Tue iday April 29, 1034, The Regent sit i (Made In England) Self Filling Fountain Pen AHIirjiigh Sellin ut only 50c I In- liiildtT i- lii Hiul of any pen. Kadi pen is (rachv'l liou-d, Mini with ii gold plutnl nil) ami nickel I -Aftl lp. "as lever iirlion and fill iiixliiiitly. Tlift en i wonderful value at .10i' and ran If sold at i s pririj only on Die liati of a big. quirk liirntiver. One ! -i In cliitfifiM! nf uml al lhi prirw (hey will move lively. McRae Bros., Ltd. SMOKED FISH kJ AT ITS RFST M M There are Just Two nules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Flh, AT ITS BEST. T;ic e Mules ore I Buy 'Rupert Brand." Hubert llrand is-ulwuy ne-livereil lo Hie Morss hi clean new boxes clearly tuniicd "lluperl Hrand." V Wra in rooking paper, ook in tniMlerulc over fur 20 lo :I0 minule. remove paper and serve at once. Four Klndi Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all Fih and .Meal Markets and Grocer. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Dining - room Suites Range In price from $100 to $300 jr$ny styles and finishes lo suit ovcry taste. Prd Ate yfuir. ie's Home Furnishings I The House of Quality. irue. Phone 123. ANGER is a Poison very often ! cttUM-d ly poisons irom food. If joii find oiirief angry ol'leii 4ftuMiKlil ruiiM-, look lo our toon, ' GOOD BREAD i I he greul hiiriuuiiuer. Instead or figlilhig with oilier foods it genlly soothe and promotes digestion. It's all food, At Your Grocer or La Casse Bakery i Local and Personal h.c. Undertakers. 1 Hayaers, Undertakers. 351. usa o f'bone 41. Pboue tf Cut Flower. I'oL Plants. Mrs. MiCaiiliy, the Florist, Kmud block. If 4 BE PREPARED to laugh at Elks' Minstrel show, Weslholme Theatre, Thursday evening. Aecounis lo April 25 totalling -'. 2 15 were paseil for payment by lite eily euuncil lal night. new songs, new jokes, new music. Elks' Minstrel Show, Weslholme Theatre, Thursday evenlnq. JlairdressiiiK. Mureel Waving, Aliiiumeal (Clasinic Pack). Mis A. Korvik. liy appointment. Phone Ited 51V. If Sec I lie llirliwell Itrilslir. MADK IX JU:. first and save 25 per i-eot. Mr. Moss will lie eal- lm al you home. We sell Laminated materials also Fir Veneer. Consult us he tra lmyins finishing for your house. Albert &, .McCulIVry, hid. tf v .xiarpoiiawi. I'aciri; nun- man. nrrivrd from (he In I' linr on last night' Iniin and is rcyi-lcn-.j at the Prince I In perl Hotel. A. SI. Claire llrimlle.. M.K. of Victoria, well known In llii dis trict, leelured lefore the IM Cliainlx't- of .Mines In Vancouver lal iiichl on the mineral nrra jof Cussiar. 'luriVr fr a supply of luiirber xx-re inferred In (lie finance committee at Ul nifrht's coun cil ineHiiiir oil rnul of AM Perry w ho slated I hat ail- lite bids JiujJ not yet Iwen received The American ileil tus Pelrel with sow in low was in iorl ycsicnlay afternoon loading 5fo rolls of wire wliirli came here (rniii I he llal for I be A. A I PiinIiicIs Co., Alaskan salmon packers. C.X.It. sl.-amer, prince John (.aid. .Neil Mrl.ean, is ttue this afternoon al 3 o'clock from suulloTU IJueeti Cliarlolle Island loiiis. She will sail al midnight fur all niiceu Charlotte Island ports and Vnncouver. Tenders for a supply of mils and holts were received by Ihc ,eily rouncll last night and referred lo Hie Hoard of Works ! wilh power lo net. The bidders ;vere: Kuien Hardware. ?275: Storks' llanlwarc. 