u i." .uyaIyHMU. . how-. I .I lal night there wan a, i , of bribery and it . , i ii'i-i. . . . t '!' lit ! .m.rwr. - inr mmw a"i SILVITI.K, Off. 3. Major i. punitrmi u w p Kmlfi... I.. Martin, find eom- a,tr' , I wander of the United Slalea - " MnUlMH,,worid flyer. was given the big- ' rr "" Ut-VTl ovation of the day marking i"' nn Afry ikiihii. imp i imeh. The taller wa CHIEF CLERK OF FORESTRY OFFICE IS LEAVING CITY Gordon J, Reading Going to Seattle Will be Succeeded by Allan M. Davles local forestry "Hire l l; 1 .mother popular member l i'- -1 1 IT m (lordou J. Heading mil leave next week with Mi- Kindiiix and family for Simim.- near which rity they will -- up ibeir residence. The iiiiii frirmi of both Mr. and Mi - Iti'adlitf , who wa formerly Mi- Hi lly Harrow, will regret to ,,-'ii" of i heir departure. Mr Headinf will le oreeeil- I I) M. I , !i , i- flntf elerk in Ihe forilry y Allan M. I in vie- from g"imiiienl anenl'n ollire. ; ii It. Tannnrk will eoine Kurt Frnner to lute Mr. Jilare. SOVIET WILL RESTORE LENINGRAD TO POSITION ;. M, of Soviet ItusMla. Ill-, '"nii'-d workers of Leningrad ""i' Hie (fovoriimeut intends lo '''"-f,,r some of lis departmen's '" ' ' ' 'iignid and il intruded that ""' i'v should be restored to " ";'t nositioii us ihe first city f ll.l-M.-l. HANG IN DECEMBER MURDER SWEETHEART I T 1-IMiHAY. (nil. :i.-'iiinmey la plghl lo hanir on Frederick Wits coti- Dt'ceniber Former Head of Dying Squadron Wit Object of .Pande monium f Cheering the ureeful conclusion of I be Hiatal here nn So mini'. When the i f iimUKalMiK the brilwryin..-i..M. .n,i tllllniirrN mw wea Hoint field. Major Martin was Hie firet to rwh out and grasp the baud of l.lul. Unwell Hmilli. When the flyer look (be reception stand, I here were crlen of "Martin. Martin, we want Martin." The major then look hi plare and nlrh broke down a he tillered wont of eonjrratula-I ion for bin more ucceful comrade. Tliereuwn the crowd joined in a pandeinon nun uf cheer for the former riiloiiiaider. BIG BAY EXHIBIT GOING TO WINNIPEG Will be Shipped Monday at Re-quest of R. C. W. Lett A reor1 fnmi II W. Lett. Iinlulrial ami I'loiiialion aneiit of Ihe r.auailiaii Nalional Mail-wayi.. thrfl Hie Hin Hay l.uuiher CoiiroanyV exhibit, wbieb won Ihe gold luetlal al the recent ex-hlhltion he uhlpped intaft to Winnipeg- for exhibition pur-pni-!, wa rerelved in a wire to Harold M'cKwen. divilonal IfrelRhl nuent, yelerday. W. II. i.MrAfeo. preidenl oT the Hlg Hay ' l.umlirr Company ban pixen tho iium.hii'v iii'i-inUtKin and II. V rmoi FIRST tin CITY ur OF RUSSIA " Vlw. the loral manaKer, in iuooini)(k(ii(f (ixhil)il (o hnxr ,ll0 -- i i ...i . i. ,. i in- lar-nniy iarK.-., a..,. Iiu. i Oct. t-..i Kalen(u. mi it'll in, i pilxiM'Ugrr nam VYiumpeg. 8ht Monday to BOY WAS KILLED IN MISTAKE FOR DEER Albert Hoover Victim of Shooting Accident; Langley Farmer Held by Police l-V WKSTMI.VSTF.il. 3- -Mislaki'ii for a deer. Albert Hoover, a boy twehc years of age. wa shot mid killed by James dales, a Langley fanner. h i. , i il,,, mm of Mr. and i ur no.' i murder of his nineteen , Mrs. J F Hoover or Mumiyvi c " -vvei'lheiirl Itenlrlce; dale Is betng hehl by h' i 1 . ,. ;i ' v--i 0.r-- Men at Work This Morning Following Meeting Last Night f ollowing tlir ipriion of the. Fih Packers' liuon lanl niulil l relinn In work under a new igre'iietil wilh the Oiinadian Klh A Cold Storage Co. reeect ing grievaureo, the etrike wtiich ha hei'ii in prugreK ninw Ihe i iid of lal week was concluded Uii- moniing and Ihe, halibut liiiiitling hmtiuen at this port is ioii.i hark to normal again. I Ik- fih paeker have agreed 'i L-i.i- ihe company SA dayn' no in i- in future in Ihe event of their .pire lo lp work owing to any sneaoee arising. .The former a alrreiaw-m7rA'Tt mil havtnai been in vol led in this dispute. The men returned In work lliK morning under llii agreement. The three Mien, ter whom Ihe trouble utarteit. agree,! to itav their dnea anil rejoin the l iifon and the I ii Ion members hae decided lo work willi them. T. H. Johnxin. manager of ihe Canadian Pih Cold .Storage C-o., in making an official nl airmen t tin- morning, olaleil , thai the ulrike wa largely Mdtlcd through the goo. I off ices of two of Ihe company engineer. Jack lloddie and A. A. MeKwen. who. on their own initiative, interviewed the Fih I'aeker" I'nimi, diitctiKttiiig lln filiation fully, llieir elforl. after much .dii-rllioii and .eral vole had been inken, ii'ulle in the aEree-lioal being adopted. JAP WOMEN ARE COMING Durlnq Past Five Months 139 Entered Country and 101 Men OTTAWA. Oc. 3. Immigration of Japanese women, which baa been the subject of negotiation between Canadian .and Japanese governments, appear lo agttln be on the Increase. During the last Hscal year 233 Japanese women came to Canada and for Hie first five months of Ihe present year 13l entered.' During the sanro period 101 males came lo Hie country .from Japan. RECIPROCITY WITH AUSTRALIA PASSES IN COMMONWEALTH MELHOl'llNK, Oct. 3. The Australian Parlia- uient yaslerilay passed the Australian-Canadian re- rlprocal tarllT hill, which il Is anticipated will rc- still in a considerable in- crease in trade between Ihe Commonweal! h ami the Dominion of Canada. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 find mtim Large I'pstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parlies. and 6th 8t. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston MATT VIDECK, Prop, ,. Grill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. 'II, VOI XIV . NO. 233. I'lllNUK III PF.IIT. 11.(1. FRIDAY. v, 'in, Or OCTOHKIt 3, 1021. 'MUrtfij't Circulation 1,773. lr..t Stlit. 4SI. PIUOE FIVE CENTS. U.S BASEBALL SCANDAL CAUSES FU Mr. (iisse. wlui wa 102 la-t March, came from Irelinu when he was only sexen years old. Mr. (.'..issells is seen with h. great-granddaughler rl r ? i r Lieanup is uraerea tor Vancouver Following the Murder Chinese Student VANCOUVBH, Oct. ;i (i.imbling mnt be slopped in Chinatown, Ihe celling of nanoln s must ceae, long activities must be curbed so IImiI Ihe fear for -afety of life and limb may be removed, the sale of liipior in chop suey houses ami blind pigs must be siippresxcjl and the civic bylaws be rigorously enforced, according lo Ihe oruVrs of ihe Police Commission. "Conditions culminating with the assassination of David Lew hae become intolerable in Ihe Chinese quarter," ile-l.-ireit .Mayor Owen. There has gol to lie a cleanup, a real one. I don't intend to be satisfied wilh any half way mwtsure." Other commissioner agreed. Commissioner Mo Phew on de REGRETS EXPRESSED BY ROTARY CLUB M SHANKS THE BARBER ! SAYS BOOTLEGGER manded further aiHion to bring! lo Jushre Ihe promoters of the! J- Shanks. Ihe barber who H.C. Veterans football competi-1 recently spent some weeks al lion, saying "barefaced theft j Stewart and later worked in from the peopb- must be pun-'-'nek Keere s barber -shop during ished." :the fair and for a short time . jafter. has lieen ........ telling the people :.. i in ii un iii wnui h wii ki'ii ciiuii-jlry the north is. According to a .despatch from Victoria to the Vancouver province he says RORE VANCOUVER POLICE COMMISSIONERS ORDER CLEANUP FOLLOWING MURDER Sensation Caused by Baseball Scandal in Which Attempt Was Made to Bribe Philadelphian World Series Will go on, Commissioner Landis COLD STORAGE bays, Although managers Would Cancel Games This Year VSIIINUTON, OH. bas.