page Foun THE D.n.y NEWS hriilny. ii'.iiii. DRY BRINGING UP FATHER O " M m Dy oeorge mciYlant OO'T TAiLk, QNC.K TO ME Birch Wood. DE COOK A.MQ COONt TE.LU THE. imt A iORR THE. COUNT R COT tt HI-jijj! mm Twit a. . ' in ii OUT OF" TOWN FOR SMALL HEATERS, 1 ' ' u. I I MERE. V ILL MlttS 50c Per Sack ii . i ... COOO CNME WITH THt CNC ooT ve HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B., 0. orrice Hours, 9 te 6. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenu6. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In. Piano and Furniture Moving. BaaBaSK SeC v m pi MaVBflMMHLUaVJ vn m-U ,veithlnr ntlti. al "H ral plire The lowest in ':naila, V truaiaiili-e aliitolute satU rartl ,ll ,r vim r nMinry re funded wi pay ill de llveij 'iiarrc. CELERON PANEL8 READT CUT 7ili'i InchM In glasslm wrapM-r S1.25 tiiii'i, uirlH-s In la!tlni Wrtpppri" $1.45 7xiU, liirhf In ftlaln wrap;;::- . . . 1.80 Writs to Tk-PL II. FDFF? Caialoqnet?C LlstofDroadca stations I Yon can toll by tint prices llinl wo put on our Home Furnishing lunl our Hardware that wo have your -homo contentment a! heart. Snvnge E'oelrio Wash-or .. . . .. S185.00 Hoover Cleaners $63.03 and $75.00 I tnl li sold on .very Easy Terms. III II! lit !il a li Bllll i Tom: "Aren't you sick of hearing all these jokes about liquor?" Dick: "Yes, nothing secnw to bo sacred to the humorists BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE' Sport Chat j The hip professional baseball classic of the year, llio World's Series, will open tomorrow with Hie Washington Senators at home against the New York (Hants. While (lie Senators have been the favorites to- win, the stock of the (Sinuts has risen ibis week with the announcement by Manager McOraw that lie expects to have. Frank Friseh second baseman captain of Hie team, and lleinie droll, his veteran third baseman, in shape to play after their recent injuries. The second game will also be played at Washington and the third and fourth aL Xew York. If 'more than four game are required to decide the series, they will be turn about at Washington and New Y'ork respectively. The first four - victories . will decide. The Hrooklyn Dodgers, who nearly won the National League play an exhibition game, in A'an couver on October 23 according, to announcement made in that city by Hob Ilrown. Providing the amateur union leaders aro willing, Hammond Cedars, ll.C. champion, will bo sent up against the Dodgers, l'iloted by Jack Fournier, leading first BBBBBBBJ 1 BBBBBBBS BBBSBB1 iii ye f ' ' - , m I V , It r 1 L SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE BRIER COT TO oew FOOTBALL ENNIS SWIMMING ' O IM4 a Int ,, Fa.nma Sanvxa Inc ?to Vancouver, and return to'F.uropean extraction, it has been Seattle for the balance of the 'practically a country without jweek. cities. Life has centered in tlio LONG NIGHT IN ICELAND Darkness ..Prevails .for ..Many Months; Growing Period Three Months In Iceland for three months of the year it is continuously light. For about two mouths of the year there are alternate periods of light and day and for seven months -darkness prevails. The annual growing period in Iceland averages about three months. The people of Iceland subsist principally on sail mutton, dried fish and pea-flour cakes with the addition of kelp. During Hie flong period of darkness, the average Icelander "studies by Hie light principally of fish oil lamps. It is Interesting to note that I lie records of the uuiver- baseball pennant thfT.earr,willtjles t,f the world show a Scry lame pprrmingK oi minor men among the Iceland students. This is due to the fact thai the long periods of darkness are conducive to study. The Icelander has a natural aptitude for languages. x Whaling Port Reykjavik is the chief city in baseman in the National, and ac- Iceland. If has the, modern facil-coinpanied by Mouther, Dazzy, Hies of electric lighting and Vance, and (lie constellation of similar conveniences. It is the stars who almost- made the most important whaling port in grade in the senior league, fhist'he world. This community ot year, the Ilobms are