KtfcMAlL BOUNDARY TO Vessels Have Been Overhauled at Victoria Preparatory lo Summer Work. Ml TOIUA. April The wtialhiK Heel it I expi-eled will "I'l nwny from here wilhin'u few lays for Ihe Million ill Nmleii 'Ihi , r mid lloxe Harbor on Ihn 'Jiiitii Chnrlolle and Kyiii(uol oti Vunromer Nland where Ihey will ''milium- In operate IhroiiiihnMl 'lie Kiiiiiuier. The eel Hlacl;, "iren, lllue, Orion, William 'riinl and St. Lawrence uml Ihe lender Orey have all been taken l of wider nild Ihoioiinhly 'erhniilei al the Vlcloria Machinery l)e ml . DOISY REACHES BENDAR ABBAS ON FLIGHT TO EAST PAIIIS. Ai.ril S'J. Lieiil. I ""isy, Iho Inlrepid French air 'iii whose fliulil in llie Fiir F.asl ' being walehed with iiilciffl, icaclied Ilcndiir Ablms on Ihe lcr(Hii (luir yenlerdiiy. He wn lien but n day's flight away from "'P 1'rllhh flyer, Stunrl Muo- 'neii, who Hlttiteil a inonui u!' ad f litm. f i P. H. Th Latest In Restaurant. FISH : MARKET BOSTON GRILL Prime Baby Beef, Lamb, Fresh Pork, Fowls and Chicken. Fresh Fish, clc, Third Avenue. Fresh Home-Made "Sausage Best of Food Good Service. Dai If. PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Parly Use. Phone 671. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "Take Her to The Boston." VOI, XIV,, NO, i 01 PHIXCK HL'PKKTy H.U., TL F.SPAV, APH.IL 20, i2'i. VMUrtfir't Circulation 1633 Strtit ! B3S PRICE FIVE CENTS. - . ' "',., 'libra,.-itn - v . KKl I AIM HAS HUdh SUOTLUS rOK THE YEAR FRENCH FLYER FAST OVERTAKING BRITISHER: MARTIN STUCK AT CHIGNIK British Labor Government is Opposed to Empire Preference has Huge Surplus Toward Debt LONDON, April ". Philip Hnowdoii, rliaiircllor of the ex-' i'-iiiht pri'scnling In- budget In the House nf Uonmiim today i . k iln ti.i r...i..'.ii iiiimiiiiiiii iiri'ii'ri'iii-i' nr.. i hit v of llie F.mpire would he lie-t M-ned in the long run by ui leui of tariffs." Hi; added, however, Ihal llie late govern-! I ilnili?i In Kiiliinil Ihe tire fereiire iiriilMioaK In tin House ,i U minion wouiu ic niiiiiieu 10 i lie iniicsi extent. ll win mil jirojxiM-d lo ask ParliniiKMil In abolili IIm' preference now 1n force but the Labor liotcriimi'iil reserved Hit full liberty In propose whenever II J,ntl il evpdieiil lo reduce r aiioii-n all Minn ot preference now k raiill. Mr. Suowdon said a surplus Iliad been realized of 18,320.000 mi last year' account and that the said surplus hud gone lo rc- jdure llir ualiona! di'bl. " ' ' , . toder the new budget the Mc-,.HI S'J. The lrii.li .. mu ... , ,,,, government lis sent) II.. HnlLh -h.uial m ., .MDI AVcn i . . r i nil n n i i rip i ri 111 rii wi.. inu u m i ii in-a. in iiarviv inii.iin iiii tn : dury ertiele of the y I li Irraiy. under which , l!:dh government would ween Pinter and the Free South and East Recently 1 nv a llulilm (leM)alrh to n.n. Haiif" Mail. BE DEFINED It ss Provided for by Treaty li .X. KSH ROnNDARY i TO BE SETTLED hi oo io Lamm ki an as frv- vlded by Treaty With Great Britain I.O.ON. April '."J. l.lonial 1 ary 'riimiiat aniioiiiu'ed in I: 1 1 h iii i nf I l.iitiiiiiin lniliiv I till L ::n fi'Hleinriil by agreenieiil i: !lble in reaard I" 'he nulary be I ween northern and uMiem Ireland, it must be de-iiiiiied In iiieorihinee wjih Hie Al'f.. I i. i. i.. ...i.im. i... ' fur Mm rliililii.1iuiriil of 11 III 'II llllfl k.F ... I.. ... 1 - i .... j 1UIIIIIII0.IVI'' HllrtLlllU rLLLl 1U SAIL NORTH SOON IN CITY JUST NOW ..ulh and east looktnjr for wirk in lhi district. Al Ihe present lime then un Mime I0l name realslentl on Ihe list of uiiem-plnyrd al the loeut labor bureau. Iiidulries In Ihe district seem lo be slow in openini; up Ibis prim: but if is hoped that within Iho next two or three weeks all Ihe men now out of jobs will have lieen placed. Toiiixht eivhl men are being sent liy the bun au lo lluckley Bay. VANDERHOOF ASKING FOR LARGE STATION Board of Trade at Interior Farm Inn Centre Takes Quick Action Following Fire VANHP.IUIOOP. April i!U. meet lug of Ihe executive committer of the Yaiiilerhoof ItoiOd