25 TAXI BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Service f'oor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Stand Rci M"'-' " parties. PRINCE RUPERT for rates, apply to Boston MATT I i Inlivc Library. Grill, Third Ave. Parliament buildings. Mnr.31,21 Northern and Central British Columbia'! Newspaper Phone 457. vol XIV . NO. 251. IMUNCK ItUPKflT, 11.(1, KHIIJAY, OCTOHKIl 21, 1024. YUrdM' Circulation 1,77 J. Strttt ! 401 PRICE FIVE CENTS. Railway Problems are Discussed in Chicago by Sir Henry Thornton Urges Small Terminals of Systems and State Ownership of Lines, Mentioned CHICAGO, Oct. 21, The growTh of trans-Mirtalioii and the , ;i iii)f( by industries in (lie advance of civilization were disced by Kir Henry Thornton in an uddress here yesterday. He ii ii' ird ant there were many instances wMiere the absence of t ir-porbiliou facilities had affected the channels of development, anil, oil Ihe other hand, where Ihe exigence of Midi facility- lunl te ii responsible for limiting of large centres of popu-ion anil had directed Ihe progress of industry. The railway h:v been the forerunner nalionlil dcvclnptueut. Hi; Henry I lien wenl on lo deal i wliaf be consider lo be a Mil which I increasing in nine Hint in dilllcully of ititt Hip bundling of IraUle unlnal-. He said "it Ih a , niallvely Mmple mailer to ' a railway from one point to Mier of ulllricnt rabidly ami,,,,,, ferjlir) ,r ()e -r. enough eipiipnieiil 'lo move i f Hie Iraflle which polbly j ,, ii ire red but il in a much - ibfllrult problem lo provide i, ... : ale terminal for the dj-1 ion of that (rahV Ummi it ,3) tn large centre of tndti-and population. In other !- Hiere I only one scrlmi , in in I lie tranporlalion iv of the I 'tilled State and 'lie terminal problem. Big Terminate Inefficient ' in Ihe point of view of ,3 igrr traflle I eeriotily n the economy and I be " y oi the gret uud ex many of our large cities Ii toeailom. rrii.u polnl (mnir Inhrlftiir of hkKliun are frrealisJ, be- prlviiir admiiiMrhtlon. here the paMenger, .n1( rMvmy ,iem." the . - In form of lran.porl.,,Mkpr fkUl ..,j(M. , iu a Mimtny or .Ireet ear or inolnle. lo Ihe railway. k.i-enger are fcuel al ne poinl, with the n'ull h' erlHih hour of the ilay lolerable eoiigenllwil il Moreover largfr, ler-- are eleiilve bolb in iK-iioti and aiminilrulioii. 1 : h nly increae in lie Ihe ij- iieeoiiie more aggravated it biH-oine well null in-: ' n;le The real olulloii il ..- o me, lie hi the provi-f f a number of email pa-i : iallou erviug varioiie i -f the bulm' and bop-, iliiiiri of our large cilie. Ii would be reached by nmin 'i.-ini moving Ihrouith ub-In Ibi way. Ihe paener I Mould be heller distributed i: I 'iiige centre of congestion ..led, jrh respect to the elimination r f rigid loiigestiou at leiiiiin-u 'be employment of motor ' . 3 from freight hotie afed on Hie ouUkirl of city ':J Hie nbsorptlou by railway nipunlc of (lie collection and : S very of freight wilt at least : ;vide a maure of relief. Ihe R'-k of relieving Ihe terminals I. ' my uiiud, the greatest which : front both railway compau-and our larger cIIIcm." Amalgamating Systems llm question of Ihe advlsa-I'lllly of enlarging the present r fa' railway nyalem of Ihe I'nlt-d Slates by Ihe acquisition of or amalgamation with smaller rx-'''. u Hue wa next dealt with iiy Sir Henry, who deprecated the ''inlency The peaker first oulllned Ihe slent Ahtch led lo llm grouping "f the lliltish railway into Tour four great yeiii and lo Ihe formation of llm Canadian Na- oiiui iiiuiways. r he first, lie Pointed mil, came about' a themow Hearing completion. Siir-I'cbiiII i,f Wor inpuKiires. and the veys of Ian Lake have been fin- neeessity following peace, of lll'ilitl i.. i.. i, . l" if i lie uross reve iirn "f the railway of llrilain al the level which would preserve to Ihe railways a a whole, given elll-!h'iil admlnlslrallon. substantially Hie- siime net earning a they t I a, Ihe first full year be war "ll is signl- in Big Cities: Grouping ficant." Sir Henry staled, "tbl I lie Labor parly indorsed tin proposal because in their judg-iiienl il an a necessary and an Inevitable lrp toward nationalization. Whether Ihi will come ftllfllll r,IIIMill 111 K, -n..,. Hill raitgement doe not function satisfactory, the only oilier step i for Hie Stale to take