PAOB TWO. t bat e been md recommended by Canadian housewives for over 50 years. Time is the test of quality. Insist on the kind tba mother used." The Daily News I'HINCB RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon. exe;p( Sunday, Ihe Prince Hupert Ilaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. I'ULLEX, Manajring Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Delivery, by mail or carrier, per nioiilii . .f0 By mail (o all part of the British Empire and the United Stale, in advance, per ysar 10.00 To all other rountrie. in advance, per year 7.Tn Transient Display Advertising f 1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Pare.., Local Readers, per insertion Claified Adverliing. per insertion .-. Igal Notire, earh insertion. per inch pr insertion $2.80 per inch Contract Rate on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - ."ie per line :c per won! 1 "r per aeafe line 98 88 All advertiing should he in The Daily New Office on day prs-ceding publication. AH Advertising received subject In approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Building Ship Here Will Help Business. Tur,4ay. April 29, 1321. Building a Meamer at thi port will help luine. A great fiiiniy men will be employed, mire the work begin, and Prince Rnp"rt will be one of the huie.l places mi the roaL It is to le eipeefetf that very mhih there will be nffirial confirmation of the letting of the contract to the loeal hipyanl. Until that confirmation come it i not wie to talk much alwml it in a public way. Object Lesson On Forest Burning. An object le'on on what not lo do is seen at Itniiibuw Lak-. reached from here by way of mile 21 on the Canadian National Railway. The country around the lake i denuded of limber, there being nothing there but ancient gray pike Dial give a dead pieurmire trt Uie place. Jti.l around the lake Kim of the country ha been cleared up and in time there will be a meadow country surrounding the lake that will be very beautiful if the undergrowth ran be kept UOWII. ...... jut urr aillllliu llC I.IKf lIHI.iy lUC lilKCS wimiIiI be prettier than most similar place in the country. -The waterfall in the river are very fine and the place i well worth a visit from anyone whether fiherniaii or not. The Icitort tri learn from it, however, i to ee that forM fire .lo not denude ;uiy other tiarl of Ihe di-lrijl. Compliment Drydock On Fine Work. rhoe who hae inrled the work rbme on (he triadian in the local ilrdo k ami who know what vu work K have been cornplixnenliiig the management on the excellent re Mia aiiaiueu nere. .mi local fieople will be glad to know that the local shipyard i able lo lake care of big work when offered 11 . . t .... uiem. v sum our congratulation lo tlioe of other. The l-nnndian Srot(ih wsi huill here and built wellMeven under ad vere roiiunioii. .ow he lia been well repaired after being iooiiiiiy run ashore in Ihe harbor. II i expected thai the next I. tr iitli l.. Him ....... 