13I; Prince 'lluperl Supply lUt., tV.W'Ji. j 1 Application fruiu Jidiy Su-rii'liick and Itegfuald lleaunnnit to ptirchac tax sale lot .11. .'Ii, .1.1. Moek 37. Section ;, mid lot 37, block I, Seel ion 2, were re- c-ivcd liy the eily council, last imkIiI aii'l referred to t lie finance I'omnnllce with power to art, authorization for Hie necessary ad-vcrliiug being given. Mr. Sipi-richick. who olTered 7:i.l i each I for ilie Hiree lols applied for, islated Ibal II was il intention lo lake up resilience in Hie eily. CANCILLATI0M OF RESCRVC. ollfr l liirrhv rlin I hit ir rtwrvn I'litrrllll I he liml rnMiirrlv hil.t un.lr Tliiilo-r l.li'i'iirri .o. mil 33lu arf Irani t-lli'it. I 0. II. MAPK.N, iM-pnly MHil.Irr nf Un.lt. ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic, Church Spring Sale and Social evening. Melropol" Hall, April 29. - - Tho Presbyterian C.CI.T. Concert. April ail, Km press Theatre. - , I'.lks' Minstrel Truupo. First show May I, 4 llidley Home Ilazaur, May I. Prince lluperl Tennis t'luh Invilatioii Daiico, May 2. If SHI mm 1 1 -vvaw mm CATARRH ff th BLADDER ttirt ntm tS TIIB DAILY NEWS. PAUB THHBM. -I , I His Mirror Told Him of Exhausted Condition Mr. R. Patiltn, Toutes Aides, Man., writes: "I became so run down and weak that my heart became affected, and I would tomrtimei have to remain in bed for teveral dayt. F. It. Tabrum is returning lo Vancouver on the Cardena tins afternoon. , The plantation scene Is a hum The Tennis caoii will 1( for merly opeueil al Ihc Club Courts mi May i, weather pernntliug. The program for Hie day will lake I lie form of American tour naments. All those wishing to lake pari kindly gel in louch wilh '.Mr. Ilaniilloii, at Hank .r Commerce. Ilitfrcslimciils will lie served. Pasrners booked to sail for the Oiiecn Charlotte Islands on the Prince John tonight include I luck ley I.. I.an Port Cleiuenls; Mr. and Mrs. Hunting, mid son for Masselt,xand C. K. Pilinan for Vancouver. llakland broadcasliti station will on Thursday night give a reproduction of the comedy "Daddy Long Legs' im.l the Clareniotint oreheslr'a vi! jo-o- vide music lielxxcen Hie parts. Tonight (he Lions Club of Herke. ley will give the entertainment xvith Arthur (iareia viidiu soloist. and the Itohemian Male chorus. Saturday night Plymouth .Congregational Church 'will' give vocal and instrumental. 'numbers. I here will lie a reading "A Con neclicul Yankee tif California,' and numbers by a mixed quae telle. ENGLISHMAN IN STATES At lite Hrilish Film Week luncheon- in Nexxeastle, says The Ni'xveasll;' Jouruiil, Ihe Mayor of lyhemoutli told n story nlmut un Kuylishman xlio xxent.to America. "What have yon come here for?" a business friend Inquired. "lo make an honesl living," Hie I'igllsliinuu replied. "Oh, then you'll he nil right. You'll find tio competition over hen-." wus thr raspofise. Some one advised me to uie Dr. Chaie'i Nerve Food, to I did, and toon began to gain in weifht and feel better. Ihave taken a treat many boxes of these wonderful pills, and am feeling ten years younger. Dr. Chase's Medicines, as well at his Receipt Book; are a great help to us, for we live 40 miles from doctors and railroads." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 0 rts. hot of ft plIU, Kdmanaon, Ban A Co., Tornntt dinger. Don't fall to see It. Elks' Minstrel Show, May 1. li.W.V.A. Football Meeting al li.W.V.A. rooms k n.m. Wednes- lay. April 30. All players and supporters are requested to "Merchant of Venice" by C.C.f. T. Hmpress Theatre tomorrow Wednesday, t p.m. Admission Sue. Hcsericd 75c. Tickets for previous date still good. Mis, It. O, Stewart left on last night' train for North Hulkley, reluming to Ikt school leadline duties after liavlng attended the convention in Vancouver last week. A shower lea in aid of Hie forthcoming llidley Home bazaar was held yesterday al the home of Miss West, Sixth Avenue Kat. Mrs. It. Itlance was in charge ami Mrs. S. M. Johii-oh. Mrs. Maxwell ami Miss Wl. received. Aid. Clapp gave, notice at la-t niclil s council thai be would move al next meeting for an amciidineul lo Hie license bylaw The object is, to rinuve certain double lee provisions which wen1 in force during lhe near-beer days and which arn now obsolete Passengers hooked lo sail for Vancouver on the Cardena Ihi afternoon include " (I. Itrowuing. (i. Hureaii. Mr. and Mrs. John Nell. J. Mclllialcn. I. Leech. J. Davi.Non, William Pallerson. .. MeKillar, T. Thomas. ,. Young, W. Itol.erl-oii. J. Wurdrooer and .lames Wright. INDIA MOSLEMS CONDEMN TURKS Kemal and Ismet Subject of At tacks from Leaders In Far East DKI.III. April 20. The aboli tion of Ihc Caliphate by Hie I'urkish llcnublic has been con demned by all shades of though! represented among Ihc Moslems of India. Their attacks have been levelled principally al Mustapha Kemal and Ismet Pasha, who are regarded in India as desirous of usurping the highest religious ollice. The Indian leader have protested lo Angora, claiming i a i I lie action has deal! a severe idow lo Islam and cannot be re lo-nucci oy mutatis, as u was taken without their sanction. Ihc lurks themselves have iom me poweriui influence given them liy Indian Mo-lcni win nave upiieiu ine lurKi'li cause because they lielieed the Cali phate in danger. As a result of Hie disintegration of Turkey after the war. many leading Indian Moslems even refused lo cooper ate willi the Kuglish government because they held Kngland res ponsible for Hie condition of the Turk, and I hey fell I.loyd lieorge's pro-Creek policy cotu sliluled a grave menace lo their religion. Taken as Insult Among some of the Indians the action of Angora is even taken as an insult. the proclamation of King llusM-in assuming the Caliphate in .Mesopotamia, I raiis-Jordania and (lie Hcdjaz is not likely to be accepted by Hie Indian Moslems, according to many leaders in the faith. The Indians have pill for ward I lie idea of holding ah Is- laiuie conference of the leading uleinas and representatives from over the world to elect a Caliph and will probably insist unon this. All Mohamed Ali, the Indian leader, has telegraphed the do posed l.aliph that his country men are "determined lo maintain the sacred Caliphate." Subscribe for lh hailv Nw NOTICE. C. Mug, W. (i. Henderson. .1. O.L TAkfe otu.e tint rter putiicaiiun or li'.i.l l"' ",,Urr "'' is rr rur (I) on-Haly. , H..1.0 w i t i. A. . Wright, Mrs. It. a.imtmivf wk, e .lull (piy i um- Way tier and t fn.Llroio r..r J"arl-lrr nr Joint s.m C.Mnimmrs. Vlr-l.inilslioiu ror.u.ru, hi;.. rli.iir our nan,., i.. thai ..r Hay; Mrs. J. Itousseaux, ".'IVV!;' '"..oaiiiiks. ij .xhtml- ,. . .. . IIAIKII al ITInrf IIUINTI. B.C- til 1 1 III and l. :. A ill I for iiiy r Mtii. itrn. Tilt UVSSi.xil MUlTlltllV IIV.NCII. ,, u.xiirt.o. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttnllon to Apply to Laaat LanS. .,.! .aim iMMnri, iirttiniiiif 019. tnrl nr Skna. anil um.i rul 1.-1,.- u.. NIjihI, on the iinrlh liranrli of I lie Skrtni Ithfr. near orranlc Cannrrv. Take Nnllr thai I Thnn... Willi..