PAOB SIX. End of Season Clearance Heather Hose We have them in Ilib and Plain Weaves, in a large assortment of colors, as Hrowns, Greens, Greys, elc. Value to 91.50. Special 95c pair We stock Pictorial Heview and Ladies' Home journal Patterns. . Mad Orders Promptly Kxeeuled. We Pretty lielivery Charges. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. Wc will convince you that otir PRICES are I lie Lowest in Town Here a a few items fur Ibis week end o ily: Strictly Fresh Eggs, per do. 35c; 3 iloz. . . $1.00 Swift s J,ard, 3 Hi. pail 50c Swift's Lard, 5 Hi. pail 95c Swift's Lanl. 10 lb. pail $1.85 Creamery Putter, per lb. 45c ECONOMY STOR 417 Fifth Ave. East DELICI0USI E FiveRoses FLOUR When Iluying Flour ask your Grocer for "FIVE ROSES," The World's Uesl oho L Agent. Ghnstie 'Hie fine creauiery flavor of pure Woodland BUTTER is distinctive lc sure lo try it. Ask Your Grocer For WOODLAND, "The Best Butter." Just Arrived Dresses and Hats for Spring "DEMERSr Phone 27. P.O. Bbu 327. Cor. Fulton and Third Ave. CANCCLLATION Of RISCRVE. .NOTICE IS IIlTebV" GIVtN thai lb rerve eiMiior over Lot ill. oueen Ctur iolte Islands Libirtct, U cancelled. . K. .AKtA. Deputy Minuter or LaudJ Land Iicpar Intent. Victoria. B.C., tili January, I f I. LAND ACT. Nolle af IntanUoa U ! to Laaaa Land. In Cal Laud Ittstrtrt, Krenrdinf I'H-lrii-1 of skeena, and Mtuate and beinr Bay Maud, tin the north branch or Itx- Skeetvi lllver. near Oceanic Cannery. Take .Notice mat I. Tlssiiav William Tharker, or Prince lluprrt, B.C. occupation Euilneer, Intend to afpljr for perniilm to lease the following deerlbed Un1: Couimenrln- at a pot planted al the mul .ouwierij poim on nij i.iawj; incure northerly and wrlerlv-.: thence mulherly and easterly; follow Int the iniHatlca of the bore line t point or commencement, ami coQtalotnr till acre, more or le. THOMAS W. THACkElt, Applicant. Dated february lllli. mi, J SKEIN LAND DISTRICT OF QUEIN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Take .Notice that I. Arthur rtoberloon. of fori Clemen I. RrltUn Columbia. Intend to apply lor a leae over the follow Inr rte- erlbed land: Commenetnr at a pol planted at the norlhweM earner nr Lot 1 north rrt nr Graham Itland; thence It chain westerly: thence rive chain nor lUierly. lo low water mark, thence tfto I chain eaMerly aKmr low water - mark: (thence fire chain tonthrrly to point or I commencement, roaiainmf ton arm. more or le. Located January iMh. tsti. ARTIHR BOBEnTSnS, CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Tender will be received by the ritv of ifrtne, Hupert for the leatlnr tt the City Market, Fraer Street, ror a term or flTc yeara; term of ik1 leae to be nolalncd from tne city ueck. ! Tender tu be In the Office of the r.ltv t Clerk not later than 1 tun. Monday. March : io, ii. marled -Tenner ror i.raina City .varket 1 K r iO.VFS. Clly Clerk. Week End Specials B.C. Fresh Pullet Extras 35c , a doi. Tor $1.00 Dairy. Butter, in bulk, J Jbs. for 75c CANNED VEGETABLE SPECIAL, 6 tins for 95c. Your choice uJ Tomato, tiorn, Peas, Wax or Green lleans. CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL. 4 tins for 95c. Your choice of following lines: I'ralllow Sliced Peaches ts; Clobc Pears, 2's; Mal-kin's Jtesl Apricots, Is; llojal I) Sliced Pineapple. 