YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON upert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye Fur pi nics, rjioose "Htjpcrt Brawl" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry ore always liamly. iiicrX -apply on your boat Dials a good idea. SOLD EVERY WHERE. Canadian Fish S.CoId Storage Co., Ltd.' rr i ncc nuperi, u.c. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service! iPr SailihgsfromPrinceRupert pniNCESS ALICE PRINCESS, MARY Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle-October Eor 7, 17, 28 or Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway October 3, 13, 24 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For flutedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Line Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent ,-rmr of 4Q S reel and 3rd Avenue, Prince Ruct1. l.v. Bnion steamship company OF B.C., ltd. Biiiinrt rr'jn mix nujri. kr VANCOUVIII, VICTORIA, t.MH t4 kr SUj, T.4t, TM. r vNCOUVtR, VICTORIA, Alrt n Siuoii Bit, ttlurdtf, 10 A M. ft' MfOX, ALICE ARM, STCWART, Sunar, I PJM. Kr XTOI, PORT SIMPSON Nut Rlttr C.nnl... frUj A.M. lb 1.4 Aimhi. J. B.rl., At.L Print Rrt, 0. This crown is the mj: of "Cascade" quality look for it on every bottle of cenuine " Cascade " Beer . NOTtL r"tY s 1 CLOSE CALL OF PRINCE JOHN Passengers Had Nervous and Un pleasant Time Drifting up Coast on Wednesday I V According l passengers who were aboard tin vpssel at the lime, (ho steamer l'rince J' came nearer lo fliMimler last V d- ieday when she wax dUaldPd iT. Browning Fnlranre than wiuj jipnrrally believed. It waa 7 '-i clock in Uip morning when Hip c.Jli tiiiiii gave mil ami it wax clone In pe in i in- aripriinoii when Ho pi- finally mil tinder wav again. '1'tir water at Ihe f of n t' when- I!ip trouble aroie ami l)ie li-amer furred In U was very deep bill Hip anchor, with a long linp. finally touched bottom. H 'Mil not hold, however, ami oty j iiapuger yesterday aftprnooni said thai the vessel drifted -forty mile from Hip north pud of Hank Island lo Stephen Island ami, if tin' machinery had not m en started wlipn jt wnn, Ihe ship very ion might .havp hn asbiire. There wan a tlronp southeast wind and the boat wallowed nil day in Dip trough 'if mountainous ppas. .mi in all. ii was not a very pleasant trip for tlie paaagp rroa pral Strait 'I'uenJay nijuht had a No hppn very rough. M(.l everybody wan seasick amf especially below in th steppage, where ihprp wprp 5 Chinamen, wpi-p thing unnowfortabl. JwjU. Veil Mrl.PHii ami Ilia officer, naigalors of long experienc- in Hie ofl-iiuie troublous waters between here and Ahp Qapta Charlotte Islands, rtatnl thefr "xatiK-frniil" Iml (bp fntej)t0f wpn jipi'iirt'iilly, upnoua anil tti wi with titfiif tPiirf thai the hij wax hroiiKbl into port atj iniiJiiiKlit W'dnenday ami UiPj wrrc aldp to debark and all ajjd -mi. try that it wan a trip Ihv like of which I hey would noli. rare In experienrp aKain. AdvprliM in lUe lUy Vewi. FREE DELIVERY IN PRINCE RUPERT 'C.cdt" ! BETTER BEER Hops and Malt- The Very Best-Brewed jRight - Pour a glass of 'Cascade" see the rich, creamy foam come to the top note the way it sparkles the clear, amber color brea'the in the pungent, appetizing smell of the malt and hop&-taste it, and your palate will tell you why "Cascade has always been the BETTER BEER. The difference is in the brewing. For the making of "Cascade" we have secure the services of a brewmaster wjth a lifelong experience in brewing the very finest of beers. We have set up a plant second to none in the West-wc have spared no pains or expense to give the public BETTER BEER beer that is as near perfec. tion as human hands and brains can make it cBeer without aPeer f a on "Cascade" if you want the best inSlSt it costs no more. Sold at all Government jquor vcnv.on. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of i- British Columbia. i THE DAILY NEW! If you bought underwear tailored to your measurer Thrt illu$lrattd loot.- piiiciuj Blatfftld't icldt rangtufttfltiand Vtifhit (n frit' l, juxi ckildrtn't Mdf ntta ' r Vill It ma il-td ffquiil, Writ ftfthl'm. Stanfield's Limited Tauro, N.S, N: 1700 UtdinU't (.' C.mttlwM (Mtti ) .1 tS. AUa Skirt i4 hiinil. H.00 if N: i:o-M' Skirt and Pfwt4. mdm wrigkt (5u . M-4H. tt.M ptr ,!. AU UiuiiMI ( tlU. H: :0-O.' ',,. Cfmkii. tU, wujimm mttfkt (5M. 24- SI). .1 I1JS. Al Skirl mmm Ormiri. V. (M.. M-14), .1 JlTi. lit. Ilov. Alexander J. Dmill, Bishop of Koolenay, who is at present in Montreal, sends the following telppram; lo Archdeacon O. A. Hix extendiiig; condolence lo Ihe family of Ihe late Areh- hi-diop I n Vernel and this dio cese: "Your telegram received, in Montreal. I nnv deeply ili!lre.etV to hear of the death of the Archbishop. The whole church mourns his !os. peasp. convey to Mrs. l)u Vernet and family my Iruesl sympathy. 