Monday, July 7, 1921. TH1 DAILY IflWB. PAQH Tnni& I Zwm$mm& f" ALBUMS - Tlic Kodak line at. 'iit.alngii prices A.-k Tor catalogue. There's pleasure ahead years of it -us you turn llic prints in your "lhiun. (Jet an album! KODAK FINISHING. "We're right there on the finish. Lowest prices. Best work. Quickest service. McRAE BROS., LTD. 1 ARE GOOD COMPANIONS Keep them neat ami clean in an improved Sectional Book-case Ve sell Den and Library Furniture oi the best quality. Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. We have made u speud purchase of English Toilet Soaps , niuije by Midgeley's of Manchester, and we are offering them ut vwy low prices, in all the popular odors. Large Cakes Toilet 25c each $1.25 per box of 0 Small Cakes Toilet 10c each $1.00 per box of la Old'English Lavender Toilet. .40c each $1.C0 per box of 3 Bath Tablets 20c each $2.00 per box of 12 'Me shall not be able to buy these soaps at such n low price-wgain and we strongly recommend you to purchase BY THK BOX, in view of the big reductions. ORMES LUTED Tho.Roxall Store. Phones 82 and 200 NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Gaudy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in o Beautiful Box. Hole VCgents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. For the balance of this week 200 Pairs Outing Footwear with leather soles; for Men, Women and Children At Cost and Less. IVir ft red and smelly feet, broken down arches, cal-htuori bunions, corns, get in touch with Dr. Sclioll's A'gitucy THE FAMILY SHOE STORE Ask Your Grocer for Electric Bread and Cakes Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. 4 U Phone 41. Hayners, Undertaker. Phone 351. tf Prince Hupert Annual Exhibi tion, September 9 to 13. tf For quality ami preparation, get Hunters' Coal. Phone Green C22 or Blue. 015. tf Prince Hupert Exhibition, September l to 13. Exhibitors please call at ollicc for prize books now. tf 4 Miss McAulay, who lias been holidaying in Winnipeg for 1 lie ast two weeks, returned to th" city on Saturday afternoon's (rain. Dr. II. 1). Tussle returned to Hie city on the Princess Alice on Saturday' afternon aft;r spending, a week on business in Juneau. Mrs. P. J. Ilyan and family sailed Saturday night on the Prince George for Vancouver where they will spend a month's vacation. Frank II. Howling sailed for Vancouver on the Prince George Saturday niglit to consult w'ilh the. Soldiers' Civil Ke-eslablish- nicnt medical board. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Walker re turned to Hie city on the Car ilena yesterday afternoon after having spent several months holidaying in California, Miss Jessie Hothwell and Miss Klla Mercer returned on Satur day afternoon after having made the round trip to Skagway. The proceeded south" to Victoria. Mrs. Harris Kerr sailed for Vancouver Saturday night oc companied Iter moilier who is to consult a specialist for seriou illness which recently developed I'nion steamer Cardena, Cap A. K. Dickson, arrived from Vancouver and way ports at o'clock yesterday afternoon and sailed at 8. for Stewart and Anyox. 4 Dr. II. K, Tremaync, aecom panied by his hltle daughters Audrey and Frances, was a pas senger for Vancouver on I lie steamer Prince George on Sat urday night. . -j Sidney Ilazetl-.Iones sailed Saturday, night on the Prince George for Vancouver. He look Ids car with li im and plans lo motor to Seattle and Portland possibly reluming by way of Prince George and Haicllon. - Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Stewart and sons sailed for Victoria on Hie Prince. George Saturday night. After visiting the capital, lliey will proceed lo Boundary Bay, near Vancouver, to spend the holidays, at their summer home. U.X. II. .-deanier Princess Beat rice, Capt. ClilT, arrived in port from Vancouver ami wayports at 11.30 p.m. on Saturday and left again on her return south at 12.15 .a.m. Passengers leaving for Hie south included Mr. and Mrs. Corker. J. H. Mitchell, traftlc manager of the New Zealand Railways, and Mrs". Mitchell were passen gers from train to boat Saturday night. Having recently arrived nl Vancouver from Xew Zealand, they were making (ho triangle trip lo Jasper Park before proceeding to Eastern Canada. Mr. mid Mrs. Robert Hunter and family of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, accompanied by Mr. Hunter's sister-in-law, Mrs. Truesdale. and her family of hdmonton, passed through the city Saturday night bound for Orcas Island, San Jilan group, where I hoy will spend the summer. Mr. Hunter, who is in Iho retail lumber business at Fort Saskatchewan, is a brother of D. M.M. Hunter of this city. EMORRHOIDS Do not suffer another day with BJ Itching, Weeding, or Protruding; Piles or Hemorrhoids. No surgical operation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and afford lasting benelt. 