WednrSa February 20, 1921, xV Tacked irv Always - Alw.rys - the same Always-in ,ood condition Wherever and whenever jou buy it. w w 'Mi 4 J BONDS Are the Best Investment Ye recommend llic following as suiv, -alcalde and ir fuir reluni: City of Vernon &V, due loth Jiiiu IMS, at 08.0t. Yield 5.704 City of Duncan Online IKIh May. IIC.U, al $101.21). Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert i'c due 10 ft to Ilir.O. nl 0.;il. Yield 5.00'?, Orders may be wired at our expense, inlcrel accrued to dale of payment mmt !r lddcd. We pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Offlcei VICTORIA, B.C. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ' Sill from 1'rlnce Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate POlnti Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I ( rrlnro Hurt Ml pin. fur rill.MCE fit'iHliK. tli.MU.tTli, VVI.1 MrtO, til,t f.lrrn Canada, l ultnl Males AOINCr ALL OCIAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllr Tltaat Orric. SIS Tlilrs Am, rrlnta RuparL rhen. 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert o o BDINCCIfQ MRI1V ForVncour, Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 20. Fbr-Katichlkan. WVranoell. Juneau and Skagwav. ' ;1 January 14, 28; February 11, 25. - V s.s. princess Beatrice:. For Rntedale, Swanson Biy, Cast Bella Delia, Ocsa.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-k couvsr, very Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnn From rrlnre nurtrt. of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Oeaan ralla, n Swanaon Bay, Tuaadar, S r.m. for VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA, AlaM Bat, and Swanaon Saturday Noon. for ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wtltl Island. Sunday S P.M. 'or POUT SIMPSON and Naaa Rl Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. Mi tnrt Avtnua. i. Barntlay, Aoant. Prince Rupm. R.C If You Are BOAT-BUILDING )Vf have lliirdwnod, Fir mid Cedar Hnal Lumber, 'f iit nfii lir.,i of KuUoiiiiiii' ami IMpr, try Kir Veneer l.'!ii'io,lliiij, I' S'ii are thinking of building a house, we have any lumber btMi.tVijuiri', also Hash, Doors Olass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. Phone 383. I J Local . and Personal B a Undertakera. Phone Hayuers, Undertakers. 3S1. 41. Pboue tf Thousand tons famous Nanal- nio Wellington Coal arrived. Try a ton. Albert and McCalTery. tf CX. II. Mcanicr Prince Itunert. Oapl. Harry Neddcn, in due from Hie m. ml It Mil aflei nouii at 5. aft. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone C52, if The Siiii,(. Lunch Counter. I'.ow Hay, is for sale. -Make an offer. For information ohone lle.i tun or apply . m. McLean. Cow Hay. itl At a iiicclinjr of I lie eounnl of I In Hoard of Trad: yesterday It. Hcauiiioiit, M. McCalfery ami II. F. Pollen were appointed a standing roitiiiilllee on grain. , All members of tlie, 1st 'Jlat-lalion Xoilli H.C. Hcgimcnl attending Hall on February 22, at Audiloriuiii will wnar uniform. Permission i grunted x-r-viri men to wi-ar uniform on 1 1 1 1 . oi-caioii. i l 4. I'licii wan a r.'porl alioiit (own i-rday that 1ml Hloudel, iniRoiMK for over a wi't'k nince In left Ho Canadian Finn A Cold SIhihkc Ci,. plant in a dory wlin li was ul'tiU4iilly pickil ii(i iiMTlurncd, had wen wn Jn Hii! ity. The provincial poliei report, however, that a far a Hiey know he is still inisiior. 4 Tlie County. Court ease yesterday uflernooiL lelwien Ilea Wai iin and l int Kee in wliieli plain- lilr sind for i7 i-overinp poods alleged tir" have U-en sold and delivered w disuile.l hyJude Youiii.'. WilllHins, Manson A (ionznle had Hie case for the plaintiff and the defendant was rcpresenied by I'atuiore A l'ul- I tm . . I'll. flower and fruit a i r 1 -.