Has Try To all other countries, in advance, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 - 88 II H01 won it millions of users, it today and Know why. The Daily News PHI NCR HUPERT - MUTISM COLUMRIA. Published Every Aflemoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Itaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P.- PULI.KX, .Managing Editor. All advertising should he in The Daily New Office on dav pr? t PAQ1J TWO. the dailV 'news. Wi'ilu'-Moy iv it 7 The Distinctive Flavor of SALAD A SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Ilelivery, liy mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail In nil parts of the British Kmpire and the United Stale, in advance, per year $0.00 '.mueJi STORK SPEAKS IN EDMONTON' Addresses Liberals of That City In Regard to Political Matters PRINCE RUPERT PORT Advantages of This City for Grain Shipping Placed Before Al-Jerta People "Our present Liberal govern-ment at Ottawa i a jrnat deal more .sound Ihau is Hie puvern-nienl of Oreal Itritaln or I lie republic (it Itie south." declared ire.1 Stork, federal memher for Skeena in an ad.lre In the Liberal of the city of Edmonton ,u .few day. apo. a reported in the .liullelin of that rily, "sind that i . , . . , . a in aiwrr in 11101; wun cruicii the present administration." Hi address tleall with Hie report of I he Liberal -parly in Canada and at tlie ronrlusion he fnrnihel fresh information for Kd- $7.r0lmonlnniaitK upon the reutral . - iporl of llrilish Columbia, Prince Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per inserlinn'IUiert. , Transient Advertiinp on lYonl Page.. ...$2.80 per inch; -rier thirly-five year j Loral Headers, ler insertion , .!.2."c per' lineVesern Canada. Ihe present iit Classified Advertising, per insertion 2e per word to thin pioneer rily ha beentfan I-egal Notices, each inertion Mr per agate line, opportunity to meet friend of Contract Hates nn Application. early day." remarked Mr. Stork in rnmmenriiip hi addre.- 'I'he rhief huiiies in hand fur the Littoral irarly today i the quielinpnf rumor and erilieim which have heen farpely started ceding publication. All iidverlising received subject In approval. '.hy the Tories Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1921. What Or The Future In Science And Invention? II. (1. Well, Ihe eminent author; discusses in a recent ar For one of the 'favorite Iriek of Conservative is itn stir up suspicion ami discon tent. After lellinp altoul the early hilory of I.itieralism. Mr. Stork passed to preenl day prohleni. Much Slandered Man "I think that we have today in Premier Kinp, a worthy leader," ticlc the probabilities for the future iii science and invention be declared with enthusian. "A and lis conies to the conclusion that the big changes will be statesman by heredity ami by in- ralher in psychological or physiological seiem-e than in mechani- p 'nirman ami n . , in W'1'4 mn- " raryinjf on nobly ,.w,...cm. .... i 'Mrr ... ,:.TIC ,g more imui ,,,,, wnrk nf Uf, ,ae aninlH, Sir alMjut twice as fast as Ihey do today. VS hile railroads, he thinks, Wilfred Laurier. may be abolished he does not look for marked changes in trans-' "Perhaps he the nwl slan-portation. lie says: "Alan having ruu all over his world from tlnr,ul nMwl in tu '"""try today, ride Jo note. Ii.iviiifr tprnwt l.nu- in ftv nr.inn.1 it ; ..... hul M anyone pn to Ollawxi and 1 ' ,r n "''P anylhinp over and they ;hi .i... ....a i i,..., :. ; l. . .. ....... aw.. ... ..nuv ... ,,. IU a H.IM1, W III pre- wj fn, j, ,,.,,, f wj,hjn seiuiy, i uiuik, necome iniropecuve, ana turn Ins praclical at- the vel-t glove, lie i leader lBJiliou lu himself." ' , ever' inch. - , . j Commenting timn Hie capital Thinks Nothing In . . itbat was beinp made of Sir I.nmer Cnlll..allcm V!n..ln : , 1. 