PAGE BIX ! We arc making further REDUCTIONS i E to box $5.75 .. $10.35 ... $5.25 ... $2.25 ... $5.60 . .. $1.85 . ... 50c 1 STOP, Phone 84. 4175th Ave. East, Dozens of E Let Us 8UPPLY YOUR SPRING WANTS in Poultry Netting Fly Cloth Garbage Cans Garbage Palls Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Spades Weeders Trowels Grass Shears Sickles Scythes Spading Forks Garden Seeds Kaien Hardware Co 608 Third Ave. Tel. 3. SPRING First and Foremost The Smart SPRING SUIT The suit Is the imlispeiu sable foundation of any Spring wardrobe and each reiuisile of fashion for the at tractive coslume j here observed and fulfilled to a satisfying completion. Garment so exquisite are cl-donr so moderately priced. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. i on- Fconomy Ilutlcr lb Kcouomy Ilutlcr 2 lbs Ilutlcr, per 1 1 4b. Sugar, per 1 00 lb. Sugar, per 50 lb. Sugar, per 2,0 lb. Milk, per case . . . Flour, per 19 lb. . Flour, per 10 lb. 'o. 1. per 40c .No. 2, per 75c Spring Coats choose from, Sizes 10 to G. Kxcelluul Goats at Lowest Prices. BENT'S Third Avenue. Opp. Bank of Montreal. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm .111.111--.uiniii i iii'fN I r " 1 Black Peau De Sole iJO inch, heavy quality, lie?. $0.50 yard. Special Ir yard $3.50 Black Peau De Sole Lighter quality. Reg. ?i.50 yard. Special per yard $2.50 Colored Silk Poplins In Xavj trcy. Brown. Reseda, While, etc. Iteg. .'27 yard. Special, per yard $1.25 Pallette a inch; Navy, Hlark, Henna, I'ekin, Sky, Brown, etc. Ileg. 2.."0 yard. Sale Price, por yard . . $1.95 H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD Agent- for Pictorial Heview Patterns Phone 9. Cor. Fulton A Third Ave. m TIMBER SALE X5853. m TIMBER SALE X 5622. EXTRA SPECIAL. Choice Winesap Apples Wrapped slock, all sizes, For Wednesday and Thursday Selling $2.45 box Ithubarb, o lbs. for .... 25c Hothouse Cucumbers, each 35c I.are Sunkist Orange. Mze 170 s, special, doz. .. 50 o Rupert Table Supply Three Phones: 210, 211, 212 FARMERS' MARKET lloiliim Hecr, per lb 8c l'ol Hoasl, per lb. ... 10c Oven Hoasl, per lb. 12'2c Hib Sleak, per lb. .. 15c Choice Hack liacou, per lb 42c Choice I'ea Meal llacon, per lb .... 43c Choice Side Hacou, per lb. 41o Swift's l'reiniuin Hani, per ' lb 34c Old Country Ayrshire Roll. per lb 25c Quaker Peas, 'Sis, 3 for 50c Quaker Corn, 2's, 3 for 50c Quaker Tomatoes, 2V4's, 3 for 50c French Peas, jnr tin .. 25o Sliced Pineapple, 2'g, per liu ... 25c Pure Honey in Jars, per Hi 25c lllne Ribbon Tea, per lb, 65c Ripe Tomatoes, per lb, 30o Quaker Cornflakes, 3 for 36c Orders of $5.00 Delivered. Phone Blue 423. wak-U Trudrra UI br rwivrti fav tlr Dtjlnrl lorrjlcr, nut later Uiau mi Uie It dar or Star. t. for tbe wir- rluMr of Licence X it SI, nrir kenuuo Bay. norm aioe 01 oaraurr unit. c.n. a, to Oil 7U.UU0 rj)JU. or BaWaiu. Ilctulock, spruce, cedar aud fir sakjr. Twu '.3: year 1I1 he allowed for re-Diuval of timber. ftirtncr particular of toe Cbief Fore. ler. Victoria, or tbe UiMrtcl Korelr, ITiuee Kuperl. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5024. Scaled Tenders mill oe recelred tr Uie I Sriied Tender! will be rerrlred by Uie Milliner or Lauds, at Victoria, not later tthaa Injun tin the l&th riir .if Vav ioji i Minister if Land, at Vlrioria. not liter-' j iuiii noon on toe in aajr or .May. ivil.! lor ine uurroie or Licence A.uil. to nil l.lOJ.oou reel or Siuce, Cedar, Bat-miii and Hemlock on an area tilualed at Bear Lake, lun i, Coail titlrict. Tlirre U, yean will be allowed for removal or limber. Further Particular, ol the Chief Fores- ler, Vlrioria. B.C. or Matrlct foreiler. Pnnre Itni-ert. B.C. 