... rvlnber 24. 1021. lllMw.t.l ......... .. I fc I,i li.l I...... 'Onii or Ood's Own." Never forgotten by her illier iiiul mother, xis'er 'in brother, j u 1 . - . - '.j; . , Aj ISlitiV SS35 (TV ts irxfluG)wo is anavding "flu! nwcmba - Every talking machiucM not n VJCTttOLA Why Irny a substitute you hope will do aj wcll.Ccnuiuc VICTKOLAS tost no mere Looli for Hie trade nwh huuurs vinery, Victor Ta!k.rnej Msrhln Con, pry "His Mas Those New Odd Shaped WRIST WATCHES Some people an afnid io buy thrin If -cause lliey Hunk Hiey might not nm .is wll a Ihe common shape. The difference, however, is nmlly in Hip ao ,nd trimming a Ihe wheel und work-nig parts are the iiftml kind. t have girlV rectangular golc filled l," jewelled wali-li, which i n good time-k reper. a low ax ? 15.0U in white, green or yellow gold. Oilier fancy shn at Ihe same price hut we have oilier all Ihe wily to f 8.V00. BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. Killer our Ad. (ioin n lilmii he Tore Nov j. fHo: I)raVi''g. w."ild he ol no iisi- it 'Die News eoiild not ieprodin' Hum m this space. WJEN WATCHT? Hill llll.. llll- MIlllKil lllKl HI-HI IV lie Prince Huperl for Van- IN LOVINQ MEMORY 'r our lilt lo dauKhler and KlllIV l'l fl IMiitrl.tti tL'llll Passengers hooked to sail this M'leinnon on the Princess Mary for I lie north include P. Sekin-aell. Sam MieolT. W. llarnes, !N nlseii and Joe llainhlelt for Ketchikan; P. W. Haeey for Car-i-ins-: V. lliuwooil, Ketchikan; .Inines Killas for Juneau, and A Viiss for Wrangell. ,iT li TiVQak I. R'W CATARRH l the BLADDER ith. Jttewfil briiiu teis.09 I Sold on tat) I I pegmmfa i I I dnirtd I Scaf Records are now Douhle-u'ded. Two selection for practically Ihe price of one. Atk for free catalogue, ter's Voice" rola ? ! .IN.H0UNCE1ENTS ( Hill 00 Chapter I.O.II.K. Ilal- lowec Tea and Sale O'"ober35 llor:ti.l Annua nal'. Ocl 31. Anglican Church Haiaar, Nov. C - l.ulheran Pageant, Kinprc I liealre. .November S. I - j "Sun Flower Serenade In the i Methodist Cliureh, .Nov. 6 and 7. I Queen .Mary Chapter, Whist IDrive and Dance, Nov. 7, Klks I Home. tf Moose Ilamar, Nov. 18 and 19. tf Presbyterian Itazaar, .Nov. 20. o Lutheran' Itazaar, December 2. Melropole Hall. Percy Heid of Vancouver, who is to lake the position of acting gold commissioner in the Yukon relieving Cieorge P. McKeiuie who came out last week on furlough, is expected Io pass through on the Princess Mary this afternoon bound north. 4. The Mil my Club Is planning to invito the teachers of the city and the members of the school-board Io he Its gnosis al dinner al an early dale. This gathering will lake Ihe place of the regular weekly luncheon. The program will he 'irrnnged by (Sen. Munro, James l.ee and Mr. Kenny. Last year Ihe members of Iho club were entertained by Ihe teachers. V C..N.H. steamer Prince Huperl. Capl. I). Donald, returned Ifi port last uighl at 1 1 o'clock from Stewart ami Anyox ami sailed for Vancouver afler 2 o'clock this morning. She look south an unusually large passenger list for Ihis time (if the year including 110 persons in Iho first class and 70 In the second. The voyage north and soulh of the Prince Huperl on Sal unlay has h 1 1 1 i-h 1 1 1 ' f I !til THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREft Local and Personal Special Showing of Quality Above All "BILLIE BURKE" This has been our policy with Jl.O. Undertakers. Phone i, Hayncrf, Undertakers, I'hoae 35 1 DRES8E3 ff In TWILL, SALAD A" TAXI and .Messenger Service. FLANNEL and Mione 078. If SILVER SHEEN Fit for a king "Sl'PltKMIi" Tastefully designed In latest 1190 Coirec nave the coupons, tf styles. Millions will other blend. Prices range from now use no the Tea and Remember The quality never varies. - Try it today. Sale In St. Andrew's Rooms $8.50 to $22.50 tomorrow afternoon In aid of a children's ward. - - C. O. Howe left on last night's Irain for Sinithers where he will hiatal a healing system in the new public school building. Till: Hl(i AUCTION SALK at (he .Norfolk ftooms continues on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. - Hex. V. H. Pieiee arrived in the cily yesterday Sdfloruoou from Port Kssiiiglon and i.i leaving oday on the l'rjn,c$j Mary for ketchikau. Northbound fjrom Vancouver mid wayporls to-the Naa? and St.cMia Ilivers and Anyox, Union "learner Veulurak TJsipt. A. John stone, was in i$rt at mldhight asl niglit. " I II. F. Me.Naughtoii, di.-lricl passeiiKer agent, anil oilier local i:.N.H. ollicials, who have been aflciidiiiK a eonfereme of di.lricl ollieers at Prinet Oaurge, are ex-pceled back ill Ihe city on Sunday afternoon's trdin. I'. Haeey, M.H., eonnullin-. iiRineer for Ihe . llelinont-Surf Inlet Cold Mining Co.. arrived i: I lie city from Surf Ink-U on tin- lleluionl yenlerilay afternoon and will pail on the Princes Mary this afternoon for UareroiM. Father Moriarly, who' has Iteen conducting inissloH eainoaicus here and at SitiUisrs for the iiiioiie i.nurcn, ia lor uncou ver on I he I'rinca tuprt lat night. He is going to Ckliforni: to iimii' -Is next ramp a 1 frn. Mr. and Mrs. ini-sie McAfee Mr. W. It. MeAfh Mri. Ira Ileid and Mrs. Milleri are spend ing the day io town; having arrived yesterday afternoon from !eoretown. Mr. MeAfee reports that the liir I lay sawmill, of which he is the manager, continues Io run steadily. It is perhaps Ihe most consistently active sawmill in the district &1 this time. The nursing staff and nursed in training entertained a num-her of their friends at a delightful HalloweVn party last night al the .Nurses' Home, flames, lancing and community sinking made up an enjoyable evening's nrotram. The approoriate Hal lowe'en decoration scheme was 'Ihe subject of much favorable comment. A delicious buffet lunch was served during Ihe evening and dancing continued until midnight. 