PA81 TWO. To Safeguard It quality and flavor The Daily News PRINCE IlUPERf - RRITISH COLUMBIA. ,Sale by Glass QUOTES FROM QUE3EC Rasinjr his argument on Ihe manner in which Ihe licensed sale of beer and lighl wine in Quebec bad worked out and dej daring an al tempt was now being made in British Columbia to bring hack Ihe old - fashion.! saloons only under a different name, Hev. P.. ft. Hacker in hi sermon al Ihe Methodist Church last nighl urged against voting for the sale of beer hy glass at the forthcoming plebiscite. In l!iy. Mr. Hacker said. Ihe people of Quebec had voted, for Ihe licensed sale of beer and light wines presumably lo reduce (he consumption of hard liquor, eliminate Ihe bootleggers, do away with the drug evil and decrease drunkenness by encouraging the drinking of beer. The plebiscite, which was pad called for beer not exceeding 2',j per cent and wines and cider not exceeding six per cent. This wa tried for a while but it was found that Ihe people would not ue the stuff-, for it was not strong enough,' When the prc-senl premier of Quebec came into. power he appointed a committee of five lo ileal with Ihe sit uation. The aleoholim contents was gradually increased lo C. 8, in and 12 per cent. Sales Jumped In lUI. Mr. Hacker said, Die ale of light beer had been gallons, in y.j, wjili the inlrodurrjou of the heavier alcoholic content, the sale jumped lo over 21.00(1,000 gallon and in 11(23 lo over 25,-000.000 gallons. II was found thai Queebc was slill importing over SOO.dOO gallons annually of hard liquor. Brewery slock, which during Ihe light beer period was valued al 915 u share. jumped in a single year with Ihe heavier lieer lo 9185 a share. Furl her figures given by Mr, IJaeker showed thai 22.000,000 a year was pcnl in Quebec for education, 920.000,000 for butler. milk and other dairy product, and 92H.OOO.OOO a vear was now fpenl for beer. In Montreal Ihere were ,'107 licensed' beer saloon and 500 grocery stores In which beer was sold. Some of Ihe latter sob) more beer than The best Tobacco for the pipe II SALAD A H622 is always sold in an air-tight aluminum packet, never in bulk. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLE.V, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per y;ar . .'. Ifl.OO To all other countries, in advance, per year 7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION OBJECTION TO BEER AND WINE 98 88 Monday. June J, iOH. j groceries. Keep Down Convictions There hud Icen a decided effort on Ihe part of Ihe government mut it ciflirials in Quebec lit keip 'down Ihe number of conviction for drunkenness. Mr. Hacker de- 1 I,... ...... I I I. ..I .... , ..-.., ilrunk in public places. A great evil was Ihe advertising that beer wa especially good for weakj mother und growing children. The number of druukenne convictions in Montreal in 1921 the last year of lis hi beer had, been 552. In 1922 Ihe first year of heavy beer druiikennc conviction totalled over 1,000. In 1922 128 person had been brought to hospital unconscious from the effect of drug. Fourteen of lhee jieople had died. Court oHicials admitted that a million dollar worth of drug Forty men were arrested in one hall includijig Ihe mayor of fiat- mean. In another raid 55 bootlegger and moonshiner were ruptured. In moid real a slill producing 2.000 gallon a day had been seined. The Infant mortality in Montreal in 1922 wa Ihe lareM proportionately of ony eily on I lie North American continent. Warns British Columbia Mr. Hacker concluded hi sermon wflh (lie prediction that like resiill would follow if Ihe licen sed sale of leer wa introduced in llriljsli Columbia. "Four year ago the. Modcralioui! repealed Ihe statement that Ihe bar room wa a failure and Ih'ey never wauled lo see II return. Ye now they are trying lo bring back Ihe old faahinned barroom only under a ililTerenl name. FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT PORT ESSINGTON BAND Large Funeral Took Place at , Cannery Town When Native Son Burled Friday ! The late Philip lloberls one f Port l'.sinirlnu