PkQU TWO. 4 "FBUIT-A-TIVES" SAVED HER LIFE Operation not Necessary After Taking This Famous Fruit Medicine 8928 Uxiom St., Vxseorri:, KC , "I suffered nithall the symptoms of Female trouble, with chronic Caiuti-patian and constant Headaches. 1 had pains low down io the lack And sides of the body. AdoctoradTiiedneto hate an operation. I started UklDg"Fruit-atiTf-"and this medicine has completely relieved me of all o!y misery and sullerinj. am free of pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation, and what tirnd me is the fruit medicine, "Fmlt-atiTes." MM. j.ftonsn. "Fruit-a-tites" are made from the iuices of apples, ora-urea. Jits and aBSBBfc BaBSBBaBaV prunes and tonics and are absolutely free, of calomel, senna and other drugs width instate the towel. "Fruit-a-tites" will always correct Constipation and lliliousness. S)e. a bos, 6 for J'-jO, trial sixe 2ic. At all dealers or sent post paid on receipt of price, FRUIT A TTVF-S LIMITED, OTTAWA, OXT. I-ondon, Eng. Ogdeusburc, X.Y. CbrUtchureh, X. Z. The Daily News Pni.NCK ItUPF.iiT - MUTISM COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLF.X, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Kmpire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member or Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION fsifurday.. .Marrli I, 101. Blondes Are Doomed Says Scientist. Blonde are doomed. They ran in it live in the United Stale for many geueraljons, according lo a scientific wrilerjii Physical Culture. They cannot stand Ihe -nrlinic rays whichpenetralc even Hie kul. The particular rays .of light which injure the hlotides are the short, invisible ultra-violet rays, Ihe actinic rays of photography. Whercer the light is good fop photography ,it is iad for blondes. . . Wondes, according to the .authority before mentioned, were developed in the wooded countries of the north. That is their natural home, hence some parts of British Columbia should sitil blovonis forth into intense. .activity. Blondes migrating south iwere' responsible for fireek civilization, the rise of tjie (toman jpower, Ihe Spanish" world -power. Cleopalra was a blonde and o was Murk Anloiiy, Today (he blondes have practically disappeared from siMilheni Kiiropc and hence Ihe -decay of Ihe 'soolhern European civilizations. tBIondes Are Popular Throughout World. Blondes ore popuhr throughout the world. The blue eyed, dow headed peoples have been the aristocracy everywhere. Angels Communists Are Always Hopeful. Communists have met wilh a large., measure .of Mirces be. caijf they are alwsys hopeful. They sec victory just ahead. For many years they have' been that way, and it "must . he ad-milled that a I times it would seem a If Ihey might possibly succeech Today, however, Ihe. movement' has had I wo notable setbacks. In Itussia ihe system failed became the peasant producer refused lo rirndocn nnlnss f. .. !,,.( !,' 'in.. AND you can rest assured that ht ls ftettinft the finest milk procurable. Kllm Brand Powdered Whole Milk (n the brown and yellow tins) Is made from the freshest full cream milk from -which the water has been removed. It Is no boiled or sterilized but Is absolutely pure, ' Atk your doctor what he thlnkt of Ktim. CANADIAN MILK CROpUCt S LIMITED MONTRI.AL TORONTO WINNIPEO Sold by RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. SPENDS LARGE SUM AT ANYOX ! ' - ' jAnnual Meeting Hears Reports and. Elects Officers for ! Coming Year of whom Ihay bud labored so Unselfishly. It. II. Manzer moved a vole of thanks lo Ihe member of . t . Slilllll. . , fpr-tti'elr excellent in office. Nomina I here being some menliou of the ecreary duliesj pr. Harper outlined-a few of Ihe things done by Ihe secrela'ry. who aceorded a volp of thank by Ihe meeting for fervires rendered. After some discussion of variou !are pictured as fair, while devil are dark. To give a black Iookma,'rr ,nf meeting adjourned rneaus giving a briiuelle look, '' It is further pinled out