- under tin lair Hoard ii-i.e list eiituiiiillee met yester day afternoon and completed r v iiou .if the Mrl,hn with ,vliicl 0 is eoiii'irnel. Ileeisioiis of nil Mili-r.immille are suliJeiH to laiifieatioii of Hie prixe 1hho rommiltee and the lioaid of di reelors. . ' I lie hand eoiniuillee of the iir Hoard met ImhI eveuiiiix to tunke preliininaiy arraiiKemenls for Hie possible lirineitis in of naiive iiamis lor the lr' exlii diiioii. ii was ueeiiU'il in eoui-uiiiiiicale with eaeh of Hie baud i-entre vviHi a view to reach ing suitable term. The hope llii year is to avoid mi-innler iaiiinis inai on sonic oceas-ioiis have arisen in Hie past. Tlie hand I'olillllil lee eonslsls of II lal-olir. II. F S.-ir. II. M. Dair. K - 1 1 . F. )j,, ami . M,-). . ler. ANNOUNCEMENTS a Sale of Home tJookinjr in the Hut on Saturday. February 23, in aid or the Itidley lloiiio. Amateur Theatricals, March ;t W'esHiolioe. in aid l.adieV llosnj- lal Auxiliary. . .... . j FJks' Annual Hall, Tuesday March 1. 4- Spend an eveuiiiif in the ''Fall Timbers at the Methodist Church Thursday, March G. r - s : Hoyal l'urple Knder llaxanr and Sale of Home Cooking, April 3. Hi!' CO Chapter. I.O.D.K. Amateur ThealricKls end of April. A NEW FLAVOR The double richness of SL Charles, as compared with ordinary milk, gives a new and delicious, flavor not only to cakes but to ell recipes and dishes that call for milk. Write for free Recloe Book. c l3ntttn Cajtmiled MONTREAL it. c. t-M StMlS II' It. Wilkie was fined 25 in the police court yesterday afternoon. He pleadM guilty to a charge of drunkenness. John, Haldane, found guilty of drunkenness, wq fined $10 un der Hie-Indian Act in Hie city police court this morning. William Ifevdrick Monlhorst failed to answer to a charge of drunkenness in the police court this morning and his bail of 25 was estreated.' A sub-comuiiltee for revising the fancy work .prize list for the fair has been appointed. II con tains tlie names of Mrs. W. D. Vance, Mrs. J. Moen. Mrs. Harry Atkintj nod Mrs. Morte Crafg. - W. .M. ltrowu and Don I trow n relumed to the. city yesterday afternoon from An) ox on the steamer Cardeiia. after having completed plumbing and electri cal work on Hie new provincial government building, the Union church and llof Uuiua .Cliurcli manse. BURNSrLAKE The Hunl Lake I." jiilizens' '11. HOTEL ARRIVALS Vs- social tun liaNne-ectcd (he fol lowing ollicers. for the year: President, C. K. Iineoii; vice- president, A. JM. Iluddy; treasurer, II. L Mann: secrelarv. S. Hodwiti; cxecutM'. M. W Nourse, i. s WimnI ami llruce. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Malmcsbury, who have been visiting Mrs. Malines- bury's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. linwans, have reliirued to their home in I'enholil, Alberta. Prince Rupert .1. Kerr. Victoria; A. J. Wood- ley ami (ieorge (irowell, Vancouver. Central J. H.t Church. Ii. Cliurcli and Johnny Larsen, city. WIRELESS REPORT - - - 8 a.m. DltiHY ISLAND. 'Overcast. calm; barometer. 20.H3; temperature id: sea smooth. DKAD THKF POINT. Itain- ing. strong southeast wind; bar-miKler. 28.70; temperature, 10; sea much. HULL HAHItOlt. - !tiS: .. Iron? east wind; barometer. t'.H2: (em petal ure, 1; s.a nioderale; .') a.m. spoke steamer Prince Hunerl off Sunny Island northbound; ? a.m. spoke steam er t.ardena off Ivory Island oulhbouud; 8 a. mi, spoke .steam er Llielolisin in . Hivers Inlet millihouud. Noon DKIHY ISLAND. Overcast. light southeast wind; barometer. '.'J.Hri; temperature, 50; sea "Mioolb. ..;;....,. DKAD THKF l'OINTWHainlng, strong .southeast wind; barometer. 20.08; temperature, tt; sea rough. V. HULL 1IAHIIOH. m Overcast, liong southeast wind; baro meter 2li.73; temperature, 18: llglil swell. INDIGESTION I relieved in two mlutes with JO-TO , Has, ncid, sour, burning slotn-jaelt all quickly relieved with Jo-T AH Drug Stores. CANADIAN HOCKEY TEAM IS WELCOMED BY PRINCE OF WALES LONDON, Feb. 20. The l'rince of Wales today welcomed the Canadian hockey (cam which won the amateur hockey championship of the world at Chamonil. TERRACE NOTES V.. II. Shockley made a trip to Hupurl this week end. A daughter wad born lo Mr. and Mr. 1'ierre Limousin on Wednesday, February 0. Ivan Frank made a visit lo Huperl last week. Among the visitors to (own last week were A. Goodeuough, T. McLaughlin, pole