When Yen Wul A Illai W ( ol 8.000 t3i.an way with u revenue of from 800 Ited I iv, I . . IDO 2.05 to vl.flOO a cur. Canadian fish-Halibut . . ;i5:.7O0 ir1.C1U.no ermeu were handicapped by n llerrliiK 501,500 2.028.75 two rents duly per pound on . i haliliul entering the American Tulols . HO HO 1,000 1,000 18.733.70 market. Una I owners wauled IHark Ch Halibut . . American 1. 1 00 $ 1. 378.700 IG5.G5 199.222.00 Totals . i.;ih;.hoo 99.3h7.05 'I'olal poundage both Canadian and Amerfan ;.?l0.8no pounds Total vulne. ? IK. IS I. .15. VOTING MONEY British Labor Government In-creases Amount to bo Spent on Flying I.ONImiN, March i l.stimales for llic Ilrillsb air service Tor the )ear show a ros in- rreasf of C7H7.IHIO and a net inn-case of 5.000.(1011 over Ihe es-liiiinles for the year H'-M--'l. 'the aiuoiuil of the elinuiles for the coming year is ll.3'.t2,- 000 (iro.s and 11,511.000 net. PRESBmRIArTsYNOD VANCOUVER WILL JOIN THE UNITED CHURCH Decides by Vote of 21 to 7 to Send Delegates After Long VANCorVKIt. March 7. Ily a M'le of 21 to 7 Ihe Presliyleilaii yiiml of ltritish Columbia here Mded yeslerilay aflernoon to sent delcjtnlcK to the United Church of 'aniulrt, The vole followed n long discussion on Ihe motion lo op I'otnl ciuhl nwmliers on the gen eiul runncll of the United Church SHIPYARD STRIKE COMMENCES GERMANY IIWtl.lN. March ' Another the iKtrl closed to tufted Stales 1 . - fishermen. He urged tlie Oov- mmeiil t' persevere in efforts lo tmve the Aiuericuii duly 'the Skeena member criticized Ihe oragnizalion of Hie Dominion fisheries department on the coast a extravagant, lie proposcrilhc abolition of 1ie reulral ofliee at Vancouver. AIR SFRVIfFiGLACIER CREEK MINE 1U nciUMiuciiiL nunrt Well Known Stewart Properly to be Scene of Activity Commencing In Few Weeks STIAVAUT. March 7. F.n connived by the ncress nf oper ation al the Duuwell mine, the (llaeier Creek Mlnin? Company will resume operation within the next two or three weeks. I hi" lirooerly Is four miles by wagon road from Slewarl and is one of Ihe most accessible in the dis trlel, Ihe Dunwell trail passe close lo il. There is a tunnel already" 300 feel In and il is supposed lo be very close to the vein which has triven such food return on the Dunwell properly. The ore car ites both Kold and silver of coinincrclul value. WELSH WOMEN WIN LONDON. March 7. The Welsh women's hockey It-am de fcaled Ihe United Stales women by n score of 5 to 0, C.O.S. sleamer Malasplua, which is engaged In egg planting in he Central fisheries division reached port yeslerilay aflernoon al Ti o'clock lo report lo Ihe local Dominion Fisheries ollico and will return south' tomorrow. The MahWlna "ow commanded "by Capl. Laird, formerly master, of "Irike has broken out In Ilila the Oivencliy. country. A gcncrul slriko has "on called In (ho shipyards of Hamburg, lltcinen, l.ubeck and Capl. Urown, C.G.M.M. pilot sailed for Vancouver on the Pruicc rpniyc I Iris uioruiiife I cargo for 1500 cold storage car 1 011 lite tja'iiadlan National Hall-' sBFBbHkSsBBBs HQEQpBBBBBBJ Thomas A. I.iIImwi. noted in-venlor, recently celeliraled his seventy-scveulh birthday. In honor oT Ihe o:ea-sion he J 00k two hours at mid-day from work in his New Jersey laboratories. FRENCH FRANCS NEW LOW LEVEL Sold Yesterday at 3.95 ilesult of New Issue of Notes NKV YOllK. March 7. l'reneh rrancs yeslerilay plunged lo a new, low level of 3.'