of Trade was held for llie pur pose of diseiissiiiK Ihe situation which ha arisen Ihmugh the burning id Ihe depot on April SI. After u thorough discussion on Hie mailer llie secretary was iu-slrucled In write at once lo I. A,' McPhcrson, superintendent, al Prince lltipcrl, reeommeiidlng Mint a second class slaliou b') liuilt at once, on Ihe north lde or the railway truck, mentioning (he fuel thai Hon. Frank Carvell, chairman of Ihe board of railway rouiiuissionei, when id Yander-hoor, said Ihe slntlon was on Ihe wrong side "or the I ruck. Ample warehouse facilities are also being asked for, NEWTNiTWoWoCK Lighthouse Tender to Have New Propellor Installed at The goernmeul lighthouse LIEUT. MCLEOD LEFT ON TRAIN lit Now on Way to Fort Fraser to Inspect Fraser Lake Landing Site For Flyers COMES HERE LATER Hatetton Will Provide Emergency Station In Case of Need VA.NC.OfVF.lt, April SO.- Flight Lieutenant Karl McLeod of the Vancouver unit of the (loyal Canadian air for?e left lal night oxer the Canadian National Hatlway for Jasper en roule for Fori Prater and Prince 1 1 u port to in. spett the air harlHiH and et)uii men I hpeewrf tot hf Ilrlllrli world flyern when paiti aernf northern IlritiMi Uluin;ia. The above despatch would cem to indicate that (he nctl slop east of here for Ihe British flyer would be on Fraser Lake. Ing Up about 375 miles cast of here Lieut. McLcod should reach I here Thi-ie lia been a considerable by lia(n at miilnixlil NYeducsda) influx pvnilly of inrii from the rT he gors direrl. He will be at Jasper tonishl So I j 1 1 If is known regarding Fort Fruser Ihal Flight Lieutenant MacLeod's chief inveslifra-lioiis will be al Ihal point. If the lake is Mifllcienlly .ohellered to provide a koih lauding he will make arrangements to have buoy placnl and supplies of oil and petrol stored for Ihe British airmen. MacLeod expect lo he in Prince Huperl on fisheries patrol in June when the British llers arrive from Ihe noiili and he will not make many preparations at Ihal point. The supplies and buoy Used by the lloyal Canadian airmen will be turned ner to Hie British at llatelton. Arrangement will he made so thai a landing can be made if necessary. To Fort Fraser There is a landing field at llareltiui which was used by Ihe Americans when Ihey iiiadc the HUM lo Nome two year ugo and there is also a licensed air liar-hor used by a coiiimerciul firm which was flying a junker .seaplane from lla.el(oii to Prince lltipcrl I wo season auo. The flyer will uo slop there unless necessary, however, bul will make the l)5 mile from Huperl to Fort Fraser in one Imp and (hen from Fort Fraser lo Chip Lake a Utile more tiiau 500 mile in auolher hop. An olllcer from the High llier station of the lloyal Canadian Air Force will Inve.sliKale Ihe possi. hilille of cslahlishiuif a base at Chip. Lake, HO mile west or P.d-ii io 1 1 1 on Tor the flyer. Chip Lake is heller known us Lohsliek Lake. II is near the village of .liinkiu on the Canadian National Hallway. CHONG SAM BOW AGAIN SENTENCED TO HANG lender Newinglmi ha arrived at VANCOUVFIl, April 20.- Chung (he dry dock and will be lakeiiSaiu Bow was found guilty, for up on llie poiiloouv tomorrow. (he second lime of Iho murder nf for the Instillation of a new John Clayton Jones hero last orotic Her, replacing one that was .July ami was condemned to tinng damaged iTcenlly. on July 18 next. Arthur lluvir., ItiitiMi uiieu golf i hauipioii; Waller J. Travis, Ihe only Anierieau who ever won Ihe Hritoh i-liam-pioiilii(i, und Boh Jones, of Atlanta, are shown al Augusta. fieorgia. GRAND PRIZE IN THE ESSAY COMPETITION LATEST! RADIO SET OTTANVA. April U. The grand priie in Ihe Save Ihe Forest Week e-say compel ilion being conducted throughout Canada ami for which 1'ic winner of the Daily New competition will be competing will lie a "Maiwiii-plione Three" a new el jul evolved by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company and comprising llie latest development. in cir.'iiieerinir. The Marconi Company will install litis set lor Ihe reeipi.