ex PACT. FOUR Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange Make your reservations for tbat Christmas visit to Ihe Old Land early. For Tickets, Rates and Information, see us. OIIer Typewriters'. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybfiavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone S80. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 te 8. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Fmr Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits rteady- to Wear $18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupcrl, B.C. Pfione 774. P.O, Box 958 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edsori Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing) and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.O; Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde Street. CT : K3-DAILY NEWS Monday, Sn.i,.,,. BRINGING UP FATHERS OOHVTHl lt A DEAD TOWN ALL. I OO lt. 1EEP TO K1L.U TIME. r ; f LEAGUE BASEBALL SATURDAY GAMES National League SI. Louis 3-5, Boston 1-2. ' Chicago 7, New York, H. Pillsburg 5, Brooklyn I. V Cincinnati! 9, Philadelphia C American League Philadelphia 7-2, Chicago 4-5 .New York 5, Detroit C. Washinglori 14, St. Louis 15. Boston-Cleveland, rain. SUNDAY GAMES American League Washington G, St. Louis 4. New York 3, Del roil I. Philadelphia 4-5, Chicago 1.12 Boston 2-11, Cleveland 0-5. National League Pittsburg 1, Brooklyn 2. Chicago 3, New York 0. FIRST PERFECT SCORE OF SEASON YESTERDAY H. Floyd Turned In Possible of 35 at McNIcholl Creek ' Range Prlie- -Shoot Soo'n The fir.l possible of the season on f lie Mc.Nicholl Creek range was made ycslerday when II. "loyd turned in a perfect 35 af he 500 yard distance. There were only five men out so no poon was awarded for the day. prize shoot will" lake place early in October. Yesterday's scores were as fcL lows: 200 500 C00 Tlf II. Floyd 20 35 29 90 R Wilson 27 33 24 St M. M. Lamb .... 30 23 24 77 W. Brass 23 28 24 75 S B-Jones 17 18 20 55 GOBBLES GOLF BALL TALLAHASSKK, Fla., Sep. 22 V possible eagle on the course of ihe Tallahassee country club here was made impossible by a real eagle. Hie big bird swooping down on (be eighth green lo seize a golf ball as it was trick ling in the general direction of Ihe cup. Fred C. F.lliot was Ihe victim and gained scant comjort from the assurance thai the eagle was "an agency outside Ihe mnlch" and the incident could not be held "a rub of the green.' QUITE SO Teacher Children, can any of you loll mc what is the mos dangerous part of an auto mobile? Tommy Yes, miss, I canl It' Ihe driver." Nick Murchie sailed for Ocean Falls on Ihe Prince Rupert Sal urday night. . WELL-HOW Do OHi ONE OF THE 5RUt oh: OF THE. VILUACE- THAT'S TME YOG EXPECT TO 5LACK. COFFEE AH EN JOT IT IF- TOO who TENTH ONE TO PA WHILE I COME. HEReitJ t5VA.NO ax tE. it TOO WERE lAUE E(3 ! TO SLEEP? THAT OE THAT OOKT .Ml BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE f Sport Chat The eastern professional hockey situation is all in a mix-up and none of the club manager' seem lo know where they are at. It bad been expeeled that lbere would be six clubs in Ihe Nation, al Hockey League Ibis season with a new English speaking learn in Montreal and one in New York. It has been found, how ever, that New York will be unable lo operate Ihe franchise Ibis winler. However, Ihe new Mont real club has been formed and five learns are now available. A magnificent new arena is being built in Montreal and it is .said (hat Tex Rickard ami bis associates will have one ready for hockey in New York by f lie time Ihe" I925-192C- season come around. Sir Thomas I.iplon, the smil ing Irish sportsman and sailor, who tried so many limes for the America's Cup, announces again that he will try once more says Ihe Montreal Slar. II is said that he is much buoyed up in his hopes- of capturing the celebrated rophy at fast by Ihe news lhaf Ihe Herreschoff yards at Bristol R.I. where rnosf of Ihe opponenls for his Shamrock yachts were fmill, has been scrapped. A freaf deal of credil for keeping Ihe America Cup in America has gone lo Ihe two brother, Nal and ohn Herreschoff. Nal was Ihe lesigner and John, the business head. The latler is now dead Che Vigilant was Ihe first Her reschoff yacht to successfully