1 : .. l-. : . . I MU.fl ..'IH.III S . f-Sli l.t.1 i. mi. sui.i iiri Aii interesting view of Wells f that iriven of sniriluali'-rii. there wa no pround for the alle He myn: "For a third of a century siuce hi college day Ihe valions that tie had been a power writer ha watched the flow op necromancy, telepathic e,peri- behind the M-ene and wa not ment, and peudo-;ej2iitifie imjuiry; for ome years he was a wholly interested in Ihe destinies member of the English Society for Psychical Heearrh; he ha f " Liberal party but of some ohsened the exploit of clairvoyants, read occult iHMiks, so far .as bip financial interests. Forced to lnn'ks are readable, heard the lale V. 'j'. stead rlatft the adven- resign becaue of ill health, be1 lures of his double, watched the careers of Sir Oman Doyle and bad aiired the premier ami the Sir Oliver Lodge, endured the marvellous histories of many in- House nf hi pood intentions but frior lory-lelIcr!. And hi growing conviction is that in this urh wa unnecessary for the val cloud of witnesses, jn this fog of miprogresive n-sertions, members of the House knew witb-llicrc is no grain of any substantial realily, thai there is nothing 0,i ,,ilS ylng of his loyally to in it all beyond deliberate fraud. uncoucious fraud, self-decep- the Liberal Party at all limes, lion, the will o believe marvels, Ihe craviu? lo be marvellous, the ,,n Ping he paid a tribute to siiggestibilily of unguarded mind, tricks of divided persouali- 'I'"'' Pnbh. courtesy -and thought-lies; uncritical treatment of coincidences aud resemblances, ihe fnlne of members from the oiisimacy oi men coniinineil lo a view, verv aiici?l traditions prnvinre oi uuenec, who never about ghosts and magic, received as fables and then strengthen v,''r, hard to ntler an unkind iug lo belief, reinforcing legends from Ihe Kal, hallucinations vvnrd. Premier King had no dif-folereiFaud welcomed, and last but not al. the moral decav fieiilly in bringing the two race and imaginative excesses due to the use of drop." topeltier in pood terms and those Jwho say otherwise mipht well lake Change In Education !a lesson from Ihe courteous And Literature. j French-Canadians, he siippesled. ells says he believe there will b changes in education Canadian National .inn iiieraiure. lie says: ."i ne coming hundred years or so will' Although there had been at tic, i lielieve, essentially a century of applied psychology with tempi lo bring the Canadian Na wnirn a riuiin?rahie amounl or physiological science respecting Honat Hallway jnto politics, the glands and nervous slates, drug and secretion, will be verv Liberal were not responsible. In closely involved. 11 will mark a revolution in human affairs nl-.-ecurinp Sir Henry Thornton, the iiigrincr more profound ami more mlmiale than that merely premier had u railway slaleman materia- rcyouiuoji oi which our great-grandparents saw the at its head and he would un ?