-nl wherever he or she may be located. : BOWSER URGES GOING SLOWLY IN NOMINATING! Blizzard Yesterday at Chignik Held Martin: 400 lbs. Ice on Plane COUUOVA, April '.1. Owing lo a .severe blizzard, Major Martin, commander of Ihe American world flyers, was unable to leave (Jhiguik yesterday lo join the oilier three flyers al Dulch Harbor. Yesterday morning the cold was intense and the flag plane Heallle, that has hud so many vicissitudes since leaving Ihe Pugel .Sound port, was found to be encased with ice, the extra weight being estimated al H0 pounds. ! The weather forecast in the north yesterday was that the ! weather was clearing and that the flying men were hopeful of lii'iiir able lo couiiuue their Ion; flight tow a ill the Orient at an n i .- . i.' - i.. ' .ruilj nail. J.ti-l J tiling ill readiness to take advantage of; any lull in the severe weather of! . :the past few weeks. I SCOTTISH SAILED FOR 1 VANCOUVER AT EARLY HOUR THIS MORNING . J?e4lllti l.uitt l-iiriii. Mullftil - 'from Ihe ocean dock Ihi morn- Ten Victoria r-eopie Tney anouia;inif a, Vlock for Vancouver Choose the Best Possible Men For Candidates ; "the personality of the eaudi- date will be the winning factor in the roming pniviucial election. W.J. Ilowser, leader ot Ihe parly. . told members of Ihe Liberal-Cou- servalivc renlral and wartl execu- tjve in a spirited address at the club rooms in Vieloria. II x was his advice Ihal (he slogan of the parly should be every man' 4. a potential cahincl minister. 1 In; 4 public wauled I lie best meli. The I if . , , ... , .1... ttti4Stvetv miuiiiiT oi uie rouu leuow, iiil- man wiiii ine ituicpcniicm vote, ...... . ..i i... .... i ........... DAKuL Ulllrr 1U ineuts iu and put them out. Amur went ashore on While Cliff ho said, did not want llie tur- Islaml. moil of an election cam'uaisu of. calm KWANNON WON METROPOLITAN favorite' al three lo one, wa third-a neck behind Boddam. Ihirleen horse run. The Standard oil tanker, J. A. Moffat t. Capl. Dher, arrived from Iticlimoml, California, yesterday afternoon at I o'eloek wllh 00,000 barrels of fueHiil for Ihe Imperial (thirty or forty day. People iu jlho citie were loo busy for pro- triie.leil t i 1 tit 11 cr fl'lipv -"n' w . icoulil not spare the lime. Three week woutil he enough. I lien a iuick. sliaip campaign could be launched (hat would retain it (vigor (o Ihe last minute. If pro- LONDON, April SO. Wjlliam ceeding slfliuld be launched ear- O. Singer filly Kwuuuou, nine Her, Ihe slrain would toll uon to one, won Ihe great Melropoli- Hie candidates and (he workers. tan Slakes al Kpsom one ami a and it would be difficult to keep half length ahead of A. I'. Tcn-dlic desired enthusiasm mini' coll Boddain al one bun- 'dher name their men. I red lo eighl. Sierra l.eonue, Ihe.adviee u his own parly was: "heep up your efficient organiza tion, hut hold your hand on the luestlon of Ihe candidates." INVESTIGATE POLITICAL CONDITIONS IN MEXICO LONDON, April 29. Premier Oil Co.' tanks. The vessel will llanisay Maedonahl has appointed reluru soulh Varly Vwnorrow.Sir Tlionias Holder lo proceed to in'ornlng, II i expected. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, Dlv, I, Uuivdey I, Arsenal l. Mexico lo luvesllgale and report on Ihe political conditions iu that country. The olllcial hope that hi report will lead lo early rc cognition of Iho present govcm went of Mexico by Britain. where she will load cargo WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. for Australia. After leaving the nonloon at Ihe.drv dock ves-i . i .. ... :acces DIOBY ISLAND. llaiuiu-: TAKING BODIES VIRGINIA MINE Morgue Established and Doctors and Nurses Ready to Aid Any Alive WHEELING, April SO. Eight bodies had been recovered late yeslenlay 1aUejnuQa)Irpul. Kenwood mine where- theexplosion look place entombing about one hundred miner. ; .Mining expert, after a trip through (he working to which M'lUit; dllL'llluuu, III!' ITSSIMI., . . made a run down the harboi-and !' O',,"lon, eve'rylhing wa found lo be in '6od working order following Mil, li.tmil iiii, li. Ilton 4 i ... I tit, I wa possible. expresed that none of the miner , would be rescued alive. A temporary morgue wa established at Ihe mouth of the mine --..V ...r... .,V'. " J.r.F. .... .... I. !... .. ! , al Ihe ocean dock for Ihe night.!"""" "''" The Seotlish. is being piloted f3,1" af f any who may be out alive. down the eoasl by Capt. Duncan fought Mackenzie, C.O.M.M. pilot, who i arrived from Vancouver Sunday night. FISH SALES WERE SMALL HERE TODAY GO ON PONTOONS away fnun us," aid Mr. Bowser. Only six boal brought their i"We waul lo act such candidate ealches here today and sold at Will be Appraised by Local Board as lo appeal lo that vote and wc 'he bxal exchange. Prices were With View te Settling Sal- can do so by having Ihe four besl'i'leraoiy Higher lhaii yester- vaoe Claim men in Victoria a our candi- ,,a- 'Sal' were: - ilates." The barge Oriff ha airixed in! No Haste port and i Koiuir up on the pun- The parly would be well uiU toons al the dry dock this after- vised, counselled. Mr. Bowser, not cries, at tie and 5c. SMALL CASE IS SETTLED Lengthy Litigation Over Will or Missing Theatrical Magnate Comes to Close TOHONTO, April SO The long :iml riisllv liltcrnliim nvir lln u-lll Valorous 8.0U0. Olady. 8.000. of H. ,aU. Ambro,p ynaUi Iuiss. to lloyal l isli Coi at ISs and Cc. inp InilUonaire thcalrical mag- i-oiaris, ;j,ooo, io xiooui risu- nale of Toronto, now presumed ile.'iil. li:is lit I.'IhI intiif In ntt iml noon to be appraised by Jurvls to be in lralo to name noinJneesj Hingleader, S.500, Bingo, 7,000, Counsel for Mr. Small, who was Mrl.eoil, Capt. 1.. .MeCoskrie ami In Mctoria where the or- '" lorase, ai iu.uo unu uc. loakini; applicatinn tn cuurt fr a S. Culliugtou, murine -surveyor, gaiilzaliim was stroii,' and readyj Pocoloeo. 1.500, to Atlin Fish- prtdiale of a 1003 will, and law- iu couneetioii whh Ihe salvage for action at short notice, tin- cries, al lu.tuc and lie. claim of Capl. Swanson wtio like Ihe country riding, where salved Ihe craft a couple of eandidale had already been mouth ayu when the steamer named. Yancouver and Victoria, yers for Hie two iter of the miiug man, who conlested the ,1003 will, this afternoon came lo a setlleiiK'nl by which Mr. Small '-i agn-e to pay her isters-in-Iaw nuiooieier. jo.oj; temper- S2IO.OO0. , in leliirn for uliieli al lire, IS; sea smooth; 5:30 a.m. "consideration they withdraw their spoke steamer Canadian Scottish case. oul southbound; 5 a.m. spoke, .. .sieiimer I'rinee .loliu in bkiilegale Inlet northbound. DKAD TIlF.F. POINT. .Cloudy, I liglil southeast wind: barometer.' will not serve meals With beer in alberta SO.itl; lemperature, AS: sea moderate. FIMONTON, April 20. ,Wi BULL IIAIIBOH. llaining, nu'al "'' lu b" "rved in beer light southeast wind; barometer, rwtn il1 'his provinee,arcord-20.HI; lemperature. t5: g,t t Ihe latest ruling of Ihu Let tho'swell: 8 i. in. snoVi. in r.uiw, I'Hinor Mintroi iioanl. the un. But hi J Scot t abeam Cape Caution bound """""""'nt explained that strong for Oeei.ii Ki.iu.- h i. ... opposuiou ueveiopeu io tne ser- sleamer Canadian Observer ?ins of mea,s wilh ber a,lJ iibeain Beaver Cove bound tor m.,?, ruIe'' '? accorJa"C0 with Ocean Falls; 0 p.m. spoke sleaiu- ,',!"? wc1w,Jr leJ taw not Princess F.na "'"'""K Ihe position. er anchored at Uoso IliiiboiV luirlhbouml. Noon DIOBY ISLAND. Drizzling, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.05; temperalure 15; sea siuoolh, D1UD THKK POINT. Cloudy, light soul beast wind; barometer, ?0.8(l; temperature, 17; sea moderate. BULL HAUBOIl. Halning, calm; barometer, 20.87; temperature 10; light swell. r BASEBALL American League Cleveland 3, SI. Louis 4. New York II, Phlladephia 0. Chicago S, Detroit 7. Boslon 2, Washington 2, called In seventh owing lo run. National League Brooklyn 0, Boston 8. Philadelphia' 2, New York I. 1'lllsburgh 7. Chicago , SI. Louis I, Cincinnati 5.