-b.ill s. midal that threaten- . Hi-e I lie caucell.ilion of (he world series hit jul Iweii dht-i hmI ha caused n fiinlnni throughout (lie United Stale, , r ,g i he faith ot the Imii hi the integrity of the men who are . nid ratting suspicion on eerune. I. nmtisMoiier Laudi declare that the lug games will go - ;: the fart that lehall ha- been shaken (o the founda-.. the dn.cliM.tire growing out of an attempt of Jimmy ()'- the New York outfielder, to hrihe llemie Sand, Phila-, - Imrlsiop. in the name . 1 I Ihr National League i are for the Slant Johnson. preident i can league and " -' . ... . .. Club. aerled that lln ilil to be ratted iff a-,f lh aenndal. MARTIN CALLED FOR BY CROWDS STRIKE OVER Irish Boundary Bill Pus:es the British Commons but Government Likely to be Defeated Wednesday LONDON, Oct. 3 Political youMp predicts an early general election here. It is believed that Ihe Government is likely to be defeated on a vole of censure next Wednesday on the question of Ihe Kussian treaty. Opinions differ a great deal as to what will be the outcome of the election. There are many who prophesy wilh Winston j L.niirrniu uial me Liberals or middle party will be practically j wiped out and thai the real fight will be between Conservative i and Labor forces. Another shade of opinion sees little hope for ," " """ rrT : " a return f i.onra(ive admin- i tl 1 lTnAnTrr If! ; isl ration but think Liberal! mi VA VI ISI VTK l will be donUnant. I fall VAU I 1U j What seems clear is that Pre AGAINST BEER! Majority Alters Corrplexlon of Case In Legislature at Com- Ing Session ' mier iiamay Macdonald has made many friends among Liberal and has won the respect of Conservatives for the able manner in which he has handled many outstanding quefion. The arrangement of a settlement of uic uerman reparations problem VANCfiUVEK. Oct. 3. The to the satisfaction of France has final counting of the beer plehis- alone entitled him to considera- i cile ballots in Vancouver city lion as a leader in diplomacy. ; fteemingly putting the city in the Labor will support him solidly dry column changes the com- in the industrial eeulres and it .plexion' of the returns to the is suggested thai he may even get Legislature. Wth Vancouver a majority of Ihe next House of itiifiti i!nlv ilrv lu-Ahlv-ln-n mtn. fVimmitn ... . 4fctaucjutiUMiv-Xaii- of rhe Irih hill providing Jor a iieer and 18 against but there commission lo adjust the bound-will le 36 members representing ary between Ulster and the Free dry ridiuss and 22 wet. , Stale passed its third reading last The change in the complexion ' night and it is practically certain of Vancouver is Ihe result of the that it will pass the House of disrovery of an error on the part. Lords also, of the returning officer in trans- j ' Labor Convention posiiic riahl "no" votes with 58 Yesterday John It. dynes an-"yes" votes so that it seemed an nounced in the House of Com-if tlnre was a vole for beer by mons that it was Ihe povern-the glass when as a matter of;ment's in ten 1 inn In give effect to fact the majority was agait it. 'he Washington Labor conven- . lion railing for a IK hour week LARGER HALIBUT ARRIVALS TODAY iCarruthers Brought in 65,000 i Pounds and Number of ! Others Here SUPREME IN NORTHir-iU.ii.n Wi. Zw or f Co.'s trawler. James Carrulhers. which arrived with- 05.000 ' Four American boats marketed 5G,koo pounds and six Canadians 2K.500 pounds al the Exchange. 