over 1 lie railway ytein, for lo return lo Ibeir proprietorship prior. to amalgamation I unthinkable and a impossible." Situation In Canada He then reviewed Ihe hiIij.iI ion In Canada and explained that the financial situation of Hie Canadian a .National Hallway ha been (! I a an argumeul against (dale ownership, wherea. that financial position I not in any ene ilue lo Ibeir being u date tfAi railway stem, put, lit dilioti there limy lie hi the finall UxM cunr?. but what railway yeui of kiioIi magnitude would earn il fixed charge if built lo open Hie country in advance of development and etllemetil T It I fair lo ay, however, that Hie Canadian National Hallway have fully umonlratcd thai in mi far a erlee and courley are con-ccrned, the olllcer and men of a late ovvned railway are jul a loyal alert and enlliuiatic a lboe if any privately owned railway, which hue fallen under my observation ' LAST LUMBER IS TAKEN OUT El Cedro Loaded Full at Buckley Bay Last Week 35 Men Still Working There The Lo Angeles Lumber Products steam schooner 111 Cedro sailed las Friday fur San Pedro, California, from lluekley Ilay with a full cargo or sonieitiinir like 1,500,000 feel of lumber, re presenting all Ihe merchantable lumber that was remaining in the yard of Ihe Mussel! limber Co. al thai poinl. Ibis wa the third trip lliat Jim 111 Ccdrn bad. made lo lluekley Ilay since Ihe mill there closed a collide of months ago. After discharging a! San Pedro, the vessel will proceed lo Seal lb where she will join her sister ships, LI Abelo and LI Clculo, In lumber carrying under charier rium Puget Sound lo the Atlantic Coast via Panama Canal. There are still about 35 men on the Masselt Timber's Co.' payroll al lluekley Hay. They are engaged in lownsite clearing and mill renovation which work is Isbed and work on ine newwaier supply system for lluekley Ilay i about lb proi I. V. S. Clements. H.C.L.S., who arrived yeslenlay from Ihe (Jueen Charlotte Islands, sailed on llm Prince Hupert last night for tils j home in Victoria. DELAY APPEAL I FREIGHT RATES More Evidence to go In Favoring Reduction In Wed Oliver. Says VICTOIIIA, Oct. 21. After j reading Hie full text of (be rail- ThVcw.1 nv rUe'lSS- mcni, premier Oliver said yes terday tiirt govetutiMit might ait Hie board to delay Ibeir filial de rision on liritish Columbia's "H-iglnal appeal, pending (be submission of new evidence. This evidence relates to the euormod growth of the western main movement through Vancouver and lb' consequent growth df weleru revenue. CHARLES J. CLAYTON PASSES IN VICTORIAj Resided Here foe Several Years and Was Brother of Or. Clayton 65 Years of Agt The death occurred in Victoria al Ihe Itoyal Jubilee Hospital al Sunday of Cbarle John Clayton who lied here and on the Queen Charlotte Uland for ev eral yean, having left the city for the Mouth thi Mummer, carpenter by trade and home here with William Sihbald.' Slxty-fie ear of age, Im wan a. brnlher of llr. W. II. Clayton, sbo j formerly of this cily. lie leaves willow, daughter Charlotte, and, Iwo ioii. Cecil and Waller TWO NOMINATED YALE&ELEOTION YKn.NON. IM. Ji. l. W. Sutherland wa hoin- inaleil by Ihe Liberal and (In-le Vlerlina by tViner-vdllve yeslenlay for lh by-elect ion in Ihe federal riding of Yale. Christian General Feng Yu Sang Takes Possession of Pekin and Calls Conference lo Stop War I'F.lvlN. Oct. 21. A brigade a lieutenant of Wu Pei Fu, UicUy and unexpectedly wittered ami occupied Pekin last night. This inoriung Ihey were in vomplcle outrol of the cily nnd.all comtnunications were cut and Hie city gales were shuL A pntdamatiuii was posted not want to make war, which is hiss of many lives, Feng has called a conference between the government and tbo oilier side with a view lo stopping the war. He also announces that foreigners will be protected. Feng Is known as the Christian1 Oeneral. Ills defection from u I'ei Fu has changed the entire I Chinese situation. II is not known, whether he i acting in conjunction witji (he Manchurian forces or not. NGLICAN CLERGY OF DIOCESE WILL ATTEND FUNERAL Some Pastors Already Here and More are Arriving The Anglican Church clergy of Ibis diocese, as far as transpor tation conditions will permit, will be here lo a man lo attend Ihe funeral of the tale Archbishop On Vernel tomorrow. Ilev. J. 