inspector; Mrs, Win. Thanis of Uk; H Woodward of Usk; Jack Allen of . Ilanall, 1. Sharkey of the For- lesiry nopt.; it. II. i-.aion ana J- mi i... i ..r f ... ii. ivjuer oi i,ukriR iiaitiier;. Clias. Durham of Usk: J. L. Christie of Prince Huperl; W. If, Allemus of Kast Orange. NJ. and W. II. Sinclair of Kdiuoulon. Miss i:ila Frank is spending a few months at home after com oleliuir her nursing course at Hie l'rince Huperl Hospital, to which she will return for the graduation spring. Mrs A tin is a trip south. exercises in Uie has returned from BOOK VIA C.N.R. FOR EMPIRE EXHIBITION Special arrangements are be iug made and additional steamship being operated by t lie While Star. Cuuard and Anchor-Donaldson lines to handle tourists desiring to visit the llrit- ish Kmpire Exposition in laud this summer. Close' con n pc I ions are made by the Cana dian National Hailways with, steamers of these line at Allan tic sea-ports. Passports secured and full information at City Tic ket Oflice, Canadian National Hallways, 528 Third Aveuuc Prince Huperl, H.C. Phone 200 NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp thai gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or electricity, has been tested by Hie U.S. Government and 35 leading universities and found to bo su pcrior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noise no pumping up, is simple, clean, safe. Hums 01 air and 0 common kerosene (coal oil The inventor, 0. A. Johnson, 505 McDcrmot Ave., Winnipeg, is offering to send a lamp on days' FHLT: trial, or even to give one FHKK to Hie first user in each locality who will help him introduce it. Write him today for full particulars, Also ask him lo explain bow you can gel .the agency, and without j.xpcricnce or money make $250 to ?500 per month. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the. undersigned until March I, 1021, for the purchase, with or with out the lots, or the rent or removal of (lie buildings on Klevenlh Avenue, formerly oc cupied by tlie Prince Hupert Dnfry. The highest or any lender not necessarily accepted. R; McKAY, P.O. Hox 805, Prince Hupert, H.C, TENDERS WANTED Tenders are asked for valing foundations of new hylerian Church building. Oculars of specifications elc., can be got at Oeorge H. Munro's olllee. coiner Fulton and Third Avenue. Offers received up to February 23. 1021. 43 TOO LATE TO 0LA83IPY WANTED. A furnished house for three or four months. Phone particulars to 7 II FOH SALE. Pure bred Shesa-peuk retriever pups. Apply H. E. Lambley, P.O. Hox 375. 15 FOH HENT. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 110 Sixth Ave. Fust Phone Hluu m. tf Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. PAOB TIMER. Purity First "pHROUGH every process in the brewing of "Cascade" runs the predominating thought of "purity" it jealously guards its right to be classed as a "pure tonic beverage." Think of that when buying b:er then youH INSIST on "Cascade." VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. HAVE A HEART! and' Buy Her a Box of Purdy's Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. 0 eBeer without aPeer SMOKED HSU kJ AT m RF.RT M JL There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These I titles are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand."" Huperl Hrand is always de-' livert'd lo the floras in clean new boxes clearly stamped "Huperl Hrand." 2 Wrap in cooking paper, cook in moderate over for 20 lo .'10 minutes, remove paper and servo al once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At-all Fish and Meul Markets, und (irucers Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT PULFORD'S CREAM of OLIVES 50c Cures Chapped or Cracked Hands, Chafing, Soreness, llehing, Huiigliuess, Hedness and all irritation of the skin. 1 For lifter shaving and for keeping tho hands in good' condition it is unequalled. FREE TO ADULTS ONLY. Call in -and get a 10c bottle frse, so 'thai yott.inay try il out yourself. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggist.