PAGE BIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9, and Saturday Matinee at 3. MARION DAVIES IN "LITTLE OLD NEW YORK" A romance of the men ami women who laid (lie foim-tlalions of Hie American nation during the most delightful period in America's history, A story of young love in a young city. Thrilling, romantic days when they travelled by stage-coach, When Mobert Fulton sent the first steamboat nit the Hudson, when John Jacob Astor was a fur dealer, when Cornelius Vnnderhill ran a ferryboat. .Marion Davies will completely capture your heart as the charming, loveable heroine of this drama of a great nation's youth. Artistic, gorgeous entertainment. Kxquisite scenery, elaborate costumes, superb settings, exceptional cast. J. M. Kerrigan, Harrison l'ord, Courtenay Foote, Mahton Hamilton, Ham Hardy, Hiley Hatch, Gypsy O'llrien and a host ut other distinguished screen favorites. TOPICS OF THE DAY Admission, 50c and 25o AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY. Extra Special 50 Hoxos King Apples for rating or cooking, per box $1.95 Itowat's pickles, large bottle, special 30c We Buy and Sell , LIVE CHICKENS OR FOWL Write us for prices. Wc can handle from 200 to 300 chickens weekly. RupeitTableSupply Three Phones: 210,111,212 This Yeek's Specials Apples, Mcintosh Heds- ( No. 1, per box .... $2.75 No 2, per box .... $2.35 Oranges, 3 doz $1.00 Preserving Pears, per box $2.75 Tomatoes, per basket 50c Large Head Celery, 2 for 25o Pickling Onions, 3 lbs. for ... 25o (Jrecn Tomatoes, C lbs. for 25c Small Pickling Cucumbers. per lb 15c Green Peppers, per lb. 20c I led t'.ahbage, iter lb. . . G'io Heinz Pickling Vinegar, per quart 25c per gallon 90o We haw all 1'irUing As sortments. Order now. E Cdi STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. L.URIED IN AVALANCHE TUHIN, Oct. 3. An avalanche ban buried a detachment of Alpine troop engaged in manoeuvres In Sua Valley. Several bodies have been recovered, i ' . . DR. AIKINS DEAD TOIHiNTO, Oct. 3. Dr. W. II It. Aikins, a prominent physician, father of- Sir James Atkins, died yesterday. BODY ON TRACKS WINN IPSO. Oct. 3. Mutilated almost beyond recognition. : ."believed In be that of ! H. Lewis, of Victoria, was found on tho tracks near Tarhe, PRINCE WAS AT JASPER yesterday. COM' nf f ' He ltlT s due in Van- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We Will Sell Brooms (I string, pood quality., only 12 to sell, each 40c Soda Hiscuits, large packages, new slock, 25c size , 15o Mcintosh Apples, per box $2.50 Jumble lack $2.00 Fresh Oround Coffee, 3 lbs. .... $1.00 Hallowi Dales, new stock 12',c OUR FRESH MEAT DEPT. Is where you can save money. Lowest Prices in Hupert. Quality guaranteed, or money refunded. Order Spring Chicken For Saturday 3 Farmers Market i Phone Blue 428 Dainty Dorothy Would mention Our real courteous attention Reliable worli, fair profits and prompt service is what you may expect to get at this shop. Wc are experienced anil properly Phone us lo call for your garments. If you want to confer with us about cleaning our advice is always at your command. Our rapid cleaning and pressing for men is popular priced. ST PHONE 8 PRINCE LAND ACT. Caaalar Land Dlatrlct. Snt Srrt. oi. Dry BOX 39 2 RUPERT TIMBER SALE X 6528. Sialwl Tender will. be rtiHvrd ly Inc lilntrlrt K.iifuler, mil laler Hun H'Hi n i... umii aav ut ortiilHT. IVil. fur tne i.r Mii-imd X oM, ruiinUIn bike, kltliilut Aim, C..II. 4, l" ml 73a,iM Twl of llrtnlurk, llalaam, Cedar md 'Two (it year will Ik alluwed Tor re-, iimval nf tlnilHT. I Further parllrulara of Ihc Chief lorea-ler VlrnirU, r th lilatrlrt fureater, i rrlrn-e HuiktI, U.C. f AL'L LOUS EGGEHt Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable in every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watohes, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock nf umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist GOOD NEWS FOR BUYERS OF COAL Si uiie fifty years ago a remarkable cial was discovered on Vain oumt Island. This coal ansed a sensation at the time ind quickly 'established a rcputa-ion for greatest, heal, very little ash. no clinker or rock. It was "ailed Wellington coal. Many oilier mines have since been been opened on the Island and the name "Wellington" has been given to them. Hut the public should not be confused. "Na-naiino- ellington" coal has the reputation of being the best domestic or steam coal mined on Vancouver Island. The mine has an output of 3,000 Ions per day which is surely satisfactory evidence as to its quality. The public is cautioned against substitution and in order to make sure that they get the real "Na- nainio-YVellington" coal lliey should order direct from Albert & MeCalfery, Ltd. who are sole agents for this coal in Prince; Jtuperl. Their phone numbers are 110 and 501. You can buy a ton or a sack. Wo have ur own trucks and team and can give prompt SHOULD HELP CANADA TO ATTAIN GREATNESS Could Have Bought Whole West For a Million Dollars a Few Years Ago I V Magrath, who first saw I "1nioiil.)ii forty-five years ago tuld I in- audience that he ad-.!! -r(j bere the other day that, when lie ramie to the West, a million dollars could probably have put a person in possession of all the developed wealth that lay brtween Winnipeg and the llocky Mountains, says the F.d-inonton Journal. There is no exaggeration abniit his statement' aiid, when uch a change can take place in the life of one man who is still roll of vigor, he is finely justified in sweeping aside as he ili.l all the doubts which he has heard expressed as to the country' future. Wo should Live on brooding about it, lie ' maintains, and do something "to help Canada attain that greal-j tu'.fs mid that prosperity that is within her reach." " II h eiir need, lo his mind, is Jn little more "intelligent plung ing." The I rouble with most people i that they do not plunge intelligently. When they are optimistic at all they are over-optimistic and come a cropper as a (oiis:Miienee, while when conditions warrant initiative, they sit hack and oily themselves. One should have lo look back oycri what has happened in the course) of the western career of a maiij like Mr. Magrath to get a proper, perspective, and to follow the ad-, vice which ho gives. j tWORDS AND THEIR MEANINGS nwordlii dlatrlct of l-rlnre luiprrt,. , UarKy v caiieu .lln.i nt ai n a hosrillal nospnai and situate In AUIn Uke, atiout one lialf mile due wen r Atiin Tonnaite. .ithe other day and said: I come that Paul L. Emrcrt. of OTIC.E TAKK t . t r i AUIn. in tin I'rovlnre or Brltim Coliim- to see how mall friend Joe hla, orciipaltim IfWfll'r. InlPiida to apply TnIMmi cellinif aloillf." JOlllisou am guiuiiK uiunij. the followlnit for prnnlaalnn to purrhaae dearrllx'd land: "Why, he's getting along .1ASPKH. Orl. 3. The Prince. outh point or me anwii laiand known fine! ' Ihc nurse answered, lies I i..m,H l..n,l In Allln I V Ilhialoi! , of Wales spent several hours , norihWVM and on aro.ind ,',,,lv'l,,''',,1 ,l"vv- nark ,,,n(, following th ihorn lino to the ulrnllinir iiliout Hie national siroiipig anoui me oiuiiniui p. 0f cnnimenrcmnt; and containing iwo arrra, inerr ur iria, Well. saiU llie "I.Hhy. i u -i -et ilnwn and waif till hn' f'l Ol.gU." THE DAIL'l NEWS COMMISSIONER COMING HERE GET IT AT! ar I m v mm Justly famous for its rare old quality 26 oz. bottle 32 oz. bottle N. Old Kent iicky itfWMraiwi BoukbonWIiiiskey 0OTTLED IN BOND UNDER rCOCRAL COVCRNMCNT SUPERVISION This adveriisenieiit i not published or displayed by Liquor Coiitr d Hoard or by the Government of UMli ;h Columbia. . JUILUUlUBilll II- M.P., that a commission vrai ""lining from Washington to investigate the 2c duty placed by l lie United States on Canadian halibut, Mr. Wakefield said that Mr. Hopklnson, head of this com-! mission, was now in Seatllo and Hopklnson, Now In Seattle; Con- might bo expected here very, sul Wakefield Speaks of Hal- i shortly. Mr. Hopklnson coim-si Ihuft Clnta Sftnann . r- 11... it. .11.. i lM.i. . I ...... ..... I -" . . Iinilll IIU- Uiiill'U OlUll'3 UVU9UI) I department. (ieneral satisfaction is fell by1- While in ltclliughain, Mr. officials of the United States Wakefield met Major Martin, talc Treasury. and Stale departments commander or the United States that the international halibut round-the-world