-.irij oegmings ami amulsi whose achievements we live." jdoubledly make pood hi promise 'i ne new revoiuiion oi the coming days appear a a dis-'to pull it out nf debt. nn .i.ifii v in i ne inieueciuai suriace, a n new directness in art' The civil service i a law unto lhal makes much old achievement seem platitudinous, as a more itself. At last session when the pen -Iratiiig curiosity jn readers and an abandonment of mauy oernment tried lo glart an In-gHicious conventions in literature, as a brench with mauy of the veslipalion, the iV)neralive iicij.iines ami restraints of the past in thought and act, as an members and some or fhn Pro. imreasing tendency to psychologize legal, political, financial and pressive had said in effect eromunic conceptions. It will presently be making more ex- "Hands off." There is a clean- l"nive conlrncl. with the common life through the schools nf the world. It is already stirring in-many srhools'and in the minds THK I AIW QAVC TUCDT'C of all Ihe best of mr voiiiip teachers." .11110 LftUI dnlO lnctVL J Sprawling Scramble Of Business. After discustdng educatiou at nme length the author snvs: ''The Miggotiou thai oressnllv there may lie a miH of xdiia:..i. and a sort of social and ecoimmi order in the world that will NOTHING TO EQUAL "Dr. Wood's" Norway Pine Syrup . For Coughs and Colds Mr, imlii TlMiMipwui, vM Hlvrr Si. have I ii shiii t.iliiin In II... cl.,.,.li,.,r ,.y.i :o. i i ,rnn, uni. rnr:-- rum..! riM-ak Ki m"n ...... .v.- ...... ..... m...j . ii.fri.iy or business lnl.i,.n.. of tvt I... lo. Il.nl thai II,. ihe II. ...... Jr. . . .. ""'w or. w.axi'B .irir Mil Syrii. (o.lay Woolworlh Huilding or an ocean lineri r injMf iij"ii'.irMi', has to the but or Ihe canoe of Ihe savage is met by an incrd u - '. loos resistance. They Hunk that the school will be always Hie dull, tiresome place it is today; the teacher the same ineffective, underpaid weaKHng: business the same loud disingenuous and U IMilllllIK Vy inn .irl. m yran lu had brnnrhlal truiitil i-vrr slir thr had III "flu" f-w ar aro, an.l. in, lin T sb t( a sllrlit ruld plw ilirlH dangerous sprawling scramble; ami employment the same di-J m' r,"n. "' i n mho taslTfuj drudgejios. They think there will always be the samel1? " '."'r frw ,l0''" "r- Wnin amou, oi vvnr. crime ami failure Jl.at there is today. A1;..-f0P ,-;'.,,,, ()t(M.r fWulrwli 11 is ridiculous lo suppose thai thee things will remain' e.n ruid nomn.. i.. .ui u, m rn. al Iheir prveiit level. 11 is ridiculous lo suppose (hat with a " '" '" """ "' growing armory of assured knowledge available, the constructive 1L10 !"y "l,t '""'' 0",,, .iii.I L.Pn,n.M. nw.llv.s ll..,.l !.. ,.. ill "... .1.".. "'"""'"'y n, dlffmnr It Iliad III ...... ......,... ,...,,,. . ....... ..... I'K.ruu, ,ri aouiu Br, Sfm. ali,i V, j,ay flu ...i.- ,.,,r.,,,y r, ,,, ji,n.hiiiH inn iiiiu inn iiujosiiueui ill UllUiail r' ,7trui in in ikhi, a tttl llir i lalions up lo the level of contemporary science, with at JeAst as ""tW" nui it." much jiitejligcnce and resolution an they set abotjl in bringing M,TZrlL . . .'.""".'i .'.''!; Wr'un9 the method, of transport up to thai level a eenlnry ago.' ft'M:Wo..!' SI r2JE!BBaPT5"TN .1 ft Wsk,.'4 Western Mothers Declare Vicks Wonderful for Cold Troubles In the cotumiis adjoining are given the actual experiencss of a number of ltri(ih Colundda families who have adopted the use of Vick VaMiltub sine- it was iutniduccd here Jat winter. Thouph new here, Vick ild in the State, where over I? million jars an ued early for rnnip, rhibln-u's' "ibl. babies' ri.hN. hdillls nbl. catafHi, sore IhriMt, brourhiti and all other such troubles