Iff . nl.i tji oIj" PA6H TWO TITE DAILY ITCVS . JU- 'I. - - The Daily News PRINCE HUI'ERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published fivery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert. Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. It. P. PULLKN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and ReportersTelephorie - - Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION nniH uuaunK on uic aurjutc unu ciineine 10 ine jH clothes as you remove them from the wash. Suulitht Soap is equally mcctstjul in hard or tejt water, 14 ft'fv. 98 88 vs Ji?JD Friday, October 21, 1924. i ' t 1 - --"!- - - - . ' ' USSSSSSSSSEUI 1 1 I I 'H- I For hard water washing H Hse Sunlight! H aiH 1 rniT.. :n c.i.i . c.-i.u. f. aiH aillV 1 t li r vatfr n n t nffipf nt-rtrlimt fan An aillH The dirt in your clothes win be easily dis- solved by the natural cleansing oils in Sunlight, I BBBB1 .1. t i .i BBBBB1 llHaifillBSPnimimm, umrnil . ,il "Anything in Finance .It Included in the service offered its customers by the Union Dank cf Canada. If you want disinterested advice on investments; first-hand information concerning trade conditions in any part of Canada or abroad; or assist. nice in financing a business, this bank is in a position to help you, and pur experience end facilities are yours for the asking,- JM UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H- H- kittle, Manager 'fflSSlJ P5, At this time of the year, special care must be taken to protect vital parts in the Throat and Chest against dangerous chilis and the strain of changeable weather. The simplest and most effective precautionary measure is to take Peps. As Peps, tablets dissolve in the mouth they give off powerful volatile medicinal fumes. These have k purifrinj, invigora ing and fortifying influence oa tbe entire breathing system. They swiftly exterminate mischievous germs la the throat and air-passages, banish troublesome coughs, colds and chills, and strengthen and protect chest and lungs. IMPORTANT. The Immediate B0 reduction In the price of Pept Is only made possible by Increased ealee fi lowered cost. SMITHERS IV. S. MraiM.on.of Knoekholt, and I). Anderson of Jlurna Lake were visitors in Smithers on Monday, Indian Agent, Kd. Hyde of llazelton passed through I own on Tuesday. o Mi, and Mrs. A. C. Lawless have relumed Jo SniiJhers after an absence of oyer a year. Mr. Lawless who is a conduelor jon the O.N. It. is again working out of S;milhcrs.. Jacjv Frew, of the .C.N.p. olTlctf stair at Prince Hubert is spending the lust few days of jiis vacation in i?inither,, remvjiyf acquaintances. F. II. Taylor has returned to town from a trjp l,o Ibe coast in a successful effort to imnrove hi ;bealtn. ir. layior and . JI. Hobinson look ovvr the manage menl of th.e Smilher.s Hotel several months ago, hut on Mr. Taylor's relurn Mr. JlobinsoM severed his conneeiion with the manage men t. Acting under justiuclions received Hie Public Works ollic.e, the work of clearing and drain ing- the sile of the proposed Smilhers government buildings, jhas been pul under way, and it fa hoped thai Ibis pari of I he preparation work will be finished before winter sets in. W. T. Jloyej of the Oj.ly is confined to his homo these :day.s nursintr a crushed foot, an accident reeeiu-d while affendin? to the aclivilies of his wood business. - Preparatory work for the erection or a new .bridge over the Telkwa River has been started and Oeo. Findlay is jn charge of I a gaiifr of ;nen who are workinir on the approaches. Mrs, J. N. Carr and Mrs. W. F. Iloyer entertained at a joint bridge at the latter's home Uroadway on Tuesday" aflernoon. The leading scorers of the six tables were; Mrs. (Dr.) Lindsay-Alexander, first; Mrs. (S. II. Wall, second and Mrs. L. It. Warner, third. - J. F. Oulhie who is gn a lour of inspection of the various mining properlies in which he is interested in Ibis pari of H.C. arrived in town on Wednesday morning 'accompanied by Mrs. rmthfe and his manager .1. ft. Turner. Wilhin a few minutes of their arrival they started on the trip up to the mine on Hud son Hay mountain, car, reiurning to town Ibe same aflernoon. 