in Ihe article that Ihe reason whv.FINF FiANfP CAVVK i.i,...,Ia n,r.i;n,t il, ... i. .: i - i. " wnnvu uimn pernnienl and erratic in their behavior is 'simply Ihe result of Ihej taction of aclinic photographic ray-. The Monde is often a wildi '.woman as a result of nerves brought on by the action- of the Mill. I There may be objections laketj to the argument of this! wriler, but at any rale his arguments are interesting, lions were Iheu in order and some Ihirly names were siibmil-led, about !weitty agreeing to BY BOY SCOUTS OF LOCAL FIRST TROOP Enjoyable Time Last Night the Elks Hall; Music Was Excellent at Ihe dance givrn by 'Ihe First Troop of Hoy Scouts in Ihe Klks Hall last night was a delightful affair. About 70 couples thoroughly pnjoyo.l the dancing from soon after U o'clock until I... i.. i .... mi- -Hriy noun. i in? hall was result has j.eci. a reversion lo capitalism. In Britain a Labor "'.Iy ' 7 1 ,,h.f -government, upp.rle,l by a large Liheralgroup is carrying onL ' V 7" ?""" w "' the -government along sane nou-comniunistic lines and there ij umllo h Pre,ared. no sign of any change to communism in that countrv. It is' 1 '" ""'." Four orchestra simply a Liberal government under annlher name. linU- -n(iienni"n, ,)f ri' -Snra Vnco, the mot nearly communistic hut tho country almost went tol'!a"o; M'M 'nllr! '''"''er, saxo-ruin and it look a pronounced reacUnnm-v in iho r,..,, ,.t tt plione; Sydney Hazett-.Joues, mier Mussolini lo hring her hark to her senses. If ihe extreme jxy"",,onft 1,11(1 banjo; ami Ueorgc reds can lake any coirtforl from Ihe coiidilinir in tiriini. ;.. n.. i't i. Jr., Irajis ami marimbn sift, or in Italy, lhn they are easily satisfied. furnished excellent nliisio as silcd in Ihe second half by henny Hood. he dance program included among Ihe other dancek, Leap Year ami moonlight waltzes, Ihe subdued lighting effect-' of Ine taller being particularly ef fectivu. ik. ni i 1 i-eiigniiiii rerresiimeiils were served at II..10 o'clock )iy the hosts. .Mrs. Carrall had charge of. Ihe kitchen. fieorge Horie, er., was floor manager and Jimmy Mitchell called Hie circle dances. ,. ,. Teng was on Die door. The cnmmillee in cliargo of aiTaiiKCinenl.s consisted of Scoulnmsler J, A; Teng, Asst. Seoul master AV. K. Hamilton and Assislant Hcoulmasler fl. I llorie. Union sleamer Camnsun, Capl. 1. .. l iiullay, soulliliounil from .Mias Diver pmls In Vancouver, was in port (his morning from 5 to 0 o'clock. The vessel mad her Skeeiwi Diver cal!n lb In moinlmj ufler leaving here. TllE'DAH.Y NKWS. Saturday. Mhi-rli . fu.j Tke Mm it tlve Mm ' say- ! I UK tfirls ..f Mi.imi Fl.trid.i rUuUhF suil or say Community League Provided at Cost of $10,000 MUCH CASH ON HAND I VVVliV M i iv I. I Tim Cnm. munif' League held II annual meeting in ((cereal ion. Hall Wed. ine-nlay night, February. 37. with il're-idenl Harper in Ihe chair. (The -.ecretary presented a reporl rftverinp Jhe 'activities oi the league for 1923. and explained it iti detail, also n balance sheet sliowin? (lie financial condition of I lie organization as at the end of December .'it. II was shown that afler paying some MO.onn for peneral activities during tlie year, winch included porU entertainments and community ser"-J iee. the league Irad sufficient rash on Hand In pay all-existing liabilities and still have a bal- kiiic'e in Ihe tank in esces of s'UMO: this aii.trt fnini eiinin- ment. whiclifbad . an. appraised value of M5,rt5u".HJ. ; ' For Ihe cmuinc year, it m pointed out, a considerable sum of ' money -would hv required f-ir alterations lo the tennis rourls. intproeiient In conne.