londay, September 22, 1921. The Finer the Tea Sk I KIAFT.Mirf 1DFN the richer the flavor. AI ATIA" l thevfinest, therefore is always rtiore delicious than ordinary tea. Try it. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert B CREESE CO. LIMITED MONTREAL SbJ mt mf ropr ol "ChrtM ixl W.M lSt. It." Selected rand" eena hockey e For picnics, '-house "Hipert Hrand" Salmon. A Tew tins in the pantry nro always handy. SlooTua supply on your hoat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8EATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX , Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART J 1'riday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. 8.S. PRINCE JOHN for Massct, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skldegate and uh ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. l-five Prince Hirpert t.nn p.m. foi I'M.Ni'.E (if.i'HGL. tll.MO.NTO.V WIN-NIPEO. til point! Eastern rn1ii. Dhit.il stst AGENCY ALL OCEAN kTEAMSHIP UNCI. Olty Ticket Office, 621 Third A,., rvhtce Rurfsrt. Fhone 2SO. TASTE Kraft Cheese! Shut your eyes and immediately -kh-8, you picture green hills, pure jp " "Sl bred cowj knee-deep in clover or drinking the pure cool $$3 PtTf water from a bubbling spring. Tvt Kraft Cheese is unique! The 'feSSf first bile will captivate your SvHilfiW? taste, win your lasting appre- Vil$Sv fltr ciation of one of the most Ijr'Uivr w nourishing, economical and AfQr delightful foods Nature pro- w&ra videsforman. KfW TEMPTING DISHES mSE ' Nearly 100 tasty tSPSj.T ' Cheese Recipes aro f wbrVw3i'V intheKreltUooltlei , 4 ten! free. Uo ?. MlllL& v Coupon.. -vT" VxiSi Wji, - 1 1 'A i w ! " A-14. Local and .Personal Hayners, Undertakers, Phone 351 B.C. Undertakers. Phone il. J. O. Steen paid a visit to Ter race at the end of the week. Towing and freighting. Tug i'owena, 50 h.p.. Cap I. M. Clifton Phone lllue 100. Night phone 23. tf Mrs. Field, Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. tf - - Misses. Ella and Peggy, Steen relumed to town yesterday after spending the week end at North Pacific. Pythian Sisters Whist drive tonight at 8 o'clock in liostnn Hall. Admission 50c. All wel come. DANCE in Hoslon Hall, Tiiurs day, September 25 by Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Admis sion $1.00. Dancing 9 p.m. sharp Proceeds for llidley Home Fund 220 It. C. V. Lett of the CN.it colonization department is ex pected from Edmonton this week and will spend a few days in the city. 4 Jospeli Rogers of the Prince Huperl Hy-Produets Co., Ltd mailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on business. - E. A. HIow, of the Canadian .National Colonization department at Winnipeg arrived in town yes Icrday from Terrace. Concert by Luther League, St Paul's Church, Metropole Hall tomorrow September 23 at '8 p.m. Offering at the door. . Mrs. H. H. Hemming and Mr George Richmond are 'sailing tonight on the Prince George tn spend three weeks holidaying in Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. J. A Hall, the Hyder banke "pent yesterday in (he city. He arrived ' from (lie north onvlhe Princ Rupert Saturday night and returned on t lie Garden a this morning. J P. Forde, district engineer for (he federal department of public works, passed through on the Princess Alice H'is morning bound for the Yukon district. S. R. (J. Twycross, passenger agenf for the tauta Fe Railway at Los Angeles, and Mrs. Twycross were passengers arriving from the East and going south by steamer Saturday night. Mrs. .1. 11. Meagher sailed today on the Princess Alice f.r Ketchikan where she will spend the week visiting with her sister- in-law, ,Mrs. Joseph Meagher. She expects to return home on Friday. Albert Farrow,, steamboat in spector, and E. Edwards, Lloyds' representative, returned south Saturday night after having spent several days here in connection with (he repairs (o C.N.Il. steamer Prince John E. A. HIow of llio C.N.R. publicity department readied the city last night from Winnipeg ami will spend a few days here. His business includes the obtain, (tig of minerals from this district for a permanent dsplay In Passengers sailing from here this mornins for the