'SOVIET TO CELEBRATE MAY DAY PEACEFULLY Will Show the World That It Has Peaceful Intentions But Will Pay Homage to Lenin MOSCOW. April 2'J. May Day will he celebrated in Russia this year by peaceful manifestations on Ihe part of the civil imputation, instead of militant demon stration by the mi army as iu, the past. I This tivay be taken, the llolshe-visls ay, as symptomatic of the: soviet' desire to convince the' world of its peaceful intentions' and also as indicative ' of the .tranquility prevailing in the: country. Hundreds of thousands of; workers and their families are expected lo march to the great1 improvised wooiIen shrinr in Red: Square, in which Ihe IkkIv of Leniue is interred, and there pay.' homage lo their revolutionary! leader. GRADED SYSTEM OF VICTORIA, April -"J. Victoria is likely to have a frraded .system, at Ihe i-ily . Iiall iroveniiu;: tlit ; salaries of officials and eiu-j ploye"s of all classes. There has! In'en some dissatisfaction shown! ainuiiz Hie employers and Ihe; city n.inwil recently refused lo late any action toward rclb-vinsr! The mayor has now taken up, the question with a view (o the passing of a bylaw which will' become cuVetivc next year, which will locate the status of each em ployee and the salary he or sh shall receive. WILL CHARGE DR. PRICE jror tbe puirtue or Urenee X St. ii eul Charge to he made to iiiKlertakiuir lh work inu.t do xi on or before Uie ind day of June. iwji. I., r. city (J.-rk. Jale.lhiJSIIidayiifAprll. ll. TENDER FOR LUMBER. Tenders I1I lie received by Uie uiuler Jme-d up to i I'Jn. Muuday. tmii In.l.. ror I lie supply or me iihhiwiii?, r.o.o. jl'rllire lluiierl. Sale Tat Paid: ii.oimi n. ii. m. - i ir -i ri. Il'iiivti o. I i;iHiiinmi Hemlock. il.MUU l. H.M. I"i6" tedar ble Grade. ni Cellar lo be 10 II. Kiinr. Hatance between 1 1 and It 'ee, II. J. MTIIFXlM. t9 l'iirchlnr trm. NOTICE. TAkr MJTICF. that afler publication of this leillce om-e a week for four eonnerti- live weeka that we .lull apply Wi the Iterirtrar of Joint Slock Coinnanlea. Mr torla. U.C. lo rhanee iMir name lo tliat of BHYANT AMI OHFKH. I.IMITKtl." IiATKO ai I'linre liuisrt. B.C.. thla ISlh day or .March. 194 nnvxT r.oMi'v. UMiTFn. Home Cured Old Country Style Bacon, Hams, boiled and boneless, Blood Sausage, Liver Sausage, Ayrshire Bacon, Back Bacon, Weln-ers, Pure and Compound Lard. Highest Quality. Reasonable Prices. On Sale at B.C. BUTCHERS and GROCERS LTD. and FARMERS' MARKET. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone St. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. by Tuesday April ?9, THE DAILY H&WS. Skilled OPTICIAN Glasses scientifically and accurately fitted by A. F. Ireland, a graduate optician, who has had 25 years' experience and can handle the most difficult cases. 