.00 per ton. This it a fry superior furntre roil. It t-l'ri Cp,n hoi fire nH Is tntlrrly frr-e from soul, clliikrrs, lark and dirt. Some of lite Unreal tiratlnr li.nt In the city are now ulnr it with entirely ilKfuiory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Oellrereit In Srk. At S12.60 per ton. We ire alio Arent. ror tbe Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA GOALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Mala Office I Hatal Osatral. rhM 18 mm FREE DELIVERY IN PRINCE RUPERT "Cascade" BETTER BEER Better Beer ! TELKWA Mrs. C. II. Ooodaere of Smilh-ers has been spending seera! days visiting her mother Mrs. T. McDonald of Tclkwa. v Owing to numerous and heavy rains lhrehfng has been somewhat retarded. On Sunday last, Ilev. Wm, Dovey preached in the Union Church. This is Mr. Dovey's first Sunday In his new district which was formerly looked after by Ilev. W. C. Mawhinney. After a great deal of effort on the part of the collection rpininilfee, anil then of Ihe building committee, the Tclkwa pursing,. Home' u ..rapidly near ihg t'OmpIelioh,' ' ; Rev. J. S. Hrayfield held ser vice at Hip Quick school on Sun day last. Miss Irene nilinour left on Sunday mornjng for Ilegina where she intends lo spend Ihe next year. A grouse dinner given by Ihe Ladies' Ouild of SI. Stephen's Church was held in the hall on Wednesday. This was followed by a dance al which Ihe Telkwa orchestra furnished the music Mrs. W. K. Demnue nee (Miss Delia Munger) whose marriairf I look place In SmilliPrs last week I was a visilor in Telkwa early jihis week. I Dr. Hoops of Sidney, 11.0. is Ivisiling his sous here. This Is Dr. Hoops' fjrsl visit, and Im Is delighted wilh the country. A Harvest Thnnksgivlng service was held In 81. Rlenhen's church on Tuesday night. Tim jchurch was very nicely decoral- ,eu wiiil an tilings suggesting me narvesi. nev. .1. H. Hrayfield gave n short inlereallnir (address, and numerous harvest nymns were sung. Advertise In the Dally News. VESI "Cascade" IS better beer! It is the outcome of forty years of brewing experience, aided by scrupulously selected ingredients and the most elaborate brewing system known to modern science. We are proud of our product, and we want to make it known that "Cascade" is now as near perfection as science and experience can make it. We say that "Cascade" beer, brewed and bottled in Vancouver, is second to none in the whole Dominion. Therefore Insist on 1 1 III AUWmM a. arcp HOTtt tip wBeer without aFcer The BETTER BEER that SATISFIES! VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor CftulrfSt Hoard or by the Government of Ilritisli Columbia. -X . Sunlight for your Washing M aching A WASHING michineismadeto wash your clothes without rubbing or boiling - and it succeeds juit in proportion to the valuo of the toap you use. Sunlifht Soap dissolves quickly and completely in hot water and works- up into an abundant suds. This is very necessary so (hat its rich cleansing ingredients may search through and through the meshes of the clothes and dissolvo the dirt and soil spots. Then, when rinsing comes, all dirt and soapy matter runs entirely away, leaving your clothes sweet, fresh and snowy clean. 1 i T The port hth,ef ol Sunlight Sosp cleariicithecicrlhfa niturilyyaer chemically. The J5.000 Cuirantte of Purity Is stamped on every tshlet o( Sualifht Svep. , 1'trt ktlfttthr f Smlltkf Me ktl waltr Im jeer matkht mi tllr inl. i tmtr tut is. Put In Ik tltlkn i ftrtlt Ik mtckitytr tltlktt will bt tlttt. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED . . TORONTO 'b,' UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C.. LTD. Silllnil from Prince Bupert, Of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Sw.n . Altr, Biy Tudl. , . fee VANCOUVER VICTORIA, AI.M S."rI, lay, Sw.n.on B.y, 10 Al rr ANYOX, ALICI ARM, STEWART. W.I.. ..d, Sunday, S p M a,".' r."I ,,MMN 'nd "'' Cannarl... frld.y A.M. '"" frlnc. Rp.r,, B.0.