September 22, "1021. THE DAILY NEW8 WEEK AT THEATRE Vacuum Bottlds Monday and Tuesday Keep Contents Hot op Cold i'.Usn it' to put Hal.y's Food in at nights. .if' ' v. ; Splendid Value, 75c. t it EMULSIFIED COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO A sliiipoo that gives Iho hair tone and vigor and easily ..V cleanses the scalp. Hegular price 50c. Special, 25c. i ORMES LIMItED J- H THE REXALL STORE. Phones 82 and 200. .CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE' PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver.iVlctoria, and Seattle September 3, 6, 16, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway I September 1, 12, 22 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For lutedale, Swaneon Bay, East Bella Bella, Oca.i Fallt, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th S'roet and 3rd Avenue, Prince RupcM, Is.w. At Your Qrocer's Select ELECTRIC BREAD The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrftt of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY X toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Ho Sole AgcijtSjT- PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. time honored fiiendofyoitfs Bottlld 'in bond under Federal Government Supervision . This advertisement is hot published or .'displayed by, the liquor Control Hoard or by tho government or. ADVERTISE AND WATC H YOUR BUSINESS GROW The Dawn of n To-morrow. Comedy Cartoon. International News, , Wednesday and Thursday The Goldfish, Fox News-Gazelle. Friday and Saturday Woman-Proof. Comedy. Fun from the Press. DAWN OF TOMORROW SEEN TONIGHT Man Nearly Commits Suicide But Is Stopped by Child In "The Dawn of a Tomorrow," David Torrence portrays the character of, Sir Oliver Holt, one of the leadihg powers of the London financial world. Physicians tell him his brain is failing ami that in thirty days he will no itoubl he dead. Hut Sir Oliver decides to end it all now and with a pistol in his assumed costume of -a down-and-outer goes to a London water front. Just as he is about to send a bullet crashing into his brain, a sovereign drops from his jwckel, and is picked up by (lad (Jacqueline Logan), a nameless waif of the gutter. She is amazed to think thai anyone with so much wealth should even contemplate death. Persuaded, Sir Holt goes with her to buy food, and she, taking him for what he appears,- offers to share! her foyd with him in her garret. Gradually he becomes interested in the derelicts of , Apple Hlossom Court, which he recognizes as one of his properties. An old woman, whom he meets, convinces him that only good is coming with the dawn of a tomorrow. Hut Sir Oliver wants to keep his identity a secret, and needing more money to salvage these sunken souls, gets Dandy, Glad's sweetheart, to rob his home. Dandy Abandons anntller "job" for the same night. nut thieves on the rdher Job, i winiiii lie w ii s i ij hum lur.uin panieil, kill a man. Caught, they accuse Dandy. From I he n on, '"Hie Pawiyof a Tomorrow" builds in dramatic 'tension. Dandy must furnish an alibi. And bow he does it wilh Olad's help nvakes an absorbing production. GEORGE ADE STORY HERE AT WEEK END NAMED WOMAN PROOF Fortune Is Saved When Hero Falls in Love and Is Married j Aboard Steamer More than six months were spent in research, tn revising, the' plot and in selecting the. casl) for Thomas Meighan's new Par-) amount star- vehicle, ' Woman-, Proof," before n scene was filmed. The story was written by' George Ade, noted humorist and: short-story writer, and it was re-: vised again and again until in; its present form it is clamed loj be perfect in plot, drama and heart interest. 1 The slory concerns a young; civil engineer, Tom nockwood.i (he nart played by Thonmsi Mciahan. who' is too busy with a1 big industrial project to ibink of matrimony. The boy's father had left a will stipulating that all his sons and daughters must marry and settle down beforo they can inherit his fortune of several tnillion dollars. Tom's brother and two sisters find little difficulty in choosing mates, but Tom cannot, interest himself in women. As the time limit when all nuist be married approaches, Tom's family grow frantic in their attempts to in duce him to enter matrimony. A garden party is staged and Tom is surrounded by women of varied personalities. Hut ho is bored ami leaves before the affair Is over for his work. Here he meets Louise Halliday (Lila Lee) and fulls In lovo wilh her. Milo Hleech, executor of the llockwood estate, will lose, this post if nil tho llockwoods marry, Ho therefore tries to mhke Tom's proposal of marriage lo Louise Halliday look like a business deal. Lmiise and Tom ac cidenlally meet on hoard a steamer as she Is leaving dock and here a reconciliation is V", . '- S V ' - ... QfrJovc tJiat ( :w . mvcr uica , A Life is Real No thoughtful man can close his eyes to the realities of life. It is true that life Insurance has to do with life. Life insurance sets the mind at rest, it saves money for old ages, comforts, it enters into many a business deal: in fact, it touches all phases of life. But, it is equally true that life insurance stands between many a bereaved family and the hard realities of tiring. The loss of the breadwinner often places burdens upon shoulders too weak to carry them. Then Life Insurance can and will assume the load. Good citizens of Canada are insuring their lives now at the rate of over a Million Dollars a day. Why not consult your nearest life insurance man and find out all that Life Insurance can do for you? Lift Insurance Service receiver naturally costs