north on the steamer Princess Alice in cluded Mrs. M. H. Pointer, Mrs. Jerry Pointer, Mrs. W. Parsons, W. Spilter and C. Parsons for Juneau; Mrs. I. Charley, Mrs. P. llciiia, Miss Hazel Heuia for Wrangell; Miss T. Kennedy, A. Cappellp, YV. G. Hurgess, Mrs. J. II. Meagher, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Douglas, p. Ryan, V. M. Whitney, J. M. Ryan, D. Prevost, Mrs. L. Fossell, Miss A. Fosselt and R. Smith for Ketchikan; Mr Doimhuc, Miss A. II. Marshall and P. H. Mills for Skagway, Mrs. L. Haynes -r Dawson. rCZEMA Von ra rot experiment. It. g when tou use Or. unnne nuv r ment for Kcirmk tnd Skin Irrltv tluiis. It rrueTM M one ami riuu-m ally heals the kln. Sample box Or. Chase's Ointment free II you mention U'.ls und send 2c. stamp forvxwtnee. Ka Super oil allUealers or U-n'"' "U-n & Llxult"1. 'j'oron 4 THE DAIL? NEWS PAGE THRER wm t ill Healthy babies thrive on Eagle Brand and doctors recommend it in stub born feeding cases. It is the natural food when mother's milk is not available because it is pure country milk with sugar added. Alwaysimiform, digestible, nourishing. For Free Baby Books irrtfe i V&e. l5onittv Cajimiicd Vancouver. M. l ox. M.I). lias been appoint, d meiln al ollii-er oi heallh for Swansou Hay and surrounding disl net. --,-- Mr. and Mrs. E, YV. Graham arrived in the city from the east on Saturday night and proceeded south on the steamer Prince Rupert. Mr. Graham is travelling passenger agent for the Union Pacific Railway at Los Angeles. I'liey stopped oil at Jasper and were delighted with that place uid the trip .by rail to Prince Rupert, F. Napier Dcuison, superin tendent of the Dominion meteor ological observatory at Gonzales heights Victoria returned south on the Prince fcltupcrt Saturday .light after hajtgS. spent several days here tupcrvulng the trans fer of the locarant'teorological station front' J&view" to Digby Island. STi A daughter waboni yesterday at the General Hospital to Mr. und Mrs. Nels Leuth, Second Ave. A "daughter was born yesterday at I lie hospital to Mr. and Mrs. J. Charlie, Telegraph Creek. . .-. - A sou was bprji , yesterday at the General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Vy". J. Husswood, Digby j In the Letter Box LATE HARRY LIPSETT Editor Daily News. The many friends of Harry Lipsetl were called on lo feel the keen edge of bereavement last week. In a crowded chapel they met where, deluged with beautiful llowers, the remains of our old friend Harry slumbered quietly and peacefully. We' listened in silence and sorrow to one of the most beautiful and inspiring burial sermons delivered by Rev. Mr. Fallis, . that .1 have-ever heard. To thoseof us who knew li i in froi'n chihljmod) bright and happy, ever anxious in life to help the afflicted or needy, thus cut down in his youth, the mys-lery of life and death would seem lo deepen, but n the burial ser mou explanation and comfort for even his loved ones could be found. Harry Lipsclt will lC massed by all of us who knew him intimately as (lie "jvrilcr did, .Our hearts go otit in deepest syni-. pathylo his wife nd. family! AN OH) FRIEND; "What do you think of this living beyond one's meant?" "II ought not to 'b(? The Ilritish Columbia Gazelle announces the appointment of Henry Fry McLcod of Prince Rupert a stipendiary magistrate and coroner for the month of September. Miss Helen Randal. R.N., administrator of the Registered Nurses' Act expeefs to return lo Vancouver on the Cardena to morrow evening. She visited Port Simpson at the end of the week. This afternoon she ad dressed the pupils of King Ed ward High School. C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt. Ormiston, northbound from Vancouver to Alaska ports, was here from D o'clock to noon this morning. Her light passenger list included 11 round trippers and one passenger for Prince Rupert, H. It. Tickner of Port land, Ore. 4 Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. E. Dickson, was unduly late in arriving here this trip on ac count of having heavy ireigm cargo for intermediate ports and did not get in until i o'clock this ! morning. After discharging for the Canadian Fish & Cold Stor age Co.. the