60c n box) all dealers, or itfmnnsMi, lutes & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box frae, Clark's beans Wcito'li-iu., with Tomato Chili or plain Sauces Enjoyable ff JB ourishing gjp kOKTML; W. J. Jefferson, manager of Somcrvillc Cannery, arrived in the city from the Naas River Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0.' Tretheway of Abbolsford were passengers going through, to Alice Arm on the Curdena yesterday after noon. The fishing schooner Fredelia of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s fleet was taken up on the i try duck this afternoon for cleaning and painting. R. W. Hauninglou, C.N.R. as sistant counsel al Vancouver and Mrs. llanninglou were pas seugers going .south on the Prince George Saturday night. J. E. Miller and T. Mason customs inspectors, passed through the city this morning on Hie Princess Louise bound for Dawson on departmental business. S. G. Carter, who is engaged in the bakery business in Xa- naimo, is a passenger making Hie round trio to Prince Rupert Stewart and Anyox from the south on t lie Cardena this week Masters Macdbnald, sons of Dr. D. J. Macdonald of Kin eolith, passed ..through on the Cardena yesterday afternoon en route lionie from Vancouver where they .'have been attending school. Mrs. W. T. Kcrgiu and daugli ter. Miss Margaret Kergin, returned home on the Princess Beatrice Saturday night from Toronto, having spent a short time visitiiig "x Vancouver on the Way west. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Slater, arrived in port this morning at 8.15 from Vancouver en route to Skagway. 'lie vessel bad a full comple ment of round trip tourists. She left at 10:15 for the north. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. 1). Donald, due to arrive in lurgy at MeUill University, passed through on llic Cardena yesterday afternoon bound for Anyox where he -will spend the summer acting in an advisory capacity for the -Granby Co. The power boat Viner, Capt. I. Thomas, look a large party of picnickers lo Lucy Island yesterday. The rain interfered with Hie full enjoyment of lite Baseball tonight at 0.15, K.C. vs. Gil's. CP. II. steamer Princess Louise unloaded 50 salmon tierces for the Balmoral Cannery while in port this morning. T. II. Johnson and John Dyh havn of this city were elected I i rectors of the Canadian I'ish cries Association at lite annual convention in Montreal last week. The Los Angeles-Lumber Pro ducts steamer hi Abelo is at Buckley Bay loading rough lumber for San Pedro. Knroute north, the vessel discharged oil it Vancouver. Tentative arrangements are being made for Hie annual camping of the Canadian Girls In Training at Port 'Simpson in charge of Miss Haddock and Mrs. P. Ross Mackay. Miss Haddock is leaving on the Union boat on Friday for Port .Simpson lo complete arrangements as to camping site and supplies. It is probable the girls will go north as far as Georgetown on the power boat Towena and walk from there "to Port Simpson a lislance of eight miles. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Augus Munn, 1011 Eleventh Avenue West, Vancou ver, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Xiua Vivi an Bell, to Weldon" Robert Me A fee, son of Mr. and Mrs. George McAfee, of Georgetown. The wedding will take place shortly SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons ovcry half hour from I p.m. un til 6.30 p.m. and on oilier week days al 2, 4 and 6.15 p.m. I lie last boat home eacli day will leave the Salt Lakes float sharp al 7 p.m.. Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for, Launches, rowboate arid canoes for sale and hire. Prince Rupert Boalhouse. SEALED TE.MitllS addressed lo tliu undersign cl, and endorsed "Tender fur wharf eileuslou and repair.. Deli Coola. H.C." will be received .at tut urrice until 12 o'clock noon (davllaht slnal. Tut- aay, vuiy zz, ihzi, ror me., cons tructiuii of an extension and repairs to the ubarf at Bella aula, skcena Oi.-trlcl. B.C. Plans and forms ut. contract can be seen and ieciricaUon and forma of tender obtained at tills Department, at the orrice or the District Engineer, old Cost Office Huildlng, Victoria, 11. C. and at the Cost Office, Vancouver, B.C.; I'l thee Hupert, U.C.i amu, II. C.. and Bella Cuola. B.C. Tender will not be considered utiles made on printed form supplied by the DeiKiriment and In accordance with condition . contained therein. Each tender iiHi.