1 ..r ii... i - . . t., ..... tllv luiiriiMn mi; piiM'iigcr Mcamer lor Ihe Alaka run. It will be a ru-h job bul.tlouhlle will be dune eiptally well. Cocker's Little Joke ; Regarding Manson. n.iiiiuri. teener 01 aniieruooi a-juker or he would not have been jibing Hon. A. M. .Mnoii nit hi cowardice. That i on'- thing Mr. MaiiMiu i not. lie i mil n ,t,...i,n... ha faulty a good many of them, and lliu. he prove that he i hiimaii. like the rest of u, lull fear doe not ecm to be 'one of hi failiiiK. To ugget IJjal he i -cared of (inker a an oti-l-iiieiit in u et that he will appreciate. Coming from Cocker huiielf Ihe jest vj be ceririy 'appreciated. PUBLIC MEETING HEAR PROVINCIAL PARTY VIEWPOINT P.O.E. ENQUIRY. And Other Live lm BOSTON DINING HALL (Over Union Bank) Wednesday, April 30 at 8 p.m. Ladles Invited. Speakers: J. F. Tener, John Connell, Bert Showier. fair Rini niNr i TO BE REWIRED ! 4Citjr Council Undertakes to Pro i , MaUrlal and Labor for Necessary Work The riljr ffKlttr il Jrr:lrf Unistii In a; llrr I air IWxr4 m rrwirinjr the Kibibrti.ta Itatktiae ' t'T provulin? -rrlifi Malarial' la! require! to 1st. Ia-wl "4rlrk, yiroi af the tmiMiar up ! -lalutr Ijt rear Ike mirins in itir botf.tHt: fMid , J ir in a rry saM;Yi 'Ii'ir.n aixt a rMnemnl tiy lkr UertnleBdeil tt ulililw. Ttw uriioa if Ifr imm-y la ! raiei In rarry tml I If tiere. ary rt ha lea isin: lb, fair Itoaril for lilllr liiwe Aid. MariMiall rbairman of ulililf rvimiiiillrr. krui;kl TERRACE G.W.YJL CONCERT AND DANCE Lecture on Florida and Musical Program Followed by One of Best Dances Given I F.IUIAOi:. April 29 cerl and dance sirri Fridar nhrhl by the fJ.V.V.A. froe. to he one nf the mn ucceifu event of Ihe eaon. There wa a fine muical program and an iti1erot Inpr Ululraleit lechlre on Flonlia and Hie Went Indie. For Mieilanee Mirre waV an atiRmenteil iindieklra which provhled unusually Plirnl nilixir unl Ihe holi. day pirit pi-rvaded and made neryone enjoy the event. The lerlure on Florida nnd Ihe AVe.l Indies hy Mr. Hnrry Blercker showed lanlern olide of ciner-, beach halliinv and many of Ihr feature of life In Ihe outh. A numlier of the yoiing folk look pari in Ihe program. Ml Fanny McLaren aiisr. Mi Janet Young gave a recitation. Mi Belly Ainleron a Srolrh dance and Mr. Allwood an in-lrurnenlal eleelion. LETHBRIDGE TAX RATE PUCED AT 45 MILLS LirnmiunnK, April 29. Ac cording to Ihe preliminary eti male preente- at the meeting of the cily council on Monday morning Ihe mill rale ha been rciluwil by Ml tnill. The mill rale will be 15,33 a against Hie mill rale of WS.i57 for 1023. Thi doe nol include Ihe upptrnxcji lary lax levied by ihe provincial goernmenl which wan I.H75 nill in 11123. It wil run lo more Mii year, am I elimale lo he fry nearly, If nol, two mill. When, you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, and see thai you get It. tf THE DAn.Y 5TTWTL ' Ike M ia ik Mom SAYSx THK cily rwrrn'iy a!.! f'r .w tnt a ifHy "I sml asnij !l Ibe Bi kitf -nJ I ri without tewitrr any liwe hy! ti- tbm np at IW erfrr. THfSE are tti- 4af wWwe sty lb.- Miy. It p&w and -foraXjrisa awler al ia katfi a' IkaMMaftd laW vanetir f n(na fce iry In ftlaralrj. ' j tx- mailer lefore the ronnril a4t, - . ? ftxti ... -kind lftl Un4 ei utt.i a im,riim inai a ;alof.lrl. He lat4 lit a I I bal leri a ewnferenr lVH Itie HtiLHir rHiimiller and th Fair It al lb" Kxkifcilifi Halt. The Fair Ibtard k4 wlber eipm.r l roeel IM yrr urh a tlr ;rri)ViH? of fire rraf- ami ftaintin? I lie Hall. Tfae re. iria? of the MiUdi? hM nian otiHIoh? lilt tfto SW-ii Ihe Fair