-lion wilh children's playground and work" on Ihe hall grounds. All branches. of Ihe eatruesaclii ilie- were in a heallhy condition, the Library being maintained at a high standard, new books and 'terindirals being constantly added, while Ihe gymnasium was in 'continuous use throughout (he day and even ing. The report was received and filed. Good Work of Council The secretary took occasion. In mention .Ihe crood work aecnm plished for Hip-benefit of the rili zens of Anynx by the memtiers nf Ihe- retiring council, who were enlilled to the thanks of the -entire community, in the interest them. Trail plan fell jit where Hie" "acfiriic 'rays "are ii7iserfiil,'i'he""rniinr1l ) howe.ver, the blonde loses (he lethargy of Ihe natural stale and frv'ce while edict-. of. ih mayor, A ii:.TI.I'.i or in i. ii i. , defined as 4ine svnn has lime tn keep Ids ipe in go(h running order. ' . . fXF ditTerencr- belwonn ibe life of u married 11001 and lhat of a bachelor i lhat whb tht marrieil man,, bus a wife lo look ror 111 Hung 1 tn iMcltebu knows he will find them tiiniging on Ihe floors . - A MAN. without a " woman I Jus aboul . badly nff a a ' woman without a rnant.r Till-! way to save money is lo refiisi to sijtoii.t. There 'may be idfier methods' but I ftae nhl found them. ' ' , rilK.IlK iiret inne women around IhN'fciy -who ar afraid In" laugh for fear they might grow fa I. v WIIILV a woman has, been Jilt ed, a few lime. jhe begins In wear the gambler's tarn. rUKHK'S one thing about that octopus story .jC wa so tlirilling it would he'alniftsl iuiposnible lo exaggerate il(n the retelling. l)t' may. he able ri string beans but It .dilllrll to kid glove. "- . I'll K man who talk t in hii sleep deserve all. he get. - ' s WIIKN ymr borrow J rouble, do not bother about the security It will be'iiabi'-back iitid'Ibe igi I Vest rherk Will cvrne along with it- N WIXNIPF.ii talks aU-ut herself a a western ciy. lu u she j an eastern rity and a 'long way eas at lhat. No western city would refuse aid In adjusting the freight rales. . . I)VN In old "Onlaritt a lown has to have a (Mipulation of ten thousand benn it can be classed as a cny. Here a great many cities are still born. - . DOWN in the slales (he crop of nuts is paid- to be below Ihe average. Here. Ihey are nl least normal and there i a good deal of optimism as to (be future. -' ALL you have In ny lo the edilor IfMlay l "Have you caught any-more oclopi'T Till', boy along the waterfront want lo know .what was Ihe brand ('.apt. Itamm was using h-o thai they ran avoid that kind. The worl any rif the olhers ever saw was snakes, hy' say ' . ocioous tieal s a sea ser pent for real ihrills. PKIllIAPis ii was Venus thai saw Ihe giant oolnpu and told (he story to C-ipl. Itamm and fin passe'd il on. ' II wrts' a good slory anyway and makes for Ihe merriment of h community, Doubtless- there was an- element of I iu lb in it. SO.MK wag suggests thai It seepied the naijiral Ihing for Ihe octopus In cling to Venus, Ihe woman reputed In hove Ihe mn beautiful form In . lie world. Ten Years Ago in Piinc Rupkrt gH lll".l' l .l I.( The. occasion being Ihe sVcntid innlversiiry of Ihe opening of fthe new church on fltl Avenue, special services are being held in Ihe lendit ifuirrh today. Hev. (i. II, Haley of. Port Simpson will preach lohig'hl, Jack LimUay, who has Jiisl received a trial shipment of Ci. ii rst( SIMONDS; SAWS tlMONtS tAHSt uv cAinmi ; 31. R.irl Si. tni Acot A,MnlrLQiM. Vancestf 1, I.e. 9.4lin,i. Melancholy - Gloom - Despondency Tell Of Exhausted Nerves 1 T w unfortunate tlat one of the mot. common 'symptonw of nervous hauKtion is the tendency to melancholy, gloom and despondency. You get looking on the dark Ki'de of things. You begin-to worry and cannot st-e that the future n&lds anyjlhing better for V'ou. The supply of nerve force is running low and you lack the energy necessary to throw oft tnese blighting, depn-ssinR feelings. The depleted nerve cells must- have nourishment. They must be fed back to health and strengtn. In Dr. Chase's Kerve Food you find in condensed and easily aMimilatcd form the ideal treatment for an exhausted condition of the nervous system. You will not be using this treatment long before you find yourself sleeping and resting better. ' 1 It will take a little time to build up the system, but you will soon