2's; Yellow Plum, (ireensrage Plum, S's; Crab-apple, GREEN STUFF. Arriving Saturday Iloal. Fresh Tomalos, er ll" 40c Fresh Spinach, per lb.. , 20c Cauliflower .. 35c, 40c, 50c California Celery, 25c & 35c Head Lettuce . 15o and 20c 'llrussel Sprouts,' per lb. 30c Parsley, large bunches 15c Oreen Onions, 2 for ... 25o Leeks, 3 for 25c Fresh Ithubarb, per lb. . 25c Green Peppers, per Hi, 60o Florida Grape Fruil, 3 for 35c; per doz. ... . . $1.30 COMBINATION VEGETABLE SPECIAL. 20 lbs. Terrace Turnips. 10 lbs. Terrace Carrots . 5 His. HjC. Onions. 1 lbs. Parsnip or Keels. 39 lbs. for 95o. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 FINE CONCERT LASTEVENING Methodist Men Staae Entertain ment fop Parsonage Building Fund Large Attendance A mumorous and original musical sketch eulilled "Peggy a Proposal, depicting in lteal Color a lcuti Year louxin:; rainn romance, was the feature of 1 110 fall Timber" concert Riven last night in the Methodist Church by I lie men of Hie church in aid of the parsonage building fund. The entire program, which included besides Ihe play a lis! of siden- lid instrumental, vocal and re. eilalive numbers, was an ex cellent ime and the entertainment was iiatnmiavd with an attendance which filled the church auditorium to capacity. Mis. K. M. harle presided. The opening number was a Iwo-parl selection by a string orchestra from the Ladies' Musical Club consisting of Mrs. li. A. Mryanl. rnudiiclor. Mrs. Then. i-dlarl. Mrs. V. li. MellieK Mrs. dam Maekie, Mrs. YV. S. Ael- royd, Mrs. (!. A. W'uuilland, Mrs. Max Ileilbrouer. Mrs. A. T. Par kin ami Mrs. J. A. Iliuloii. piano accompanist. Following wa a pianofurle duel by Miss Nora Pryre and Miss Marjorie Lancaster: vocal olo by Melb havies. Miss Lan caster accompanying: humorous recital ion by Mrs. II. Penning:1 vocal solos y J. F.. Ilavey. Miss NOTICE. OTICK I tierrby riven thai IriKlera will be received up to noou on the firteenMi day or March. ll. at the ItUe of the underslrned. In the City .if Prince Rupert. I rviiurr .ti piyim vt'tiiniuia. iui tor mr- , rhl L ..r t Ik I. .ill,! int. .Itu.l .1 rm I nl. 9 ! and if. Block -r." City of Prince RuperL H.t:, and kuown a iner t- I'lanina Mill, ta-rether with m ha fur ruaterlal lliere may be on Ihe premi. urn tenner nmi ie arcocnpanie.1 oy a cheque roe the aiduunt or tile lender, Ihe cheque of the unrcerul tenderer will be returned Immediately the buildlna i dlpoed or. I nder the runditon of mi ie tt l NOTICE. utlre i- tiecuy rien Out InnV-r. will received l Ilie ..rfli-M i.r flu iiit.b.rlrtt up o iweaj on tlie Twenty ecod day oflwith viarrn. i w r i. lor im rrnui or uir butid-inf eilualed on Lot In, Bks-k it. Seelluii and ik.u kikiwii a the liei tare. Tie- rental I lo be on a monthly bal and payable in advance. A leae for one Jrr eoutd be alven If required. All lender mil. I stale rental tu M bald, nature of bulne It I proeed lj carry on. or ne lo which M-riiii..r are P tie put. I lie nirtie! -or