m PAGE SIX. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 "Torment" A cataclysmic drama of flaming human passions and earthquake upheavals. The torment of gold, the torment or oye, the torment of disaster blended in wonder for entertainment. Grown jewels. International thieves. Chases Across land and sea and an earthquake climax that will make yon gasp. Kxhilarating! Exciting! Cn?rRnM.00le' Jo"ph Kllgour, Jean Herscholt, George Cooper, Bessie Love, Maude George and strong cast. COMEDY "TAKE YOUR CHOICE." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admission 35c and 10c Preserving Strawberries, now in Price per case, $2.50 up RupertTableSupply Ti m - $1.00 Will buy more here You can save money on everything you huy at Farmers' Market. Quality guaranteed. 1 tin Kmprcss Strawberry Jam and 3 pkgs. Cornflakes for ... . . .. $1.00 1 lb. C5c Hulk Tea, and 1 doz. (5c Oranges for $1.00 Gaiilfiloupcs, C for ,. $1.00 Strawberries, 8 for .. $1.00 Campbell's Soups, 7 for ... ... .. $1.00 dinner 'Snaps, 5 lb. for $1.00 Picnic Hams, per lb. 17!2c Hulk Ilaisins, exlra special, 0 lbs. for ... ... .. $1.00 Ordara over $5.00 Delivered. Farmers Market Clearing Out Stock of Terrace Potatoes Yur lust chance on No. 1 Potatoes 100 lb. sacks . . .. . . $1.75 50 lb. sacks . . . . . . . , 90o Order Early. Fresh Strawberries and Green Stuff at Lowest Prices. All Heavy Orders Delivered. ECONOMY STORE Phone 84. 417 5th East Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Do-livery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde Street. TENDER8 A8KED. '!! r. ' ' e Timber Tract on South iiank of Skecna River, tun mile. r !. nrcup t. ,:,,,? ,;,MYictmps ,i . . . . 1 1 r I n run mi t mi a nn.. ----- Monilock and Cedar suitable ror poles inj Address Trt..C.lliCAnnntTITLE TIl,JST CO. up,ry' "arry Ai Massey fc co 69 VS.M Washington St., Chicago, ' Illinois. J LAND ACT. -n Olatrlet. District inn oi of caesiai; Castlae? . nomc uiai neginaid ".nn, u. v.iiauuii miner, in ror permission to mirrfias oesenpea lands: Commencing ;Kinr.i at a no.l Planted one hundred yards to the f..riir",lK""" ,,lui "en liaa not 1 1 1 1 M niniiT rt r n.,r.n o i .. i r.r. "...iu.i, v.icin, imp in iip east ELS.01."0" .Ga,1 nn Tl"flsn Lake, thence fTn'i",.lwen,y rhalns- ,henrp west to shore B,v"a truui c sine iu pomi or nEC,-D brook. April t. 18,4. ... IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Matter or the Administration Act; jln the Matter nr the Estate or Christ TAK'F 'Vn-rirr i)i'rfapu- ,h.. .... intestate -11"- . ... Honor F. Mrn Youmr. made this 86th dav Of Jim. A.n. 1931. I nnVlnlrt rVJUf Administrator or the Estate or h,vrinl vfmm- and all parties KHre.n"lre1 ,n r"rns' unif, pronerlv verl- 11,. . A"r'.. or npro'-e S7tn dnv of fl LA'P.-.. M(' n " ni,rt" Indehtert nTh""1 of the" '"btflness to me' rorth- WAl.TEn OAI.E. Attlnif Orrieint Administrator. ., n'-i th.s arth tJTWu0- I a n 1 You married him for better or worse and made up your mind that you would stick with him through sunshine and storm and help him make both ends meet and darn the hose and look after the children and everything. Dut you didn't promise to be a washing machine. We've got "cm for sale. Call and see the Now Savage Washer and Dryer. "A Demonstration Is a Revelation." Kaicn Hardware Co. The Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods G0'8 3rd Ave. phono 3 Suits We have too many Summer Suits on hand will clear at cost Come and look them over. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. St. .Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. CANADA'S POLICY TOWARD REDS "on. Hugh Guthrie Proposes uominlon Should Take Ad- vantages of U.S. Regulations OTTAWA. Julv 7. i':iii.ni.i,.I policy lowards "red" immigrants caino under discussion in Mm House of Commons last week, following Ihe Winnipeg strike of l'Jlil, rigid changes weiv mado hi tlie Immigration Act in regard to Ihe admission of. per sons poking to overthrow con sumed authority by force. A government rt . . . bill .. . discussed modi nes ino iuiu legislation to some extent. J. S. Woodsworth, Labor, Centre Wiimineir. said that the amendments nroiiosrd were an attempt to get rid of some or Hie "vicious legislation" of l'JIU, but thev did not go far enough. Hon. J. A. Hol.b minister or Immigration, argued that imiiiijrrants aennsml .r "0,mnff views opposed to llm social code or the country were noi, uuiler the bill, deprived of a fair trial, but be did not think trial ii) the ordinary courts nee essary, Chinese on Shipboard THB DAILY HBWB. Monday, July 7, 192 1, Timiri,.i..ii., '"""" '"miii uMeiiu ine resi-Incidentaily u the question waH.imm,. ,.r i : . ... riiis,..! nf . !1.1., i...... . .. i. - ciimiiuL'U on f .: : r T' ' n..(.ii.. . . . . i., . . aummeu to Canada but Ju Ho, . .J S?J' ol r VUU,riC' .f0I'!:"!P r P'm Canada ; should take , rLU advantairi Mial : 1 . its ?, !:::!gra. .n 7, . . .. "11U se'ect uit- nt-si 01 tne fcuroiiean nun grants. The bill passed the commitlci stage after prolonged discussion ana stands for I It i l remlin'.- Chinese Immigration ' .C1I . IlKlOIIPIll lll . ,1 wu.uu.wioeriu, nrouglil up the Prince Rupert on a trip to Tin g-subject of Chinese, immiirralion. lamt. Timm .n.ii .. ,...n "uuinig to prevent r w.v viiiinujc i.ciusio .c;i tie- nig uisregarded and permits au- tnorucil in tins act being issued If! l.hllllln frii iii.lAfiii! I . hi..: -v u..,.,v.v nfi iiniuiiuitv its I ilMICt 111 l.aiiatla. I n mnvni :in I lm ma WATER NATirt (Dlvtrslon and Ui) TAKE NOTICE that liume 11. Bablnyton, whose address Is Masselt. will apply ror ' licence to take and use 8,000 rafton or water out or an unnamed pond. The water . , 1 fin n iPPion rra-iin t a rH .ina i i.. about 200 ee no h "nr Vr"th ' ii corner or liiock 40a D.L. 7. plan tMti, lo V ,Jr ismuus, aim win ue USPu I ....,u I'UI 1" .7TT UWUII II1M tit- I xrrihpn a hlnc-ir Mnt 4 ni.n ai -x I ChaFloUe" Inlands. This nolu' was" rosted . . 101 r A'?n,hli,e,.ttlf .df' r. Sf- cation pursuant thereto and to the "Water al Act, 19H." will be riled In th nfrir. ,,t 1,1, the Water flecorder at PMni S V Je'ons to the application may be' riled me ..iu mb ii i- iiecorner or w in thel '"iP'roller of Water nights, rarllament riertWr'irVr nrs? nShlLltrM. ..... r.Jhl ,dnr.of. A1'- jjgj -- I...J iUlll, IJIj B. BABIMflTOV, Applicant. can for f44 JIM J la lea From the tinio that the cave man first presented his T. male with a leopard skin with which o, make other cavelles jealous, the art of of keeping up appearances has been steadily progressing. The art of keenintr 1111 an. pearauces and a healthy bank account at tho same time is being modernized by 1 ed 1 . the faultless cleaning of lha modern establishment. Such a shop you will find here and such a lot of help we win 00 to you. .Mr. caIPJak, tvVaUtVill.L'.'ll PHONE 8 60X392 PRINCE RUPERT you DANCE At the Auditorium Friday Evening, July 11 F.assoifs Orchestra. Refreshments served. Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles 50o l'hone Hlack Mv. I- 1;. Marren, Proprietor. Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE of Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think It over. If not satisfied re turn them and get your money back less 10 nor cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment Just ar rived. Moderate nrlces. latest designs. Max Heitaer Diamond Specialist ainciiilineliL which was ilefi-nli'il limiting the time for which Mm ...;...! . .... i 17. . . ,t,,,l,u"' i ennuis Ol i l.iitini minima ;i In wlv .,.! ,u '.m-ikmic, ""u.a ravored the bin. nc IhouirliL Mm i..i..Ul, should 1 - - -'ivi cuuui have the power to deal will, agi la,01'!i Al "ancsttime it was vt'ry cy Persons to r,ml wy '"to the prairies , . ,-,,. i .-. ...d sue. me. nan been done before. TERRACE NOTES Miss Mayiilo Dobb lefl Tues day night, joining Iter narenls. H r nil. I .'ike. uru, I'l'UII, UI ing al Ihe station to wish her uon. voyage. t Mi and Mrs. T. J. Shcnlon of r. 1 irriiipp minci'i wo,,. ii,ua n j--... nvit kj 1 1 ii Inur nf lu,,ilrtiu.. ..r a t v" -vviini tnv J II I IIC? . ... Hf - t .1 u' 1'ow'l'r p.: lllice Jlllpert on Thursday '''e , ....... she l.i :n , . . Will spend a Couple of .... i...u u" ,lllu """"IIUII1 her trip Armstrong. ' . ..... 'm Maen ,H l""i" 0,1 ,,,e experlinenlal farm "'islheni, Hask., afler passing :....n caui.ihiuuuiis t .. , . ' ... A SUrpflsiparly was held at ot Mr. and Mrs. A, 0. ,'owIp1, w''' H' members of congregation of Ihe Angll Church nresenled Mi. Hertha Fowler with a handsome club bag as a token of their ap preciation of her service as or ganist for the past two years. Miss Klanda Marsh has left lielliughaiii to attend the summer course olTered for teachers. The Women's Auxiliary of the. Anglican church held a farewell for Miss Dobb and Miss Fowler at the home of Mrs. F. Iloss. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raven Lakclxc spent a couple of days in town while Mr. Haven tried the examinations in connection with his work. The Sons of Canada celebrat Dominion Day with a baso- . .... . . . wan iiiaicu ami races. Misses Norma and Heth Me. Cubbin of Pacific ars vlsitlnir and Mrs. W. J. l'aisons. Miss Irene Durham or Usk is visiting Mrs. 0. T. Sundal fop few days. WHEN IN DOUBT I.ady Pianist fwlm. nfl or ii n hour or it, has nearly played her visitor to sleep) What would like me lo nlay now? The Visitor (dreamily) Dh I r uuniio I should keep right on with trumps! The Passing Show Subcribe for the Dally News. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ROOMS TO RJCNT.-Board op tional. Home comfoils. Terms moderale. 010 Sixth Avenue West.. 163 NEW HAZELTON Miss Stevens, assistant' soupp inicndent at tho Hazclton Hns pltal, left last week for ver where she will Join a sislcr anu proceed to her homo Noa Scotia to take oart In family reunion. Anion'' I li ii visil in a c ... .v.