flight. Major close season treaty is at Inst go- Martin, stilt appreciative or the ing into effect declares A. L assistance that had been given Wakefield, United States consul hint i,y oca citizens and or the here, who is just back from a trip sympathy extended him when lie Last which included a visit to was forced out of the world Washington where he conferred flight, asked to be khully remem'-with a numbcj1 or the government bered to all Ihc friends bo had officials including Cbuiles K. made in I he cily. Major Martin Hughes, secretary oT stute. . expects to leave shortly for Vir- Mr. Wakefield, who has been ginia to take n special course in away a month, visited bis native neriat administration, state of Maine and then proceed- Buslneess Improving ed to Washington by way of Business in the Kastern Stale Portland, Boston and New York seems to be gradually Improv-at each oT which citieti lie had ing, .Mr. Wakefield states. The occasion to make investigations jeorn crop in the Central States, into the salmon and halibut busi-iror which some anxiety had been uess. After Washington he- went fell, is now perfectly safe. On to Chicago, thenee lo Omaha; the Western slope business Is where he visited his son. Mark.j good and conditions are brisk in to Portland where another son. Portland and Seattle. A Rood Lawrence, is located, and then to year is looked for in t y 25 on the Hidlinghatu where his daughter, entire Pacific Coal Including Mrs. Moore, ami son. llnrllctt, British Colunibia as well us L'ni-are residing. Mr. Wakefield was ted Stales. joined at BeJUnaham by Mrs.' Wakefield who hnd lteen visiting lUWflMr Afcin nOTCC there. Hopklnson Coming following up an announcement recently made by Fred Stork, Auditorium 215 Sixth Avenuo Open every day for Skating. From 2 to I p.m. Kvcning 8 to 10. Tuesday Sight, Hand Night. Friday Night, Moonlight Skating. Competent Instructors, lo leach beginners. Phone Black 40. L. F. Marrcu. Proi BOTH ARE CHANGING Graceful Gliding Takes Place of Syncopated Wriggling Should the nvudisles who are endeavoring to revive the crinoline proe successful, we may see something in the nature or a revolution in modern dancing, for dancing has always been enormously influenced by dress, and its various phases may be traced through 1 ho feminine modes of Hi moment, sas Kathleen O'Shannon in the Glasgow Herald. ! A few years ago when we fell victims to the jazz mauht women's clothes bore testimony lo its influence. The bodice descended ami the skirl ascended in a wild effort to ensure freedom HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 WILTSHIRE BACON. SMOKED HAM PORK PIES SCOTCH OAT CAKE8 m eloii from a boisterous hoyden. mid, I Ik tin Imyden, dancing has marked its ppigres by a putting up or hair and a letting down ot skirts. There is a little likeness between the dock heads and lengthy skirts or the present dance room, iiml the frizzv "bobs" and ahure 'watcd garments of the Jafz, n ilhere is between' Hie grsteeful Gliding that constitutes dancing now. ninl the syncfipated wrlg- Kllng of a couple of years ago ' Xow it seems that, wllh the revival of the crinoline, we may cx- ' ri'liirn to the demure ilrilw..- nf itlir LTilllllllHlllierS. I Possibly corkscrew cprls will tonce more bob to the lively music in! the polka, and hooped skirls undulate gracefully through thf stalely steps of Ihc minuet. 1 The imagination is ravished by Hie picture until one vlualises Ihe partners for this garden of Victorian .rosebuds. ... i II will be interesting to sec Friday. October 3, J921 Cash & Garry Specials JVaporatep. I PACIFIC MILK, 10c Per Tin Limit d tin b eti-donier Toilet Paper, 7 fur Corn Flakes, it for ; Limit 12 ti each customer BOYS' FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR Shirts and Drawer-.. Sues Tl to M2. Special per garment ; , MEN'S SOCKS 100 per cent Pure Wool Medium Weight, llibbcd. colors Hla. k, Grey and Heather. Sizes 10 to 114. Keg. 7,1c pair. Special. 