'Hie diocese of koolenay inogriM for the diocese nf Caledonia. Ood bless and com fort you." FISH ARRIVALS Halibut Prices Were Lower Exchange This Morning Six Boats Sold 68,000 Pounds soaring lately. Five American boats marketed C8.000 pounds ami a single Canadian vessel, 800 pounds. Unusually dirty wvalher on Ihe hanks is reported by the skippers of incoming schooners. Arrivals and sales today: American llrisk. 21.000 lbs., at 18.2o and 7r, and Prosperity. 10,000 lbs., at Itt.Oo and 7c, to the. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. you couldn't get a better fit STANFIELD'S great range of ikes and proportions enables any man of any byifci to get a suit of underwear that fits u$t right snugly and comfortably. It's cut and tailored to fit perfectly won't bulge at the back cf the peck or bind in die crotch. ' StanfiM'i will not shrink! You don't have to buy a larger size than you'd ordinarily wear and "allow or shrinking." Stanfield's fits when you first put it on and with ordinary care in washing according to our directions, it will 'stay that way, as long as you wear it. And it Stands strenuous wear. Stan , Canadian I j Fanny F., 800 fits., at and at hange this ntorning dropped considerably from the .bright. around which they have been 7c, lo tiie.uin i isneries. j ISLANDS GETTING IN WINTER STRIDE! i Fishing and Whaling Operations) Pretty Well Over But Logging Is Still Active ! While the fishing and whaling sea.son is pretty well over on tho Queen Chariot le Islands. logging j is ptill active and even expand-' ing slightly. Ihe Lagoon Bay cannery is now jftosed for the winter but the Jays are using the Lorkeport rnauery for salting dog Iisn and , also iiavp a piaut ai .yuecn uiar- j lotjlc City. T. A. Kclly.'s lo&Pinff jrampspn1 Morjpsljy Island are running full. There are now five camps including Ihe new one at Logan Halibut bids at the Fish F.x-J Inlet near Lorkeport. Head quarters of Ihe Kelly Logging On. have been moved frQtn Cum1- shewa to Logan Inlet. The rlamand crab cannery of tlie I.nmrnrn Kisbinc & Packing Co. at Massed continues lo oper-l nip in full swing. The Watun lllver snlnlon cannery is closed. Preparations are being made to cljnsp. both the whaling stations at Naden ami Rose Harbor for the w.intfr. The Massrll Inlet Pole (Jo. 1? conlimiinsr umeralions at Port Clements. I sf There are fabrics and weight: in Stanfield's for every than Stanfield's is made in all grades and weights: Pure Virgin Wool, Silko-Wool and mixtures of Wool and Silky Cotton. Whether you work indoors or out, you'll find there's a Stanfield's weight especially suited for you. And while our prices range to suit every purse, youll find but one high standard of'making ail through full, generous cut no slumping, seamj that lie fiat, buttons that are sewn on to stay. This careful making is a part of every Stanfield's garment, from the lowest price to the most expensive. Be careful to select the size that fits you perfectly. There's a size, style and weight of Stanfield's for every member of every family, priced from 1 to $10. FIELDS BE COMFORTABLE THIS WINTER WEAR STANFIELD'S Cotrrlfkl. 11V EUsfi:i Limiud BISHOP OF KOOTENAY fU. Rev. Alexander J. Doull Wires' J Alius, 17.000 lbs., at 18.5c and !7r. to thp J tooth Fisheries Can- EXTENDS CONDOLENCES;...-,,, , ami y am! Aloha, 10,000 lbs., at - 1- ......I si,. In, llin Iln vol Pi cli From Montreal to Archdea- ' i-o. con u. f. nix PACT. FTVR FTER THE DAYS WOM relieve the tiredness and tempt the appetite for your next meal with a hot cup of OXO. Tint ol 4 Cube 15c. 10 " 30c Tbe Great Beet Economy. OXO Cubes are food Beef-food. 0X0 soothes the neryes, and rests the body. It is easily assimilated Beef nourishment, seasoned, ready for use. FRESH CHOCOLATES AT 60c PER POUND. HAIDA HAND ROLLS and WILLAflDS ASSORTED. A larg,e variety of centres with a good chocolate foatiug. AVe will sell any quantity but it will pay you to buy these in the five pound box at this price. ORMES LIMITED The pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Ave. A Sixth St. Phones 82 and 200