7 j ears with W. W. Munn 1 Co, Toronto, one of the largest .optical houses in Canada. You run no risk here as Mr. Ireland will be here permanently lo check up anywork. We abolualely guarantee satisfaction in every case. Any Una duplicated any lena repaired. Extra special prices for the first 2 weeks. Hvening appointments- Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Diamond Specialist riTV UAII CAI ADJCC sociatioir at a merlins and it will Ul 1 IlrtLL JrlLrtlULd b. recommended Ihe direclors. for arceplaiu-e ; WORLD COURT AGAIN IS BEING MENTIQNED Issue Again Being Injected Into United States Politics by Democrats WASHINGTON. April 2V. - Hy Canadian Press . Jut at Ihe time when the world court issue! was .supposed to have been quieted for Ibis riiiu of the! U. l-onsrress, steps are beitis taken to stir il up. lH-mocratie' trailers arc planning lo move to ilischarse the foreign relations' C7C WirUT CHD UAII "'"'"iiice oi un renaie irom $j A A nluill rUK HALL consideration of the resolution' ilo have the Unilel Stales join the, KIlMONTON. April 29. The world court. The mailer ha Ir. C. S. been iteudinz before Ihe foreien I.dV ceSir! .n lF ' Z l'v, eenelisl and faith healer, committee alt winter and Senatorj iunJe j 3, Tt-oa.i Coal Tuutriet l-inrirt. or l"e use or I lie " arena .lurm? Uuijze. . chairman, v.... has carefully inree ee luoril c (i) rrara win be allowed ror re-;liis romin? . visit . to hdmonton is.allowed il lo sleep. I'nlil recently, thr'wrtieuiar. Fie-'5 a niht. At least, that is the il looked as if il would ! allowed Further tiartirular or or Ihe ihe chief chief Forr- ter, victoria, u.c. or Iiinriet TIKI BER SALE X 5897. Fore.ter, fjur' fixe,l 111011 by the finance lo slumber in the committee for (committee of the Kihihitiun A.. the sealed Tendera m ill be rerelred bv Ihe 'CORPORATION Of TKE CITT OF PRINCE ... .... - DITBVDY iiiiinri rore.ier. rtot uier iiuiii iumia mi . . . . ... 1 . . ..... . tiAMMHi ririM.n rti u uu r.mi.iiiiv rest of the session. If the til" I ion to dicliar?' commute is.maile. as now wi.r loH-.aim limn. ."L..L7; ".... v..i: . i-l.-i.. 1. i:i.-t.. ... i . To it- yeara will be allowed for re-i." "- mCr uim im ipi .iuiiimis iirudir is iihrir 10 uc moval of limber. E.fSTS P"."?5 ""'.' . rP.'n " 'L rr-liPae.l e t,.eP ,.,rl nf il Furlher narllrular of I lie Chef Forea-" r""" . - """i"". " ni . - ler. Victoria, or the Dl.lrlrt Foreter, !"'Br. "?.."" J?1?" f !" Ihe irrecoiici lab es Male tiin ... . n tlrnii a-iiiif r. riuiiriMiiriiir jfirririrlfi w ttitm inHii a a rw,lnt ihuiii mi at fit. iiip lnterertion or gill Avenue, tin Avenue and. abandoned their Opposition sCoiimii Avenue, thenre aloiitT (lb Avenue i . ...i . i to Uie lnleiertloii or Fulton Street ami "- " nitii uu-j SAN JLAX. Porlo 29. Willi the trial the ex. ST MJeSc'J ilW FigW"" .W.o.h, r u.e'lled, it will" undoubtedly aiwc iiaiid, cm. s. to mi 60.U00 lineal feet of ."Ll?.". .,ur,, i".t".r.i.t" an exlemled debale. The Leairue not lu re-! Kill Avenue and Itieiire alonr Slh Aenue jrnr. u a "IM""- .leimin" "luUfi violin to lo III! Hie . lo t point twelve reel vie.t of Uie Centre far" Line liileraectlon or MrHrldt; SI reel and I.CapuO. Dth Avenue, arrordinr U the rradea O'-mocrals. n....,...i ....... . . .. : n i hou .hi Ihe plans and profile nll In ; Ilioj-e esMTlally the Uie orrire or uie city ijimneer. a "'ii' Democrat are i1 r " " 'oiocr.u., an limirovrmenL aud InleiKln to njierUlly , , a.M-nK the nnt un the laml abulllinr anxious to brilip the Hint ler Up directly mi the work earepl nucli tli'Hi i ... f ,..... .i.1JM n.. I 'Mder to elllliarass Hie of II- e.rt a Is incurred at Slreel lu- KepllU- terreriiiii!i and ai cmnii cmts-riy. I Calls ' liolltieal I'O"" "J V. Ihev - do "O noil" IIOI y . Tlte c.llli.llcl eo. or the wolk U!M Rico. April and ennvic- Cash and Carry for Wednesday and Thursday (NO DELIVERIES). It? LADIES' DEPT. 500 Lbs. B.C. Gran. Sugar In bulk. 10 lbs. fr 95c I. mill 10 lbs. to each -us-t. mer. Only 00 lb. to sell. ... kindly e"el hre early. Cretonnes and ChlnUes Here is a splendid opportunity i beautify your home ai little cost. See. tin line in our window and ou will rralue Ihe aloes we are offering for Wednesday and Thursday. All new Mock, lalesl rolorimt. 