any tender win noi ncrrarll be acreiili'd. Titos. v. IILII.VK, Ijoveniinrnl Arent, lrlin-e llnlrl II. i:. TIMBER SALE X 6003. seled T'luler will lie receive)) by lh! Iil-lrlrl I'lm-Mrr, Dot later than ihkmi ihi the l?lb day of March, ll, ror the Mir-clue i.r Licence X imj. near Sb-amcr .Kr, sou III lde of Solitervllle lalaiul. to cut tliu.uuti fjuii. of spruce. Cedar. Hemlock and Ualam Saw loir. one 'I ear will Is allowed for re moval or tlinlvr. lur'lier tMrtlciilars or the Ciller ice- ter. Virion, or Hhi ln.lrlrt Coretter. ITIiire IIUierl. Il.i.. Bacon At last we have secured an Old Country Home. Cured Haeoii. Tills Baron is of the fim-sl grade, euri-d by an Old Country expert. Money back if not satisfied. By the slab, per lb. 41c llai-gaiu in Packing House Hams, per lb 25o SAVE MONEY AT FARMERS Marie Phone Blue 428. Dr. E. S. TA1T DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 te 9. Phone tM. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. THE DAILY NbtVB. FrliUy March 7 9, Lancasilrr accompany ins instrumental quint' Me selection In Ml. I... t II ..t...l..- Miss Lancaster and Miss Pfyeo; SURVEYORS HERE TO EXAMINE SCOTTISH Capt. Logan and W. A. Wallace, Representing Underwriters, Arrive on Princess Mary Capt. V. II. Lotfait, of Victoria, and W- A. Wallace, of : Vancouver. rrpreseutuiR the underwriters, arriviil from the south on tin I'nneess Mary today lo make a survey of Ihe steamer Canadian Scottish which went ashore at Ihe first of the week Willi this examination illie exact extent of tin- damuue 'sustained by. the ship Mill b lariTlamed. i J. t'.ameron of Yarrows. Vic- e..r u' f ,ii. l',,r,a ' urrivM lo iupecl the lixesscl. viK-al solo by Mrs. 1.. WiK..lorlh.ln . . iw violin oblitrato by Mr. Wood- PAPAL n 1 Nf ALL! ID tJILi 1 1 worth and Miss litiraster aeoin-panyiitR; pian" duel by Miss Mary Walters and Miss Jean tirieve; cal solos by Mrs. P. S. llonney. Miss Muriel (irunt ae- ltouriir roiiiaiiiuR. and pliysical train- sler, in FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE I.OMHI.N. Man-h 7 I iirrlibi.ii'i of Wetmiu u letifeu pa.loial to Ihr iiiR and pyramid demoiislnitioii Itoiuan (otlholies of Ins arch by Alex. Mitchell. Itussell llulser, dioee-e. reminds Ihe people that (onion Kerr, O011 .Malhesoit.'there is a wide Rap lo be lirnl-nl Itirlimoud Mortimer, Jnhn Nlck-lMfore the union of Ihe Christian erson. Jack' Kelly and hail linn- Vhurrhes can be effected, eron trained by C. WiMMlworlh. The tiitholie elersy are williim Voi-al soloists in Ihe musical to make iiiiliinite, sacrifices in skeich - were A. Ulaoperton. tinier lo achieve Ihe areal unit of Frank liibb and A. l. Plant. C resloriiiR I am I a in I lo Christian j WiMNlworlb gave a noelly sawlunity. Hie wiloral slate. He j solo as well as violin numbers, however, declares Hint papal in Frank Vicken tinik the feminine fallibility is Ihe fundamental doc- j nr iv tun! oilier rlianici. trine of the lUilliolic rhtircli and: ers were rep'resenled by II. Fcn-'all dletissjons on union are ue-j niiiR. ll, W, IlunL Karl llarrle. If and a mere vvase 4,r, Frank lerry. John Woslenliolnie until Hint