PAGE TWO Tirn: daily news Monday, S.'plemin The Daily News j The Man in the Moon ! Now every member of the family PRINCE UUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. SAYS: I Sf- enjoy real underwear comfor Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince THK way lo get used to disappointment can Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. is to go goose hunting. U. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 OPPORTUNITY sometimes Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 knocks and sometime she walks rit: lit in without saying a word. Contract Rates on Application. ONE way to train the memory is to try lo remember the things Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. that worried us yesterday and that wvre not worth .worring DAILY EDITION Monday, Sept. .22, 1924, about. ffmybody Should Advertise Rupert. Every person an advertising agent for Prince Rupert would mean that the city would prosper. Just think of it five thousand people sending letters tit their friends which point out the best features of the place, filled with optimism for its future and hot pointing out its defects and dwelling on its disahilites. Five thousand persistent advertisers could do a great deal for the advancement, not only of thecity but of the whole district. Add to this the same amount o"f co-operation in other line? of endeavor and there is a combination that cannot be beaten, thai no government or railway or political combination can stop from making progress. ' Harmony of purpose even if uot unity of endeavor would bring about a great change. Advertising Always Pays. V Intelligent advertising always pays. There is advertising hat is a dead loss. There is advertising that does not pay ten per cent on the outlay. The best kino of advertising is that of the pepple most interested. 'jt. British Columbia is Canada's best bel just now. It has such diversity of interest that everyone may be- satisfied. The best way o advertise British Columbia and its resources and possibilities is for the" people who live there to make it his individual w;brk. Let the world know that British Columbia is the best place on earth and that Northern B.C. is the choice part of the; province. Then we develop our own. part of the country and shall'make progress. - No Room Here For Doubters. if There is no room iih Northern British Columbia for doubters. If a person does not think this the best part of the world f.or,him, he should not be here. Steamboat fares are not very high and it is not very difficult to get ouL The person that does licit get out must remain because he thinks he can do better here than elsewhere or he likes it belter than elsewhere. The fact that he is here shows iL Prince Rupert looks; better than it ever looked before. The people are optimistic for the future. If We sometimes get a disappointment, that is only what we each get individually in our own businesses. Want That Road To x Batloway Rapids. One thing we want badly is that road to Galloway Rapids aim men wc wani some oi uie siimirnan properly put on the market in small lots and at reasonable prices. The provincial government is doing well in having the slashing done this year, the, work is being continued and it is mute heavy. The next step is to gel the Victoria government to follow it up with a sufficient sum to complete the job. The session of the Legislature will open soon and the estimates, will be prepared before that time. This is just the time to gel busy on the project and back up our member In his efforts to have the work done. He 'is on the job but he is only ine. If we make ourselves heard it will strengthen his hands and make it easier for him to gel a vote for the road. Stability Of Labor Shown By Election. The re-election of Tom Moore as present of the Dominion Trades Council and of F. M. Draper as secretary indicates a condition of stability in labor circles which is often not suspected. These are. looked upon as safe men in lhal they do not run on alter an the new fads which are constantly being brought forward. They are conservative in o liberal field. They carry on in what they consider to be the best interests of labor and are well supported by the mass of the labor people of the e.ouniry. iow anil then there is a . rebellion in the ranks but it! jiever succeeds. t -l, The condition indicated by the election to the Labor con gress is a good one for Canada. In spite of after war condi mm, me. rutins oi orgaiuzeu iaior are we ma n ninpr ... steadily hiok after the interests of the great. mass of men who wuik ion .wages. . . FAMOUS AD SLOGANS THAT JUST FIT $TOLLC : Just Say GIMME i 1 A YOUJUSrKh JOW HE SMOKES EM IH $TftOLLCft$ THE CIGAPETTE WltU tHC OBIGItUI ti ife JO for 15? 25for35? InTtodLSOkrW.mhH THERE'S one thing I'm thankful for and that is that I have forgotten much of what I learned when I was at school. PItAIHIE roads are like women's hats. They do not stand the rain. I SOMETIMES wonder if there were a moderation law in regard lo water ami everybody had to buy it at a little store on a back street, whether there would be boolegger.s selling it at every second establishment. THE wind whistles over the bav And the rain conies down in sheets, Hut the boys go out with their guns And nothing their ardor defeats. The imagination works hard And I he game is easy to get, Judging hy the Glories you hear; All of which. are true you can bet. THE only real worry I have is lo know why people are foolish enough to read this foolish I WOULD like lo join the labor parly, but if I did I should have lo give up work like the other leaders do. IT'S the little things in life that count. I draw attention lo the Utile things while the editor writes about the