-t be accompanied by an accepted cheque un a chartered bank, pay able to the order or the Minister or Public Work, equal to to per cent or the amount or the tender. Bond or the Dominion or Cauada or bond or the Canadian TVutiitiml llallu'nv CuiiTunr will nt.u. h. port at 3 o'clock this afternoon ceplcd a security, or bond and a cheque fi-iini V.,i..iui. r.,,,1 .. .., ...I i. rrquiiTU i maae tip an imiq amount, t "in iiiiiLvuii i iiimi nu'Ullii 1-7 reported on linie. Tlie westbound train duo al 4 o'clock this afternoon is also on time. Dr..!. A. Uancroft, head of the department of mining and metal Note. Blue print can be obtained at this- iM'tHirtnient by deposltlnir an accept ed cheque Tor the sum of $10.00. payahln In the order of the Minister or Public Works, which will lie returned ir the In tending; bidder submit a regular bid. By order. a. nEsj.uiniNs. Acting Secretary. Department or Public Work. "ttiwa. June 18, H8. 3 CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TAKE .NOTICE that bid will be re reived for the sale or a scow KOVi reel by SV feet, the property of the city or rrmce nuperi. Tnt mdw i now tying: in the bay or Shawallan Passage, near pumping stalloa, and can be examined at any low tide. F. W. PEAHSO.N. US City Engineer, NOTICE. IN THE MATTER or an application for the lsue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for Lot fourteen (14)-. Block seventeen (17), Townslte of Drlkatla, Map 103S. pausiaciury proor or ine loss or tne Miricate of Title covering the above land il-iv illlinnirl, Min o,.l... .im U.l I lie .lltliougll se.l was Calni.lhavltisr been produced to me. It Is mv in- The liai'tv included Mr ami Miw """tl'-n to Issue after the expiration of one . '-"'"h from the first publication hereof, a m i m i . . , .iiu. jiviiniuiii--r nun (jiiu. liters, M roTisiunai icruiicaie or line 10 ine . I above land In the name of Ole Andreas M ,. i. i-i.. t i - I. anil .Mis. Mec Mug, h. Lll- Ormbrak. The original Certificate of Title win, Mr. and Mrs. J., Mr.&V 4019T y ' " num and Mrs. .1. Palersou, Mr, audi Land Registry Office, rrlnce Rupert, Mrs. V. II. Morgan, Miss V. Davies, Miss K. M. .Parker, Mr. Hallanlyne, Henry lleilbroner and Miss Kemp of Kelc'hikan. Union steamer Oai'dena, from Hie south yesterday afternoon, had tlie following passengers: For Prince Hupert S, Itowen- Colthnrst (Terrace), Mr. and Mrs. (i. C. Walker, Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. .Oeorge A. Dodge, N. Hill, II. linker' and II. Plumb; for Stewart Jack and W. K.-GrMllhs: for Alice Arm Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Trelheway and (ius Stenfell; for' Anyox Mr. Kirk, W. Clausen, 11. K. Wilson, Mrs. 1). Dcanc. Mrs. Jeffs and son, Miss McMillan. . Mrs. Rob erts and Dr. J;- A Uancroft; for Arrandale .Masters Macdonald; round trip, G. S. Garter. ' n.c. IStti February, 1091. II. F. MACLEOD Registrar of Titles. Sterling Furnace COAL Dallvared In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This Is a very superior furnace coal. It give a clean hot fire and Is entirely free from soot, clinker, slack and dirl. Some or the largest heating plants In the city are now using It with entirely satisfactory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.50 per ton. We are aUo Agents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and -TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Offlc 1 Hotel OantraU Phone IB MILLBANK" . 4 . STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S: Prince Rupert or Prince George . Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 1.0.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. Effective June 30, 1024. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, everj Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skidegate and all ports south every Wednesday al 8.00 p.m. PASSENGtR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. t.egve Prince Hupert 5.00 pjn. for PMNCE ...... OEOnOE, ED.MO.NTO.N, Wl.N- ' NtPFn all nnlnta Vfi.ra.n r.n.1. llmiiwl Q. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Office, 628 Third Prince Rupart. Phone 280. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle June 14, 21, 25j July 5, i2,,16, 23, 26; For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 9, 16, 20, 27, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 28 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alart Bay, Tutaday, S P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and, Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Waiat Island, Sunday, 8 P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naat RWar Cannarlas, Friday A.M. 623 2nd Afsnua. 4. Barnalay, Agant. Prlnca Rupert, B.C. amatco 13 PLY COTTON WOOD VENEER PANELS For panelling jour rooms it rivals the most costly hardwood,?. Hejtiv&uale your Home Quickly and Permanently. Sole Agents ' Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. I? Underwood J : London Dry Gin jju I A mature gin known since 1762 for Tjt unvarying B This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board' or by the Government of British Columbia. . L