'Arrivals and sales were as follows : American llesolule, 31.000 pouuds, at I Uic and lo tbe Hooln Hsli-LUjinil "'" I,rnJ,"'',,," all the territory ic, 1 OCIMP A rnfin MrilDrD A llUUlJ Illil.llljtiK of our province which lie north cries Canadian Co. and east of Prince llupert. the! Democrat, 15,000 pounds at President W. T. Kergln Refers to bootlegger is supreme. Ho or she,1 15.1c and 7c, and Adeline, 1.800 j Loss About to be Sustained whichever the case may be, and' pounds, "I Through Stuart Maclood. Leaving City (here are as many of one sex tanailian t as Ihe oilier, carry -their head Co. mighty high, and follow their! Sadie K. illegal pursuit without tear of I l.t'c and At the Motary Olub dinner last law or regard for public opinion. Fisheries, niglil at which Hie Cyro Club 'They put on tho same airs, members were entertained. Pre- and are received in Ihe same Alliance, NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY j for woi k-i's irri'sici'live of what 'other European countries did. BOSTON PEOPLE INTERESTED IN STEWART MINE pounds, halibut fares here today. Says Is Developing Into Greatest totalled 150.300 pounds. Mining District on tho Con tinent VICTORIA. Oct. 3. Korthcrn Hritish Columbia and especially the Premier mine district, is rapidly developing the greatest mining eamp on the continent, declared Charles llerron, publisher of Seattle, who lias Just returned from the north. Mr. llerron. who oubllshed a ll.Nc and 7c, lo Ihe mining paper in Seattle as well isii a uoid Morage;ns a pa.Wr jn Alaska, staled Hurt sidcnl Kergin of Ihe Holary Club society, as anj other merchant Hrandt, 3,000 pounds, at I3.8e referred to the fact that before or banker. In fact, il is nin-'aml 8c, to the Hoyal Fish Co. the next meeting one of their freipieut lo find the leadiug Hippo, 3,000 pounds, al 13.7c valued members Stuart Mac- businessman and the most in- and 8c: Tillie S.. 8.500 pounds. Lend would have left Ihe city to tluenlial bonlhgger one and the "I He and 8c, and Thelina H.. take up his duties in F.asteru same person." (1,50(1 pounds, at 13c and 8c, to Canada. Not only his fellow j jibe Canadian Fish & Cold Slor- members of Ihe llotnry Club but !age Co. i citiiens generally would regret his departure. He asked that the! gathering express lis esteem fori Mr. MacLeod in Ihe usual ninn-l tier. This was' done with n rous- ing round of applause. Mr.; MacLeod replied briefly stating: that it was with much regret he- was leaving Prince Itupert. lie' would always have a warm potj for Ihe rity in his heart nnd he; hoped that il would not he too long before he might come West again lo see the many friends he had made A new Telephone Directory is about lo be printed. All persons desiring any change or additions lo service, listings or new service please notify Telephone department In writing not later than October 8. 233 I ! la bis 1 to I on banking groun that 6.000 pounds, at i 3 500.000 into Alaska mines. 7c, to the Pacific j,, lakp,, over the financing and , i development of the Hyder Jumho. Canadian n probably would be followed by t.OOO pounds, and other big financial developments. OFFENSIVE IS BEING STARTED D.S.T. U.000 pound, al lt.7c Chinese Attackers Against Shan- .and 8.5c to Ihe Atlin Fisheries , nhal Drlt Onnonnni n.rk 1 f Two Miles cid urn 1 1 am nmrr J1JA UlLLlrtlH riltCi SHANCHAI. Oct. 3. The of. VICTIM I AninSMnP.f0,,Hivp b' whic" 11,0 nvadlnif Ilblllll LrinUJUUL. Khingsu Torres are attempting lo I lake Shanghai has been guther- yUKHMC. Oct. 3. Sir William men aUl nnmitloim Tor three Price, president of Price Hro-, ,uy ,iarle,i tonight southwest of thers Company, Ihe well known , Smiklnag. ml?.. southwet of financial hulnessnani wa kill-; Shanghai. Tho lefiMiilliiir Chek. iCd yestenlay at Kenogami in a iang troop were forced bark two landslide. He wa buried under , n,,i. i,, ,.iii.. r,.. "V rij( ii I injf.