when fatigued, try a cup of "SALADA" The Daily News IM1INCL IUJI'FJiT - HHlTLSH COLUMBIA, 7 MADE IN CANADA Royal Yeast Cakes reach the user in sealed air-tight waxed paner H40O Always so pure, fresH and delicious. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third -Aveihte. II. F: PULLKX, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday. March 7, 192. Editorial Writing Is Being Revived. There was a lime in Hie history of journalism wiien llie eili lurial expression of opinion' was spoken , of a llie "leading ar-!rciicry wrappers, each cake being wrapped by machinery not by hand so that even after package has been opened, the cakes are protected' from dust and other harmful contamination. I'AOfi TWO. THE DAILY NKWS. For Refreshment 'EASTERN VIEW OF WESTERN PROVINCE Visit or Honv T, D. Pattullo Caused Editorial .Outburst at Ottawa. ' Picking up mi old ropy of the lOHnvva Citizen from ln exchange jtaldo the following article mel the icye of Ihe rilitor: hen me ;analian dun nt OMawu invites Ihe minister of lands of llrilfslf Columbia. T. I. I'atliillo, to pivc mi address on that province, the club is per-formiup a truly Canadian fune-lioit. Canadian need In learn more about Canada. The host way Would he, of course, for Cana-idiaiis totravel more extensively about Canada, as Americans dn in Ihe Colled Stales. The next best thilip Is to llieel fellow citizen from other parts of the lnmit)i"ii and to hear representative pokesinert when opportunities ;ire prccutcd. Banner Province "The opportunity to learn more nhoul Krilisli Columbia should hrinp out a pood attendance of members- of the Canadian Cluh at Ihe luncheon tomorrow. vFor there is no douht ulxnil tide" 1 1 1 1 Hie person who wrote il was - termed the "leader Hrilih Columbia beinp the hiuu write. " While the former "name lias, disappeared to a large ex- ner province. For clinwle. too, ; lem Iht; eititririal writer is still spoken of as a leader writer.. .the pacific roast produce can 1 Tht: editorial w Mijpoed in siimnarize and explain Die furnish the most wonderful vari-' niosl important theme lie fore the public mi that day. It was ely. II is possible to enjoy .ki- often dealt with at length and sometimes made ratlier dry read- ins at llevelsloke one lay and. In ing. Willi Ihe development of the writing of the news story pick" daffodils in Victoria mi the ami the .tendency to develop the editorial idea in the news fea- following day. lures, (he leading article became somewhat neglected and the' "The minister of. lands' will editorial writer was less esteemed, doubtless dwell on llie vnl uu- ! Wilhin Ihe last few years, however, lliere has been a revival lappeil source of mineral anil , of interest in editorial writing. The; Hearst newspapers and in other wealth in the province: or ? fael all the (Hipular or yellow press newspapers of the United perhaps on llie wonderful pnssi. i States are using editorials with pond effect. jldlilies of the development of In order to make the editorial interesting to readers ami atVanmuver. in lids century when Hie same time instructive, it was found neces-nry to utilize Ihe all paths of foreipn commerce .lct brains of Ihe country. The editorial writers became highly. lend to lead to the Pacific ocean, ."paid irfen. and were enthused wilh Ihe idea (hat not only the The waterpowers and the wooded J .readers of the owe paper read the articles but lhat a whole syn-jland surest possibilities if . djr ale or perhaps hundreds of papers with million- of reader profit in the pulp ami paper in-j were interested,, amused or instructed by (ho articles vvfiich Ihey'diislry, ornf new lumber kinp l wrote. nrisitip in Hie far west, as the t forests of Ontario and the eastern ; Simple And Interesting " provinces are denuded. Hut t But Not Commonplace- there is smncHiiup far more al- 5 The editorial articles should be simple and interesting but tractive about the forests of pi-t never commonplace. Not only should the. ideas expressed be pontic Dimples fir tbati Hie enm- fre-h ana sinking but the method of expression must be such mercial posihilitics of cultitip as to appeal to Ihe reader. II should be written in such a way them down. They form an inleg-that the reader seems compelled to go on to the end. once h"e ,ral part of a beautiful country lias commenced lo read. .within the. Dominion of. Canada In the old days only the learned read editorial. Today; an for HrilMi .Columbia is virtually effort i made 16 appeal In" everyone who can rend. To do that a separale country, almost as and at the same time to hold Hie educated is n task worthv of much akin lo Xew Zealand a f the pens of the greatest writers. Directness Is r , Important Feature. Directness is an important feature in the modern editorial Writer.