Friday March 7, 1921. Sunlight for ':. your Washing Machine J WASHING midline in made to wash your clothci without rub-binf or boilin and it succeeds just in proportion to the value of the, toap you use. Sunlight Soap dissolves quickly and completely in hot water and works up into an abundant suds. Tint it very necessary to that itt rich cleansing ingredients may search through and through the meshes of the clothes and dissolve the dirt and soil spots. Then, when rinsing comes, all dirt and soapy matter runs entirely away, leaving your clothes sweet, fresh and snowy clean. fart ialf i rair l Smmlifit lata itt vatrr In faar mtiiimt ami ii'r lata frmrri$ tail. Pal la lit rlalin ami aptralt lit madia fr tlatitt rill be tl fa. LEVER BROTHERS LIMIT!:!) TORONTO Ih purt littier of Sunliiht Soip rleenteitneclotbce naturally, mat rhemietllv, The J5.CKX) Guarantee ol runty it tumped en every tablet I Sunlight Soap. Silt VACUUM Bottles Useful Every Day in the Year Price 75 cents . ORMES LTD. jhti Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggist. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sail from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and AN VOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, March 12, 26 PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Le I'rlnre Hurwrl . p.m. for r til MX fitniiGE. CtiMii.NTO.ii. WIN. Mr til putDti KtMcrti Canada. t'm1 JUtee. 0tH(Cr ALL OCIAN STCAMSMIr LINES. Otlr Ticket Offlte, BIS Third ,.., Prince Rupert. Phene ISO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei Sail ings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 S.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butsdals, 8wanon Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 ,mmWaMfmmmmmaaMa9amamtmtlll m SasSSBBS UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Stlllnri From rrlnre nupert. oe VANCOUVtR. VICTORIA, Ocae alle, Sno , Tu.ieey. B PJI. Fee VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Alerl Bar, Sweneon Bay. Saturday Nee. rer ANVOX, SLICK ARM, STIVVART, We "end. "" S P.SJ. 'or PORT SIMPSON ft4 Keee Rl Cannerlee. Frldee A.M. 611 inn Avnu. i. Berntle., FrlDM c j Local and Personal HI U.G. Undertakers. I'houe 41. Hayners. Undeitakara. SSI. Hun morning. Pboue tf Agile age at Elks' Home to night. Moose Concert, Empress theatre, Thursday. March 13. 58 4 Auction Sale. Saturday. 3 n.m. Prrnce Rupert Exchange. 57 4, Olnf Hanson returned from Sniithers on lat night's Irain. Ju-I arrived spring coal from Ihe casl. M i-r. Goldbloom's. - - - The playground fund Is going strong. Help It tonight at Elks Home. - William Goldhluom sailed fur the Nau lliver on (lie Catnosun Ccficertlna and Dones duet at Elks' Home ..tonight on Play ground program. - - Thousand Ions famous Wellington Coal arrived. Trv a Ion. Albert and McCalfery. tf W. E. Williams returned to Ihe rily iy lat night'. Irain from, a business trip lo Burn Lake. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. tf Ol.) TiiiiiTh' ItaiiQiict and Ilc- unittii. Mi'ii.lay. March Id. Hus ton tirill. Come aluiiK and have a t'lMid lime. The annual nu-eliii? of Hie I'rinr-f lUii.ert I.O.I i.K. will be held in Hie City Council Chamber on .Saturday, March 8, at I p.ia. 57 I'aul AivamlT. who ha been in Hie eily for Hie wl two day mi lniin-, reluriieil lo Van rouwr on (be Prliiee (iMirvelhi iiitiniiiu'. I be e IeamIiii. ri'lnrne.1 to Vancou ver on i lie rrtiice ttetrrge IliU iiniriuny. Mr. and Mr. H. 5. ,narke. and aou of Terrare ivacbetl I In eily si is It I mid .