- Tharkrr. of ITInr llutxrt. B.C.. ocrupau.ii .uir.iui iu appiy ror prnniMinn ,.. .r.jC uir iiMiuwuiK ni-srriixHi unai: (.(.mmcncliii at a pi.t plantrrt at thr nwil -"iiriij imiii un nay iMann; inrnre nor-II.. rlv and xtralrrly,; Ittenra Minthfrlv anil ra.lerlv: f(iUnlnir this lnuiltlra o. th fhore line In point or ronimrnrrtnrnt, and pnntilnlne tin bmba a... THOMAS W. THVCKER. Datml rlirnarr nth. 10)4 LAND ACT. Applleant. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Purchaa . i.ano. Ill Sksrna l.an.l ni.in. i n-n.r.ii.. u.. I int. 01 inn, ano situate on Campania IIMIHI, I Take .NHrj that CUrfiu-e E. lUlnler! ..... .....r .vr.imiy, or criiioe lluperl. B.C.. I iirriiiwtliHi Innurame amnl and broker, m l lend in apply fur i rii.ul,.n to piirrlMe the rlloulii derrlhed land: l.nmen- ink .1 a piwi pianiea al the liftd of a lw.v at the eat end of Campania Mand and alNiul one mile rrmn Hie somh end of the Island; thence fiillnwlnr Ihe alninuiltle of Ihe Minre line at hlrli xxairr line around Ihe mand In the nliro ,.r . and nintalnlnir a.nnn arrea. more or le! C K DVINTKII k JVMKS Xlr.MILTV, .. ... spnnrani. Dr. Mtrtel'i Fcailt PHU Hot ktalatad naturo thootuda tut Uat half eenlurr. nrrtctin hum, bulldlnr op oa4 and "PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. NERVOUSNESS. BACKACHE, DIZZINESS, ale. nodanmroutdnira. SokSonlTln SMledlllnco-Cov.r tl N BOX Ith our imttur. DrunlaU vtrywhr. oe dirt hv m&il nUIn m.. B CO KaUawkMirt 1... c, 11 I. Inal St. Tarwil.Ca. ClrialarawllUta ihmiL If you had the Strength of a Blacksmith if Ah Washday would still hold a grim task. For scrubbing and rubbing and wringing is a job for machinery and not for human hands. It is a job for us and not for you. Why not rid yourself of it by using our Wet Wash service? The burden of washing will be eliminated only the lighter work of ironing will remain. And the charge is only a very few cents a pound. Just phone well call for your bundle. Wet Wash ea pound Minimum Charge 75c Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 Sen J ft fnfU COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sails from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points ... Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX .... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, May 10 and 24 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. tae rrlnco Rupert .4 pjn. for PRINCE OEOH0E. EDMONTON, WIN-NirEO. all points Eastern Canada. Uuitnl Stale. AQENCT ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltf Tlckai Office, SZS Third Aa Frlnc Ruptrt. Phono 1(0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, IS, 28 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince' Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnrs From Prince Rupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ot.an roll, and Swanaon ,, Tu..da. S PM. ror VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Al.rt Bay, and Swanaon Bar. Saturday Noo. for ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wal.a laland, Sunday S PJ. ror PORT SIMPSON And Naa RUoe Ctnaorlo. rrldar A.M. (tl tort Avtnu. t. aratiof, AnL Prlnc Rupert. B.C If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have Hardwood, Fir and Cedar Houl Lumber. If jou are tirsd ur Kalsomitie and Paper, try Fir Veneer Panelling. It you. are .thinking of building a house, wo have any lumber you require, also Sash, Doors, Glass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills .Cow.sUy. . Phone 383.