df. :end the America Cup. tookmilicgo"aton RUNNING BOARD OF CAR OREELEY, Colo., Sept. 22. Molor tourists no longer give up all the comforts of Iheir homes when Ibey travel through the west. One parly of travellers from Norllr "Dakota.,. -.'which' -passed 'through O'reHey recently, had a milclr goat harnessed in what the onimaLseemetLlp.rregard aft a comfortable position on the run ning board of their car. Mem bers of Ihe party explained they were accustomed lo goal's milk. wnd thiil they saw no reason for doing wjlhoul it. because Ibey were travelling. The goat was so tied to the car Unit it could eal. leisurely even with . the automobile in motion HIS ONLY CHANCE "You are always taking econ omy to the public." "I got to lake somebody inlo my confidence," answered Sena lor Sorghum. "There's no use lalking economy to my family" SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE FOOTBALL DENNIS SWIMMING DUCKS AND GEESE ; BUT FEW GROUSE Hunters Did Not Get Big Bags Yesterday but Number Did Lot of Shooting Plenty of shooting but not a lot of game seems to have been Ihe resull of yesterday's hunting. Ducks are nuF plentiful yel but here were more to be seen yes- ertlay lhaif Ihe previous week end. They are rather, wild, however, and not many were brought home. There were no big bags although most hunters got a few. Oeese seem lo be flying freely hut they are extremely wild and difficult to secure, fieorge Bryant got three at one shot last cven- ng and a number of others brought in one or two. Deer Are still at the top of the mountains and very few were brought in. Several people went to the in-erior after grouse but the veal her was bad and there was no game on the train last night when it arrived. TELKWA AND DISTRICT RECREATION GROUNDS HAS BEEN INCORPORATED Among the lalest incorpora tions is that of the Telkwd and District Recreation Ground Limited wilb a capital of SI 0,000 wilh head office al Telkwa. The object, of Jhecompany is to own. imirorej and operate the fair grounds at Telkwa, including the race track, recreation grounds and other premises incidental thereto. THE BOY BOB Constance Talmadge Introduced The New Fashion in Hair Dressing at Hollywood The, "hoy bob.' The latesl -thing in Hollywood. Constance lalmadge lias introduced the new fashion iij.jfjai'' drpjsing., , ' "I'm never Koinif ?bafck:d long hair again," says Constance. "In facl I have bad my hair bobbed shorter than ever. I like the new boy bob1 and think it's ouite the most sensible style of hair dres sing yet brought out." In her latest comedy. "The Goldfish," Constance wears her hair very short. A MODERNIST Teacher You'll have "to slay in after school arid work on your geography lesson. You didn't locate a single one of Ihe cities Willie I can't locale -them, but I know how to tune in on Ihe whole blame lot. BRIER - 1922 ht . Fcatuac Srwvici lc. WANTED WANTED. Experienced folder. Apply Pioneer Laundry. 222 WANTED. Small sae. Apply Box 205 Daily News Office. 22 1 GENERAL SERVANT Wanted. Mrs. O. Besner, 303 Fourth Avenue East. tf WANTED. A boy lo learn plumbing and sheet metal work. Must be a "live" boy. Apply Howe's Sheet Metal Works. WANTED. Furniture or every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone C52. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED stenographer and book-keeper wants work,"Nov-ember I. Write Box 20C Daily News. tf FOR RENT TWO Rooms for Rent with private family. Gentlemen only. Phone Blue 329. 223 FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Blue 217 or 18. ilO Sixth Avenue East. If OFFICE FOR IlENT with moder. living quarlers.-i- Westenhavet Bros. tf FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts, tf FOR RENT Four room, modernf, heated apartments. Apply Smith A Malletl, Ltd. If BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Office, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf AUCTION 8ALE8. Goods Bought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 136 and Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Ni?ht Stand: rtOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Emnress Hotel BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN. The ''ose season will soon bo here. Yqu can gel your boats overhauled by con tract or day work, at a