d.Mlnne is accepted by. and Kev. li. (5. llaoker. The stage the other tinrebe had been siM-etally decorated to', " - form the sylvan se.lin? for l- INCREASED SAILINGS piay. LOCAL GIRL WEDDED TO EASTERN STUDENT TO THE OLD COUNTRY In onler lo lake rare of increased travel expected front lo the Old Country till sum- Miss Anes Doris Oawthorn Be- m"-. Ihe While Star. Cunard and comes Bride of William Arm- .Anehor-Honaldson Lines an-strong of Montreal nnunce atldllional sailing. fnm Montreal and Uuebep. P 1 alo nece.iary that the buiMinr be rem-rted! .... . , siis2ele. dial those soillif lo the rrrsn it preeni sue berore June intn, . 1 nc vn-uuui fia.- - . ... . Mniury cod.thm. all debrl. to be renewed i"1-'" al &."V,k " . nti ,, . a . and an eieavatmn to be rilled in. The hiahett or anr tender n4 necea tartly accepted. i in 'ins w. iit.nvr. Oovernment Arent. Prince RnperL B.r mi Anpliean Chtireli. ArehdeaeiM. 45. passports Pan a" H.sune vv t.te or can A. Hix ofliclatillg. of Ml.s Agnes Dons Gawlhom. eldesl daughter f:8"9'""" Hallways. ;H ..f Me ntd Mr J GawlhorM. "" .-nur. niitv nui'ni nil. lliir.1 'eiilie West, and VV'illium Aenilrintr nf Mftnl real. ! Hull t...... I .. u I . a.m. in steamer Princess Mary norllibound, Dead Tree point i Overcast. strontr southeast wind; barome-ler 2w,u; (euiperulnre 11: sea rough, Hull Harbor Overcast, calm; baroiueler 30.1,; leiiipeCaluie SJ; sea inoderale; 10.30 a.m. spoke steamer . Princess lleatricc left Ocean Falis 'iior'lhliouiid. George Corkle, fOrmel-ly pro-miuenl in local athletic circles, passed through' the city on the Princess Mary to-day en route to While p,,ss, Y.T., from It.C. phone 560. II... l.el.l. U.,r., .. V.Wn i.f " II. L. .Mann. M,'' ,,,,,r t, tb" '' Krey Iricoletle with hal lo.imiteh. Hank nl I turn Iake. arriviil on was allendM V .Miss Dot llond. J"- nM' fIn,,, " f1n,m ? i,u wearing navy blue gabanlijie "'"f f"1 H'r"'ff hal lo tualch. The gnMiin .. iiihisler where lie will vi I Ills was supooried by me iiriue brother. Harry liHWlhom. ,pareiils. After the ceremony a wedding-; ... ... supiK-r. attended by relalhes and " . "7 "", ' ftlait ll til tr trail llin II a-f i am 1 !taif'f ta r.... i.n.....,ii,.i.. r-!..i..l a irn i in in. i, i.t i. ivm..-, ..". . . .1 . , f"r " 1.1J- Irip. place at The t.oine of ll.e bride's part-nl. Mr. 'und Mrs. Aniisjrong will remain in the clly for a few days and will later lake up their residence in Montreal where Ihe (.-room, vtho is now engaged in a lour of Canada for Laslrru publications, is i medical student al McOill 1'uiversily. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Dishy Island - Part Or.iierin. (ive.nB tnein reaular rnnllnnmia r1vrlaln si VI Hi Tr.MiMI addred lo II !uiHlernnicd and rmlorci 1 ruler fol IHililir bull'lmr. kamloiiiis, II. will lie re reoed unlit 12 a'cloca ofl, Thuradtf, Clolllly. March 13, 1S24, ti IIm eontrurlon of a ealin: barometer 30.33; temperii- . ,ml cirM,UMi ran be'aren ami lure. Ill- .iiiiinlli jfornw or lemler i4jl4itM-d al the ofllrr sinooin. uire sia io, ; 1f llM! I:h(,f ,r,.,ll,, iM-,rtineiii or i-ub Dead Tree Point Overmsl, lie Work, Victoria. Il.i. . the cork or . ii I I. I ... i'ei iii.rn, i.i , nunc vvor sii oiijf soiniie.isi nimi, uaiuiuciri vanrtMiter, n 2tJ5; UIV " rough. and Ihe Carelakrr, 1'u.l li.iiiiii.r:iliiri llf sea nuiiuinr, miliiooji. u ' , sin 11 lllp r.liurt of, tender will led le .im.ldered unle.t Mnaile on Ihe rorm siiirtillnl bv IIm Iwimt ti . ai . I.. .... i ... . fiii n riyru-mrv- vtiiu lire nmtjiiHin h' ' " III trtl rlMlvr tHU9t Im arnrfiitMiiitrii hy tu on win. n i ,ii'..