down to iueipieut litieinnonia. ' A Vapor Lamp in Salve Form Viiks;i. an ingenious cmuhiuatioii in, alv form, of IIm1 world's best remedies for congestion and inflammation. It contain Camphor. Meiillio), Kucalypliis,Thnie, Oil of TorMiitiii hih! nther volatile oils, w4iich are ri'Ieascd a vars when Hie saUe is ncleil iimu Jiy lf heal of Ihe Jnly. Tto'se vajMirs are taken with each breath, into the tiose, thniat and lungs, rlearing Ihe Kisagf., iMicuiiig phlegm and relieving Ihe congestion. Al lb? same time, the application acl like a liniment, ioultice or plasrf drawing the LIimmI away from Ihe, congested part and relieving llwtt soreness nL livhlii-s. Double Direct Action Bring Quick Results Thi treatment often give amazingly quick results. Odd vaujsh over night. Croup is relieved inside of !. minutes. Or one application al bedtime may keep croup away altogether. For deep chest colds, Itorderiitg on bronchitis .r oeomoiiia, it is unexcelled. -Melted in a sjiooii and inhaled, Virks car the be.vl iiisaully. Fine for nasal catarrh and mouth-breathing al night. Vick i ex'cinll favored in home where there are jtuuig chiblreji. Its ue di away with doing for rolds ne their delieale stomach. It i not nccessarv. as with vapor lump, to roe the windows al night. Vicks is 'ipintly good for cuts, burn, sore. hruies. biles, stings and kui itching. Thu it i useful every day sit the home . WICKS up coming VapoRub Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly it i badly needed be si'hIoii. Vicks has met severe tests in these British Columbia Homes CHILDREN'S COLDS Mr. II. Tin. ma of lrt?7 Uuadra Slrel. Victoria, H.C, writes: Jiae tisisl Vick Vnpoltuli for chest IrouliV of Ihe worl kiud, a 1 wayferel nuse mera. W km lliree y.mnp children with sprre cobl. and Vick. i doing wonder for Ihem. W'e umild not like lo tw without it. I ran honestly reeoiiiineiol Wk Jo all) one.' BMONCHtTIS Mr. IJ. Itunnnv of HS2 .'.lh Street. Norln Vancouver, IUU, a. "I. have lri.l Vick Vapolluh ami find it very cihm. I have bmiu-tilli nlnwit err winter, toil Vick lil'.l nu. it ill alt you claim for it." HEAD COLO Mr. Cerirude V. Mill. u of ee-loke. !!,:., write: " ba. u.l Vifk VaM.ltub and found it Jul n'reprc--nlisl. I healed it in n Mm and In. haled it for a roht in the !iad and found it a lieneficlal n-medy for cold and oatnrrb. Vick sure .enl for it-set f.- CR0UP Mr. W. S. Steinon nf Hireh Hill. Sak., ay: 'Our little four-)ear old girl had a dry rouph all day and croup at nlhl. Two application of Vick V.1ollub relieved her. We rublie. it on her rbel and biiek and it did Ihe trick where other rrmiie failed. U would not be without Vick." CATARRH Mr. William Clarknn of lnwton. Alberta, writes: "I have given Virl. V "polluh a Ihoroiigh IfJal and find It no- ..ousiTvaiives uavn in. ny no- imperial conrerence to tne spired this movement for Ihe cut- slpuature of the Hon. Crnesl Ln-ting down of expenditures so that politic to Ihe fiheries treaty. Ihey mipht deal the rnrd Premier which authority had been que. Kinp hold. Ily Irylng lo prevent honed on vnriou hands." Ihe Liheral from spending they, 'The condition In Canada are hope o he In a position, when Ihe pood. Our currency Is healthy, next eleelion comes, to ;ik Ihe Our loans are over.siibscrihrd. Ifliul Ihe port. Canadian National Port Speaking of Pacific ports, he mentioned Hiat Vancouver shared Its trad wilh both the CP.lt. and the C.N.H., while Prince Hupert wm exclusively Canadian N'a- a inii valoald rni lv for catarrh mid head ,, fllol luliiul rttiieT. ; Wllnoul Viek YMitul a, i SORK THROAT Mr. John Meiicr"! . Sak.. : "I tiad ...r. i'u rliel cobl so I rnlilie-l V, ... toy throat UUd rhesl ah.t ' I wa lunch reliep. m m C0UQHS Alls I loretiiv now. :i .irigi a lid cold tud e ha. i,tn,r averred. , Dr. Tolmfe had Iraielled from from the ursine wa concern!. 