Board mijlil have tilTi- rully in raii,n;. Good Suesestlon Slating that. iBamu!i a the Fair wa aa event nf valse lit Ih rily a a tio!r aa.l IihM Ke ailet and eneourazeil a imieti rioftile. Aid. MariAiaM fet thai Ihe buiMinz hiwM - trealed a a munieioal tmt. A Ihe rily had no money lo eirNt nftH it, he ujselft thai a H inch olil nialrrial a mIWe Im unl. thai Ihe rily furnili lite laiwtr from the xpare limr of Ihe ol 1 1 it tr furrr anl oeh new malerial a i Hcrvary -aal undorlake Ulf i fit the build ins out. The uperta!endenl nf ulilitie frit that Ihi C.llM te bkmr and thai Ihe work would be (ennanent. Tticre oiM tie no direct expenditure in volt ml and Ihe ira had Ibe unanirnou np port of Ihe ulilitie roinniitlee. Aid. fVdlart xaid thai, if be wa aurel Dial Ihr work would tr iermanenl and Ihe menace of Ihe pal would be nmove. h would favor Ihe ioa. Work Authorized Aid. Macilonald save auraoee ilial iifh would te Ihe rae aw it ttouhl he economical. He then ruoei lhal Ihe Miprriitlciulrnl of ulililie tir rriiMiwere Id wire the hilildin? almifc Ihe line rf out. I hi wa. erondei by M. I'erry and carrieil. FT i repAHM I a l tkeee I t veratia. jrieir away up. COULDNT SLEEP i rera Mr arirt art hr sMilflaf. Tltank la -ier thai be fr hM kick .. IT u4 In tVttoi I'artiantefil rj. lrua;e iwl nw-Mr. bail llay tl ntay aai any kinO f laAxuare iHiiM-ularty ike ai lu rtn- TMK mar came near In de- troymx ntiero eiHt7Mm. bo ibr war faKed beie it M nl imt nM.h f tie7 mwk. WIIF.V a married mh braz of being Ibe mr wm rB Ifce bHle be .robahly refrr l I'Ufiag H" wabjS marhtfi. isiHisig l eWUr for Paul and martins away frntn til witm. - - . KllXfl your n wife would be much more Hrtre-lin? if il were nattsrhty. 1 1IP. way a. mRHer ?H rbt of he o?1 bat 1 by (Nil tin? Ihr I'Oin HY i MsMm when nc ofw ran qunr MMterlaB.I wbal the writer nirant and probably Ihr writer bad lakm ne Inn many liefare typing it. 'I'HH dull ealer IxdbUy having tier Herefuly peit ilbHt eanaHy. the hon Iraeber are oner more eolhuiatWII in firin? Ihr rhAMren In IhsIi and noble ims wtiib earryins oH llieir ihrillm? miI iHirin work. TIIH wallow are hen: The robin i hack; There are fl in Ibe errrk, ?o nnUifn? we laek. I TS a pood Ihinz lo nil ilown and Ihfuk when on the road whirh letnl to Ihe prit. II may yel he mil (no lale lo turn. NOW lhal HriliM. latnir ha a labor ftntrmuient M de not know what lo do wild il, n II i alre;ny talking of turning il ouL IT i umlerMoo.1 lhal in the near future iSeneral Mcllae and iMr lharle llihherl Tupper. Ihe ttrlb-d knight errant who work for a consideration, will l roir. ing lo I'rinre Iluperl and they will ane a run.-ert in which they The ron-i'" "v '""Oirina Ijlllr .tiirl. - llilier. Whrre I Your Job?" MATTRESS GRADING FOR FULTON STREET AND ATLIN AYENUE l.xlenlinz Ihr proirraiu for Ihe matlre vradui'.' of ejty lree rcplnre plank romlway. the cily council .tt nili I put Ihrouxh llirir firt rcndinK In ilialKr hyltiw providing for uch conlruclion lo width of fif teen feet on Allln Avenue he I ween r-eenlrrnlh and Van Ar. dol street jinit on Fullun Slreei helweeu ,e Sixth Avenue.Fiflh Awnue lane and Kitchlh Avenue. OiiKlrurlli.ii bylaw for ueh HEART WAS BAD NERVES A WRECK Mr. ti. s, una, fpt-r NumiikwMioii, .X.S, rlln: -I irn rry ttunklul