-, M .rrelilril rlicfloe on l,.i,k 11: sea smooth: 7.'0 spoke able au tiw onirr or th Minuter or rntfie ' . I Work. miii. I lo Ill - ,.r flu. i.,, ..r In? Loi ue ahi-aiu l.Vit Islabd the lender. War Ij.u' liomi of the h. .miii.I fur Voni-iiiiinr- H HI UI ali lie accepted a terurlly, o lotlliil lor vuih Oliver, o ti.iu. . . ... -iu.nll ,-.,i..,i ,, spoke steamer Alaiiieda i'iH mile,s "' up an id amoimi. south of Ketchikan southbound; j '"'"'. ii. (t;io p.m. spoke steamer Princess , ff ,.ul)(f W(ltk, Itealni-e nbeam Pine Island northbound ;lt p.m. spoke steamer Princess Mary off Ivory Island iiortlihoiind. Noon Digliy Island Paining, south east wind; barometer 30.30: tem pera line 3J; Hvhl swell; 0 a.m. out s(eami-r Caiirostin norlh- bouinl; 11 a.m. steamer Prince Geiugi' out soiillihouml; 12.30 oiuwa, lelirmrv t, l. f;oi.Mx. sn-creiary. Geo.Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture Store We buy, sell and cxt-hango all kinds of new and secondhand goods, Also we loan money on any article. A respectable place in which lo transact your private business. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Box 92 Phone 376 The House PhoneJjG of Quality SPECIAL SALE of House Dresses Good Quality and Styles Sizes 36, 38 and 40; also extra large sizes Prices range from $1.00 to $3.75 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO.' WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. HAROLD LLOYD In his lat -l - T..f g i nig. slit- g shaking, ix reel ubnidlv "Why Worry" An hilarious laughter inuk r that will ti Humid as a' pill-eater, seeking belief il i. li visiting a southern republic, transformed mi., , busily engaged in nullum a band of desperate during winch lime he uisiiners lliai he in'i epl fr a heart IrwiMe which the girl he lov ' curable. See linn p;i the gimil's tooth hud f a tpuke with laughter Jolivn.i taltni .ml -porting asl. SPECIAL MUSIC, OVERTURE, "WILLIAM TILL' FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 50c and ISc Electric-Bake Whole Wheat Bread Is a lleallhfid I.nxalne This bread is being Miil.inHy re-tim' jp 1 iPiiienl local docliirs, where a well i hoe i il 1 " f We Bake IL Your Grocer Sells IL Electric Window Bakeries ditv ivnw Your Spring If VJ rr SHOES Six Now Trade Winners in Ladies' Spring Wear ' Just Arrived. W They are in black, liroii, fjiny nr combination have them in kid, palenl, sitetle, gun nielul and siilm. 1 IPS, shoes are Ihe best showing we cer had, The D me very sninrt ami allraclive. Wo Iiuve a large assortment or Misses' and ChiMrr'1 Sljppers, also good Imrgnlns in Hoys' Pools. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and 8eventh. Phone 645.