Mf pdobcr 3, lOJt. ' ELEVENTH J the scries dealing with, the establishment of the or MrtrraiAt. at representative points in Canada And elsewhere. IN PARIS . Manufactured by '"Penal Tobacco Company Canada Limited if. ir I lira ' - wlU II , J -11 'Mill --l-M, , ;1 luitjjil j ! L-rrt .Sf.t-,. iHE PARIS subsidiary of th Bank of Montreal a situated in a flutter neh in hittonc utterett. Fi, a lofty column in Place Vendome the statue of Ki(K)lron looks out upon an imposing square the c . Tj. tn of which began in 1686 under authority cf Ll.:s XIV. -a iquart wtudi ha witnessed many of die cm i greatest demoroeranona and which now mirrors tJit social Jind bunes We of Para. Here, m the heart of the capital of France, the Bank of Montreal in 1919 oabWitd a subsidiary office in the Riti Hotel Building. In February, 19::, !if business of this office had become so extensive that enlarged quirtm rre opened near bv at No 6 Place Vendome. BANK OF MONTREAL established over IOO years Total Assets in excess of yOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert B rand" Selected Skeena Sockeye I ji mi. - liiM . 'it ; ; It: 1.1.I A -. .: !',. ; I S. k a -iiii-: 'ii 1 SOLD LvT.nYWHERC illiniil. handy. 11 guuil idea. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. Prince Rupert, B.C. 10 for 15 25 " 35 Local and Personal ! llayneru, Uiitlermkers, Phono ait U.C. Undertakers. Phono 41. TAXI anil Mumsengur Service Phone 078. It '. - Mrs. Tiold, Art Needlework Agent for real silk hosiery, Second Ave. Phone 23. tf - Towing und freighting. Tu;. Towena, 50 li.u,; Capl. M. Clifton. Phone lllue 100. Night phone 23. Ohcr I tenner Mailed I hi morn saiual tr nig on (he Princes. Alice for luneuu on a buainena dip. Wanted for adoption a Krl from 12 lo tl yeafru of age Parent reference require!. Write Hox 208, Daily News. 238 Parent Teachers Asiiotiatioii will give a Hrldye and Wlust lrlve on Friday eveuing at 8 a - elock in tbe Metrouole Hall. Ad min km 50. 33 Mm. hang and party of Juven ile Uostoman painted through on. toe Prince Alice tbl morn ing bound for Ketchikan and other Alaska point. at . . .... . . . at. anurrws nniM time it: itomi, Seeond Avenue on Monday evening;, October G at ii p.m Hharp. AdUiaaion 50. Jlefresb- nients. 234 o Joseph Roger of tbe Prince Rupert Ily. Product Co.vand Mr Rogers and family arrived from ancouvcion tbe Princess Alice Ibis rnoruint; V. K. Roberlon. who will H. J. MoLeod as tbe mana ger of Hie local branch of UMN Royal Hank of Canada arrived from Vancouver on tbe Prineeaa Alie till miftiliif ' William I.. Coates, formerly HK-idiaiil punier on the ateainer Alice, was a gaaaenger aoing imrlli on that veaaet UMa hound for Juneau where fee qrtR i:.V.R. aaent. L. fici i ;i. . whom he i nixf1y wind iraiMferred to seajttfc, j 0 i i.niiiiy Smitk). formerly of orme lirug store bew, reluraeil on tin- Priu-eti Alice tbia mora- inif after having spent I he pei thirteen iiKiiitlm on Cape Breton Maud, Xnn Scotia. Aftrr spend inn a few iiny vinilleg with hi. ii-lniie hi the eily, be will pro-reed (n I t'lkwa where be will ' ik i liar.'i- of J. Maeun Adams' ll UK lni-. TUB DAILY NEWS r i 0f i a Iff 1 i OY I U'1 irtd it best" :1eanliness 11 id plflmktr mhtn the .Ink itt'n grit rtukrj. A lull. C.lPUfi l.y will prahablr cl'.r II In f.w mlnatM. Kccrn ( Ibrr IK) runj U uiur b.m. GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE AlW.i). th: he Coffee - Aitve the I "SI PUKMK" ! 