J& better beans by a I better process '. ii i ana,ras a Dencr I flavor than other ri kinds. MMKCtUHK McrBaker&fo Limited I UKJVttO I WO MoalmLCcnadi DorrnesletHatt, locwrr of wwu nam WI lU )opfitiigw' Money Bach UfUDotm't u4 I IM 4 L 1. I.' i. ..ft j - 51 1 - ' .'A wjl ' , IK minimi U i v '' " ' ksr . (ft M - - - PAW " ,iikVi. I HcCutcheon'a L stritmtorr v and Huth Kt. Member of I ho Prince Import Uyro Club were guest of the Hillary til lilt nl n well attended and enthusiastic get-together lianiil held last evening in the ISt. Kriflu Cafe. The principal Hem on Ihe priiirrnin was a dis cussion between speakers of both organizations. Many -ug-geslion were made ami plans submitted as lo how objective might hi carried nut. The establishment of an athletic club or gymnasium in the rily wa advocated hy the moot of the speaker and was approved y others. . Another suggestion meeting with favor was lhaj something In Ihe nature of u roiiiittuiiify council should !e formed to lake charge of I lie raising of fund for various public .undertaking which dll-xcn wrc bfinp cllii.upin con-iinually lo conlriiiolc to. Th ifilinK wn prcnln iycr hy lr. V. T. KorKin. prcnlilrnl of l h Itntary Chih. Jo .Urccr. chairman of Ihc iyro Club'n playjtrouml rommiU lc, w Ihc firl pcakcr of the f October 3 1021. ,(i;iy THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE mil v. Pi ,J ii i -c GYROS GUESTS ROTARY CLUB (Junior Service Club Entertained by Older Organization and Discuss Possible j Program , ATHLETIC CLUB NEEDED Speaker Mention Possibility of Two Oodles Uniting Efforts to Attain Object evening. I'oiniing out that hl juKitli(Hi hu)l he taJicn t's pcfo!ml on' iftit MiHinntlnir officially from the (i)rn Cluh. Mr!' lirccr utalcil thai It wat alln-( aether likely Hial the iym Cluh (liirin? It Mwnml year which wa Jul couiuiencitig would del rifle lo continue with if play- jrmunil program which had al- rrtt.ly mni f(S. r alio UR itiiel liattltc HAlahlihm-nt of a howling grc in the city wsn h nulle that inlchl well he The tlmig that Mr. Orecr tliotiuhf wuh tiailly iii''ls heirc' Dubarry's Fine Perfumes and Toilet luxuries A,;-j. i'-tilily l pcpic tn gooil lilc ami rcfiijciticiil, PERFUMED BATH SALTS IN TABLETS A CRYSTALS T ifivigriiHtjr riin-h,ng ami hcaotiTx iiij. FLOWER "SCENTED BATH SOAPS FACE POWDER MANICURE OUTFITS DAY CREAM NIQHT CREAM TRAVELLING OUTFITS 1 " lliM-t anil " iMM t ut :' rni. every Toilet ' a - uK'j.io tip rcqmrr I . a a Itoinliiv : I'crfomc, Knrc " ' N ghl Crc.-itit. Toifrt Si. ..p. h llnvlmg I'fiwilcr, nn-l Tooth ! te ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The pexall Store nlrd Ave. A Shth St. Phones 82 and 200 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY 'or Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle October 7, 17, 28 for Ketchikan) Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway October 3, 13, 24 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE, 'or Butadale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai ftlls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-eouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from . .W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent JTnr Cf 4th 8'reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, phono 100. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Office UtitiiK l a.m. ti p.m. "I'Pti Kvtuiiiigs liy HpOt'ial Apiuuiilliieiit howevrr, wa somclhlng in the nature of nti alhlclic cluh for the 'hlhlri'ii nK well a the grown H'. A huihling for the pur- le mlghl, he Ihoughl, he oh allied. It would he iicrcHsary to il U Mil nnd provide for In-"Iriirtion arid iipervfinn. Hucli a project at Ihl. Mr. (Ireer ii'll, Mhould receive the nupport "f every citizen of Prince Hu-perl. Kit her or hoth of the ner-vIcp rluhi Mhould not he called upon to hear the hurdoh or it. A broader organization might he brought into being, the speaker MiggeMrd, being a inn per rent community club admitting lo membership every man of Prince Hnpcrl. Surh an organization would be able to obtain (Hilnnre from aulhorillex hiicIi (he rily council. The project he Mjgge.xfed, Mr. (Ireer aald, might rout 3,0(10 or U,000 lo extalilixh and 12,000 or $3,000 aniiunrly (o mnlnfaln. It should and would, he thought, be xup-pnrled by the public at large as all peoph. would benefit therc-frohi, Mr. (ireer expanded on the Idea of the community club and fell thai it miiight take charge of much work which, now in the hand of -various organization Individually. naturally caused duplication of effort and expense. ,ad ,0(.n fniiriiated that In the past IH months something 'like 11,000 had been raised from the public of the city for various causes. If the raising of such money came under the juridicliou of a community service cluh, a good deal of this might be saved and there would not be at least so many separate demands. Need of Club M, P. .MrCafTery, the first notary Cluh speaker, drew attention to the many efforts thai had been made to obtain business advantage for Prince Itupert. A point that he thought had been hist sight of was the making of the city a belter place in which lo live in and raise families. Mr. (Ireer hud suggested that a building be obtained for "htliletic purposes. He oud go one belter In suggesting that a building which would be a credit lo the city tie creeled. The preposition might he a little loo large for the Holary or (iym Cluh individual ly hut he was certain that if the iiwu orxanizulioiis gel together il could he done. With the two rltib united behind such an ef iforl. they would have influence jal hand and, for the site at least. .might well he able lo call upon jflie railway company, the gov-ernnienl or the city for sum i favorable