naive sons, wa buried at llial lnwn on May 30 al .3 p.m. Death occurred front pneumonia (m Tuesday. May He was about 15 year old. and leave a widow and seven child Ten. ! Tin funeral wn largely al- jlended, beiug one of the m.l imprest ve that have been seen aj ,Porl KsMiiglon. Itev. . II, i Pierce read the service, and lh' Ipall lxarers wijre Mark Ibdloii, A. iliines, J. .N'eNon, Ja. I tines, Hen .l!nvij and V. Itrook. The cor tege was preceded to Ihe penit'- tery hy the Port Kinglnn band land wtis followed hy a very large '" relinue of mourner.. Many floral wrcalh conveyed Ihe sympathy City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .v. $1.00iftf , who rnmlnuiy t the !Lld Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Urowu. jMisv Millie Flewtn. Mr. and Mr. D. Spauhling, Mrs. ft. Monro. Mr. II. Herring. Mr. and Mrs. II. Kameila. Mr. ami Mrs .11. KUIii-mlo, ladies of the Salvation Army,, Mrs. M. Swanson. Miss M. Pierre, Itev. and Mrs. V. II. Pierce, and many other. The funeral was held under Ihe auspice of the Port i:ingtqn Hand, of which Ihe deceased was president al Ihe time of hi un- Hev. Q. G. Hacker In Sermon clare-.I. The standard hud been Mijl'mely demise Urnes Against voting for torrowinjr relatives. Among Ihe cards on the wreath were noticed Ihe names of Mr. and Mrs, i.M. Ibdlou, ladies of l'inglnif hand, II. Cunningham ami S;;n (ni ini llim llii mail Ull.l ?l for drunkenness now unle. FRANK DOCKER! LL HAS he was lymsdead drunk in the urCTIlir IT TCDD1TC Ireel or some public place. Still MfctllflU Al ltKKAtt police court records in Qucliec, showed there were nearly ai Forcible Manner Objects to many conviction a in former years The prominent Catholic editor, Dr. Dorion, said that government statistics showed a decrease in More t-ar.d Settlement Until Those Already There Make Living i - - . -. . . . .. . drunkenness but "we know there IMlll.V.r.. June ?. rrana h:t lieen a great increase.' ;lor,keril. candidate for the Ppi- Men and Women Drunk Vineial parly, HM.ll- III firsl ap. A. B. Macdonatd had been ntjP-arance before a Terrace It- Ihe Corli ..,I.IUI.-n" ,,n a'"' rp- inir Ho of Plitiadelnbtirfo-TnTW. Reived. He pn.ved lo he a clear ligale conditions. He had four.d;an,, r',rcil'.," f-ak''r "' 1ra"..," hundreds of me,, and women a n"n Pr ho,,elVy drunk ill public places, l""'1; an'1 a,,m ,'f '''"Vm". One lady reporter in Montreal I "" " ' ' ' had count. ver 1.000 women I' Im'' rr." ".ol " lrr"""', "in pany nui a oHiy oi men recruueii from Ihe rank of both Ihe Libera! and (Vuiservalive camp. .Mr. Iockerill objected to mak. ing Ihe freight rate a parly iue wi!h Ihe government, hi altitude being that every new settler wa one too many until llnoe already on Ihe land could make a living and unlit proper marketing farilili were arranged. Hi speech wa p receiled hy a short address by Mr. Sundal, who urged lu women In assume the responsibility the vole had ! given mem iinn in iirin? iiieir . ., in , . . . . up had been peddbM.n '" "''''Vhiblren with tliel,' dutie a ci.i. dunce halls during 1922. Itaid on farm house in Ihe (talineaui valley showed seizure of 313 gallon barrels, II drum ami many jug of moonshine whiskey. ;;en in view. PARENT-TEACHERS PRIZE DAY TERRACE School Decorated and Tea Served at Close of Event Friday wa a yulu day al the Kilsmugallum rhool when Ihe prize offered by Ihe Parent i earner Association. were awarded. The chool wa beaut ifully decorated with fern and flower and Ihe wall were hung with exhibit of Ihe children' writing and drawing. AJr. Crillln spoke a few word of welcome and explained the purpose of the prie. Mrs. (ieo. Lillle, vice pre, of Ihe P.T.A. gave a short speech on behalf of Ihe associa tion. Mr. Hurnell. convenor of Ihe cniuiuillee which ,elepei ie, awarded them. Tea wa served al Ihe cloe of Ihe meeting. Ihe lea lable be CUT PLUG i THE UAll.Y HKm. t' W 1 . s. Qf out that ing in charge of Mr. Urillln.. who was assisted by Mi Waldron and some of the older girl. The Man n the MtM "Shake a leg there $heu" i Ihe latest