TWo. and have some EDITION The best Tobacco for ihe pipe Vi& til The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT , BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. IL F. PULLEN, 'Managing Editor. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 'By mail to all parts of the British. Empire arid the United ' - States, in advance, per ysar ,. ... .-. ..... .$0.00 vTo all other countries, in advance, per y"eary'.v $7.fi0 Transient Display Advertising. r. .$i.i0 per inch per insertion STransient Advertising Qn Front Page.,i. s.$2.80 per inch 'Local Readers, per insertion. f ,25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion,. .......... ,2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion... ...... i ... .. 15c per agate line jj " Contract Rates op Application. ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day prs-ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval ' - Member or Audit Bureau of Circulations. 1 1 . 5 )AILY Monday, July 7,' 192 i. , Industrial Population Is What AVe Want. k' What Ht is district wants is people here to consume agricultural products. If w(. people come,' tbexe will be no difficulty ,ini geling the farmers to grow Avhat will be needed. The capabilities; of the Skeena and Bulkley valleys," the Naas River valley ;aiul the Queen Clinrlotte Islands to produce fruits, hay, grain, j meat, and dairy produce do not need to be further proven. There inr'e pienty of fine lands in the districts awaiting the settler, but .farmers and ranchers can,, hardly be expected to take them up Sunless some market is in prospect for their goods. That mar-keU can" only be provided if there Is a population engaged in in ?distrial pursuits. js imt s-eiisible to expect that "the ngricul-ituraJ possibilities of this large hinterland back of Prince Rupert will be realized, u full or nearly so until there is an assured market found fpr the goods, A country producing grain or meat exclusively can grow and pro.speft.with it market far removed shut not so with the mixed farming district which the country . back of Prince Rupert miist'necess'arilythe lor some time yet. Agricultural Situation 'As' It Stands Today, Therefore the immediate and pressing necessity for' the ;,futuro progress of Prince Rupert and district is industrial rather than agricultural population... Already the fishing industry centred at Prince Rupert is capable of supporting a certain amount flf agricultural production The mining, lumbering and. .shipping businesses of the port through their employees are .making a further demauuV The fact of the matter, however,, in that, from an 'economically sound slanilpojnt, more industries are needed here if agriciillurc is lo be properly fostered. J Soon Our Hopes Way Ba Realized, V This industrial developeji). .which': ihe city and district needs 'so badly at the present time, we-still confidently hope will be (brought to pass within the space; of a very brief time, The ship jthat is to be built here will provide, only temporary employment. AVhile t yjU mean perhaps one year of good limes, what we .really want, is not one ship but ships building all the time. It ftlViv lift. ft liHlft ih'ltl flV-limi.lif In .rwml V,,.....,..r.. II. nl " ijiuy , v t nn iii i.-1 it hi caj'v-, inwci;i, mill w v llltiy jsee .this at Once. f.; What ;is .not aver yptihiistic,..however, is the hope for llie development of. this port as a grain shipping centre. The es-jahlishrnent or one grain elevator here will mean a great deal more to the general prosperity the. place, than most 'people realize,. Much more will two or more grain elevators' menu, puce there is an elevator here, ships may be expected lo come jo .ine port to load mil something that has never been done here before. There will be essential adin nets sueli n ' print III I III i II If I. II . . . I II. n fl.! I , v... niiiiiijj ncii. iiuiii uic urinu win nnng, cargoes rrom there anil plants for the remaniifactnre of products from, across the western ocean will be required. Ode may go on at great length conjuring up the things that may be reasonably" expected. In' addition. 