vessel sailed alii for Alice Arm, Anyox and Stewart and will be back here tomorrow night southbound. C.N.R. steamer Prince George Capt. Harry Neddcn, from Van couver and way ports, is due on lime at 3.30 this afternoon. The Prince John, Capt. Neil McLean arrived at 12.30 this afternoon from Lagoon Hay with a cargo of salmon for transshipment south and will sail at 8 this evening Tor northern Queen Charlotte Island points. Tlie train from the East, due this afternoon at 4 o'clock is reported on time, MISS FULLER BRIDE OF W. W. WRIGHT AT TORONTO RECENTLY Simpson Avenue Metlioiiisi Church was the scene of a dainty wedding Wednesday wlren Lydia Henrietta Fuller became the wife of Willard Wendell Wright of Prince Rupert, H.C., says the To ronto Star. The bride wore her ravelling suit, of navy .blue poiret I will with hat. to match and carried a generous shower boui-quet of butterfly roses, baby's 'breath and maiden-hair fern. She was attended by Miss Annie Fuller, as bn'besmaid, prettily gowned in powder blue Canton crepe with grey squirrel trimmings, grey hat and, shoes and carrying Russell roses. J. O. McArlhur acted as best than. Later a reception was held at" the Imme of the bride's sister, Mrs. McArlhur, who received in black silk panne velvet with corsage, of Premier roses. After a dainty buffet luncheon the happy couple left for Halifax and New York City before going to their new home 'u Prince Rupert. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prinre Rupert Mrs. Walter Ltc, Inverness; E. Woodworlh, Srnithers; L. J. Wise, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snulhani, Hamilton; II. E. Davenport, E. C. Tennant, F. Young, A. R. Anderson, W. J. Mcgill and W. A. Wilson, Seal Cojfe; J. A. Hall,. Hyder; Miss E. C. Arseott and-.Miss'p. F. Stephens, Niagara Falls, Out.; J. W. Niinn, C. S. Rankin, A. Field, Miss II. Randal and E. K. Knott. Van couver; A. J. E. Hishop, Victoria; A. S. Marshall, New York City; I Marshall. Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. Will Gihben and E. A. HIow, Winnipeg; Mrs. L. Hughes,- DaWr son, Y.T.; A. II. Mellish, Premier; A. II. Edwards, Usk. Central .1. J. Howey, W. Lindsay and W. Hurst, C.N.R.; J. F. Stamford mid G, (!. Morgan, Goedetic Survey; '., Skihich, Princeton, H.C.; A. II. Whitney, San Ilernaldino; W. Ream, Massett. NEW DOMINION LOAN Particulars of the new Dominion Loan Honds lo be issued in XTunuda are now available and we shall be glad lo consult with you if you contemplate subscribing. QUICK ACTION is jiecessnry ns it is expedled that the issue will be oversubscribed immediately. ' THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE S. K. Campbell, Manager. Prince Rupert Branch. You can just see him grow stockier and healthier and happier on Kellogg's. With milk, cream or fruit say, could anything be so nourishing! CORN FLAKES Ovtn-frtih alwayt mm THE QUIET 12 PRICE $155 Speaks only in a whisper but is being heard around the world Unexcelled for good work, and lots of it and that's important in it-s e 1 f. Furthermore, its hushed and whispering voice brings welcome relief from office clatter, and creates better and more efficient working conditions for everybody. You are invited lo call and see its many remarkable advantages. THE REMINGTON PORTABLE The Hemingtoii Portable, too standard keyboard light and compact, $85.00. j Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. BURN Nanaimo Wellington Coal I -'' I Ml- II I - Our lump coal is double screened. Every lump is a chunk of heat. TRY OUR NUT COAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN RANGE Albert & McCafFery, Ltd. Phones lid and 564. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Selling's from Prinre Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Bwansen Bay, and Alert Bay, Tussdsy, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanson Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. Foe ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wales Island, Sunday, P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naas Rlf Canneries, Friday A.M. 2S " Aenie. J. Barnslsy, Agent. Prince Rupert, B.O. SJSejaUW!t.MJ!!Wi JWE)MIB!ibMI