-.uacr in lunil i recently were Mr. and Mrs. Col- well, Mr. and Mrs. Walla nml ramily, loin Ulythman. Dan flnlnlU ,.n Hi. i.l. Mnt Maplclon - all of Telkwa. sandy (Jazley of Snillhcrs. . ... I nml Miss llalithena and Arthur Wrinch liavo returned from ancouver where they have at tended school ' during the past year. A, A. Ctuinoii ami . .Mrs i .mi ii iiti t - " - - - - e uviiiivil spent a holiday at H rut. I.uU illlll Ill-Oil"! I I III. If . hinnl.ln. 1 1.1 I . i --- ..v. v...c,iiii; UIIUA wmi litem after she had spent a monui with her. aunt. Mrs. Will. Orallt rnhirnml from bmilhcrs last week pained by tier datiuhlcr. llr-lnn who will spend the summer here. A son was born aft the Hazel. ion Hospital on Dominion Day lo Mr. and Mrs. Marker of Ter race. Arthur I.everell is exneetei! ----- in . return from Smithers this week. Dick Cusack lias been in I own since last Salurday. He expecls Hie Dtilbic Mines on Hudson llav mounlaiii will reopen shortly. The Women's Hosnilal Auxil. iary look in i0 at the booth at I lie hospital grounds on Domin ion Day. Major and-Mrs. Anderson of l-.diiioiilon spent some ' time in Ihe district recently and enjoyed exceiienl fishing. Thev etnecf lo come again in September. Peter Hi Madam who has hoe,. in Ihe north (rapping for several years returned lo llazellon last ....vre mi'i iMnuui in i-iiiiMi, el aD1 rur and son,ft fir'C photo- ..if ,,,.., 1 1 r. 1.. i. . .in; ,11 iiiu imrwi. Adverting, In Uia Daily News. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS vacant, unreaarved. aurveyed Crown landa may b prc-emptid by British aubjecti over It yar of age. n aj aiiani on declaring lntontlon ' vviu. xiniisn auDjacn, condi tional upon rtaldenc. occupation. und Improvement for arrlculturat purpoaea. j. Pull Information concerning; regu lation regarding prmptloni is ttvan In Bulletin No. 1. Land Series. How to Pr-mpt Land," copies oC vhlch can be obtained free of charge by addresalng the Department of Landa. Victoria, B.C. or to any Gov-- 'inineni Agent. Recorda will be rrantad roverlni jnly land suitable for agricultural purpoiei, ana wmcn i not umber lnil I. ..vl.. ..... AAA I . feet per acre weet of the Coaat Range ..vvv ii per acre eaei ot mat Range. Application for pre-emption are iu b aaureeaea to tne Land Com mlagloner of the LanJ Recording Dl vlalon, in which the land applied for la situated, and are made on prlnteJ forme, coplet of which can be obtained from the Land Commlailoner. Pre-emptlona muat be occupied for five year and Improvement made to value of $10 per acre. Including clearing and euIUvatlng at leaat five-acree. before a Crown Orant can be rvceiveu. Tot more detallej Information tne BulleUn "How to Pre-empt PURCHASE Applications are received for our. cnaie of vacant and unreaerved Crown landa, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purpoaes; minimum ui irei-oiaai (araDle) land la IS . V. :.na "conacias (grating) land 12. SO nr ipn fnrik.. I.I.. matlon regarding purchase or leaae j. in. i4na genes, -Purchase and Leaae of Crown Landa.1' Mill, factory, or lnduetrla! sites on ...iiuer una, not. exceeding 49 acres may be purchased or leaaed. the eon unions including payment of lunipage. HOMESITE Lsranca Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 14 ViVi ? ea ss nomesltea. conditional - . unon t.in J Sm.!. "l!-title being .,,.r reaiaenc ana lm pro.Tm'nt conditions sr fulfilled imnu aas oeen surveyed. LEASES ur iru nr ana iniYn.t.i . poses areas not exceeding (49 acres may be leased by one person er a GRAZING Under the Oraxlng Aot tha P,v. .! olyld4a traxlnc dlstrlcU and .