10 grain handling jriere, 'something may be expected in. the way of the lumber industry such as sawmills and pulp mills. There may also be a greater" centering of the mineral business here with the possible establishment of a smelter. v It. I these things that are needed the permanent prosperity of Prince Rupert and the vast agricultural hinlerland that lies behind it. This district when jt starts to advance must necessarily go forward as a unit and when it does there need bf; no fear rtf' losing ground.: It nil takes time but the profits from this spent lime will doubtless be realized in fullest measure ."'('- THE DAIL? NHWS. Monday, July 7; WEEK AT WESTHOLME Monday and Tuesday Owen Moore irt "Torment." Comedy ' Take - Your Choice." International News. Wednesday and Thursday "Trifling Willi Honor.'" OomVtly. ( Kun from the Press.: Friday and Saturday Pola Negri in "Shadows of Paris.'' Comedy. l-ox News-iiazetle. CROOKS BALKED BY , :i JAPANESE 'QUAKE Conspiracy of International Crooks F.I qu res In Offering at Westholme Tonight The conspiracy of a band of inlernaltohal rooks, operaliup from. America, to steal the litis-! sian crown jewels, is the lmsis of Ihe plot of the picture comlnf? lo llio Westholme tonight anil tomorrow. The crooks go to Japan, having inlrigtieil the Russian nobleman, into whose possession the gems have.' fallen, lo "sell" llienii In the vault of a Yokohama bank these ...adventurers trap their vic tim anil find the jewels. Rut Ihe great Japanese earthquake comes in lime to put a most unique and dramatic' twist into the plot. A romance, with Ressie Love and Owen Moore portraying tits principal figures in the slory, which was written direct for the screen by William Dudley pelloy. Others prominent, in the. cast are Maude George, Joseph Kil- gour, George Cooper, Morgan Wallace, and Jean liersholt. BASEBALL PICTURE COMING THIS WEEK "Triflln9f-Wltp; Honor" Is Story rtepieie wun uramauc interest and Human Touch Honor is a fragile Ihiitg, a thread taut, before the eyes of the world, sustained hy the favor of public regard or broken, by the whim of public disdain. The motion picture public is brought poignantly to this realization in "Trifling With Honor." the Universal-Jewel pholodrania which will be shown, at the West-, holme' Theatre Wednesday mul Thursday nights. Hat htigruo had a good n&me. He was Ihe home run king of Ihe Pacific Coast, Baseball" League and a romantic hero to thousands of followers, of tlie gatrtc. Ho was classed as a "regular," and he never disappointed the boys in t Ite bleachers who cheered for him. He always "delivered,." ami his presence at the "plate" in a pinch meant victory for his team. Hut as the -wind shifts the course of a straw in its path, public opinion one day cornered Hat BhtiRrtie, and the home-run king was brought face to face with a decision that held his life's freedom Tind happiness in an-breakahle clasp. To hit the ball meant the loss of all hut ono thing that every man holds dear his honor, and failure in this pinch lo "deliver" meant his freedom, but at the loss of his good name. II is a story filled with dramfa- lie interest and has a human touch that is like a.ehapler from real life. Prominent players in lle cast include Hockcliffn FoJ, lowcs, Utiddy M.essinger, Vrit llidgeway ami Hayden Stevenson. Fellowns. is ideally suited for Hie leading role. When ynu buy ndvertisltiKT"' huy CIRCULATION, nd seethal vnn M It. - t' OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL CUT PLUG EXCELLENT VEHICli FOR POPULAR STAR Pola TJegrl to be .Seen Here at End of Week in "Shadows of Paris' The Pola Negri of "passion" is lo be returned in Ihe Herbert Hrenon Paramount production of "Shadows -of pqris," which, will be shown1 at .the Westholme Theatre at the end of .the i week. 'Ihe star, iuice .more comes I nl o her own. .She is imi(e her old self as Claire, leader of, the Apache hands of "the- Parisian underworld. 