more than just, (he plain article with out any finish. The price of a good dependable three tube set ranges from $75.00 to $125.00 complete. These prices vary directly as Ihe num ber of Tubes. Kor Instance, i Complete five tube heulredyne retails here for around $200.00 A great many neonle defer purchasing a radio set, because they Ihink it Will become out of date In a few years, and by thai lime represent A loss, they ih not c.ount the fun and pleasure In the meantime. They are nbl altogether correct, either, In their assumption. Does au auto- 2s: RADIO STATIC By The Daily News Radio Expert. Choosing a Set The first question which confronts one who is contemplating the installation of a radio set is "what kind of set shall I buy?s' The answer to this question however depends upon the answer to three others. First: For what service Is your sej intended? 'Second: What range do you want lo cover? and Third: What price are you willing, to, pay? . A radio set. is just like anything else in this world, Inasmuch that the1 bigger the pride you pay .'the heller- 'liie article you receive, or ought lo. It is nol logical to expect that an out fit. Costing only a IriiliKwill ghm, the same results a a high priced one. So far s Prince Rupert is concerned, Hie well known cry stal set is quiln out of tho ques tion, on account of its limited range. These crystal sets can only be guaranteed up to fifty miles on broadcast reception. Of course, much greater ranges aiv being often achieved with crystal sols mil these are freaks anil not Hie average. On the whole thoy are unreliable for long distances. Perhaps It nught bo wvll to stale now that In order to satisfy the demands of the ordinary listener-in, a receiver located in the Prince Huperl vicinity nvut consist tf at least two Kibes in order lo gel fairly decant results with any volume t nil. Tire reason for this that (he nearest nroaucnsnng Maimn or any pnwer is 100 miles distant, air line. J-'or those who desire to oper-. ate loud speaker regularly, three" of four tubes are required. Two or three lubes, however, will giye plenty or volume in the headphones without excessive notse-, and after all, it Is quality of re ceplion, not quantity that should be sought for in receiving. Do not forgel also, thai, a thre. tube set consisting, As most three tubes sets generally do, of a detector and two stages of audio frequency amplification for volume, will not receive for longer distances than a single tube set consisting of just plain detector. The only difference is in volume of reception. Upwards from the threo tubo set just mentioned, it depends ooly Upon the personal taste of the buyer and upon his purse as to what set he will buy. A well losigne,! and excellently finished mobile get put of date? .Of iiinra il ilnei in si like clntlies and boots.,'' it. is only reasonable to expect .lliat 'improvements will he-made iii radio ets as well as automobiles. Hut most people do: not put olT. buying an auto, nidldle on tliat account. In, fact, a. Wdio set bqught now will be good for years to - come. Any new .Improvements" can be added, at' any rate. by ' ;ihe addition of a few" more pari 8. : .iast aiid poihe fpasl important,' wtien you. decide- "to: .buy aintiannaraius, arty standard a rreliahle, (teler wi.U usually he fouhd" liiore sati'sfactbry. ' ", , Xineteep licenses, .haye.lieen is- sui'U; at the,. pOstofliciJ to local ovviiii's (jf;.rdui.;r'Civiig, equip-: nieiHs uirier'f'sei.y -11. ,!l uiprer. stc-'od,. have" -''irjnri,' licensed direct froih 'ibl tawii.; '; 'The. jost ofllce coliec'Js Ihei'liX'ippsf s. for tho de-parlmcnl jo.r.'inafln'e and fisher ies'. . . .'. u- , Tonight's program by KGO is as follows: 8 p.m. (Educational program with musical numbers by the Arion Trio. Courses in Agricul ture. Music.. Economics and Lit- erature. Instrumental selections (aj Negro Spirituals, i Arfon Arr. (b) Melody, Brig. "Gen. Dawes. (c) Song of India, FUmsky Korsakow. (d) Selections from "Lohen. grinj" (first played Slptember 22, 1818), Wagner. (e) Sextette from Lucia, Doni-lelti. (f) Old MelodyFlow Gently, SweeC Afton, Arion Arr., Arlon Trio. I0;0b p.m. to 1.00 a.m. Dance mdsic pttigriitn by Henry Hal- stead' Orchestra and soloists, Hotel. St. I rancis, San l rancisco Tuesday, fiepleuvber 23, 8 p.m Two addresses. "Tho Service to Young Womanho'od," by Alice M. Hrookman, Y.W.C.A. Secrctaryi and "A Young Man's Opportunity," by William Gillandersr Y.M, C.A. secretary, are featured in the K(10 broadcast, Tuesday evening, September 23. The en-lire program for this evening will be contributed by the Oakland, California, Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. organisations. Purser Wilson Don't you like the fea? Tourist (at home a hairdresser) Not when It's marcelled. "LISTENING INI" Entertainment and Education. Radio Supplies Speciality- prince Rupert's Pioneer Radio Store. W. W. WRATHALL, Prince Rupert, B.C. Special Attention Given to Mail Orders. LAND ACT. Cmlir Land Dlitrlot. nfonrillnir district or Prlnre niipert, mil uluitte In Atlin I.skn, about one half nillf due west ir Atlln Townnlte. TAKR NOTIC.K thai viul I.. KrirCrt. of Atlln, In the Province of Brllloh Coliim-lila, ocrupathin Jrut-lltr, lntenili to applr for pfrml!lmi. to purclime th roUowliiir Ofwrrtjcd IsikI: Comnnfiirlnr at l imm iilantrd it the Kith Mint or the nmull Island known a Second Utand In Atlln Like, altuited a aliovev ttuwe uorlhwful and on around till Uland follow I nr the uliore lint to tire place it cuniliielireinrnti md conlilnln( two icren, more or tew. Sept. Srd, tDf4. PAUL L0UI3 E0QERT.