15 rent: roal ' " I' Many irotesl. were lieinp made oasl to coat t lo drum up Ihe 'J he oix-nln? of Ihe Panama Canall "H U In lie lo'i "l apainst the heavy .taxes as tlie Coit-f-rvative orsaninalion. While Lad dacei tlie welern jnirls n. truo. Pacific eri result or tlie liip national dell jlif went on hi way ho whistled a ar with the Allaulic (kiHs. 1'iiynienis mui ne mei, wtietiier.lhe Carnival of r.xpeniiiiiire, yet 'Prince Huiiert wa a central ort or no Ihe country received lliefwa the government spending ftixifor. he remimleit hi hearer thai Mr. Stork. "epecia:iv aiJ'H-d lliose who were resiionMiblejeJeciion. )el u silent y Haby- are uvikinp Ihe mot of the oh- .ion Ion i the ii " orj dry dock s at ni i-rinri- Prince lluprrt niiiirri; taken another form, lie declared. The Carnival of expenditure." vine of Itritfh Columbia. i ne prowi n in pram stiinmem jeclion. Iliad lain a Sir Wilfred had wa hown by Ihe fizuren for One form lakpn by criticisms (.started, it all during that war Vancouver, which juinid from wa The Whisper of Death, iperiod. He cited other inlaiiee(I,iro.oo buhe in JU!?, to J,. but then, was no pesjininv ittof -xlravMpancej along Ihe PacUSnn,anu hiishet in lt1.1. Inside the Liberal ranks. .Now it ha fie eoat. of ten years, fifty oer cent of the Prince Rupert Trade jprairie crop will be marketed")" 'I would rail attention of tlie. wnv of the Pacific, in the nninlnn In most of (lie attacks details are,.,,,.!!,.,,,.,. lo n, Uel ,nl j5nn 0f Mr. Ftnrk. usually avoided so as to make tbo rar, r halibut from Prince Itu- Rupert's Advantages Issue general but on figures for ,.rt pa throiiph here annuallyj "Compare the two route. Orain " " i"" "-" earn paying to tlie i:analtan . a- from Cdmonlnn goes over the Hon. Jacmi-s llureaii had recenlly(i0na Hallway, tall f s00 to Cmulian .National llailway In replied to an attack catling alien. .ni.nnu ,,rr ear. The output waslellhcr port. That to Vancouver ion llrat it wa one million dol.-.j, rniion ,,, annually. In'.!..,. al Port Mann, where. Ureal tun in ivnr nrril HUMii. mile. nearer the in ' "Alberta is lnokna f f 11 ;thls connection, I wish to draw INorlhern emrines InLe it ir tin.' rnn Trvunis a!. Have Qreat Hopes lallenlio,, lu the approval given Ibip bridpe. and I'JMt. engines infZv " i Utr Sin'!. SidkirV. Manii.-k.. up: , Viv I u aiiiaiil renil fy, without it lu our bumr -ihrc ; it. When (uhaleal u nur ,.tmu' relief. It l als.i it'" "I :;in e'lernally und will (ne .--i . . I eflft liitlbly reeojumen.l Vi l, INFLUENZA Mr. A. V.. Ireland, sv. n .t Ti lirer of tlie City KrliiM.l ILm ,f & lA I'rulrle. MmiitfilMt. u Vapolluti i a ready it remly. One nf the ri - WY Off duly Willi ir,). ;, i4 infliietua nnd wu in a ba iv.y w him ne a jar of V i V ; - . kai did what I knew il woni.i t-. if aeaieu mm in inr' ") CHEST COLDS Wis Ada lilirt V ' w "CvVniuifc.N'.fli. Mihisc Jaw S,i-. irk "I have iue.1 Vick Vai-.Jl v ruld by inhatuip it and 'iWrti. iiiyrb'l and nldnine.l jrwi fa 1 want tiHi lii'Liiuu Low I, . 'Ml of Wk Vapollnli. 