PkQM town. Tuesd. y. April ?0 lo1 TH1 DAILT Hm BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMarnw Money 1 I I 1 DON'T ANiVER HOW OO YOU erf COLLV - THNT' lj wCLL-HtlKrt'tj , WHT DO LIKE THttJ ClVEt ME A QOOO 'VOL) WANT HM" OH ME.0 fF 'AUVr ' Orders HJ COME. HLtE. n? dmw lalkLh at WHEN I CALL sir rriMTi rm VOL) MU'rAU: On, Norway, Sweden and I MA. 111 -L4A.I A MIPS tf Denmark . of at Exchange. Current Rates i Make your reservation! for that Summer" Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket., Hales and 'Ipi Information, see ua. Oliver Typewriters.. Oary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Socie ty Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our slock of fiarden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous Kdson Coal in any quantities Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. PapadopuhY New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy. sell and exchange all kinds of new and secondhand goods. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8L Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rales hy Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. Dr. E. S. T AIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 t S. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Fr Special Appointment. FINE RECITAL LAST EVENING Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra and Other Local Artists Were Heard In Empress Theatre A 4lolighful recital was givfu las) night in I he Kmprcss Theatre lay I lie Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra and oilier Iqral artists in aid of the Anglican Church huilding fund. The Hi fa Ire was well filled and all thoroughly enjoyed I he excellent enlerlainiiient. There were repeated encores, each number hc- ing Hilly appreeinieii as the ap plause indicated. The program was as follows Prinre Huperl Symphony Or chestra "Toasl master March." Kneore. "Yellow Jonquils." Solo, Mrs. Honney, "Clouds of Heaven." Kneore, "J.illle Hoy lllue." Vocal sextette, "Indian l.ove Song," Mrs. Honney, Mrs. Hlanee, Mrs. Darton, Mrs. I). Hoss, Mrs. Cullln and Mrs. Woodwurlh. Prince lluperl Symphony Or chestra "Love's Like a Star." Kneore, "Sweelcst Slory Kvcr Told." Monologue, Mrs. A. Mackie "Tally-ho dance," Mr, Crewe; Prince Huperl Symphony Orchestra "Sou I hern Zephyr over-lure." Kneore, "Carry Me Hack lo Old Virginity." Solo with orcheslral accompaniment, "Ave Maria," Mrs. J. A. llinlon. Solo, Mrs. P. S. Honney, "Out Where the West Hegins." Kn. cores, "To My First Love" and "You'll- Heller Ask Me." Hulloon Dance, Mrs. Crewe. Prince Huperl Symphony Or chestra "Parade Wooden Soldiers," and " l.ive. .Wire. March." Fine Orchestra . I'he orchestra, which was tin ier Jhe capable direction of Mrs. 0, A, Hryanl, comprised Mrs. W. Ackroyd, Mrs. (i. A. Wood- and, A. A. Knsson, J. L. Lee, O. A. Woodland, Oeorgc llorie. jr., Woodworlh, Mrs. J, A. llinlon, Mrs. W. H. Melliar. Mrs. Then. lollarf. Mrs. Adam Mackie, Mrs, lleilbroner and Alex Ilix. . A beautiful bouquet presented to I he orchestra was received by Mrs. Hryanl. Mrs. lliulon was accompanist of I he evening and was relieved for one number by Miss Lorn a I'ile. During an jnlcrmissinn, Arch- Icaenn .0. A. Ilix spoke briefly Ihanking the symphony orehes Ira and Hie various artists who had laken pari. Those Responsible , 'I'he commillee arranging (he concert consisled of Mrs. H. T Willed, chairman, Mrs. llinlon, Mrs. Honney, Mrs. Crewe and Mrs, Hryanl. Assisting In (he rarrying out of general arrange inenls were II. .V. . Le Pine Max Cnllison, 0, P. Tinker, H Hcaumout and Sidney Hazzcll- Jones, r)vor. in !,, llnllv Vpw" - 4 BAD BLOOD with bad MikkI whlrh broke out on my fare In the. nature of pimples, bolls ami rind ttiiriii, and I fcol so bad I realljr did not know what to do. I was a-Jiametl to go anywhere, and the itehlnir and burnlnir rauwd surh a terrible sensation I could ret no Mie.r day or eight. one day a friend adrlsed me M use Burdork flood Blllers. I used one bottle and felt quite a relief, and by the time 1 had taken 3 bottles I was completely