proposition. Unity the thing that was required !wa and certainly there was no place where unity was more in order Jthnn in Prince Itupert. In fart ,lhe very life of the plaee defended upon il for there were always the outside influences lo lie cnmtiallcil. Optimism wus another requisite attribute here There was neither can nor room for pessimists. A Little Ambitious K. A. Mann, director of the injiii i.uiit. x u inn iii iiifur im .an amalgamation that would cause individual effort to be lost. Though he was in favor of the notary and (lyro cuius joining j in achieving some such object as lwas suggested, he thought thai competition between the two or-g aim ft I Ions towards achieving dial objective should he fostered uml maintained. More effective work would then he done. He was In accord with Ihc sugges- lions of Mr. Hrecr and Mr. Mc-CalTery. I tlelhought, however that Ihelr plans were a liltle too nui- lill,ii'iis. He fell that somellung along these lines might he started immediately on perhaps a smaller scale. S. I). Johnstone, secretary of the Itntary Cluh, suggested thai Hie handicapped hoys of Prince Itupert and under nourished jChlldren needed allenllon. The (establishment of a permanent camp might or might not be conducted by the cluh or clubs inlaltiilK it. hut . il should be provided, In connection Willi the under-nourished child, Mr. Johnstone was thei) of the opinion that the example of Vancouver might be followed in providing Ihem with food. (lyro II. 1'. Mc.Nnughton approved the alhletlc cluh or gymnasium idea. Some such establishment for children over 12 years nf ago was badly needed here. Trail up Mountain Ilnlarlau I). G. Mcnae's proposal was the building of a I rail up Mount Oldfield which would be an allrurlkm (o Imnlsts as well as somelhlug nf value for local people. Ha would not he in favor of culling upon any au CORRY S SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY MMADIAHI . ... 1; xOUtO :r Established ' , CorbiTs-The QualityWhisliij of Canada-is found wherever a ood whisky is appre ciated - since 1859 Boiiled in Bond under Dominion Government Supervision A-2A Vliis advcrliscmcnt is not published or displayed by Hie. Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. thorilies fur financial assist ance. His suggestion was that the service clubs organise the work ami, with I lie assistance of the citizens generally, actually do it. In connection , with lie gym nasium proposal, V. Taylor, secretary nf Ihc (yr Club, pointed oul that the all import ant mailer would be thai of in- I ruction and conduct. tich in stitutions had failed in other places hewtuse they vvwe not conducted properly. He '.suggested I hat a community council for Ihe control of collecting , money bc established instead of the more general cnuniyinjly. eub. In the meantime, assistance might he given by both clubs lo Ihc hospital willed was Immediately in need of funds for its x-ray plant. Value of Education Itvilarian tieorge llurtp urged COATS have n very select as sortment of Ladies' Coats in the newest style uml cloths. CUTJELOUR TEDDY BEAR CLOTHS1 MARVELLA 'DEMERS' Phone 27 P. ,". Box 327 that some steps he taken to prevent the retrograde movcim-iii of liuys. Some hentthy 'means, of diversion . should he found for them to replace the temptations that they were offered at every hand in the city. He also spoke of Ihe "Iwek-lo-schohl" cain-puign and the advantages to lie obtained through the continua tion of education. In summing up the discussion of the evening, President W. T. Kergin of the Ilotary Cluh declared that Ihe Influences for the bringing up of hoys in Prince Itupert were not as good as they were a few years ago. The discussion hail brought forward Ihe need of something being done and the two clubs would go back imhued wit It new ideas and Impressed with tho valuable work that might Ik done by them. The program of speiVhes, which was punctuated with com-! munity singing and selections by an orchestra consisting of James I.. I.ee, o. A. Woodland and W.i Vaughan Davies, was followed! ! liy a bridge tournament in which 1 1 lie llniarians won over the Uy- i-i's liy an aggregate score of I .'80 to 1 180. Before the meeting adjourned with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne," President Milton (ton-.ales of Ihe flyro Club expressed on liehalr of the (tyros, appreciation for the most enjoyable and valuable evening that had been spent as the guests of (ho Ilotary Club. The discussion, he fell sure, would he produclive of langihlc results. The Gyro Club would ffo bark with many good suggestions to cogitate oyer and possibly co-operate later with the Ilotary Cluh In carrying oul. "Chickens sub," said the Old negro sage, "is de usefullesl anl-niflU ilere Is. You can eat 'em befo' dey Is born and after iley is daid." Lady Bobbie Hats The new shape specially made lo fit the Shingle Bobbed Head arrived today from Chicago. No I wo alike. Try Ihem on. For comfort they are unbeatable. For style unsurpassed. SPECIAL $3.95 EACH 1 H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton SL We slock Pictorial Patterns. Phone 9. To JnsuriMiceJB eneKciavted Hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost aaauaHy through the ttnwtse Investment or careless spending of monies received for Insurance death ' claims and matured endowments. A Union Bank Savings Account is the proper place for the deposit of such monies. If Beneficiaries seek Investments, our branch managers are always willing to help them with . sound and conservative advice UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H. H. Little, Manager Advertise in "The Daily News" THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS v 1$