11. Olhson ot Anyox and Ilev. Ashley id Stewart reached the city rroin Ihe north on the Prince Hupcrl last night and a large number of the clergymen rronv the interior are expected on this afternoon's train. Ilev. J. O. Oillelt will be here from the Queen Charlotte, Islands on the Western Hope If weather permits. So will Canon rthbrooJ- ..f the Northern Cross This little glil is being introduced to the Canadian buffo. I o, which sjamjs al Ihe enlram e lo the Canadian Pacific I pavilion ala Wembley. More Rowdyism at in English Elections Where Mobs Take Possession of Hall LONDON, Oct. 21. II. J. Maggs, Liberal andidale for Kast llrisltd, has been one of Ihe wort sufferers fnitn rowdyism which has characterized many election meeting, during the pre sent campaign, lie announces thai he will not bold any birthcr meetings. . e 4t.aeetffcUed,.by in Wullsend, opposing Sir Halrickllatitig. allorney. general, Ihe mob took possession iif the hall and their altitude was so threatening Ihat 'Howard's friends sent him word not to olleiid the tueeliug. lie took their ad- vice ami stayed awuy hut in Ihe. general scrtmmag') tierore ine crowd left the ball a Moman was Iramjded on and u youth kicked in (he jaw. ! ! of troops under Feng Yn Sang saying ttiai i eng tu nniig ooe. ruining the country and causing 71 CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS MADE Interested Governments and Railways Will Discuss Matter After Session VICTOflA, Oct. 24. After the fall session of the Legislature representatives of the province will confer with the federal government, the- government of Alberta and the heads of the C.P.R. and Canadian National Railways In regard to plans for the opening up of the Peace River country. Arrangements for the conference were made during the time of the visit of Premier Maokenzle King. SCANDINAVIAN SHIP LOST WITH HER CREW STOCKHOLM, Oct. 21. i The Svepska Lloyd steamer Fylgla lOrtO tons nut, was wrecked off Oregrund in a snowstorm. Tl crew of ?t perched. Meetings - -j.. ---l jt rr- 4, TURNER REPORTS WHITE BEARS IN DORREEN COUNTRY J. "H. Turner, manager i: of the .1. F. Out hie mining inleresls. who was in Ihe cilyMbis week, is inclined (o think thai the white i bear is nol so uncommon in Hie province as scientists j iir Hie south seem lo believe. Mr. Turner said I that he bad come across al least Iwo of these species in Ihe vicinity of the Dorreen mine ou which he is now conducting development work. Hears are very plentiful ' around Oorreen. Mr. Turner's is not Ihe firs! re'iorl b reach Ihe cily or "Urns Kermodei" having beenfseen in IJiis particular part oT the interior. . , ALL CANADIAN ROUTE FOR CARRYING GRIAN Edmonton Paper Urges Strongly Tha Wheat Come West to4 Benefit Country The Kdmuutou Hullcl n conies out nl rung for Hie All-Canadian route to the seaboard. II says: The Saskatchewan Co-opera tive L'levalor Co. Is to put more than three-quarters of a million . r t t dollars tnto a new terminal eie- valor al Hurfnlo, N.. Ihe investment would nol be made unless there were substantial evidence Ihhl It is gooil business. 'The project serves, lo Illustrate Ihe emptiness of the pretense that grain from Ihe prairies which goes eastward lo market goes through Canadian channels and Canadian ports, thus helping lo provide employment for Can adian railway and terminal em ployes. A fraction of it goes over Canadian routes: about one third of i' The remainder goes over eontiioieil -Ul Vtnge 37 " Ontario Continues Dry Rejects Proposal For Control by Government i TOHONTO, Oct. 21. Ontario stays dry. The provincial umniury of yesterday's plebiscite vote at one o'clocR this afternoon in 0,2 18 subdivisions out of 7,.'i:i2 give for the Ontario Temperance Act 3lU,l02 and for government control 483,038, giving a dry majority of .'10,02 i. It is expected that the limn majority for prohibition will be something m excess of 25,000. l'racticuiiy all the larger cities voted wet, the dry majority being secured in the rural districts and some towns. FOUR HANGED ATMONTREAL Two of Bank Bandits Have Sen- t;nce Converted to Life Im- prlsonment MOXTHKAlToel. 2l.