re lieved. I rannot praise B.B.B. enough and I hope anyone affllried like I was will fret the same benefit I received." Burdork Blood Blllers Is manufactured only by The T. Mllhurn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. CATTLE RANCH IS FORCED TO CLOSE ON Diamond O. Cannot Operate, Its Owner Says, Under Present Conditions KDMONTON, April 2U. The Diamond (' cattle rnuch al Hud-sou's Hone, H.C., which is one of Ihe'larger ranches in Western facilities are Ihe Iwo factors Hint prevented Ihe ranch from developing as il should have, il was asserted. Mr. Haighl is interested in the ilexelopmfnl of northern coal fields ami expects that as soon as railway facilities lo the cnasl are provided that Ihe coal will be shipped (o the port of Vancouver. A coal field al Peace lliver in which Mr. Haighl is' inleresled, lie asserls to be one of Ihe finest of its kind in the world. Another coal field in which Mr. Haighl Is inleresled,. and which will be furl her developed by Hritish fapilal, is in lite Carbon dislricl on Ihe Tofiebl branch. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert L. Morris, J. Jefferson, J. 0. Mjllichamp and C. J. Deelh, Vancouver; A. A, MacDoiiald, Pacific: Mrs. N. Hrew and Mrs T. I,. McLellstn. llnysport: II. X MACDONALD'S Fine Cut For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDOHAlDrsnfteGtf M Delmonleo. Shawallans; II. J.! Cunnirushani. Port F.ssinglnn. PIMPLES AND BOILS: I J. , .1. , Ilitltie, Cily; J. , Hl Shea. Banished By green, Vancouver: Angus Me. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Alislcr. Claxlon; C. Ilnmhling , land. T. It. Youngenk, C.N. It.: II. MIm Irene A. Mattliews, 8tajrn.r, om, it;los. Smilhcrs: Chris Dixon. wrurs; r i muuirui i wiiuiii wruc aim tell you of the experience mil benefit I have derived from Hunloik BIikxI Bitters. Oeorgelovvn. Some few months ami I wa troubled MTV AC CrtMAMTAkl SELLS ITS BONDS Gets Pretty Fair Price Considering Condition of Bond Mar-ket Now KDMOXI'ON, April 29.-- Kd-moiitou cily homls amounting to ?l, 137. 17 1.37, which were ofTered IhsI January, have hen pracliealiy all disposed of in spile of Hie ie. pressed condilion of Ihe bond market, il is announced here. These bonds were sold til ninety. i seven cenls on Ihe dollar and jbear interest at the rale of five : ami one-half iter eenl. ' The HI v officials urn coiiirrn'. ACCOUNT BEEF PRICEi"' '"-...selves Mng M, lo dispose of Hi" bonds so rapid ly. ami rimlcnd lhal il is a good indication t hat financial houses haw confidence in the city's financing. I'he bonds' netted Ihn cily ninely-four ami one-half rents on Ihe dollar. i-'I'Uey were sold at niirely-seven . ,,tnl Ihe fiscal, is being closed down as ""'l xv," ,ian,lp ."" lmnn- of I he eonlinued low,""1 '" n-j,en a corn- prices for beef callle. according' ,Miio" of " "ie-half per lo Ingersall Haighl. part owner l,'" in the ranch, T who arried in I Ho ! c,'ivrtl I'TCcnt. ,!. i. Ii t : pj(y i ins oi'iii'iuui e. issue was au- Ihe ranch was capitalized at ' last y.-ar. R125,nnn and inclmleil some- of; .'"7T the finest range in I he whole of , ii the Dominion, it is said. ! SDOrt Chat ( The ranch has been unable lol I sell lieef steers at a reasonable prom for Ihe pasi few years, in 'f '' shiidiuihling program spiie of Ihe fad that beef callle "' aiilicjj.alcl for the local dry are selling al twelve cenls ai,J"k ninlerializes. baseball, fool- poun.l at Chicago. ' The best ) mi lacrosse ranks in Prince nrice thai can be obtained fm-Jlupert will uiidoubledly be aug- ihe finest class beef sleers at Hudsiiu's Hope is 3 1-2 cents a pound at Ihe jiresenl lime," Mr. Haighl contended. 'I he embargo on Canadian cal- menled before fall from the workmen who will be broliuht here. It it ipiite possible Hint the cily may have an arra' of alhlelic lalenl in 1021 eiiialliug lie an.l Ihe lack of markeling if ""1 surpassing jinylhing Hut il ever Imaslrd of before. When shipbuilding was in progress here two or three year ago.'lhc yard contributed many players lo Die various league teams and, if Hie industry is resinned as il now seems likely it will, such would be the case again. Tin presence and use of a few crack pluyers would be greatly appreciated Jiy local fans especially on Inwards Fair lime when outside teams come h'ere lo (day. 