tr llr IwiwM I Urn t'fri$H ty wluf Mil. biirn' Hurt tml ,Xrr Whn I riiiw twinir fri ntrtti. In If0, my hurt ry bdly iffifi-.l by r.KK-iMoii, in.! mr nrr n a Jrf1fl rtk, I irry thorl liwls1. nl oulil tvii,ljr tlrp tt olrbt. In fit. I In nrh r.nJUIon I Ml it If I (1lt nol wuh tnynno'li pl to nm. uirii I wmiid or .viitiurn'n niri ni Xrt PJIN, inI l-fi,i lut taken l loti I rotilit mjor t rl niatit'a rru 4 writ tnjfiKio. Tlirr trr Mi f rriumH mn mlo rr (urrrrlni llw uri t I llt, inl I fwl iir ihu if iiwy would only try Mil-biirn'i Heart inrl Vrr I'lIU tlify lli r-rr itio lam mut lil I In," Prlr iOf a dm (l alt rtalrr. or malM rtlrerl nn rrriit .f trlf ,y The t. aiirmrn Cu, Lirmird, Toronifl,- uni. I. I 5 giwgapy nlfoWto &t aStft"lih effect on Interior walls Sif dfy-ffi Stiii f Safin leal of Mirh work wa now outlined. Aid. Caey akei when it niish! fie rxperleil tlml cim-lnic-lion would actually Marl, llewa lold by Cily Solicitor June that Ihr h)law were" heinfr pul Mi rr ni ah n raiddly a poihle hut Ihere were many neeeary lep to be taken, none of which could he p;ied over. Nol a inale day wa belnir lol. Aid. I'erry aid lhal everylhlnjr wa In readlne n lnrl Hie work Jul a oon a Ihe nereary formnlilie had been rompleled. PERMANENT BONUSES FOR WAR WIDOWS AND TOTALLY DISABLED MEN A teller wa received bv cily council lat nlahl from Amputations Anoclaflu of Oreal War akiuv for nn the the Ihe et- preion of opinion on Ihe atrlla nun lhal permanent allowance of '.um and 72fl unmi.illv u. provided hy Ihe Rovertiruenl In totally illMlliled veteran and war widows respectively. The innlter was referreii lo the flnanen rout. tnillee for report. r. you were to examine a wan finished with "Satln-CIo" with a magnifying glass, you would find a surface as smooth as that of fine enamel on which dust and soot par tides can not find a lodging place. Finger-marks and accidental soil lng can be easily and quickly removed with soap and water. ' I I The many delicate shades of "Satln-CIo" offer a color scheme for t every room with the added advantage that they can all b kept spotlessly clean and fresh looking. Your Paint or Hard ware Store can supply you with Information and "Satln-Glo" color cards. EICIIT BEAUTIFUL COLORS The tones and shades in " Satin-Glo " are the result of careful study. No matter what shade predominates yuur furniture or draperies, there's a tone in "Satin-Glo" that will harmonise perfectly. Colors Ivory, Cream, Light Tan Brown, French Grey. Tnrquoue Blue, Green, Salmon Pink, DeepCrram, While. tin-Glo QAPCO PRODUCT MANUPACTUKIO BsBaVssH BRITISH AMERICA PAINT CO. LIMITID VICTORIA VANCOUVER CALOARV KDMONTON MCCINA Sold by A. W. Edge Co. and Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. work on Mcllride Street between Fifth Avenue and Seventh Avinie and Seventh Avenue from Mcllride Street lo lay Cove Circle and Siillh Avenue were alo urn llieir firl reading. In view of Ihe fact lhal a great Si mm Satin fa? U Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Psttern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 386. Family Shoe Store Affnin under Ihe .Mnttngemcnt of J. MYHILL-JONE8. .Several years with Hiidsoii's liny Cnmpany, VnuciMicr Moderate Prices, Courtesy, and above all Fit Guaranteed 3rd Ave. phone 3S7.