touring theJI5,006 inhabitants is Hie capital country, and will reach Seattle, of Iceland. on October 21. They will play Throughout the IO.'jO years of there one day, then jump north Iceland's occupancy by people ol c 0 MS .Ma BEST PROCURABLE BLEND "5 , BOTTU0 & 6UARAHTEEOJ8Y g! 8 WM MAM " t ffrt.lHtMCl ) BAiVIMIf LCMUVff OV"OM ICOfllsD The original label look for it at the Vendors, and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. scattered farmsteads, many of which today are feudal establishments, sufficient to themselves. The characteristic farm buildings are encased in sod and appear to be set partly in the ground. No grain can bo grown because of the short growing season. The farmers raise tur nips and potatoes, but give most of their attention to bay and their bonis. of cattle and ponies and their flocks of sheep. Fishing is carried on along the coasts. Another industry of im portance is the collection of eiderdown from the nests of the eider duck. During Iceland's long townless period Jlekyjavik was a liny fishing village and local trading centre. When it began growing '.ho lack of timber in Iceland wns made good by the use of corru gated sheet- iron. Many substantial buildings have arisen recently,, including (he large stone House of Parliament. Tied lown for centuries by galling trade inohujNirj? ...laws, Iceland has' wonlalhiosi 'complete inde-pendeneiin recent years under what arirount to a voluntary and 'imiteij partnership. J Hot Springs j Hoykjavik means smoking creek. As j r many parts of volcanic Iceland, there are hot springs near the city. A ehar- irtcrislic sight in the Iceland capital is the procession of Aomen carrying tubs and clothes going to and from this natural laundry. IN THE CONCRETE The Professor was pulling bis ;inisliiug touches lo his new concrete pathway. Tormny. age six had been wulching the pro ceedings with great interest, and at length, deeming Hie lime right for trial, started lo cross before Hie mixture hail time lo dry. When the Professor displayed lijs annoyance, a passer-by observed: "Why, Professor, I thought you liked children." "I like Ibeni Jalf right In the, abstract" jtlje jrnf;sor. ;pllciti "bur not 'in the concrete." Yorkshire Prist. SOMETHINQ LIKE A BAND Prince Henry is maintaining his reputation as Hie humorist of the RoyaJ family (writes a correspondent" of the Daily I hear of a joke he made while he was on manoeuvres recently with tils regiment, Hie lOlh Hussars. He was telling n group of officers during a brief rest of a jazz band lie had heard somewhere or other. "When it Is in full blast," be remarked, "you could not tell whether it was playing Wagner or Aston Villa." I CfHWL I . JL Great Britain nghta ft rrved WANTKD. Bookkeeper. Must be good collector. Howe's Sheet Mel at Works. 231 WAMhl). 1-urnlture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Kxchunge, Auctioneers. Phone 652. SITUATION WANTED RXPHHIHNOKD stenographer and book-keeper wants wurk, November I. Write Hox 'J00 Daily News. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Oftlce, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf HOARD and Room in private k home; central. Kvery comfort 'Reasonable rates. Phone Red 218. 231 FOR RENT FOR RF.NT. Three rooms willi balli, furnished. Also cottage, 1 rooms with bath. Phone Red. 119. tf 10 RKN'r Unfurnished rial fn new building. Modern conveniences. Apply Joe (iaron. Ruitert ItaKery. If FOR IlKNT.--Furnished bouse-keeping rooms. Phone Blue 217 or 18. 410 SixHi Avennr Kasl. If OFFICIi FOR RKNT with modern living quarters. Westenhavef Hros. If (OR RF.NT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts; tf FOR FlKXT Four room, modern, healed apartments. Apply Smith .V Mallett, Ltd. tf AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Av. Pbones Black 130 snd Red 142. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Ocorge, Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nlifht Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Emnross Motel BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN. The close season will soon le here. You can gel your boats overhauled by contract or day work, nt a moderate price. We build anything up to 200' tons. Marine ways. Call or wrilo Eriksen Bros:, boat builders, North Vancouver. H.C. tf PRINCt RUPERT TIDE? Friday, October 3 High 1:22 a.m. 0.2 ft. 10:22 p.m. 20.H ' Low 10:18 a.m. fl.3 ' 23:01 p.m. 3.8 ' Saturday, October 4 High ...... 5:21 a.m. 18.0 ft. 17:21 p.m. Il,7 ' J.ow :i3 a.m; 7,7 ' Sunday, October 5 Hleh 0 38 n.m. I 1 ft. 18 31 p.m. h,7 " Low 0:01 a.m. 1.8 " l" 18 p.m. 8.8 " ... Inttt wo 3 Daily News Classified Ads. : 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvartlMmcnt Taken for Laas than OOctJ WANTKD LOST LOST.-. Hoy's wrist watch, near Borden Street School. Finder please return to Wallace's Store. Reward. tf FOUND FOUND Loies' foil hat. Owner can obtain same upon idonli fying and paying for this ad vorlisement at the Daily News office. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE or Leate, Royal Cafe. FOR SALE. Rooming house, furnished. Apply 'JZ9 Ambrose Avenue. tf FOR SALE. Old papers by the bundle. Daily News office, tf FOR SALE. One heater, almost new. and one .McClary, 3 hole ' range In good condition. Snap for cash. Apply Benj's, Third Ave. JJ3S ROOMINO HOUSE for Sale; central location; steam heat: cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Write P.i 202 Daily -News, if FOR - SALE. New and used Machinery, Boats and Engines. Northern Exchangf tf FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni. ture Store. We Huy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 83U Third Ave. Phone 61. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON (Iradtiate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block. Room 15. Hours: to lo 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by uppolnlinent. Phone Blue 83, DON'T BE SHOCKED Ride on GOODYEAR BALLOON TIRES For all Cars Ford Tires, $8.50 to $10.00 Fit Goodyear Tires and Avoid the Shocks MODERN WRECKING EQUIPMENT Day and Night Service. Phone 62. KAIEN QARJLuE. PIANOS TUNED. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED AND ADJUSTED J. B. MacKAY Phone (lrnn 454. P.O. Box 425 POWERFUL PIE The Lady I gave you a piece of pie last week, and you've been sending your friends here ecr since. The Tramp. You're mistaken, b'dy Them was my enemies, MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mnmluvii Yj4rijiaf4aa ..J . , - - y .. ,, day. rloses at t i m From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and ! urdays, i p.m. To Vancouver-Tuesdays 5" Mail rltiNjv Wcdiieduyi Sal oritur CP. It. tn tiabei , From Vancouver Suudayi Wodnediijs Fridays Saturdays October ii, To Anjroi, Alice at I J? I tl .P. 1 Arm, SUa and Premier Wednesday 9 Sundays i From Anyoi, Alice Arm Tuesdays Sat ur Jays To Port Simpson- Sundays Thursdays From Port Simpson Tuesdays Saturdays ...vrvrm... To Alaska Points th lohrr 1. I i and ? From Alaska .points-. ririotior J, 1 7 Slid 8. 1 10 I T Mfl . . dm. r ' I rm . Buckley Bay- Queen Charlotte Island Point Oeloli. r ( noil 18 10 I ) 1 Fmm miiuii. pon mama Buckley Bay Queen Charlotte Island Point Octuhir 8 and To Naas River Points and t Simpsons-Thursdays ...j. 10 I From Nsas liver Points nalurdsys ...,. EDX COLLCCTIOM (Irmiaiii A Atlln Aves. 1st Ave, A Eighth St fllh Ave. A Fill loi 1. 8th Ave. A Thompion St. ..- 1 1 lb Ave. A Sherbrooke . Ave 1 1 lit Ave. A Conrad 8(. Oth Ave, A Hays Cove Ave filh Ave. A Hays Cove Circle 8th Ave. A Cotton Ht: 5lh Ave. A MeljKideSL rro. iiov. mugs Prnv. (lov. Wba'rf .... O.T.P. Wharf a. '. 2nd Ave. A 2ml SL..... 3nl Aye. A Fulton St. 3rd Ave. A 0th'. 8t. P.M.. 2 15 2 20 2.30 2.35 2(0 2.15 2.50 2 55 3.00 3JV 3 10 3.15 3,20 3.25 3.28 l'." THE RIGHT MAN II takes a red-noaed man n greasy vest and a soiled t 1 1 1 r and n cheap , cigar, wirti feet on anolheV. chair, lo p:i proper' emphasis Into the w f "These woniou VefornuTS r.:. mo weary." askr,s m NOTICE Advertisers nre remlnJ-el Hial'coiiy( for ndver tlsements snild bo In th Dally News" offlco befora j 4 p.m. lodny(o ensure in- serllon In tomorrow's Is tt ana. a.. Aftvertlse In tje Daily N''