way of saying "Will you kindly hurry.'' r- .Mo rill'.Il goes fo church whilA falher gel the mcaN. That '. .modernism. - y IF a wife, wore' n microscope all Ihe time he'.uiixjit be able lo ee the good quuljljes of her husband. SO MF men gel .11 rold shoulder and nlher feel. II warm. Hut why ehould a eholiliier be so important 1 A YOU.Nd man" wept, lo call fn a girl. He got a !pleco of her father' mind; Ihe 'dosr got a piece of hi lrouer' lep. Till I Ihe law of cornKnsilliun. " ONLY a man who make hi living from Hulling or who ral at a restaurant know what I meant by "Poor Flub." SO Mi: of the girl h'nve not Ihe cheek n wear rnngc, HOW I a man In go fishing, when lhce election 'are sii bolh-ersonm? j 4 Til Kit K would be the devil lo pay if (lie fHinily phyf Ician should (ell all he. know.;, VIIY doe nol . some enterprising Prince Hiiperl person park hi car right aero the middle of Ihe main thoroughfare? Many jj. yery clo lo i(, but nobody ha quite succeeded in Mopping Irulllc ullogelber. TIIK only thing I regret I lhal 1 did not set up a little political r M I .11 -' -'He - "A Good Provider is a life insurance policy. When it is known that life insurance exists, the Widow finds her credit is "satisfactory'Vthe wnw continues; the estate can be administered without loss; just debts are paid promptly, and the Will has aqhance to do what was intended. liut a vastly different story is told where there is no life insurance: and far more tragic than "a home without a iWpther" is the Mother without a home. Life insurance may be so readily secured that the world thinks little of those who fail to protect their dependents in this way. Life Insurance Service ..tIS- party of my own before nomina lion day. IT I wonderful bow ome peo. pie gel along. They fool away their money on such Irivilille a beef, bread ami vegetable when there I not even a ataphonc in Ihe house. A.MONO the ephemeral Ihing pf life are dieting, dancing, re. ligion and lacrosse. Among the things thai do rod change are rheuiualim, baseball, youth and age. Ten Year Ago In Ptlno Ruprt June 2. 1914. A private syndicate ha a well down H50 fee on Ihe Queen Charlotte and and, if indica tion are (rue, oil should be struck at another (50 feel. Tip. Prince John look a number of oil parlle to Ihe Mand at night. J. W. Couverl. mininir engineer, who ha Jul goqe south from an investigation of the oil field at Olard Hay re. commend Vancouver investor lo set in on it. The city council lal night received a communication from William Man on, M.I'.I'. staling that Jhe I'rincc lloperl Hydro. Kleclric Co. has plan before, (he governmenl to enter Ihe si reel of Prince Hup'Tt wllh electrical energy. William W. Muh, president und general manager of (lie Husli-Porllaml Mining do, write to Jhe Dally New from Slew.iri rooTptalnlng of Ihe acllvilie of claim Jumpers. NOT OOT THE RANOE "iMe.ti'i-Ihnl mule ever kick you 1" "No sah, he ain't y, but he frequently kicks de place where uli recently was," BATHING CAPS We now have on di piny our new eaon' sbx' llalhiiiK ( in id I (he lalenl design nml color. Do Not Wait until the nicet uiie have been sold. Come in nnd F( your, today. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. 3rd Avenue A 6th Stret (mm PACIFIC RAIIWAI B.C. Coast Services S A.lings from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and SaattU, , May 2, 13. 23 For Ketchikan, Wranaell, Juneau and Skagway, May 0, 19 ,w 8.8, PRINCESS BIATRICE. For utadaia, Swanaon Bay, laet Bella ' Falla, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and van couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Aganey for all 8taamahlp Line. Full Information from W. O. ORCHARD, Oanaral AflanU Cornar of 4th Straat and Srd Avanua, ieinea Ruprti B'Vl. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Stlllni rMoi frlnc. Ruprl. . f9, e vaiioouvaa, viotonia, omm vtn. m dm tummi. tt vaiMavvaa. vMToaw, auri m a. ' rt aavoi, akioc aaa. aTawaar, wau, tvMtr rM' rt pot eiMPiON tne nm ruh otnntritt, rrKir rt sc II lort Atruu. 4. Bartr, 4nl. frtoe u,n'