-Four of the six men who were .ound guilty or the murder of Henri Cleroux, cbarfeur or the collec- Hon car or Ihe Hank of llochelega on April I. paid Hie penalty of their crime at ten ' minutes be- fore five this morning when they were hanged In bordeaux jail. j Yesterday afternoon the fed- eral cabinet commuted the sen- lences o Valenlliio ami L.eo Oavis to life imprisonment. The four executed this morn-! ing went lo their deaths in pairs.' Louis Morel, an ex-delective, and' Frank Oambiuo being sent to death simultaneously on one scafbjld and Ouiseppe Serafiiio and Tony Frank on another. The coudemueu men spent the ulgdt in prayer and when the final hour approached all were resigned. r I it.. al.M .ff. .1.1. g 7.-. their rate. Ou a sUtVfSir r.dtoStb,a.Wtept- -tb-j boanls in r.inning prizes at the bitiu was in I'nFn ArTAFirn 'I KM) III IllKrK IN SIBERIA!; Arrives at Petropavlovsk With Charles Wells and Eskimos , ' Aboard PL THOPAVLOVSK, Siberia, Oct. 21. After a tempestuous voyage the Hussian transport, lied October, arrived here from Wrangell Island with Charles Wells dr Uniontown, Pa., a sur-Uivor or Ihe expedition which was left tn Ihe isl.iiiil a vear airn ami Jwilh him twelve Kskimo members .ol Ihe exoedilion. all of whom are: Anierican citizens. j Oelermined to cope success- The chier or the Hussian ex- f"" wil Hie bail situation at 'pedition said the party was taken',h's lor t,,e Canadian Vish &. lorr because he did not wish to Cold Storage Company has de- remain and because be had no "i,Ie,l increase its sharp rreez- ti,.tiiit fiMim Hi.. Snvii.l triivprti- nicnt to live or hunt llie t FUNERAL TODAY The Late MrsTwililam Horn Is Laid to Rest In Falrvlew Cemetery The funeral of the late Mrs. William Horn, who died last Wednesday morning, look place this afternoon at 2.30, Ilev. Dr II. II. Orant officiating. There was a service at the chapel of the H.C. Undertakers aHer which in- termenl took place in Fairview Cemetery. A goodly number or rriends of deceased and her fain- ily were in attendance. Among those sending flower were Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgc Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mcllae. Jane!. Jim. John and lave, Mr. and Mr. II. 11. F.astman and Miss Florence p,0e NOTICE As a mark or respect lo the lale Archbishop Du Vernel, will stores and olllces please close from 2 lo 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, Hie funeral hour. S. M. NKWTOX, Mavor. Early Returns At half past eight last night it. looked as though the5 wets had won for a majority of 70,000 ws reported. At ten o'clock the iroi-lority had fallen to 33,000 and it was then announced that final re turns would not be in until morning. However, just before midnight the dry's bad overtaken the wets ami secured a majority ,,f j'0,00- T,'t'11 il bt'can,e " hal ,l,e efforl to male a cbango ,,a"' l0!l dty majorities f11 ol,awa ave a "WJonly for . ! i "".w; "n" u,e ol ,,u b"'? ,f28'-4 for a change and ,--, "r1I,,,r ! 'r elH. ,r0I,mll,0tl y,"-n- "a"ul a,3 hatl a , ,ar wl majorlly. PROVINCE WON MANY PJUZES Almost C'eaned the Boards at Birmingham Great Fruit Show grrar iruu snow now peing new Hirmingham. besides captur- desserl apples. lirilish Columbia won eleven first prues and two eC'inds. COLD STORAGE IMPROVEMENTS Company Inrreaslng Sharp Freex-Inn Capacity to Cope With , New Situation Here PUT UP MORE HERRINQ ing capacity during the coming winter. The closing ot the halibut fishing ror three months has thrown a pak load on the rreei-ius plant 'there, whjcb in previous years was spread pver tbo twelve months. It is proposed to install economy devices in the freezing and ice plants with a view to reducing costs and lo increase Ihe capacity. Last year this concern put up a record catch of herring for bait but, owing to conditions in Ataska, there was au unusual demand ami a a result tliero was a bait shortage. While it is not expected that the conditions or this season will bo repeated jnexl year, the company is mak- ing preparations to cope with the 'situation by rreezlng more her- ring than ever before. i ALTAR SOCIETY OF TERRACE HAS BAZAAR Successful Affair Last Saturday-Netted the Sum of $320 TKHIIACK, Oct. 21. . The holies of the Altar Society of the .Catholic Church held a very suc- cessful bazaar Saturday. Tea ,wa served during the afternoon and later a chicken dinner. Three niutlred and twenty dollars was .netted during the day. Mrs. (iiirrilb of Prince llunert came up t- as.ii al Ihe baaar.