find yourself more liiiiotby hay from Ihe" llulkley Valley, says il l of Ihe finest quality he hit ever sec1. Frank A. Kills I back from a trip In prince (leorge. He reports buy lime and a' population of ;.oon people In the town which U rlow being sened wlli Hirer trains, a werk fpirTi STEWART E. J. Coiiway. field engineer for Ihe (Iranby lmoidatei Mining. Smelling ,V Power fli paid an otllcial visit lo Hie Dun-well mine last week. Jack Crawford, At Kelly. Krne.t Muslow and ("barle Heal have, returned Jrom a six months' trapping expedition to Bowser Lake. At one lime Diey.were reported dead hy Ihe Indlnn. Owing lo exceptionally heavy snows, llu'lr fur catch was not very large. II is reported here lhat de. velopmenl work Is to be resumed on the filacier tlreek group.wliieh adjoin Die Dunwell. SMITHERS Mr, and Mrs, A. (Ireenhalgh lefl last week for 'inniieg and will he. away from one lo Iwo months. J. McKay and II fi. Smilh have leased their farms adjacent lo N O T I C t. .MOTICC III twrnliv klvrti thai ki-iul.M ullt ihi rrrriveu up m (hkiii nn n rilli-einri IV nf Manh. I0l, st 11m m' of U iimiemiiiiieii, in h nr I'rmm iiuperl, i nn nrp in iiiiiniuia. fir 11m uur rlii. of Hie Imllillhr lliiatnl nn IjiH tl u is, hioik -r." city M iTlnre Rupert, li t:., i ml known si F.IIpi-'s I'lanlnr Mill, to- rethr u-lth tiMlviir inaurlal ilur mav in- mi ine premiaea, . Esi-h imir muni tie s'ro-npsnM hy a rlieque fur (lis irnoiint t I lis it-iiiUr,- llif rlintpa ut Ihn iiniirr.iliil tiiilr..a will lis raiurncil .ImniMlliieli tlw (jiiildini lllP0l l.f. I mlr ilia rmiitltlnns i( Oil tain M nrcenry ilit ti tull'llur h reninvect irrnm prant tile Lsfurs June loth nun. iim) nu in m i.ri in s Mre tmi iiaiiuarv rminiiinii.. an uriiri. in ii v.nif.vj.,1 siul sl etrivitinna in rilM in. Thu tilflieo nr'ny lender ik.J rieres-Wily ' arrepieil. TtioMts w. urnxr. Ooermnnl Asenl. rnoct nupsri, B.C. cheerful, more confident and more energetic and will be encouraged to keep up the treatment until fully restored. Si'.ch symptoms as headache, irritability and indigestion disappear as the nerve in strengthened and resume their function in controlling the activities of the vital orpins of the body. ' So treatment for the nerves has ever met with such unqualified success as Dr Chase's Nerve Food. ThU U proven in many hundreds of thousands of ca-M-, nuny of which are reported in the newspapers from day to day, You will notice that while the. price oi Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has been increaed to COc. the box now contains CO pill instead of 60 as formerly, Ukeww Dr. Chase's Kidney-! iver Pi!U are 35c. a box! 35 pills, instead of 25c Tor 25 pills. Fdmanaon, Hates &. Co., Ltd., Toronto. Smllhers-lo D. SI i. hi and son, months at Vniu '-'a -r farmers of he Kijmonlnn dli-icitir in the soiuh frirl. Mr. Mr. .slurd -lor.l will, will' take take jh-. . scs.loif on April ill" and will bring "a family uf,Je-ien wjlh Iih'ii. Mrs,' Yiiidl ami ."family hav relurni"-! after pcridlng Ihfeo 14 A. liMlland, nialii.' Arctic lee Jo.. ba " Ijlioonloii after sj.. lime here eiiierilKr taking of Ice at Lake k his roiiipaiiy. lUlt 'if 1. 1 .1 K-. ANNOUNCING TheBiggest Event of the Season MARCH 8ALE OF FURNITURE at BARRIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS. 3rd Avenue and 1 st Street. Our entire stock at greatly reduced price. Vj 1 lines for Ihe bargain hunter. . 1 SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY. MARCH 1st. BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend Iho following as being safe, snleahk and of fair return: City of Vernon . , TiH ,ie l nth June, I03H, ' al $t)S.0.. .Ylsld 8-70 tf City of Duncan due i 8th May, IDIi.!, nt SIOf.90. Yield 5.7.0 City of Prince Rupert : 1 due at 4 (n Ifir.O, nl 1.101,34. YUM 8-9 Orders may be, wired al our ex)enso, Interest .nccrtic" to dnlo'nf payment miift Iij idded., W pay delivery Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office l VICTORIA, B.C