'J'here was a good allendance at Ihe Catholic Cldh card drive on Tuesday night, and a pleasant evening was spent at bridge and 500. The prize winners at bridge were Mrs. O. II. Wall, Mrs. Ed Ehy. O. L. Dimotk and Mrs. ll fiunderson; and at 500, Mrs. i M. Carr and Kdgar Karris. PIKE- FOREST IK IVLRY HOME." i-S Mr, w I TERRACE NOTES Mr. Colbourn of in' a molorij.u.mness visitor to week. spent a few days in town. . rived in Terraci' eyening on business --- - Mrs. jQ'CouneJl jof I'.acific spent Wednesday in town. 1 ' ' MMM i RECIAL SELECTED U V M m n m Clark's cooked CORNED BEEF No bone No waste Economical and delicious. "Canada Approved" on every tin Pure Pure and and Wholesome Wholesome Xia Qualiiy Whisky of Canada Since 1859 Boiited in Bond undet Dominion Government Supervision i Mrs. .! nines NorriDgton left for Eiiglaiiil MomJay eveninirr She had receive word taut week that Uskwas a j,r mother was very ill bu'. town layl mesiage received jul'f fort lenyinK sua' she was e , improved. Lee lleljiurem and Jai.nes Ui were also in Trrne lasi week. . " ine .Mises urjnmi ;ire vinijug their sisler Mrs. Wtll Little. H. .Marcon, repersenting Ihn Fuller brush, js hi town. .Mr. i'iiriy woo nas' neen a Shanie .visitor relurneil Wcdiies- lay.;:; ; ; : .- Mrs, II. L. Frank visllpd Mr. Wilspn'al I'iisYin' Hcni'rthls Week, loraiir or t.eiarvaie. A very interesting address wa-ziven in (tie t'nion Cluireh mi .Sunday by Hbv, Mr. PniMirt of jjliwelfon. .Mr. Pound ha- lived a number of years in China. On i.Monuay nigin with ine assis unce flt Hev. Mr. Wrr of Topley. a vry fine illustrated Jprlure w.c ariven which was welfiilteiided. The now Nursing Home is mwm i.. i.. ... ;iu ne j.eai Ufr. use. a iiik iny ih iheijig jdamied for the ii,enm:; (which is exulted lo be alx.iil tin' Hev. J. II. Ynun left for m,m" "f, S'?' TU"r" Wl" ' " a tea in ne aiii-niiinn , , u te Ihe line ednesda eyening. K , . ... MWI n Vf III If It mill' it. The flanen winch u a i ' ' O.arret of ancouver ar-!. . Illsrlll . . Wednesday, son. i Mm. Oreene enlerlained llin ; ladies of St. Slepfien'a AN .A. at! 'the Minion ljoune on Tueitdav.i The ineinbem Are all very Inisy j iwoiKUig loward a Male of work Wliich will be held in .November. - Tor Ihe ji.ut few ilajm mirvey- ro have been buy at Mie point where Ibe new bridge in lo he constructed nrojw (he Tolkwa H'ver. Mrs. K. Iooi enlerlained a number of holies at lea on Tlmrsday. "; After immeroiia rains, Ibe roads are , gel ling very muddy However I here la si III a KU(Mj ,,..., of lulllc ii jt and down the valley. The Telkwa Library ha re-eenlly received a new eat of plpslcr and will be i) ii ice idiire iil Which to -IKMld Winler cmmi uigs. In order lo tsu i ti .'o : I $M h Mash TTTT !J FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Grure Sailings From Prince llupert C.S. PHINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOU VER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and JdUm me t , V i ... h WEDNESDAY 8 00 p.Ui earli SATURDAY iiudiiiirhl S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX nml STEWART, Wedne- day, 1 0.DO p.m. l or all .ru QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, I mgh I, Nov. I nl, 18th. PASSENOfcP TRAIN, OAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Mixed in a Moment Sharpens the appetite. Neutralizes the richness of fat foods ami makes them easier to digest. butitmustbeCoImaris or tins work, a dance i being held in Hie hull on I r'day even IIIK. PICKED UP NEWS OF HIS OWN HOME TOWN VI' TOII I A, Oct !'i II, C. Nicholas, managing dii 1 " " '' editor of ; (be Vlcloija TW when travelling loward h uinc Die Canadian National h-1 lJ1 liif'L Jill II la n tunaiitiirii tii' I Viclorla for himself I'V illclllilillL ii linilu-nl. of n'v; i aJi" Victoria happenlugs H broadcast froiu ! Jel.hcr ,J1 Mtallon. r ol