'I'he spoils committee of Ihe Fair Hoard, If is 'understood, I delaying ihe definite formulation of ils pro pram until il is known finally lhal Ihe coidracl s lo come here - r -Now lhal Ihe spring weather Is here and Is giving promise of remaining and Hie Acropolis II ill grounds are in fil shape for Hie playing of games, a slart .on Ihe summer's progrnm of outdoor spnrl in Ihe course .of Ihe nexl few days may he expected. H Is cousid-red likely lhal Hie Fool-ball Association will decide lo Ma Lb. -15 1 O UJ4 ar Intx TtATURC Sixvicr Uc Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvrtUmant TWtn for Lea a than BOe WANTED WANTKD. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince lluperl Kxchange, Auclioneors. Phono C52. WAX'IKD. Wanted I buy linn. slove and other furniture. Particulars and t;.'c lo Hox I7H Dally News. 102 WANTKD lo llenl, Six room modern house, convenient lo Dry Dock and Hooth school. Phone llreen 322. WANTKD'. 'I'enders for concrete basement. Apply l.auijiie, Al-fred Slreet ami Tenlh Avenue. WANTKD. Two girls, dining room and helper. Apply The Inlander. If WANTKD. Woman wants work by Ihe day. Phone Oreen S07 . FOR nERT FOIl HKNT. Large J room apartment down (own near Post nflU'e. Apply Stork's Hardware. 100 FOIt HKNT. Furnished house keeping rooms, ltd Sixth Ave Kasl. Phone Hlue 217. If FOIl HKNT Four room, modern. heated apartments. Apply Smith Mallei!, Lid. If OFF ICR FOIl HKNT, with modem livhig quarters. Weslenhaver llros. If FOIl RRXT. Palmer Mouse for cheap rales and home com forU. tf FOUND FOUND. Two keys on safely pin. Finder can obtain same ill Daily News olllce by paying for litis advertisement. on LOST LOST. Diamond ring. Please leave al Daily News olliee and receive reward. If start off next week. A meeting of Ihe league is lo lie held lonijdll and Ihe dale of Ihe opening gnme will likely be sel. Football wiil again lead the way ami II will ju-obahly be well iitlo nexl month before the baseball ami lacrossi. leagues gel ollicially slarled, prince lluperl was represented among Ihe twenty five Ihousam fans who attended the opening game of the American League between lite champion New Yor Yankees and Ihe Huston lied Sox al Itoslnn two weeks ago today. 'I'he representative was J. II Pillshtiry, manager of Ihe dry dock who saw I lie Yankees de feat Hoslnn by Iwo lo one. Habe Hull, in Ibis, game made the first run of Ihe season for Ihe Yanks although il was not homer. 'I'he single Boston run came in lite ririli inning from Shanks' single, Lee's hunt am Shawkey's sing!. I'he game I lion wenl on without a score until Ihe ninth when Ihe Yanks made both llieir rims and won lite opening honors. Ilulhl and Ward singled Pipp sacrificed and Wamhsgangj made iwo errors on ground balls leiiing mini ami warn score ;Shawkey held Hoslou lo Iwo hit jilt seven Innings und (hen lloyl pitched hillcss ball. Seining eailghl for lite Yanks and Khmn ami O'Neill hade up the Med Sox hallery.' . J. Jefferson, nuinagcr of Somerville cannery, is leaving for the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Princo John tonight. FOR SALE FOIt SALK. Five roomed house on Second Avenue. Huilding on Government whurf ned a a news stand. Nine 10-arre lots, one I -acre lot at Terrace. Prince Ceorge, lots II) and II, block III; lots 10 and II, block 110; lots 2K ami 29, block 117; lol (1, Mock lit. Apply A. C. Lilllt4. Second Avenue. U5 FOn SALK Launch "Slar" JlxO. Fonl engine ronvertcil to marine service. Atwaler Kent ignition. All- controls brought lo stevring bulkhead. Kleclric light and searchlight. A speedy boat al bargain price. Apply caretaker, Prince Huperl Yacht Club, or phone H. a OH SALK. Has boat "Nndine." 