2 lair for 25c 25c 75c 05c ENGLISH FLANNELETTES Kxlra good quality in six different deigns, ;J0.iii( he wide. Special, per van! 40c BOYS' JERSEYS, RAMESES Made in England. Colors Navy and Brown. Sizes IS lo :.. Special, each $1.50 HEWSON RED LABEL UNDERWEAR All Wool. Made by Slaiifields. Sizes ;tt to tt Shirts ami Drawers, g.iment $1.50 Combination, suit $3.00 LADIES' ALL WOOL HOSE Faucv Ilibbed. assorted oloi'. S,.e- 0. HI. Special, pair $1.35 Universal Trading Co. TEETH! TEETH! Willi the Cold Wcalhci'" omoig on now i- the tune lo li:r. Ih'i-c faplty teeth lixcd MODERN DENTISTRY LOWEST PRICE8. Dr. J. F. Maguire Smith Block. (or the devotees of Hie jazz iti their eccentric movements. The wddness of the mule and! movements echoed itself in! i . .... i. .-I i bizarre I'.nwr ituninrn icn, j v- Phone 675. TIMBER SALE X 6512. lows, purples, and greens rioll . ' "i t ,',:., V In an endeavor to typify Ibe craze in o n. u "'';-". na, f .. , , mirt-haw t i.i rn.r (.ill. ui ut i of the moineul lknlie Tm ' li an arra Miii4lrl li The dances of the present tltmi !": 'Si iV.i.i T' ! yrara mil w anir1 r r , , , . , , i i nruii "i irniiFr Sirareioi soii-vnicri H.ri n.'ij "it wlinl men will do to avoid striking (lie anachronistic note In the ballroom. Perhaps Iheir tailors and barbers will rise lo the oc i ii -dmi ami provide tlipm with ibii-eclies and Duinlrearles lo suit the feminine environment, al tliouUh it is liiir.lly to be Imped i for man Is a conservative crca iliire. Any radical chaige Is annllie- iiiii lo him, and he is cncourare.l in this altitude by his tailor, who never spends sleepless nights (worrying out new designs, as the fashionable dressmaker Is com polled to do, Xo, It is extremely unlikely thai man will chance hi style of dress, how'ever willing he. may be to adupl bis method of nnnelng. More probably be will save himself trouble by withholding his approbation of tho crinoline, nnd in this wny dflslroy Us j li.11 in fern ri ,r. eye luriiiri iiariK-tiiar or iih nier i r tor. ViiHirU. H.i t Mtlii't irrlr-I'rlnrr KuM. II. I.. TIMBER SALE X 5129. S.alnl Trwlpr. win kr riw-f-lr"! b V, Minlili r r I aiKl not latrr tluti n . ,11 thai I llh day nt "in.4-i I''.' I, for 1 purrlMM- 4if l.ii-riirr MltV p. . Ml I ' noa trr r iivmlork, sprurr. tli-Mar I ntl Mlrrli. tt,'i lliral trri of I'ulmi ami I'lllnr. aixt ts.A'Hl Hemtnik a' 'liw Tin i I ..I na. name : oiatrlri. ' vmi will lx alluwnl fit "irnval lf UnitMT. rnrtlwr (Ninirulara of I Ik i.lilrf I' r. ii nt hi mk ( hi erinii' liuperl. Hj TIMBER SALE X 6440. Si-alml IfiiibT will ho rwrlti'il h C- Vl.iiKl.i it Ijiiida. at Vlrlnrla. n I I-"' ha in n, n im hr 3rd riat if '" ' .ill. r r tlx- IHirrlUT 'if I n-rum X In rut n.aiin.iiiin fri nf iirinliuk, In: "' 'pnirr ami nar "ii an ar- n 1 f.ri- nf llk'liirt I-IjiiiI. kll': ' ImihiH. Iianap I. I i.t lil.lri. l Thrre (M vra will Im allnwrd fi i.eal i.r llllllMT. Fnrttwr nartirnUf of Um rhlrf ' r. Vlrnrl P or lll.lrlrt r rlnrp IHirl. p.c. TtNDtni row boil SKAt.lli T rxiiKlin a.lilK nl I nniia- ' iT Aciit, lippaillu :it if ' W"ik- iiihoi ulil I I ll I until 12 o'clock neon, Mandav, Oclab' 'l ' 1824, r e llir anppp nf riwl fur l!i 'union liiiitdliiiF ami KiKriiu'i"il ' '. ml Siilimia tin mi rttrnit Urn I'nviiir ' Manllulia. Sn.kin licwuu Allwr 1 flrltlHtl Ciiliimlila atul al Ill;: Kuriiin uf iMHli-r Willi nTlfli all' J 'H.iloiiMi allai lieil ran Iw nliUlniil 'i n. v nawauii, fiirrlianlnr vrrin ', .irliiH-m i.r PnLlli Work, oilawa. ' I'yr, Snpl. uf liiiiiilnluii li.itlilinrr Hr. Man.. II. K. Mallln'wu. illrli t" Iflit Anlillrii, Wlnnlir. Alan. 1 . SKpheiiMin, lii.trlit lic.iili-nl vriWt' 'uliu. Ha-k.. J. M. Sleplrn 1 I'latrlrl llealilrtit Arrlillerl. 'a'1 '. :, Wrlrlii. Siiprrlnli'inlinl r Iwmi 1iillillne, Xanrmivrr, l C , Win. II" ' ' in. liMrlrl Mralilriil Arfhllert. V. I'' 1 11 P ,l l... at., u I. ...... I..,. It- 'if ' mil. pill,,', ir-i,-i" .. H-rliiiemal I'arini and Slailmia, ' arelaker r Ihe Varloiia lumilnl n " j '. In Urn Mid priivliii-rn, nwltl"" " 'viimpwr. nrgiim, Calairy. Vanrmr vicinrla, . Ti-ndura wMI not tie rotialderml l""f0 ""' on theae fnnna. ,,i,i ,,j iiriiinii.i inmi ii i l tenderer a ilfpuiMt. nut frredln r rent or the value or the runtia' l- ? " em in nmner ru r inent or U'r - 'ran, la reaerved. it jr order, t. f. nnntF:. HeTeiir: ii'llie ul ir P ililK XVo-ka, " aa, B ltellibrf 3( ll