Monday, Juno 2, 1021. Here's the food that just keeps youngsters a-tingle with life and health. N Crispy, crunchy Kcllogg's tasty, delicious, and full of nourishment. Jim nit sf r 0 & ( CORN FLAKES siippfv vour every requirement. ip-i-.i li'ioks ul iutru( lions. CORN You can make a Crepe Paper Costume J ni ,i nni!nT. i!' peril. ip. I .i iliiy or p.igi'iml ; lor a -mall in-loruial paiix of your own then- ure many nr-nioii which require .i g.iy crepe paper m-tome. I.. t ii- help iii plan ! . r have Beuiii-- r " - Cttinic Hook giving many suggestion and dim lions. We liuve just received i I trge sliimciil of len-iii-iiik (IoihI iiml ran AImi si (lifTt'renl hen- YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" r Selected Skeena Sockeye 'Tor n mi . ' li H i-.o "Hoped Hi-ji 1 1 I ' ' S:il in mi. rew ti it - in Hie pallln are nlvvavs handy. Slock a Mipply on uiir hoal - Unit's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. 'A A ..... sT. vi lot - il62 J ill ill .hi mi ma in l'liisrtdtfcrlis(nienl is not ntihli.hed or displayed by tlio Junior Control Hoard or hy the, Government of r i lirilish Columbia. ... i .. Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41, . Hayuers, Under takers. Phone 351. if Pattullo's Committee Rooms EMPRESS THEATRE. If ' roolhull tonight, Acropolis Hill al ii.15. Galilei vs. (I.W.V.A. Kick Howe returned from I ho interior on Saturday nrtemuoii's ruin. - tddle Bresslar presents his 1924 Musical Review, Wcstholme Theatre,' June 3. . For finality and preparation. get Hunters' Coal. Phone Green 022 ur Ulue 015. If Mr. I. A. PaePhcrsou, Pacific Place, will receive on Thursday next froin I to G. .Moose Whist Drive and Uanre, Mi'tiopole Hall, Wednesday June i, at. H p.m. 131 M. P. MrCalfcry relumed from the south on the Prince. George on Saturday afternoon. County Court openVd this af ternoon ul 2 o'clock. It fs the regular monllily session. J. II. Measlier, secretary of Hie I Jeep Sen Fishermen Union, re turned Saturday afternoon from a trip lu Vancouver mnl Seattle We sell Laminated naleriats also Fir Vcnccr. Consult us be fore buying fiiiishlnsr for your house. Albert & MeGalfcry, Ltd If James Stewart of Stewart Pros. passed Ihronli on tin1 Prince Ocorpc Saturday ufte noon iMitind from Victoria to Stewart. HiiK'li McMillan of Smilhers eliarKeil with a statutory offence, came up before Juilae Yoiinir on Saliinlay Hfteuiooii and clecltil for jury trial. The mis olliee resi ye lie ml delivery wickets will open from 'J to III a.m. only (-. morrow the oeoasion leiio.' the Kimk's hirt Inlay. - lleili iMiarllmi, fonnerly of thi eily and now located in Stewart pasniMl lliroiiuli on the steamer Pinice (ieorte Saliinlay after noon t-rtiiriii? uorlli after j ii-ip lo Vancouver. - J. P. 1 1 it v kin-oii. Ihe Stewart reslaurunl man. was n paenuer ointf through on the sleamer Prince icor;ie Saturday , afternoon relurninif from a holiday trip lo California mid other iiorthwe-lern slates. ' J.'O. (Stampede Joint) Sleni-hraleu, well known In mining eiirles. was a paener poiij Ihrou'h f it nil Vancouver In Stewart on the Prince (ieorpe Saturday afleruoon. Since hi las trip north, Mr, Slembraleu has leu in Mexico. . lr, '5eorne llausou of the federal geological survey arrived froin Vancouver mi the Prince (ien'ri.i Saliinlay urteruouii and proceeded liy train to Siuilhcr vvheve he will make his head- piarler this suinmer. Mrs. Han son and family accompanied him. . J. I. Hiilhie, the Seattle inin-'luu eapilalil, and Gapl. .1. II. Turner. Iiis dilriel engineer, ar-il cil from the south on Ihe Prince ( tenon Saturday 'afternoon and went IIuoukIi lo Slew- art, arriving hack last nihl. j'l'hey expect lo leav e for I lie in- iterloi" lunlylil. ! . -4 1 Hon. T. . piilluHn arrived on Saturday afleruoon from Hie jsonlh and will be here for some jliuie In connection with the provincial election campaign. Speak- jiuir of the pidilical outlook, Mr. Pallullo expressed renewed con fidence thai Ihe Oliver jfovem-nieiil would be relurned to power with an increased majority. The