2.1x0. HolTar built. t h.p. Kasl hope. Complete wflli Storage Haltery, slove ami filliuits. First class condilion. Lying at Yacht Club. Price 1500.00. Apply O. llorie, Hays Hbfg. Phone 3H7. If FOIl SALK, 25-10 h.p. Sterling engine; Hose h Ignition; complete lo and including coupling, $750.00 30 foot cruiser, 20 h.p. Jusl overhauled. toilet, galley. 11.000. M. M. Stephen. If (III SALK. Ivory Wicker Hnb Huggy ami Ivory Crib, two-hole Florence aooker with oven, fruil sealer's. Wauled small wicker hiiiipy. Photic ,Hliie 012. If Oil 3ALK. Power boats of every description Including pleasure, trolling ami work boats, 'at reasonable prices. Apply X. M. McLean, Cow Hay, THK AKIIOPLANK AUK. a lloal with house 00x31 for sale. The house will answer Ihn Hot Springs or Alice Arm. Apply Hox 177 Daily News Ollloe. VI Milt SALK.-7 h.p. medium duly Itegal, in good condition. Price $350. For particulars write J. J. Donaldson, Port Kssfnglon. FOIl SALK. Double sided Victor ami Columbia records. Latest selecllons. Cheap. Phone flreen 135 afler 0.30 p.m.. 1 00 FOR SALK. New ami used Machinery, Hoals and Knglnes. Northern .Kxchange. If IlKSTAUHANT for Hale or l.eae, Apply flee. Hox 175 Dally News of- BOARD. HOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf Goods AUCTION SALES. Hought, Bold BEAUTY PARLOR. or Kxchnuged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer, Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Hlack 130 and Red 442. TAXI Taxi S7 Phone. (Call Oeorgo or Oust) Rosa Brother. Prompt Servlco and Comfort Dy or Night Stand: Grotto Cigar Store, Third Ave complete iit-lo.dae Heauty Parlor. Robbing ti sneclalilt llainlresslng, Hair floods made up. Skin ami Scalp Treatments, violet nay. Prices Reasonable. MRS. LOVE, Rnoni 0, Slepiiens Hldg., over Denny Allen Co. l'hone 30. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East IN Mondays, Wednesdays anj Fr(. days, closes al S.30 p.m. From the East Mondays, Thursday n unlay, .3o p.m. From Vancouver Sundays Wednesdays Friday .. April 7. IH P AM, To Vancouver Tuesdays, Mall clnacsot I PM. Fridays - U A.M, Raturdsyi .. .i. . AM, ' April II and To Anyoi, Alice Arm, 8U.rt, Premier Winlnesdays .. ... .. ill PM From Anyoi, Alice Arm, 5Urt, AM. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, 8twrt and Premltr-Snnday 7 PM. From Port llnipeon,, Alice ns Anyox, Stewart and PremMr-Tucsday A M To AUsks Points April 7. IH h il H From Alsiks Points-April li anl To Queen Charlotte Island Polnti April I : and 20 From Queen Cherlolle Folnu April 10 and ?i To Naas River Points and Port Simpson Thursdays . 10 P" From Naas liver Points Haturdayn '-rv Boi Collection Oralmm fi Al less Axes 1st Ave. & Klithlh SI. P M I': filh Ave. A Fulloii SI J I ' Hlh Ave". .1 Thompson SI Hlh A. Sherhrook Avu I llh Ave, A Conrad St V Olli Ave. A Hays Cove Av -1:1 OJh Ave. A llays Cove Circle .' f Hlh Ave. A Col ton St. 5lh Ave. A Mrllride St Pro. Oov. Hhlgs Pro. Oov. Wharf . . . O.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. , 2nd SI. . . 3nf Ave. A I'nllon SI .In I Ave. A Olli SI. . . i.o t,$(. tf.nii 'j 'ft i i High 11:32 a.nj 23:50 p.m. Low 5:31 a.m, 17:35 Thursday, May i. High 12:10 p.m. Low 0:11 a.oi, H:0 p.m. AM. t M ft K X 8.v 8 ' !' 9 1 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, April 20, High I li. 1.1 a m 1 H r M:I2 i.m. I'J Low v .18 a in H 10:5(1 p.m . - Wednesday, April 30. 18,1 r I II I (1 (I fl .8 1 THE SUMIIWC COUAT Of PSIT,,H COLUSIBIS. It Ihe Muter "f III" fn'lll"" "', III lh' f ifl AipllCiUiSI M i,lf Ir rsiiml In IIm- Itfri'i' Hrrllon I AH nf Ilin al1. . ., TASK .MITIIK lilllt 111 ...IM Im 111.11I0 tor ihn frrmilinx JwU' " n!',,.pn iH-r sl Hid Court imi. rtinj" ' ""An 11.1:., mi ninny, him viu mi v hi If I0i, nt Urn I r if 10.30 nf'', V fuiTiiiinti or lift kisiii therriifl'l' ' ," .i.i- linn limy lw- hr-nrcl on ih ikii n 1:11111 tmiy rnr 1111 " ; ,M''' Mill Ikniirintiy lis I'Mliirdl In ' "' 'I' ihJ if Joint Slink r.oiiiHiiilri iiH'W B1 i nr oil" nam ri, .r,i,,iri .ll TAkK .NOTICE Hint III ilix Mill mi.iMtlm vvill ,n4 illlli.n i.f Urn CointHinr l'" "Z, , I mi'! Ili Arflilnvtl nf kilwuril II. jVl ' iH uorn rin llm Dili ilav nf AnrlJ. ,"' IUTI tl at iTInrs rnipfrl, P. "," "WII I IXM o.'). ',Tl,,jr rrtiirr ti'i;Mi "ol,(f.