-iaileil (hit intirtiiii? on the rrlnee George for Vancouver. Mr. iiikI Mr. .1. .Mel i.iuall lefl on Hie . ."learner I'rinct (ieore IliN iiiMrnin? on a buli- ilay trip to vanruuver. Seal lie hverell and an I-raneiei, TH1 DAILY HIWB. " PAQR TURKU. W. .1. XeUon Is Icavine lonfshl lo visit his ranch al Woodcock. O. G. Moxhatu sailed for Kel- cliikan on the Princess Mary this afternoon. Ile-union of Pioneer. Feast ing, music, speeches. Hoston drill. March 10. Help the Gyros build dIav- grounds for the kiddles. Attend tonight at the Elks' Home. - V. C. Dawson ailed llii rnorniiiff on Ihe J'rincc Gwrvc for ancouver. He eioecls lo lc back ntytt week. Hoberl NeNon. Indian. charcd Willi liaviiig liquor in hi jo- eion, wan remanded for ciifbt day. in the police court thi morning. VA. Cbybcr, Ilie lockmilli. called (hi morning on Hie I'rinee Oeorae fyp Kvcretl. WaliiiiKton, where he will fpend a vacation- . 1'raneoi Vionney i leaving by tomorrow mVhl'. train for SI. John. N.ll where be will embark on Ibc steamer Melila for Cherbourg, France. .lame Smilli, lelesraidi onera- alor al Hazellon, ailed this morning on Ihe I'rinee (icorjrc for Vancouver. He i on hi way lo tbeOld Counr)' via New York. The charge of ind'-eenf aaull a(rainl John OncliolT wa di-mied in Ihe police eourl Ibis morniiic. Ihe evidence of complainant entirely diproving (be eae. 4 I'al Flynn, azeil 1?. arrived on lal niitbl' Irain from Kneome and tailed Ibi moriiimr on Ibe I'rinee Oeorge bound for San Franclcvo where be will join hi father. - .1. II. l'ilN'bury. maiiaver of Ibe tlauadiaii .N'alional dry dock, sailed Ibi iiioruiir. for Van couver on Ibe I'rinee (ieorpe. He will be away a few d.o- on com pany buiue. Mr. W. H. Kersiu sailed for Ihe miiiIIi on Ibe I'rinee Georpe Ihi niorHin?. She will viil willi J, W. King, shore steward for her daughters, Mr. J. C. lluUey iVinmlian .National coalj,,f Vancouver, and Mr. Frank W. F. Iliuii mid A. IL Noel of Haluioral titmery reaclii-d Hit eily yesterday afternoon and n turned to Ibe Skrenu lliver on Ibe Caiiiosuii Ibi morning. - Mr. K. G. AylilTe of Terrart' arrived from 1 he interior on e leiilay iifleruoou's Irain and uileil Ibis morning on Hie I'rinee George for Vancouver I niou steamer Camosiiu. l-iiil. J. A. 1'iinllay, iiorlbbouinl from Vancouver lo Skeena ami Naa mver eaniierp point, wa in jiort from 8.30 lo 10 o'clock Ibis morning. Mr. Ilnlhwcll, wbo has sjhmiI Ihe winler here vi-iling with her daugblers. Mis Jessie Holbwell and Mr. F. G. Dawson, sailed Hit moriing on tb'e I'rinee George for New Westminster where hc will spend soum lime with her sou, Dr. K. .1. Il dwell. Later Mrs. Holhvvell will proceed lo Hegina lo spend the summer. ANNOUNCEMENTS Itoyal Purnle Faster Itazaar and Sale of Home Cooking, April 8. 4 Hill GO Chapter. I.O.D.K. Ama teur Theatrical. April 1 1. Elks' Minstrel Troupe. show May I, BMBsnMPBFSral maiYai kUlUsUP First I III, I. TaMMrl H lilw CATARRH k nf the BLADDER Cipnile mq PrvaneftininUTftlU Hardy of Victoria Sam Chow. Chinese of 1'ullon Street, ideai'ed guilty in the police courlb Ibi morning (o :i charge of supplying liquor lo Indian and was fined 1 00 and ols by Magistrate McCljmonl. Mr. and Mr. Jencss arrived from Hazellon on t lie train last night and proceeded by Hie I'rinee George this morning to Vancouver. Mr. Jene ha been making research investigation for the federal government on Ihe Skeena lliver north of Hazel. ton. " Mrs. William I'atcbell of New Weslminsler i visiting in the rily. Hie guest of her daughter. .Mr. I'. . Ilonney, Itorden Street. Mr. Paleliell it n n.i.,n.,i " ........ .... viiiiik III social worker in I lie (J'ueep t'.ily.j ner iiutiiaiul for many vear wa wanlen of the provincial C.P.It. steamer Princes Mary. Capl. Ormisloii. northbound from Vancouver to southeastern Alas ka port, was in port Ihi ufler-nooit from j.;io to S.:i0. The vessel took north, Ibe following pasengers from here: O. Wane-bo. Mrs. Gosnell, S. Lester. D. MellalTie and E. I,. Nhii'Iiit-. fi.r Kelchikau, and Mr. MrDonald for Skagway. ---.. C.N. It. steamer Prince GeWge resumed service (his iiiorninsr replacing the Prince Ituperl which has gone lo dry dock for annual overhaul after which she will run opposite to the Geor.