.5 cents. The unprecedented increase of nl most a billlim francs in note cir culation lo the new high total of. 10,203,1100,000 francs brought a flood of selling orders from foreign capitals. CANADA'S DEBT IS ' SLIGHTLY DECREASING ,OTTAVA, March 7. Decrease in Ibe debl of Canada, an in crease in Ihe ordinary revenue. and a decreiVKe la Ihc ordinary r.vp;udiltirc during (he month of February Is Jiiulleall'd in (lie, monthly statement of the fiuamte depaitmenl today; During the. month Ihe net debt was decreased by if 1, 220,120 standing on Feb ruary 20 at S.l 10.102,17 1. For tlie. eleven mouths of the fiscal year Ihe decrease in (he ncl debt compared with (he same pw-iod 'Rst rai a tl5.0Bl.0U Enthusiastic Ceremonies Marked Taklna uo of '" New Quarters I on Sixth Avenue Last Night I F.iilhijsiastic and most success. ful were Ihe ceremonies last uiuht allendiuK the formal opfii- riug of the new .Masonic 'I'eniide at Hie corner of hixth Avenue and: Dowser Street. Some two liiin- !drcd member! of the craft, including' several visitors, were in attendance. After the regular limine meeting there was a ban- 'i)uel at which many addresses were six en. It was in the early hours of the moriifux when Hie affair was brought to u close. I The new quarter are well appointed and arc up-lo-ttie minute jin every respect. Local Masons now have a home lliul i a credit to the city. The visiliiiK brethren at tlie ceremonies last night included D. McKay of Ocean Falls. C. Jl. ISawlc of New Hazrllou, Dr. H. C. lUrinch and James Turnbull of Hazellon. Dr. C It, Hauklnson, J. Mason Adaiao, II. (' Olseii. Wjl-j jliatn S. Henry. L. D. Iturr and O. A Itaytimud of Smitliers, 11. T, j Kenny of Terrace. The. visitors "from Ihe interior will return Jhome this evening. A larxe dele-jgatiou was expected from Anyox ;but. owiur to .disappointment in traiisporlation arranem cut s, they wero unable lo attend. FISH ARRIVALS Seven Boats Sold Catches Total ling 35,900 Pounds at Exchange This Morning Seven halibtil boats marketed catches totalling' 33,1100 lbs. at the I'ish Kxehange Ibis morning. Two American boats had 13.200 lbs. and five Canadians, 22.700 lb-. Arrivals and sales: American Alice II.. 12.000 lbs., nl l.2c ami He. to the lloolh Fisheries Canadian Co. Wood row, I.200 lbs., at 17.5c and We, lo the Canadian' l-'ish & Cold Storage Co. Canadian Jolianna. H.iino lbs., al I0.7e and Uc: ami Cape Spencer, 5,000 lbs., al lti.tr and i'e, to the Can adian I'ish A Cold Storage Co. Kouyosu, 5,500 lbs., at I0.te and '.'c, and Sherman, toil lbs., at 5.5e and He. lo the Allin Fisher ies. w. Marguerite, 2,H0(l lbs, at t0..'Je and 8c, to the Hoyal Fish Co. BUD TAYLOR WINS BANTAMWEIGHT GO Secures Newspaper Decision over Pancho Villa, World Cham pion Flyweight MII.WAUKKK. March 7 Hud I'aylfir of Terre Haute, bantain- weigbl, won the decision over I'anelio Villa, world's flyweight champion in a ten round bout. CANADIAN POET AND POLITICAL WRITER DIED NEAR BOSTON ItOSTON. March 7. - F.dward William Thompson, Canadian poet and political writer, died at his home in the West lloxbury district yesterday. He was born al ionium in low ami was a close friend and adviser of Sir Wilfrid t.uui iei The Latest In Reetau rants. TAXI tln. v BOSTON GRILL id a hurry 99 Third Avenue. Phone Dest of Food OoQd Borvice. tt Oars and Beit Service PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Party Use. In th City. Rates Reasonable "Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper J VOI,. XIV,, NO, 57 IMWXCK IIUI'KIIT, 11.