situation Is vi'iy favorable all over Ihe south, Mr. Pallullo went jlhfouuh lo Slewarl with . F. KiMKin on Saliinlay night and j will lie back tomorrow. I ANNOUNCEMENTS The Dew-limp Inn Frolic., iilks' llonie, June 1 1. THE DAILT NBWB. paqb TnniR acific Goes o the Country We have a long- letter from a Mrs. . who says she is a friend of Pacific Milk from Ibis time on. They moved into the "back country" where there is no fresh milk and 'ii; was prejudiced against canned milk. Kvery brand obtainable was tried in turn but Pacific Milk is now- their accepted standard.' Mrs. X. ,ays ilicy use I 'i cases; per month. During Ihe extreme cold of Ihe winter in liiq hills ai?l the hot weal tier so far this year she has never found a can of I'a-eific Milk lo lie other than perfectly fresh. Pacific Milk Co. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbolsford, B.C. Mrs. Alex Saint sailed last nighl on Ihe Prince Oeorge for Ocean Falls. W. H. Wflliaihs returned from the interior on' Saturday after noon s Irani. - F.riiel Lnwin fias joiiutl the latT of Hie G.X.Jt. eily ticket of fire for the summer months. - Vaudeville and Musical Review, Singing, dancinn and sketches Eddie Bresslar's 1924 Review, Westholme Theatre, June 3. Manlcy Smith of the Hyde Transfer, Miss Xellie Smith and Miss Ituth Lemon sailed last tiiirhl on the Prince (ieoore for Vancouver. L. niauaser of Hoyle Urns, diamoml drilling t'ourerii passif through on the Garden a last night bound from Vancou ver lo Maple Hay. '. i'' Mr ati.UMrs. Williain Huiitin Lwviv pas!.ngi'rs going tlirouy i miir vanrouver in Mewari on the Prince lieorge Saturday aT lerniMin. llev. J. Ik Merryfield, Gouserv alive orjfaniier, relurned from 'Terrace aturday nh-'hl and sailed la"l night by Ihe Prince (ieorgc for Vancouver via Ocean Falls. ml Mrs. J, llerdman passed Ihroilfli on (he Cardena last nighl on their return lu Anyox aHer having attended the Melliodisl t'ouference in Vancou ver. Miss Young; dam-liter of II. Hoyd Yoiiiik of.. Port Simpson. wa- a passenuer bound from Hie oiilli lu Pml Simpson on the Ciideua last ni?hl. Slie lias been attending school in ihe oulh. uuuer i ne UA.ll. summer schedule for strainer which comes into elTect this week and gives a Iri-weekly service be I ween here and Vancouver, the nail al Swaiisou Hay northbound ami southbound will he made only by Hie steamer which arrives and leaves here on Monday. -- Hesldc the 'Canadian daily .ewspupcr Association tour parly which look up no-l of the uccommoilation on th, ve.d. tin ftdlowing passengers wenKsoull. on the Prince George last night: .Mis. Alex Saint and J. W. F.d- wnrds for Ocean Falls; Mi, Nellie Sniilh, Stanley Smith, Miss Hulli Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. K. K. While, J. Merryfield. Mrs. T. M. Ilrcwer and family and F. li. Ileid for Vancouver; , s. Sargent for Swaiisuu Hay. Northbound from., Vancouver and way port U Stewart. Anyns ami Alice Ann, Union steamer Cardena, Cap I. A. K. Dicksoh. was in port from J: 15 to o'clock yesterday nfleruopn, 'pu. Nesse had ' Ho- following passengers: for I'riiice Ituperl, J, J, Hussell; for jAlice Ann, K. lloen. .1. Kvans and I). Sluuiks; for Anyox, K. I.avery, llev. and Mis. .1, Herd-inan, Mrs. Wasick and I). Wilson: for Maple. Hay, L. .lessen, T. Mackeiuie, J. H. Hergland and W. A. McAITiey; for Klewarl. W. A. Allan and V. MeComniek f.i l'url iiuipoii, Mis "You us. Pattullo's Committee Rooms- Empress Theatre Phone 135. Open from 2 to 10 p.m. dally, tf William Jancowski passed through on the Prince iJeorge aturday aflernoou bound from 'ancouver to Stewart. Carl Johansen, Charles Xeil and John Ustelo were each fined with the option of thirty days Imprisonment in (lie city police ourl this morning. The charge in each case was drunkenness. Wing Wont' was charged by Hie I loyal Canadian Mounted 'olico tills morning with having Iruxs in his possession. The case, wlilcli Is being heard liy Magistrate 'McClymonl, was ad- juurucd until tomorrow. It. S. Sargent, Conservative candidate for Skeena coustitu eticy in