3(V wide. HeB. tiUe and 7i- yard. Special 4 yards $1.95. 3 Doz. Turkish Hand Towels Siie t8x3n. SlroitK and rrvirrahle. mare from absorbenl yarn. Hex- 7Sc pair. Special 55c Pair Malkln's Best Jelly Powders New sbaie paikaKe. full weiicbl. Special 4 for 25c. I. innl I. to eaeli riistouier. lam.fsi.iMi. or which 4 10 be: really expect lo he able to force vwurii I"1""" Specials for Wednesday and Thursday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (NO TELEPHONE ORDERS) Until further notice this store will open at 0 a.m. Half a Million Dollars Turnover That is the goal we are now aiming for as our turnover for 1024. Can wo makt The Table Supply and Universal Trading Co. together are sure to turn J400.. 000.00 this year at the present pace. With very little additional expense we can add $100,000.00 to this mark. If we can get our turnover up to the half million mark w. know we can reduce our overhead percentage of doing business, and pass this along to the public In reduced prices. Our success l your saving. Let's Go. The Universal Trading Co. Watch this space Thursday for change of advL were taken lialil by Uie (jirjx'ratii.n. and the e.ttiualeu i mil 1 a Ole. ii,.,, llowecr, n... they insist n.i llial OUl. annual M-elal rate r f.s,t frontare , I.IOiOii. Tiie i.ieriai atfooinetii la to IW r a XOlerail lie forced, a major H uii j , !!erLH,rr,Vhnr,V:Tmi..'ily of the Senale will sustain U.c several companies have cancelled! motion lo discharge the comndU P'dfies for more man ?.-jo.o"o lee.' The effect of adopting uch iiusiinmce. a motion would be to brin? the' subject before the Senale and force the Senate lo consider it. Moreover, it would probably serve to inject Hie world court and League of Nation issue inlo the political campaign much more Irnnxly than would be the case otherwise. INSURANCE SCANDAL Policies Issued on Lives of People Who Were Tubercular and Unable lo Pay Ten Years Ago In Prince Ktipert Aprll 29, 1914. Attorney lieneial W. .1. Htrwer iu a speeeli declareil: "If the day i-er mines wnen me Miiiserva- lic parly will he called upon lo i-l i re from public life il wilt have Hie satisfaction of knowing that il ha left lis impress upon Ihe public life of Ihe province and Hie nioiiiiiiK'ti I n of lis ailinini-lialiou will remain for all time.'' - John T. Chawuer Williams. lion of mo.t of Ihose liiiiHraled.'rWt,rU ,, Hrriv,.( rr( the conspiracy lo defraud Hie Manufacturers Life Insurance Company, of Canada, a scatnlal. that has cnyaveil (be allenljon of the entire Island for several moulds, is just ended. Uler (rials iu which Ihe nr. cused offered no defense, Municipal Judye Hoiri;ni'7. Serin, lin- pord a sentence of six monllis iu jail and a fine nf !un on Juan J. fieraldino, of Ponce, on each of two counts, and on Ihinl count. Imposed fine of $100 and cosls. Kurique Valedoii wa fined 9200 and costs, on one count, anil ?10fl. and cost for iiifrarllon of the insurance law. Slxlo Luccioni