-n on the spring schedule. The Prince Uupert arrived from Stewart and Auyux .af"K:l5 and the Prince, George sailed" for the south al 11.15. , Passengers sailing this morn ing for Hie SOlltll Oil fli. tlnmnor Prince (ieorge Included D. J. t'liisbolm. A. Fulton, Mr. and Mr. J. McDougall, E. Chjber, Mr. E. H. Emerson, James Smith, Mr. Mumo, J. M. Fraser.J II. I.. Mann, II. Myers and It. DulT for Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Whitney, Miss Ella vvimney and .Mrs, E Comb for Seattle: Fattier (odfrey,6 W. II. Jones and 11. I.ycelt" Tor Ocean Falls. Qacfefft HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. I'. McMillan, Haluioral Gun NEW LAMP BURNS 84 AIR Beats Electric or Gas e nery; Thomas H. McCubbin, Pacific; G. C. Moxliam, Mr. W. G. Muuro, J. C. Itigham, W. E. Damcr, J. W. Nunn, Norman Uargcr, A. C. Kniglit and J. S. McMillan, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Jene, Montreal; C. H. Sawle, New Hazellon; Dr. II. G. Wriirch and James Turnbull, Hazellon; S. Marsh and C. C. Dit liner, Mum Iikc; W. F. Minus and A. E. Noel, Ilalmoral; Mr. and Mrs, (J. Nicolon, Dr. C. II. Ilaukinson and son, Mr. and Mrs. .!. Maon Adam. II. G. Olsen, William S. Henry, I-. D. Hurr. Hoberl Duff, and G. A llaymond, Smilbers; K. T. Ken- ncy, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sparke and son and Mr. E. G. AylilTe, I'errace; It. Gibson, Port Ess'mg- lon; J. William and I'. Flynn, C.N.Il. Central E. I.. Nanthrup, Seattle; G. W. Jenkins, Smilher; II. I.. Mann. llurn Lake; '.Mr. Ed. France. Terrace; II. A. Ingall. Okolok. Alia. MADE OF MONEY Ity arrangement, fJeimlie wife bad lo keep each week a detailed account of her house hold expenses. Geordie wa going through the 1il the oilier Saturday evening. "Here, lass, luk here, muslard plasters, one shilling; three teeth drawn, sis shilling. Thai i seven shillings in one week spent on your own private pleas-Ore. Do ye think Aa'in made o' money?" Yorkshire Pol. A new oil lamp that give an amazingly brilliant, soft, while light, even belter than sat or electricity, has been tested by the U.S. Government and 35 leading universities and found lo be. su perior lo 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noise no pumping . up. is simple. clean, safe. Hurns Ul, air and 6 common kerosene (coal oil . The Inventor. G. A. Johnson. 5D5 McDerniot Ave- Winnipeg, is offering to send a lamp on 10 lays HU-.h trial, or even to give kuie Fit EE lo the firsl user in each locality who will help him introduce II. Write him today Tor full particulars, Also ask him' lo explain how you can get llio agency, and without experience or money make $250 to $500 per month. . . mi I I i t Suhcribc for the Daily News. CUT PLUG TOBACCO Win Her Af f e ctions A BOX OF Purdy's Candy WILL DO IT The Autocrat of the ! Candy World j IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE I A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. i AH Sizes. All Price. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. SMOKED FISU UAT ITS BEST - There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These ltules are 1 Buy .''Rupert Brand." Itupert Brand is always ue-liveVed lo the slor;s in clean new boxes clearly stamped "Rupert Brand." . 2 Wrap in cooking paper, cook in moderate over for 20 lo 30 minutes, remove paper and serve al once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. Al ull Fish and .Meat .Markets, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have Hardwood, Fir anil Cedar Boat Lumber. If joii are tired of Kalsomiiie and Paper, Iry Kir. Veneer Panelling. Ii yuu arc thinking of Imildiug u house, we have any lumber you require, also Sash, Doors, Glass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. HILLS &UNDERW00D DisUlled by the Famous ' CA London rroccss y v KrC, Phone 383. jMsy iim iei g LONDON Wi DRY GIN w r drt cm This advertisetneul is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or hv the uovernment oi Urilish Uolumhta.