the forthcoming proviu ial election, sailed last night by Ihe Prince George for Swanson Hay on a campaign trip. He ar rived in Hie city from the interior 'aturday afternoon. - - J. W. IMwards of London. Fug and, who has been in the dis I rid for sev eral weeks seeking to place orders for' Sitka spruce lo be delivered in Ihe Old Country spent the week-end in town am sailed last uixhl by Ihe Prince Oeorge for Ocean F'alls. MINISTER OF LANDS IS ENTHUSIASTIC AT ELECTION PROSPECTS Hon. T. I. Pallullo, who arriv ed from the south on Saturday mil proceeded lo Stewart, is very enthusiastic over the election prospects in the south. He says that everywhere the people are rominz lo rcatue that Ihe pre cut Ooverumeiil is lining Pel It1 work man eiiner oi me inner parlies could do, in view of th records of their leaders. The question now is simply one of how lug a majority they will have. Mr. Pallullo will return here on I lie Cardena tomorrow and Mr. Manson will also he here for Ihe nift-lin- tomorrow nU'Iil. CARD OF THANKS The widow and children of the tale Philip Itoberls, of Port Ks sinplon, and also Ihe members of the Port Kssinuton Hand, of which lie was president, wish to express their grateful thanks for assistance and sympathy shown !o them by members of (be com uiunity. Mrs. Philip Itoberls. Have Spalding, Vice President Kssingtim Hand. 133 SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swaiison's Float on Thursdays, Saliinlay and Sunday afternoons every half hour from I p.m. uu til 0.:t0 p.m. and on other week day at 2, I and 0.15 p.m. The last hoal home each day will leave Ihe Salt Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Minuay ami Holiday picnic parlies specially arranged for. Launches, row boats and canoes ror sale and hire. Prince Itupert Hoalhousc. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS The Canadian .National Hail ways announce low Summer re cursion fare lo Kaslern Canada and Ihe United Stales effective May -'iiil. also lo Jasper National Park, I'dmoutoii, Calgary, on sale lay li. Choice of route stop overs. Make a trip around the famous Tri-Angle Tour in one direction through Vancouver. Full information. City Ticket of- Hce. S'JH, Third Ave, Prince Ilu-perL Phone -GO. (f OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Hook now for Old Country. Passports secured and tickets is sued via White Star, Cunard, Xnchor-Donaldson lines. The Canadian National Railways make direct and convenient con nections with steamers of these lines. Full information al City Ticket olllce, 528 Third Avenue, Prince Ituperl. H.C, Phone 200. HEMORRHOIDS Do not auffcr another dr fitti ltchlnf. Ultedlnff. or rrotrudlnr Filet or Hemorrhoids. No urrlcal operation required. Dr. Cliue'a Ointment will relieve you at once and afford laatloir benefit (Do a box; all dealer, or Rdmansnn. Batei & Co., Limited, Toronto. SiiDj W box free. i MILLBANK" For every occasion A BOXIOF Purdy's Candy The Autocrat f the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. Watch This Space! FOR SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Home Furnishings During June. REMEMBER THE STORE. Barrie's Home Furnishings The Houso of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince Gtorce Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT ror VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami intermediate points each Thursday und Sunday at 1 1.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, lO.Oli p.m. FOR STEWART Haturdav, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN fur VANCOUVER via (juecu Charlotte Islands. June 7. PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, '.rave 1'rliic llujsrt 6 no pju. 'IU.V:K CKOH0E. EuMaNTO.X W'lN-NIPEO, all points Eastern Canada, United Slates. aaiNCV ALL, OCCAN STEAMSHIP LINES. 0U Ttekat Offlea. 82 ThlH A., Pflne Rupart. rhn, u BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS Have Arrived. In hard wearing materials at moderate prices. EXTRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phone Green 85.