-V tb. range administers! under a """' v-omoiiaaioner. Annual grating permits ars Issued based on . wwners. ntocic-owners ,unn sssociations for ranxe mansgement Free, or partlallr fre. Hermits are available for settlers. h.. M-T-.wa, up to te Annual Sum mer Clearance STARTS TUESDAY, JULY 8. $10,000.00 Surplus Stock to be cleared Owing to the unusually lale season, we -find our slock iiuu iur mis lime (ll year, wo Have received orders to cic.ir mis ui sacrince prices and we mean to get results bee the list below, which only partially gives an idea of the auMugs. ui iiu uiivkhuu ay I I ii.tiilt; C!w!l.. ...'.I.... I.. de Ku.iiL.T oiiiir, xuuu in n i.auies ni us 10 c oup in I'O lUiiucoats, values to $ I U.50. nle price . . .... $0.50 12 lloniesiMin Dresses, size I In tn s.ln ll,i... A n5 u iii, use loesses, values in .... c - . . ' . . do ner&ro Skirts, va nes In Summer Vests, pink or while, . ii for . . . ...... v . . . . $1 lUU nn I.'..! I I nun uruwtirs, ooc vnuie, z lor . $1.00 Oloves, clianioiselle, all colors, per pair . , . . ." .... 85c iv in moves, s r il v tlaiiiacrei. tier tin r . . ti nn Silk (doves, all Colors, por HOSIERY Pure Silk, clearin:.' lines, reir. S2.1III twr n:il r..n nn Lisle Hose, trow'll. while, Lliildien's Colored Ttiji Socks. 50c value, 3 pairs for $1.00 mi a iiuuiv mo, un sizes, c gossard nonsFTs Some discouliniied imniels, Other lines to clear from Uhild's Wash Hals, values oummer nais uaiance to be cleared at Half Price. LADIES' WAISTS t- The entire stock to be clearrl t tnird orr. Whltewear of all doscrlntlons. ?n m ., tr tl I'tJ ucay yarn, in staple iwiiiurun s .Miooies ami skirls, eacli , . . $1.00 Children's Khaki Coveralls, retr. SI.7.Y w-nnni..lt r r Liishions ,. for , campers, each urus .iats, eacn n:..i . in. i . . . . I l l ll. HKIll III II liai'K. vnrtls - i... ..ii . un vji ijn-s, an iinors, . yams lor $1.00 UL SWEATERS AT 20 DISCOUNT. X only, nungiiow Hugs, :ix.H4 reg. $15.00, for . $8.50 w uiFii.ii iiiMK-jriumi iiiweis, rcg. u.ir pair. Hale Price 60c 10 dozen Heavy Linen Uiick Towels, slightly ' soiled, ' $1.75 value per pair, for , si on .n woi serges, Aavy and nil r. . mii ureas u'jous Hundreds of other linriraiiw U - ... ., jiiriiuun uit-iii niTf. pin win H. S. Wallace Ltd Phope 0. Extraction of Teeth Dnriutr the summer tnonlhs it i tilt TEETH flinl shnntil lm nrim, ..,.,1 nonni.l 1 ... tiou will he made for PLATES or BRIDGEWORK before the winter months set in. Pain will be elimhnted, . I need no recommendation tn unn v -.,,- rinj. i neighbors , , . are my patients. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Phone 575. Get Your Appointment Today. 8,mith Block. Canadian National Railways Prince DRYDOCK Sal e guiuug ydiir wants ... at this lime. 1 f a k 4 ir.iv. oo. sale t'rice .... $32.50 tit sa.ri i s:.i,. n.. .... ti m i iau ..... ,JU tfd "() s.ii,. iini.... r- pair $1.25 irrev lilm L :i nil tW fits -l ff pairs iur $1.00 values lo 7.5(). To fleur $3.75 ... ti nn to l.0. Halo Price . . . . 65c . - M WIIV" - .v VVII, U, shades, per . . . S1 in , i in. oi iiiuiii 1 ,43 7gc rn . WC Iur re nn . Colors, siecial per yard . . 85c . AA . 1 .. at cu?c rteauction. , c v. IIIH ."I'llll- IIP ue on (iispniy ui Half1' Prices. Third Avenue and Fulton. wu i ii miiuo anu ASK THEM. Rupert AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20.000 Ton Flonilnn Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern nB0 rummers, WOOO Workers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385.