'Then, there is Charles de Roobo as her Apache lover, who is called away to war ami falsely reported killed; IJunt-ly fiorthjii as Itnoul whom Claire, posing as a Polish war widow, marries; and Adolphe MenjOti as Raoul's secretary and friemb all are featured and all give excellent accounts of themselves. The story is one of lite upper and lower world of Paris, the plnygroiind of the entire world. II is a colorful and appealing tale, an adaptation of the French play. "Mon Homme," by Iha author of "Kikl' Hughes and Vera Rey nolds head the strong funoort. The Man in the Moon SAYS:- I WONDCR what the flies would do in Ihe summertime if Hiere wer no hold headed men THC wickedness of playing the loek market generally consists of being unlucky. . h . I'h H crime wave, is now v;rn on the head' judging from (be appearance. , of ilia bohhed haired damsels. THK hilerl. jif Urn bride. cake generally has more pleasant dreams than the man who Is obliged to eat her cookies.' THK man ,vyho wilfully argues the right of way with ft truck driver or a woman driver,, is wilfully looking for trouble. ' . "HAVK you seen a policeman around here recently?" inno cently asked the thug of the prosperous looking 'gentleman. ".No, I have not," replied he of Ihe heavy watch chain. "Then hand over your valuables," fjuickly snapped the purse snnteher ns be produced bis gat. IIAVLNO money lefl ynu and MaviiiR money leaving you are Iwo totally dilferenl things. . AN oitliinisl 'is ' a man who sels his own obituray ' lo jazz. -in LOVK may make the world go round but II doesn't always seem lo make the pay go round. IT used to be that a gen(Ie. loan asked a lady if she objected lo smoking hul now he passes her his cigarette cdsc. Tt .i i in . hi ii.iii.iii.i 1 I Ten Years Ago 1 In Piince Ruper " t July 7, 1914. Al the council meeting last night Aid. Dyldiavil . and Aid. MClymont moved that Aid. Mor-rlssey bo acting mayor during the absence of the mayor on a trip lo Victoria. Thn city council finance committee report that the debenture money fur Hie waterworks ex-lension has arrived and recommend that trenching work start immediately. ' RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada v TO END OF DECEMBER, 1923. 1 Mas produced Minerals as follows: Placer fluid, $70,1)02,203 ; Lode Gold, $l:j,'fir.o; Silver, .H3(i:t,5:t2,iri5; Lead, $rS,iaS?.,oni ; Cupper, $170,010,508; Zinc, $21,-l0i,7o0; Miscellaneous .Minerals, $I,i()8,2."7; Coal and Coke, .S2r0,lt0S, 1 t:t; Building Htone, Brick, Cement, etc., $30,115, 2!U ; making its .Mineral Production tu Ihe end iif t!)2M show an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and llie fees lower thtui those of any uther Province in the .Dominion, or any colony in the British Umpire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security uf which is guaranteed'' by Crown Grants. ' .' ' Full infprmntiou together with Mining Beporls and .Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing . - THE HON. THE MINISTER OF IWNES Victoria, British Columbia. ami improving the trails. The usual appropr'-ation has been made for the district lull no new work is being undertaken this year. . ' , The election jiussed olT ipiiel-ly here. A. F. Priestly was returning ollicer willi .1. A. Wynes as assislanl. 'there was no slump or landslide here, five, six, and seven voles being cast for each candidate. .1. A. Wynes has returned to his ranch from the south where he underwent several operations, lie has nn'v been discharged, Ihe surgeons having done all hey can for him. Some years ago his arm was lorn from its socket and he' ho.s been having trouble ever since. The Workmen's Compensation Board has granted him a small pension. Master Francis Thorne, second son of Hev. Oliver Thorne. leflj last week with his aunt, Mrs. I!. C. N'ewnliain, and will spend two mouths visiting with bis grand parents in Manitoba. Prosperous advertising mean-regular continuous ndvHriiuw LAND ACT. Nolle of Ipttntlon to Land. Apply to Ll Id Skeena Land imirlcl, Mrrunllnir bis rlt or Coast, and situate on CaiupanU aland. Take Notice that Clarence E. Daliitrr and James .Mc.Miliy, or crime nueri, u.t.., occupation Insurance airvnt and ornker. Intend to apply ror pvniilMtun to lcac the rollowlny descrltied lands: Coimnen-dug at a post planted at the head or bay al the east end or Campania Island and about one mile troin Ihe south end or the Island s ttienui rollowlng the, sinuosities or the shore line al hlKh water line around the Island to the pkice or commencement, and conialnlnic s.noo acres, morn or less. C. K. ISAl.ii r.ii i.nta riwui.ii .Name o Appl cant. Per W. K. WILLIAMS, Agent. Hated April gnd. LAND ACT, Mniir sf inianilan La ddIv to Ltaa Land In UlieeR cnariotie isianns liihi himih i. ncrnrdlnic