'DEMERS' Phone 27 P. ?. Box 327 Hill 60 Chapter, 1. 0. D. E Sale and Tea will open at 3:45 Instead of 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon on account of the fun eral of the late Archbishop Di Vernet. Hallowe'en Entertainment, Uos- ton Hall on Monday al 8.30. Knights of Pythias and Sister Concert urogram. Everybody welcome. Admission 50c. He read men I. 25: 4 Fred Husswood sailed last tight on the Prince Hupert for he miu Hi on his return to hit home in Cleveland. Ohio, afle having spent four months visit ing with his brother, W. J. Huss voml, al the Digby Island wire s station. ' C. T. Cabrera, who has been managing the operations of the 'Ut.C. Mines Ltd. al Massett, will leave on tomorrow evening's rain for Philadelphia on busi- iess 'n connection with the coin- any. He expects to be back villi in a mouth'.' time. The !dy of the lale Arch nislifm lu Vernel will lie In stale il SI. Andrew' Cliureh from 12 toon until the time of the fuuer- l on Saturday. Friends wishing to stiow their respect for the jiersonality and work of the lale rehbiho) may do so by a visit- iliou to the Church during that 'ime. SATURDAY SAILING CANCELLED The Jiraiid Trunk Pacific Coast steamship Company announce tailing of the S.S. "Prince Ftu-lert" from Vancouver, October t, has been cancelled, so that there will be no boat arrive here from the south on Saturday. October 25, and no sailing south that night. (tegular schedule will be resumed willi the S.S. "Prince Hu-ert" from Vancouver. Monday. Jr'.ober 27, arriving here Wednesday. October 2U. and there will be regular sailings southbound on Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. rrs uvprrit 111 Uses GILLETT'S PURE FLAKE LYE MADE IN It is best for cleaning anil disinfecting sinks, drains, closet bowls, etc.: for softening water, making your own laundry soap; cleaning floors, greasy pots and pans, etc.; for removing old paint, destroying vermin, etc. Full directions with every can. Be sure you get the genuine Gillelt's FLAKE Lye. Substitutes arc usually costly and unsatisfactory. CANADA NEEDED EVERY HOME Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F ALL CANADIAN ROUTE FOR CARRYING GRAIN continued from page t. niteil States railways and hroiigh United States canals to '"niteil States ports on the Atlan-ie. The real "all Canadian" route is the wvslward route, 'rain shipped from Alberta to Vancouver or Prince Hupert dues not leave Canadian territory until it is aboard ship, and all the expenses iucideiilal to handling it go into Canadian pockets. The western route has been opposed on the ground that it diverts traffic froiu eastern Canadian railways and ports. It does nothing of the kind. It keeps in Canada a share of the trade which would otherwise go to United States railways, canals and ports. The eastern Canadian channels and ports have quite all they can do to handle the one third of the eastward-going grain that passes through them. Were it not for the consent of our neighbors to the passage of Canadian grain through their country there would be a condition of perpetual blockade all the way from Winnipeg to Halifax. Huperl Rifle Ilange. Arcade and Pet Store opens tonight with a free dance. F.veryhody woi.-oiiii A gum! 'ime for all. mored fyut$i md undtr L remnwnt f. H I ri TSil fTB RIH Lm linn ii , 1 j vmvi 1 1 Kl VHV This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. the Discovery for Eczema One of the striking things about this healer is th wiy it penetrates the akin. In. tantly applied it Tanishea into the aick tissues. The relief in most cases is therefore immediate. The formula is ting published in order that physicians may know just what heating gents it contains mar. above all. note the presence of the rare tmido TDJ).m1h.C. Have you weeping sores or hard crusts and scales is your face or body disfigured with blemishes have you many times followed hopeful adrice only to be disappointed? This product, a cleansing, purifying liquid, so deli, cate in color, odor and texture, is the Ideal treatment for the most sensitive skin. You are not asked to use D. D. D. for weeks before you see results. A trial treatment only is required to stop the pain, the aleeDlesi nights, the agony of itching. til-VMS, Ifcl .iC,M-IWd8j.lMth.TJ).DJiJLOJ We guarantee D. D. D. The first bottle re-rou or your money back. 1.M bottla Try D. O. D. soap too. XMAS PHOTOS 4 Sittingsi Any Time by Appointment Hesl Work, Lowest Prices ECKOFF STUDIO ' Cor. 2nd Ave. and (ilh St. Phone Red 69. n m 11 ' 'A t attf. 3 ii H