50c A Jar At Drug Store. If you prefer to lest Vick licfore purch.iing. this c(hi(hiii, mail it to the Vick Chemical Co.. -I i 1 St. Paul St., W., .Montreal, P.O.. and free let tfr package will b" enl oii prom pi I). Itional .ort a far a rail lilpiietit'petnfi inerriianib' f run value for the money when it million dollars upon a dry dockiotily three mile from Vandrfhoof wa spent. Peculiarly enouph, bejJn Victoria to secure his owntwa Ihe central tnke of Ihe pro 1. c" !, ;ir a. Ik Jet for her coal. V) vw'- ' I'aeifie ports gel w1i ' from Nauaimo, mi V..' ,t'r only lit mile from Ufil '" while J'.rinre llnpert .fv"'-dred mile. II lmuJJ whieli port offer The M' vanlape for a m;u b" coal. - ir. anii.p ' v:...i haul the cars lo the elevator. mJ. r't 1 ' Orain cars In Prince rtunert tu P"1' Miitiimv ti .,v,,(rii dlriit to the warehouse or eleva- ritnt "V iJ7 !uiiJ f Liberal w hat Ihey did for I he The Liberal Parly ha alw ays (Vancouver nr Prince Hupert from rVirh'WRT'-UM I r'Tlr::, . ?!rl s.oni, hr ,r tne common '""TV'0'? people ami here are the a,e, nn(, lit orpnn ocean'M-CS ''Sr" iiail carnal hiu-Ii a rnmpai tar or. pmernme,,, owned dock,tew.!r:, 'STJ for Ihe ten-mile waler-front Is jv,"Hr"i7.'.! ill M tlie properly of Canada and sites .offlc lim'l.lrtif, an.l1'. f '. M can be aed at low rentals. JXWZiJSS '......I .! I.. nvinUiirr villi II" ipair II" common peoj.le should rally rales from those mirls In the w"r' '" '! I'-P "Ju 'i ln of to the Liberal Parly today." said Orient are the same, bul there ar! while . 1 1 1 1 n in in'M Mr, Cl,.l- Slort 1.. in . closing ,,.n, l.l his ..nlllL.t . . . .. ! . . .... u.- I ......I. .il HirUilr. " n11" economy tn one column, political amuiier tiiere wa? n elalement address. nun mis session wnuld see a re. Mr. Stork Irjd expected to be ipiesl which Ihey would support, able, while In the city to say for another twenty million dollar something about the port of prnnl to the pond roads of Ihe.Prince Hupert, and to he assisted various provinces. Hucb expen. dilures pot away from the pro. vision of Ihe H.X.A. Act, in re. minded hu liearefsv Jn' isueh jhe spoke about grain shipments ease the Dominion trnvernmenl had the work! of"iraUlng the money, while the provinces spent it . "It is hipt, Hme tn call a hall to such expenditures," said Mr. Ptork, and be fnlituafed hnt such would .roli,y be the rae thin by !. (5. Dawson, a director of Ihe Canadian National llailway, who, however, was called easl, so no harbor lolls r dues, xvl Prince ".JSST nupert. j liere Is,m harlK.r com-1 missirm nl 111 i iiii r eiiiiite-ii. vis 1' tin fntf or lee to bother the harbor, which Is hut .W miles front Ihe open sen. so no nllot dues are needed. Along wilh that, compare) the Vancouver harbor lax of three cents per Ion net registry, which means for a 10,000 ton ship, MM, or .rnu for a season of five trips, The nrnnnsed increase In the grain rate f from one P sit cents t,er Ion. nl Vnnronver. Other increased ratei nr: Oaso-: una, from in to 28; fh, 5 to 15;i lly nIT. II , .i v-- srr"fl Ifc jurliusl.if I'uWl' VVfljJ. .iiusi. i pitni.n s, ir.i LAND CT rtirdim IMlfSi ol . ugwM."f T ,'Vfillr Hint OturlMl j ;, Prinr iiiiM-ri. : . """'.'"..j; Ii. intpiid l pdy for frriui-Hi Milowlint d.rritd I"?' , ,!; flnw l a ll I'laniwi n ' ": i Mlsir iM.itit nn Chnt;r lU"'.;,,' mourn W nr.liir raiwli 1?J , Ui lnnu.lll nf III 't,i'r1' 7 H(( alrr inrti irtHind Hi 'V". er inn vn ImodriMl arr, PAcmt, j I, MM MIHM'T. Jtl bated MoTtrnter Mta, !"