- avoid iisini: tnv manr words. If an iilp.i .-an i m-..ii v. luace suiijects arm often illiimuiale them and cause new interest to be taken in them. To do this the writer nrusi be a poet, philosopher, Bcientist, moralil, hiimorisl, and la-t but not by any means least, a muster of expression. is In New Itrunswirk. Dlzry Heights "Just a the Douplas firs grow lall and stately, an do the won derful sweet peas up the trcllls- pressed in two words it is useless and a waste of lime and efforl'w"rk "f "" ','i;a, UritMt r'-(n use a dozen. There must be no doubt of the ideh that thel""1''3 ,,n"a,fW ''me- Tin wrilcr would coiney. As in all oilier newspaper work the idea n"M,,,,a,n!i !'e''," ave of the writer is to inform the reader in the first seiitenee of what ,,",l""'1 everything lo prow lall; is coming, so lhat in case he is nol interested he doe not have Provincial politics een soine-lo-read anv farther. limes have attained to dizzy . , 'heiphls. hut that i another Beating With . Hllir). Commonnlace Thlnos. -' I CtlSM' - " a While in the old days only the importnnl events were dis-llUncpCldTtr"JfI" "JflWC d editorially, today editorial writers deiil wilh common-'"WCl iilldmltC ITlinE AT STEWART ASSAYS WELL PROSPEQS GOOD High School Students VICTORIA, March 7. Word To Write Editorials ; has herrr received from Hie Inde. Fnllnwtug thu splendid, effort of the students iif Ihe local pendence Mine, in llie Stewart biph school some weeks ago in editing outnumber or the Daily district, by Henry C. Hall, K.C., ..New-, the nrcmher of the Legislature for. this district, who is ""' "r "" directors of the com-alf-o the minister nf lands, has orrered a prize for the best edi- l,an-v '" rt,- nrv: n,"l ox- Kirini arucie wniieii ny a mcmoer or the stiulenf body of tin ! v operations m ihat pro-High SchooL These articles will be written soon ami the prize j'Tly, where Ihe latest assays winning article. and jMissibly a few of the olhers will be piib-."""' 11 "f ?'5'-l"c Ion, In all li-hi d. The young peorde will choose their nvrii .oiiiwit ii;..i.values. Allhouch the snow. may have to do with matters of local interest such as civic im-w,,irl' particularly heavy in the provemeiil or any phase of life as we know it here, or with mat- at ,uu 1lrrt". Preally im- ir' pi"Miu.uu impon siirn as tno-e discucd bv the legisla-il"''"'' commiinicattnn. Hie com- lore ai victoria, or national import such as is discus.ed at Ol-'I"1"? wi" transport an air coin, lawa. of Imperial import, having to do wilh Ihe F.mnire as .'Pressor lo the mine within Ihe whole or, finally, of world imoorlance -avrnirr .-u... r next two nwmllm In I hi utiv 0 the earth. 'There are no restrictions. tis estimated that from six to ejphl :fcel of tumielliup may be done in 11 if The Mat m the Mow SAYSj- TO e taken In'hy a confidence man is annoying hut In laten in by a polieeinnn is distressing. XKYFH rii'a'rr)'' an auctioneer. Hn is ton exnerf at knnekimr Ihiups down to please a wife. IF the dUlies are dirty it U Useless In rtowder them. L'sn nap and water; , WOMAN f few word fan ay more with lier eyes in two second than the rhatterpin ean say in a week. ONH way torleep the engine from missing is In leave 111 mlss at home. DAY by day in evey way the tide I allies are ocomiu(f more and ever more inlereHtintr. A HAY of-sunshine remind U lhat Tupwell Island beach is nc ery far away. l!I shade of nlvtit are falling fat As Itirooph' Ihe si reel a speeder passed; le mised the hrMae hut struck Hie proiiiiil, I'hey oiieneil hi bead and therein fonnil , I HxeeNior. IF pirls play wilh fire Ihey itnht expect in gel allien rom- lexions. " I'MA hounds and louupe liianl arc-out' of fashion. Coupe cimmt and boat bores are jul foming in. T1IK ohlv way' In avoid a - cidents, fl would seem, would he in have Dishy Nland remnveil or lo provide hiph school boys a pilots for ship leaving llie AT Hie Rotary Cluh yelenlay a siory went nu nninu anout a Scotchman who died and went m ijiply at the jales of lieaven. I'eler met him and ked wtpre lie was fnim, and on heins told lie was from Aberdeen. Scotland, lobl him lo pet to Hell out of there because -ftrey could nol make porridpe for one in heaven. Any Scotsmen feflinp aarieved at tlil story kindly hand in hi kicks to Dr. Orant r Tom McClymonl. WHMX you hear a man talk, np mean, you know he lia been akinj lcous from bis wife eveninps. TIIR best way lo reae your wife is fo tfel a -,iBe of salary and take the rash home. LOOKIXfJ for an easy job and xp-clinp to keep it is a diftl-ult as lookiig for perielnal notion or the elixir of life. Till'. oddci nia n In Ihe world I know Paid all hi lax.M Two monlliA ago. A MARRIKD man can't help it he does look tnal way. SOMF. of us wonder how we ever could have existed If canned good had never been Ten Years Ago j In Princ Ruprt J March lv 1914. Mi.,,-;, ; Manufactured by. Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited city. The railway company i heina akel In prnvhle refnrra-lor ear serviep rrom liere to' Win n I pep for. fresh halibut when Ibe n.T.I'. is oenei. i . ! Frederick von Hreyll, former con'ol-peneral for Ilelpium in Canada, is making a lour of the. wet with a movinp picture machine. He will return to Ihe Did Country In give lectures. He expresses hi confidence that I'rince Rupert will eventually be a preai eapnn. t The following' weiv elated inemhevs of Ihe Hoard of Trade last nieltl : W. C. C. Mehan. M. M. Wells, i:. A. Howard. X. Demet-s, K. F. Doyle. Joeih Howe. J. It. Kelly. W. J. McLean. D. II. Kelly, It. K. Henson. I'eler Itlack, V. II. Wripht ninl W. J McCulchrun. CANDIDATE FOR ALBCRNI James C. Johnstone has been chosen Oinservativc candidate for the Atberni dNtrirl in oppo sition io ine sunup imiepeiiuein soldier rnember M'ajor II. J Hurde. Major Horde wa for merly a Conservative. TONGUE COATED, BAD TASTE IN MOUTH, EYES TINGED WITH YELLOW Liver Trouble the Cause Nr. A. C Ilron, Ommix'to, Ont.. wrlln: 'J h4i ln In.uU.d Hh in nn-r rnr i rrw yriri burn, mil m m IikI t itli ivt feel ,l in t my work r nrt wver pdri In mj HMnarn, v, HI I foiild lurrtly .UihI thm at Unw.. rrxtMl lirui-; bad lal In III moulri. Mrs-rUlly In llwi iiHimlnr; hu of y tlntn Hh )rll, ami hvl a iniidiljr aiul sallow mninlf ilm. I hail rrni a ureal lWl alxiul .Vlllliiirti'a Ut a-Liver Mils and ilniilrd I wuiild try I vial, and iflrr laklnc two or lhrM I xrraiir iiimmvni. and ran n "'nu.endalion of lha iiiimij i waa a day. where previously only one . root could be accon.plishcl by f. fi,"rr"" "'nitnillee. Dm I'rince ,,, rf ,, hnnd baud lalior labor. lllupcrt Hoard of Trade is re- iny trouble." Jack and Sam Filzperabl. who have spent fourteen years in Hie Stewarl repinii, and who are practical and experienced prospectors and miners, have every confidence in Ihe Independence mine, and in their capacity as directors of the company are in a position to know the worth of the" properly. Mold have been worklnp Hie mine intermittently Tor the past neven years. A tunnel at Hie ,1,2(ifi foot level. IKfl reel loop n (he first r the year, will be extended n. further Hid feci now thai a contract ha bren lei for Hie-work. This Iiiii-md is now almost inn feet long. At present Hie mine is following four parallel veins of ore which have al various times of assay, shown remarkably pood values, When you' buy iv!rtliitnn you buy CIRCULATION, and see thai you get It. tl ALHF.RXI. March 7. Major Ilia I frit iiMirr Ilk llvliir ! my nii wnrk wIiIhhiI (uesunp ine reiteral gnverninenl I i.aia i.irrr run am 5 a to vstatilish a separate- rishing Vtl " rtM,T' "r " .o-.-ii .-....':.- . .'. .r. "eipt by Tim T. V.imirn ft. ii.-iiiniiurifi in mm Llnillnd. TornU), Ont. Insurance Payments Systematic saving is an easy way to meet life and fire insurance premiums, taxes, and other fixed expenses. Deposit in a Union Bank Savings Account each month one twelfth of your annual premium and "nd you will have the full premium in the bank hen it comes-due, plus interest. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. TV Broderickv Manager lO 25 for 15 " 35 $ DAILY SALE BULLETIN, No. 5 Chairs! Chairs! Chairs! We have a large anrtment of mfiri.n, rK ker In mule every tale. . r.. Wicker upholstered ju attrarjive cri. Chairs and llnckrr finished in iM;b'r erealMHis. Morri" Lounger tnaile for the lired'bn-' wearv housewife. Only a few- left -to clear nt BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS 3rd Avenue and lit Street. - Bath Room Fittings Towel Hars. Soap Dihe. Tumblers X .':?f Holders). Hoap ami JSponge Holders, Tooth He "h - Hooks for ihe Hath Hotie. Hot Water llwti i Sh.. if Slroi, Whik and Hnih Holders, rtc. Kvery piece giiBranle rd, now on dip i w KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3. P.O. Box 1W6. I lit H Ji i OOO IKHC S he ha MA M IWiiilWllt aa" : aw a i Tlnx advertisement in not published or displayed lV Lnpmr nouirnl Hoard or by the Uovernnicnl llritish Columbia. m