was fined 4100 ami costs, n was also Joaquin Tellechea. All the principals were chained wjlli conspiracy to defraud Hie insurance company by obtaining life insurance policies on llio lives of persons known to be tubercular, and who in most cases were shown lo be unable to pay the premiums involved, the accused advancing the money and recej- iiiit tho amounts for Ihe south on Ihe Falcon yesterday nfferiioou. He is makiin; a preliminary insjierlion trip over Ihe dislriM. Fred I'oole, I'orcher Island rancher and fisherman for Hal- morn! cannery, lost bis life wheni he fell from his fishing boat near Port F.ssiiiglou. OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Passports secured and tickets issued via While Star, Cunard and Anclior-Oonaldsou Lines. The Cunaillau National Railways make direct connections with steamer of these lines. Full In formation at City Ticket Office. Canadian National Railways, 528 Third Aventie, Prince Rupert, H.C. Phono 200. . if 4 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTF.H. - Young man for de. livery car Apply Wunro Itros. Uocers. Iom MEN'S and BOYS' DEPT. 200 Bottles Del Monte Catsup hjs. alne t"- slraichl Sieriiil inexlay and Thursday only. 25c bottle I. Illlll t iMitlles to each riistnloer. 12 only, Suits Men's Combination Underwear Made by Mercury- Mill". Hamilton. sleeves. Ankle I en j: tli Iteir. value S.50. Sues JU.Irt and It only. Itroken sites enable u lo clear I lie line at a sacrifice $1.75 Suit 30 Pieces, Shirts and Drawers Another Mercury line, same quality a Hie combinations. He?, value 43.SS suit. Special Price $1.95 SulL Canned Tomatces '. Solid I'm-k. Heir alue ? for 3Se. Special Sale Price, 2 for 25c I. mill 8 I in to eaeli SHOE DEPT. SCO Tins Sliced Plneappta U'x. Kiisikii llru'id, Special 5 llrs foe $1.00. Limit in Iiim (.. r. :. , ti nier. This 1 1 ii- i , a iuhmI a any of ll iidvrlie. Im -w en. I .l 35c. 75 Pairs Men's Dress Shoei iHMer Well.'. i t lllocber l)le. t. dn-ssy UU. in Ufa drown Slie S4 i,. ii alue ;.40 and H Special $4.95. 'No evrhanf. no app: 35 Pair Bojri' Laced Boott li.HMlyear welt, i e iii Hlark and lti"u I 3. Ileg. alue Special $3.95, No ei li.ii((.i (i.. Shoe Polish, all colors, 10c Tin WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 "GRUMPY" A William iv MilU- priMlucliui The picturi 'Mv.i i r Ihe faiiiiiiis mystery milliliter (lat London and New Yi couldn't see enough of. The slory nf an (rascihh wld who was just mi old grouch mild n &IOO.0OO duiinuiid v ! (lied and vaiuhil hung over a wnr nf uuiig lover l!i" crahliy, lovable, keen old (irumpy flashed out uhd thl ip did hum. Theodore Huberts in iii greatest mid fiii"i'1 role. (JirUf whether you lire sixiecii or sixty, yoitil J":' love (Irumpy. Cntne ami follow Ihe scent iif the wliiK tiardeiiiit and have u good laugh. Theodore Roberts,, Conrad Nagel, Charles Ogle, My McAvoy and hig cast. Mutt and Jeff Comedyi "Gym Jams." International Nc-Admission 35c and 10c. KODAKS There's fun nl the lime in nuiking Kodak urliirc and they slore up fun for Uie future. (it'1 Vl'"r Kodak here. Kodak Film The The dependable dependable fi Your Your size size Is Is here. here. film in Ihe yellow box, Kodak Accessories Self Timers, Carrying Cases, Tripods, Porlrnil " laclmienls, They're nil in slock here. Let us help you plan a Kodak outfit for goot and loLs of fun. ORMES LTD. The Rexatl Store. 3rd Avenue A 0th Street