moderate price. Wc build anything up lo 200 tons. Marino ways. Call or wrilo Eriksen Bros:, boat builders, North Vancouver, B.C. If FIVE AND A HALF MILLION VISITORS TO C.N.R. PAVILION MONTREAL, Sept. 22. Thai Mie Canadian Nalional Hailwnvs pavilion continues lo be one of the cliier attractions at the Brit-Ish Empire exhibition at Weinblev is seen in Ihe fnct Unit over a ipiarler of a million visitors passed through the building ililllng Ihe week ending August 23, bringing the lolul nuinjier or visitors to the pavilion since the opening of the exhibition lo FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR SALE. Rooming house, furnished. Apply 929 Ambrose Avenue. tf FOR SAI.Kv Fumed Oak Davenport, good as new. Cost 85. For Quick sate ?I5. Phone Blue 737. 210 Ninth Avenue West. 2?2 FOR SALE. Old papers by the bundle. Daily News office, tf ROOMING HOUSE for Sale; central location; steam heat; cneap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Write J.x 202 Daily News, tf FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Boats and Engines. Northern Exchange. tf FOR SALE HOUSES 6 rooms and bat Ii. two lots, fine harbor view, 13,000.00. 5 rooms and bath, close in $2100.00. 5 rooms ami bath, good garden, $2200.0 3 rooms, high grourfd, $750.00. Terms arranged for all. McCaffery A ibbons, Ltd. AGENTS WANTED BIO PROFITS Full or spare time selling our men s niaibr. lo-measure clothing. No experience necessary. We teadh you how. Samples free, write for exclusive Icrrtlory. Dept. 192, Wilson-Bradshaw Company, Box 10f5,' Montreal. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Storo. We Buy Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPAD0PULI3, 839 Third Ave. Phone 4C. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON . Oraduale of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. 'Hours: lo to 1Z; 2M0 5; 7 lo 8. SalunJay, aflerriopus and Sundays by appointment. Piiono Blue 85. o Positively the fleat tbat Money can buy I GOODYEAR TIRES 1 FOR FORDS $8.60 to.S1G.00 RIDE ON AIR Fit Your Ford With BALLOON TIRES and vlirniiiato (he rnttles. MODERN WRECKING EQUIP. MENT Service D'y and Nighl KAIEN GARAGE 5, '(22,1150. In addition to (his number close on twenty thousand people iillemled the' Cinema llnll during , the same week where moving pictures are shown ami lectures held; depicting xe'enes along Ihe lines of the National system J- pipings, 5522 ' v" 1 t-'t' Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advurtliemcnt Taken for Lo.. than BOc MAIL SCHEDULE i ii For the East Mondays, Wedneniiayi and Pi lays, closes at 3 15 nm From the East-. Mondays, Thursdj and U, urdays, 4 p.m. To Vancouver Mondays, mail closes at tOM, Tuesdays, Mall ej?j at ( tl Thursdays - j p. Saturdays , . Saturdays iq U.IUI. sept 6 ami 16, From VancouY Sundays . Mondays Wednesdays Fridays .. Fridays C.P.R. Sept. t a: J J2 To Anyox, Alice Arm- South Island Points-Saturdays, mail due . To Naas River Polnti Simpson Thursdays " From Naas River Points 3 Pi j a .3 PI Wednesdays ,9 pi Sundays 7 pi From Anyox, Alice Arm-Tuesdays ,p,I. Thursdays pj To Stewart and Premier Sundays T .7 P,M, .Fridays '. ,9 P.il, From Stewart and Prtmrer Saturdavrf P.M. Tuesdays . ...P.M. To Port Slmpaon Sundays Thursdays From Port Slnipion Tuesdays Saturdays To Alaska PotnU- Sept. 1 and L From Alaska Points Sept. 3, C and 16 To Massstt, Port Buckley Bay Monday rna l rnni. 830 P. From Massett, Port curt" Buckley Bay Wednesday ma: I due AX To Skldeaate, Q. C c.ij - South Island Points- Wednesdays, mail elo From SMdegate, Q. C. Cllf d raiuroays ' BOX COLLECTS P.M. ... us Ora..am & Atlin Ave :,, 1st Ave. & Eighth SI Cth Gth Ave. A Fulton St 8lh Ave. & Thompson 8 I. Pro. Gov. Bhlgs-Prov. fiov. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf n .... t. Qtt.l St I'n on i- am Ave. om .7 P.M. 10 P M. P.M. A.M. Clements," .30 -W Itth Avc.&Sherbroofce .j Ave 1 1 hi Ave. A Conrad St Oth Ave, & Hays Cove Ave Cth Ave. & Hays urn Circle- 8II1 Ave. A Cotton St 5th Ave. A McBride St. . it 2.10 2.IS I 2.59 3.00 I 3-5 3.(0 'I-' 3.15 V 3.20 Ulil divt AOS j . . . in. at 3.. 9J' 9.:! NOTICE 1 Advertiser nrc r , ed Hint copy tf 'J e W sh..ul. tisemcnts 0 ( Dally News Jt w 4 4 p.m. today lo eiwore , scrtion In tomorrows i( , ' sue. I ' Advertise in the