Olstilct or Skeena. and sllnate In front of Ulork It'. D.U 7. I'lan VIC Oue4'n Charlotte island. . ... . . . i . . . r. D.I, nn i . f lane police limi iiiiiiiit n, w.u.hikiu , Massptt. occupation rannery manaker, in lends to apply ror permission ,to lease the following Uoscrloed roresnore: unniiieii- ring at a post planted at the wniinwest corner or lllork lo- thence west 33 di-g. south nttont oo reel in low water mark; thence northerly along low water mark in nnlnt west 33 der. south or north west corncror llloelt 9i thence easterly lo I ho northwest corner oi biock m; inenre southerly along high water mark to post, and containing 3 Yj acres, more nr less, II, P. 4HIII-.-I I 'I... Name or Applicant IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In ihe Mailer or the Admlnltratlon Act; and In Ihe Mailer or the Kstate or Miranda s. Home alsn known as .Maranda Hurtle) , Deceased i and . In the Matter or the Estate or Annie .or Anna Wilt (sometimes known a lilauna I'. Willi, Oereased. TAKK .NOT1CK th.1t ly orders or Ills Honor K. McM, Voung, mucin this gftth day or June, 10X1, I was appointed Administrator or the estate or MaraniU S. Home (also known as Maranda Home and also or the estate or Amite or Anna Will (sometimes known as laniin I'. Wilt i and all pnrtles having claims agalnM either or t'.ie .Mrs. Mnlenlm Woods wifn ,.f said estate are l.ereliy .nniilred lo fur , ,nisn same, properly verinen tu mi', nn nr ine assisiani iiurser or me nerore me 7tn ttav or jui.v, a.h. ti, ami steamer l'rince (ledrge, was a round tripper iili the Ceorge I his week. ' - NAAS RIVER Mrs. (ionlon, mother of Clins. Cordon, has returned lo ' her home In Victoria after a Visit, wilh her son. rjlie.' was accompanied by her younger son, Lawrence. ' , ' Mr. and Mrs. Walfsclilefjel left hy trail for Iloss'wood Kllsum-kaluni Lake) las! weak. Mr. Walfschlegcl Is going lo work for Mr. Hrown, packing nuppllcs into mining claims, . Charlie Cordon ban inust of "ho settlers al work clearing out all parlies Indented tn either or Ihe estates are required to pay llie amount or their Indebtedness.' to me forthwith WM.TEH OAI.E. Acting orriclal Admlnlsirator, Prince liupert. II. C. paleij this 7th day of June. ioj. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT. v In the Mutler or the Estate or Holier! J. Wallace, or Atlln, In the County or I'Mnre lluiH-rt, III the Province or llrlll'h Coliiinhla. iereaed. who died on Ihe IM day or April, IV33. NOTICE Is heri'hv Hven that liv an ordr of Ills Honour F. McM. Voung. Judge or the i.oiiniy i.onri, omen ine I71II dav or thru, lost, ihe undersigned was appointed ndiiilnlsirator- of tl(e estate or Ihe alinve-named deceased. Anil notice Is herehv fuither riven Oi all persons havlur claims against the said estate are renulred lo rile such claims till v veriried under oath, with ma on or before Ihe l!Wh dav or Aurnst, 1(11, arier which dale I will proceed to dlslrlliiee the asset. of the said eslste among the persons entitled iherrln hnvlnr eeirr,l onlv In the c'alms nr which shall Ihen have nnllce, and I will not he liable roe said assets nr anv nart lheror. to auv hersnn or whose claim OiaM not then have received notice tin led al Atlln II r il.l. onin i June, 0t. ' C I,. MOM10E. Orriclal Administrator.! Lakelse Lod Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service under iiinnagemenl of Mrs. , Havcu. Meal place lo spend your .summer holiday- Kens oiinblc rales, (loot! home rooking. Comfortable rooms. Fishing, Hoaliiig, Maiding in Lakelse Lake ami Sfrcuinf. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI Mo&vs r Operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrare and Lodge landing, assuring guests or quick', conuVlable trip. - Also operating laxi service lo nil pfrtg of the valley. For reservalions nud rales, apply lo " LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS TERRACE, B.C. ,,J YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, 'hoose "liupert Mrand" Salmon. A few tins in Ihe pnnlry are always handy. Stock a supply on your boat Hint's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. , 4 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 his advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by tdo tloverniuent of Mrilisd Columbia. Ihe