1 1 lOI I - . If It. H. Chapman, stationary en gineer of the city, left on last night a train for Halifax. He will upend a vacation in-Nova Scotia. " - , Nie (iunifh and hi,t daugh ter, Slisi Amelia (iurvich, who have been on a trip to California returned borne on tbe Princes Alice, tbie morning. --t Mr. and Mrs. R. I.. Mrliilou nine in on tbe train yesterday afternoon from Ihejr ranch near I'erraee. They will be at home until Mr. Mclulosb goes eal at he end of tbe montk. ' Krnest lilue, tbe Hjder aUor-ney, who haa been on a trip to Minnesota, returned the city on last night' train and will proceed north on the fir I steamer. P. W. Racey, M.lB.'e)f the Surf Inlet mine arrived hV'tfae city from Surf Inlet on' ttr Venture this morning and will 'proceed lo VaiicoQver tomorrow night. - , Mr. and Mrs . J, McLeod ;ind family expect to leave next Wedueoday for Monefen, N.H. wnrre atr. HCLeud .wUI auoie She maoaeerabipi.of- tlib branch of tbe Royal Isautk of (Jnuada. N. A. Watt, the newly Appoint 'U government agent bare, .and Mra. Watt arrived from Victoria n the Princes. Alice Nits morn ing. 1 bey., will take up fbeir residence in the government agent' bouse on Seroud Avenue Mr. and Mr. 5. P. Jone re lumed to tbe city on Hie Prin cess Alice this morn int: after baviug spenl a holiday in the south. Mr. Joins is an operator at tbe Digby latend wi.-cle. station. 1 - Aboard the Prince Alic mating tbe round trip to Alaka Uils moinitij was a uiemlNT of he Rumanian royul family: t utex (ihika. Siie wa horn aii'i lives in New. Zealand and i making a tour of Canada. 1 -ipt. A. M. Klivle,' former mi. ter of the CLT.P. steamer Pruce John and now axnminer of masters and males in Victoria arrived iu the oily on Ibe Priu--' Alice this, morning and will iend a couple of day here Mitin his eoiiM5 Alum and I rank lJav'ic. Charge of aaull laid by itie lloflinan and. Harry Irvine . a a i ii t eaeh ofWef - i n Hlie el y' i "lice court w- re diinised (hi nniruiiu by Mafltrale MeCly-' iniiiit. Kach were given lectures i d warned to i roubles. CP.R. steamer Prineeae Alice, orihbound from Vancbuver lo luka wa in porl this inorn-i mt from I0.1 unttr I24t.' 'ITie M'seeJ look the following p. -enKer Mnn-4iore:-Olisv Hesner lor Junoau; L. Anderson, iini"wed and Mr. ami Mrs,' Y. suaOki for Kelohikan. Caul. R. i I liiimsnn i u, comm.-uid of the ! Alice I hi Ho ami .lauiu Klmi.t ANNOUNCEMENTS Knpii,l Annual Hall, Oct 31. Lu ' t l- l'aar, December 2. MeifOi'.! i,ti! Hill rtn Ctiaplr I.M.D 1-. Ha) x' n 'I ci a .' .il. i-H-'oti.-i j KHective Willi next week's sail-itiK, C.N. II. oleutner Prince John will include Maple Hay m a port of call on the voyaged to Stewart and Anyox. Weekend Specials. liutklcy alley Heef Itib hoilinic beef, 3 Uia for 25c; pot roal 10c Ih prime rib a cut 18c lb.; sirloin Kleak 25c Hi.; round etcak, -Oc. Ih. Table Supply. Arrivals from Hie south on the I'rii-i'c Alice thi.t morning' in-' -luiled .Mr. and .Mrs. Norman A. Watt, Cap). A. M. Davie, Mr. and Mr. Joeph Itoger and family, W. M. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jone, J. H. Harriou, 1'. K. Hobertsou, Nick (iurvich, Mi Amelia Ourvich, C. Prevost and T. P. Smilh. Mr. and Mr. Y. Suzuki, California Japanese, sailed this morning on the Princes Alice for Ketchikan from whence t hoy will proceed south. They are on a lour of the north, having motored from California to Vancouver and coming- here by steamer. Union Meamer Venture, tiapt A. Johnstone, arrived in the har bor from the south at 5 o'clock this morning and proceeded to Tuck Inlet where she loaded canned salmon at the Prince Hu pert cannery. At 10:30 he sail ed frcm the O.T.P. wharf for the Naa and Skeena River and wIlLI be back southbound tomorrow - Overhaul to C.N. It. steamer Prince Ituperl was finished at the dry dock yesterday after noon and I lie vessel moved down to the U.T.P. wharr. She ii ready to resume service lomor-ow night in place of the Prince (Jeorge which will be tied" up for 'hn winter on arrival from the south. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DKillV ISLAND. Cloudy. ?alm; barometer, 30.18; temperature, 50; sea smooth. DEAD TRKK POINT. Cloudy. ealm; baromeler. 30.08; temper ature 11; seu smooth. HULL HAHHOIl. Overcasl strong iiorthwest wind; barotnf ter, 3(I.Oj: leiniK'ralure 50; sea choppy. Noon DWIu ISia.ND Cloudy, calm. baronieler, 30.20; temperature, 52; sea shihoHi. DK.f) TRKK I'OJNT. Cloudy. calm; baromeler, 30.11; temperature, 51; sea smooth. HULL HAHHOIL Overcast. Iresh northwest wind; barome ter. 30.02; temperature. CO: sea rough: 10 a.m. spoke steamer Cordova in Milhank Sound south omul: II a.m. spoke steamer Princess Heat rice olT Ivory Is land norlhhound. ENTERTAINED AT SUMMER HOME IN SMITHERS DISTRICT! Miss Rollstone Gives Party Seymour Lodge, Lake at SMITH KHS, H.C.. cl. 3. Sey mour Innlge, at Lake Seymour. the so miner home of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Ilollslon of Stnilher. was re-opened iui Salurday. Sept. 27 when their daughter. Mis Madeline Rnllston, entertained a large number of Smithereens in honor of (Jeorge Kelly, who Is leaving to lake n position in New Westminster. A tempting supper "under Hie supervision of Mr. Ilollslon nut avoid iurt her ryone on the lu'yli road to vhole-hearlel enjoyment, and Hie song, recitations and dancing that followed kepi Hie guests in rollicking good humor. The invited uuesls were the Misses Ruth Miller, Lois Devoin, Helen Oranl, Marjorie Roberts, Mary Fawretl, Nan Felterlev. Kl- W.jtle Doodsrtn. Mamie Orav. Alice Latimer. .rr. and Mrs. S. A. Kby, H. L. Robinson; K. C. Dawson, Paildy Carr. Hob Harnett, Oeorge Kelly. Cliff Warner. Phil Hos fmm Ihe Princess Mary, U chief kins. (ieo. Hefferman. Frank oineer .Manuel, (ieorge Roberts, J. A. Finnerty. D. D. Munro and T. Thii.. iiaai r vaw wSi'llllRnW CATARRH el th BLADDER EchCinul ImrvA Always Uniform in Quality Delicious "SAUDI" a? 3ei Folks who cover a lot of ground find a heap of energy and goodness in Kellogg's. Delicious as can be served with milk, cream or fruit Nourishing too! CORN JFLAKES Ovn-frt$h alwayt HllKl"- PUKES it an HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF AN PACKET TEA IN NORTH AMERICA. FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Sailings From Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, ea. h WEDNESDAY 8.00 p.m.. each 'SATURDAY 12.00 midnight. 'Calls Hwanson Hay. Ocean Falls, Powell Itiver. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. For all ports QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 12.00 midnight, Oct. ith, 18lh, Nov. 1st. 18th. PASSENGLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. rrlnc Huprrl S.00 pja. for l'hl.i:E GEORGE, EU.VIH.NTO.N WI.1-NtPEO, til point! Ei.wro (Untna. t'miMl sut. SQCNCV ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES. Oil, Tick.'- orric. 62S Thlr Af, Print Ruptrt. Phon 2to i:lls swtii' iii B. ".. in Kll. j'.tw.-ll lliv. r. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F Mustard for Health .ot-i1 ViatVl AnnrdjiWerja.-g ! re '"L."in the aaily Kct. alleviate d-pcpa a ..Klic 1YC iruuui and other digest- but it mast bellman's