big issues such as Wrangell Island. i WANT to write something about winter but the editor says this is an optimistic paper and il does not recognize winter as a Prince Rupert institution. o 0 summer is a stale of mind' And winter is the same. Money making is a fad, r And life is gelling lame. Ten Years Ago in Pfince Rupert September 22, 1914. Events of thi. war are following I he plans as set down in General Von Hernhardi's book: "Oermany and I he Next War." The success or otherwise of Oermany carrying the program set down will mean victory or defeat. . Col. Oeorge Anderson, chief engineer of the marine deparl-ment. is on, his way north on Itin steamer Quadra accompanied by Lapji'v Oeorge .Robertson who is making an inspection of northern lighT-houses. It is proposed lo erect a new light house ijl Bonlila Island in Hecate Straits. - ' After a (rip in which she com-plelely circled the globe, the American five-masted sailing schooner Inoa is at Port Town-send. The Inea left Vancouver a year ago With lumber for East London, South Africa. DETECTIVES TRAIL DIARY OF LENINE VIENNA, Sept. 22 Reports are current that the personal diary or Lenlne, smuggled out of Rus sia, was recently offered for sale in Vienna. These documents are being (railed by Moscow secret service opcrator.1, but up lo the present Ihey ,ae. failed to find them. The apartments of several anti-Soviet Russians t Vienna, Berlin, yVarsaw, and Prague have been searched, but without avail. READY TO QO "I wonder how our candidate will pan out a campaigner." . "He'll be all right. He film's vrell and has a fine Voice for broadcasting." Life. A- ptr Q -m.nt. COATS SUITS DRESSES HATS DEMERS' Phono 27 P. O. Box 327 v 5 szjtJBs i illlwli BBPvLS S: mSi!k i I WW CtnUaiilioM, 15.00 it, H !). tl.2S. TJirtt UUtlraltd book-Uli thawing Stattfitld'l vid rauyof tljln and Vtigh I in intn't.zcomtn't andchildrtn'tundtrwtar will b mnihdo rtqutlt. Write for ttmn. Stanfield's Limited Truro, N.S. presenting the Dominion Rubber' Co. was a, business visitor in Terrace this week. Mr. McFellers of Edinontou was here on business. Mrs. Win. KinR was hostess at a delightful lea on Friday in honor of Miss Andrew's anil Miss (Hover. The sad death of Utile Hessle Donald ajfed 0, occurred Friday morning in Hazelton Hosilal af tnr a short illness. Henri com plications bavin;? arisen. The sympathy of the community is extended lo the bereaved parents I j PRINCE RUPERT TIDM 444 Monday, September 22 High 8:57 a.m. 15.3 ft. 20:18 p.m. 16.5 " 2:02 7.9 " Low t a.m. 14:22' p.m. 10.8 " Tuesday, September 23 High 10:02 a.m. 15.9 fl. 2 :53 p.m. 17.1 " Low 3:19 a.m. 7.0 " 15:3$ p.m. 10.2 " Wednesday, September 24 High 10:53 a.m. 1G.8 ft. 22:iC p.m. 17.8 " Low 1:22 a.m. 7.0 " 10:10 p.m. 9.2 " So 10- lnl Vaala. y.U mmJ ItW tU up. CTANI'lELD'S Unshrink- able Underwear is made in sizes, weights and styles to suit every member of the family. Stanfield's fabrics arc soft as down and soothing to the tenderest skin. Stanfield's garments are cut and tailored to fit perfectly, without binding or bulging. Stanfield's will not shrink! The Stanfield's garment that fits perfectly when you first put it on, given ordinary care in washing according to our directions, will stay that way throughout a long period of strenuous wear. Sr. A. C Stturtt Ccmlui. fi. mtjium wAght. s- In frtfuUf IttUi mAtt" rr. Swt 14-411. at, t .Skirl and Onixii, 12.14 ptr ffmrmtnt. Pick up and examine any Stanfield's garment , Feel its delightful softnen. Set, how It's finished with scrupulous attention to every detail; how j! seams lie flat, thr buttons are sewn, on to stay. Note its generous fty the full length of the garment t$ skimping.' This careful malting js part of ever)' Stanfield's garment, whatever price you pay, and in every weight: Pure Virgin Wool, Silko-Wool and mixtures of Wool and Silky Cotton. Be careful to select the s ttat fits you perfectly. There's a sat, style and weight of Stanfield's for every member of every family, priced from $1 to MO. TAN FIELD'S 1DERWEAR BE COMFORTABLE THIS WINTER WEAR STANFIELD'S 1 Terrace notes Mr. and Mr. Tinkle of Pacific were in town on Thursday. E. A. nlow, of Winnipep, publicity airent for C.X.11. was in I own tor a few days. Win, Allen of Vancouver, re ' HnriSl 1:iri-r ' nt Rlewnrt &S Mobley was in town this week. The Jmlges of the Fall Fair exhibits eft lown Thursday. Mr. Dow and son, formerly of Haskalchewan arrived this, week from New York. They have bought I en acres across from Midland's. ... . Mr. and Mrs. Clapp of Prince Ilupert Hrn in town for the week end. H. II. Harlow has resumed his duties and was in town on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clapp paid a weekend visit lo Terrace reluming yeslerday afternoon. NOTIOt. No II re It hrri'by rlvm Hut tppllrttlnn will b matin to the l.rll.itlve Aumnhly or th rroHiMc or Mritinh cciiumiiu n the iipjt Scmtluii tlirri-or, Tor an Art iiiakluv provlnlon for thn vrntlnir nf Rrm-nl imi Hrly of tlii lrHtiy Iprlan Cliurclf In Canada, Hie MrthiKlim Chunh and tui Coif IrMnratlminl J .... a ,.r rnala In tliit' pit puiioinii i lit' an .imui iii'J j Lulled Cliurrh nf Canada: for the holding. I n and iwltiilnlftratloii of lh proptrty nfi riHiminillona entTliiif tlic" nnlna of the 'iii rliurcliPH ia form the I'nltril Churrli m Canada, and for lliv liiridlnir of the irow-rly of ronKrrira'.lon votlnir not to ooiii'lir thrrrln; for the trust rrlatlitfr to krucra I and nmirreicatlonal propi-rly; and Krnrrally for tti rairjlnif of th U union Into irrvrt. Ililpil l Vlrtorla. flrltlsh Columbia. thla lh day of Siptcmtipf, AH, !. i:i.kaiiiiii i; h HTHAITII. IJIS l.aniricy sireet. Victoria, It C, On Ix lulf of the applicant, WW t? ror straight figure A boned 1;". H. S. WalaC4, Limited