(1, FMDAY, MAHCII 7, 1024. VMttrdij't Circulation 1S7B Strttt SalM, 884. PRICE FIVE CENTS. STORK Wm DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PORT WEIRD CEREMONY AT LUXOR IN CONNECTION WITH REOPENING OF TOMB Fred Stork on Floor of House of Commons Urges Building of an Elevator at Prince Rupert OTTAWA, March 7. - On the floor or the House of Com J iiioiii j vlilny l''r,l Hlork. member for Skrcn-i, urged (lie build-1 i i K uf a grain clevnlor nl Prince llupert. lie expressed Ihc belief lliul tin; grain movement to the Pacific const would slay uiul urged Hint the original (iruud Trunk Ituihviiy program for the development of Prime itiiert he rurrieri lo a conclusion, the grain elevnlor living a part of this scheme. Tlie country win choked by lack of railway service which this initlel would provide. Speaking on the debate nn Ihe address in reply lo the speech - from Hie throne. Mr. Slork con- 7l OH I A MHlMf gralulaled Ihe Oovcrnment on Its HjII LANUlPm r',icy 'u ?:' . (o1umhia fisheries, the re-' IM EEDDIT ADV ''uction ln fishery license- to 111 lLlDuUAUl """ titan whiles ami Indians was successful and wa now generally approved. He also Two Million and a Quarter Lbs. congratulaled the Oovcrnment on Handled Here Value, $248,- :iu success In connection with 121.35. forest patrol hy aeroplane. Handicapped by Duty I j Mi lauding al prince Ituperl Speaking of Ihr fisheries on for the period between January Ihe Pacific coat Mr. Slork said ami February '.'0. according to Prince Ituperl was nv the cen-figure furnislied by the fisheries Ire of the halibut trade on the branch, deportment of marine and Pacfflr coast, where ;!9,500.no0 fisheries were as follows: pound of halibut was now mar- Canadlan 'krlcd miiinnlly. This provided Pounds. Value, new masunii i TEMPLE OPEN This photograph of the opening of the Olympic winter spor contests a( Cbamoiu&, .Krxince, shows, the repreenla-liyvjf'U'f forty 7iatronrlinethct in front of the Hotel de Ville. Sacrifice Bulls in Luxor when Inspection made by Visitors of Tomb Ancient Egyptian King l.l.'XOlt, March 7. The re-opening of the tomb of Tulenk- hanieu yesterday for the inspection of 200 visitors, guests of Ihe Kgxpliau government, was. preceded by a picturesque ceremony following the custom of the days of the pharaohs of sacrificing two bulls in (he centre of the town. Ministers and high officials were present. I iioiisunus 01 names ami stieiks 111 gorgeous costumes crowded the gaily beflagged streets singing lo the ac companiment of hgyplian instrument. After the sacrifice the government parly was entertained by feats of horsemanship by the sheiks. I ITTI F fH ANf,F iMR. PATTULLO'S OFFER ui xjm vuiuium it in nrrti irrrnTrni TIMBER SCALE Six Million Feet for February Is Much Same as That for January Last motilh Ihe timber sealing, were very similar lo those of the previous month, there be iug approximately six feel measured in each. tails of Ihe work are as follows Douglas fir lied Cedar Coast spruce Hemlock .... Halsam Jarkpiue ... Cypress Interior pruee .... Poles, lineal feet - 1 r,n- Hn Cedar piles 29, IPO Cordwood, cords SM9 Shingle bolls, cords, I'Jtt Spruce Ties 1, 097 Hemlock lies 75 Pine lies , 2,l0t Mine props 5,000 PREMIER WILL ASK FOR HrW DCLfl AttCriLU. ADer consultation with I'rin. cipal llrady of the High School, Ibe orrer ir Hon. T. D. Patlullo of a ten dollar prize for Ihe kvriler of the best editorial arll- niliiinii ele to be written by a high school n.'n il... -pupil 011 any subject to be chosen lias neeji acecpien. ine 3' 835 students are already reading I etllioriais anu preparing uaui turn " 720 749 ""' '""M't'l'lion will take 7tTiif 1 willi in a few days. APPROVAL RUM RUNNING place 'm.q. The prize winning article will published in this u r.,. oe paper. . MRS. THOMAS RYAN i.-"M tAtrrv iit tirvoniTll viLU m nuoniAL SINGAPORE TO BE ABANDONED Decision of British Government Has Been Communicated to Dominions LONDON, March 7- It is staled on bi'.'h authority that the Government has decided not to proceed wild the Singapore base Hcheme. TJie decision lias been communicated to tlie Dominion (ioveriinienlsjand (lie tJoverpment here y awaiting their replies before announcing (be decision in Parliament. STOOL PIGEONS ARE JUSTIFIED Chief Justice of Appeal Court and Another Judge Uphold System VANCOUVKIl, March 7. The. use of "stool pigeons" in tlie (detection and suppression o( crime was endorsed here yes terday by chief justice Mac-douald and Mr. Justice Martin in the Appeal Court. Jxpn'sslons of opinion varied -"during (he hearing of Hie appeal of John Berdino, who had been convicted of selling a bottle, of whiskey lo three operatives of the Liquor Control Hoard. SCOTTISH STEAMER naa Been aenousiy in ror oomo,jP( U(( Time 29 Years of Age and Native of Port Simpson IS RECOMMENDED FOR PURCHASE BY C.N.R. Captain Donald Finds Vessel He Thinks Will Suit Need of This Port VANCOUVKIl, March 7. The sleamer Capl. Donald has. found for the service of the Canadian National llailways plying out of' Piinee llupert is the Ilrllish steamer St. Margaret. She lias been on the North Kent . liiinl Orknev nml Sliettnnil llslands run. The ship i's of 1088 Editorial Article to be Written by 2U1rt'c1l. ,fun?' 3? fl Pupils of the High School For Competition ueam, aim was mini in ivvi. one is lliere:ore larger nml more modern than the sleamer Prince Mberl, whose place sha will tak on ihe yueen t'tiiuioiic-Prtnce llupert run, if she is secured. The Prince Albert was built in 1893, and is a ship of 231 feet length, ami 1015 gross tons. LONGSHOREMEN QUIT WORK AT NEW YORK NKW YOllK, March 7. Over GOO longshoremen employed by the Southern PaciTio Steamship Company dropped work last night In protest against. elTorts to place employees of the port to load for a company, Information of which along tlie piers was in the elTecl that two shins wern ItOSSLAND BEATEN I'lio riealh occurred In I hu lien- "KLLKvUK, Alta., March 7- eral Hospital last night at 7.30 Hetlevue "Hull Dogs" defeated of Mrs. Thomas Hyan who had llossland 5 to 0 in Ihe first game been seriously ill for tho past of the Allan Cup elimination several weeks. Deceased was 29 series. TDTATV U7ITU CTATCC years 01 aue ami was a native of " IKtAlI Willi olAlto:p0rt Slmpsousiie.had been re- City Police Sergeant Hugh Mo-. siding in Hie cily.wllli her tnis- Olinchy sailed for the houIIi on OTTAWA. March 7. Premier ihaml at Ihe Oceati View- Apart- the Prince (teorge this morning Mackenzie King intends to move n resolution in Hie House of C.oni-inons calling for approval of (lie rum running treaty between Cn at Itritaii, and United Stale ments. f ' v having in custody Octave Hagnn Hayner llros. are in charge of who is to be placed In ibe mental funeral arrangements. Subscribe for (bo Dall7 .News hospital at New Westminster, Hague recently attempted suicide bjr nulling h;s throat