PAGE BIX. TBI DAILY H&W8. I WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Monday, 7 and 9 "StMno" An adaptation of Augusta Kvnii's well known story of llial name. A stirring drama of a man's faith renewed his hive reborn, Shall a man's whole life he ruined by one wrong act? See the answer in ".St. Klmo." The. dramatic tale of a man who lived in an inferno of his own making, lieauliftil scenery and elaborate sellings with a hrilliaul all-star east headed by John Oilhcrt, Warner Uaxler, Barbara La Man and He-ssie Love. COMEDY "BE YOURSELF." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admission 35c and 10c We Pay Highest Market Prices for Live Chickens and Fow! Write Us For Prices. We cam handle from 75 to 100 weekly. GREEN STUFF PRICES Head Lettuce 10c Green Onion, 2 for ... 5c Spinach, per lb 10c llhubarh, 0 lbs. f'.r 25c New, per bnnib 5c New Heel , per bunch . . 5c New Tunups. pet- bunrh 5c RupertTableSupply Three Phones: 210,111,212 Don'l lef (lie fly aviators volplane around yuur dinim? room during the daytime an1 make a hangar out of lite top of yuur head when nisht come. They are germ laden engine of destruction. If you want to wal 'em po to il we'll sell you, all t lie swatters you want. Hut it's time to think of screens and this hardware Mure. Screens COc to SI .25 Screen Doors, black goj-vanlzed . . $3.50 to $6.00 Kaien Hardware Co. The Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods CilH 3rd Ave. l'lione 3 II Sugar Y'u can buy a 20 lb. sack of fine (iranulaied Suyar. Iteg. price 2,30 for $1.90 on Monday and Tuesday if you purchase (foods lo make u i. a delivery of 5.00. No orders delivered under that amount. Laying Hens Leghorns lliowTi and While, $1.60 ea. WE SELL FOR LESS Our Store Is Full of Bargains. Farmers Market NOTIOL Navlaabl Walera Protection! Act, rt.S.C. Chapter ItS. The Mini. tfr or Publle Work. Govern ment of tlie province of British ikilunibla. hereby Uvea notice that be tint, uudrr Section 1 vt tlie above Art, deposited llli llir Minister of I'ublic Work it otlava. aud In the orrire or the DlMrlct nearmrar at Prince Hupart, B.C., a description of the site and plan of a llirtiway B rid re. promised l be built over ttie Mieeiia klr at Terrace, B.U And Take .Notice that after tbe expiration or one month rroiu ike date or tbe nrft publication or this Dollre, the Minuter of Public Work Province or Bnn.h Columbia, will, under Serllon 7 or the said Art apply to the .Mlni.trr or Public Worka at till orrire In tin- city or ntlama, ror approval or the raid file and plant and ror leave to construct tbe aid llirhmay B rid (re. Dated this fStb day or April. Itl. W. It. Sl'THEHLAMi. Minister or Public Work. Province or British Columbia. NOTICE. THE MATTEIt or an application Die the Issue or a Provisional CertlNeatc or Title ror Lot fourteen (., Block seven-teen (17., Townslte or lllkatla. Map I01. Satisfactory proof or ttte los of the Certirirate or Title coverlna the above land havlnr been produced to me. It it mv In dention to Issue after tbe expiration or one nionm irom ine nri punnraiion nereot. a rroviswnai inirirate or Tine to tnr atMive land In the name or tile Andrea Ortnbrak. Tbe orlainal Certirirate r Title la dated the Mh July 1913. aud It numbered lOltl. Land Berlstry Office. Prince tiupert. "I'itta February. IJI. 11. r . MVCLLOU. Rerlatrar of Title. IN a.(OBTC. ' IN THE SUPRCVC COURT OF BRITISH , COLUMBIA. lu tbe Mailer or tbe Administration Art and In tlie Mailer or the tslale or Kobert VVilk. Iwriwd. Ttkr VIITlr' tin I In. ,.cif- i.t 111. All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. E CO 1 Phone $4. 417 Fifth Ave. EasL "DEMERS" Phone 27. E SUITS Fashionable Sleeveless Vests willi wrap around Skirls. I'rice $15.00 SILK JACKETS AND SWEATERS. New styles, prices from $5.00. P.O. Box 327. BUG EXPERT eueral indebtedness of mankind lo lhoe who are facilitating its lu-ogrc. I lie field choeii liy the president of Ibe Toronto meeiins in peculiarly aihfplrd for this theme, as it is in liiedii iuel in particular that the average person realizes his complete de. pendeiM'e upon scienlific sludy and research. Sleeping Sickness In his studies of slerpin? sickness and allied maladies. Hruce has shed lisrht iiikiii lite whole subjec of the interrelation between human and animal disease, his work ha demonstrate! how Injurs usi?neil to the realm of so-called pure seienee nuy become of inimuliale practical Honor r. Mrll. ViHiiir. local Jndre. .Supcemeiilliportaitce. i.iuri. uiaur uir zbiii umj 01 .spni, itzi. jleiter or adinliilftrallon lth will aimeied i of the elate or llobort Wllk. dereaM-d. I ere rraiited to tlie undrrslnwd. and all pa rile havlnr claims aram.l tlie Mid estate I are hereby required to forward the nine, properly veiiried. to tlie under -slriwd I rank Wllka at Maseru. B.C.. on or before tlie JOIh day or inne. lt(. and all (parties Indi-bted to the estate are re : quired to pay the amount of their Indcbt-iedneM to tlie Mid Krank Wllka forthwith. UATt-U tin tn lr ,r Mai'. 1PJI. F.I.IZlBr.TII WILk. IIV.. WILKS. Administrators, Massrtt. B.C. Special Reductions on Breakfast Foods Tillsuu's (tolled Oats, 3 pekKd, for $1.00 Urea in of Wheat, per 5 lb-sacks, 3 fur ... ... $1.00 I'll ri ty hulled Oats, per C Ih. sacks ,3 for $1.00 1'urily Hulled Oats, t for 95o Toasled Corn Flakes., 8 for 95c Orape Nuts,' 3 for .... 50c I'oM'h Hran. 3 for . . . . 50c Hhreddcd Wheal, 3 for 50o I'uffed Mice. 3 for .... 50o 1'uffed Wheat. 3 for . . 50c FOR THIS WEEK ONLY! TO LECTURE Prosldent of British Association Is Export on Parasites and Medical Research TOHONTO, June 2. Canadians will he honored in August with a visit by Mayor-General Sir I lav id J truce. F.H.S., world fam ous parasitologist, who comes to Toronto lo preside over the Wind mutual iiieeliiifc' of tin Hrilish Associaliuu for I lie Advancement of Science. His inaugural ad ureas lo (ins Inxiy will rank as .'the outstanding public scientific pronouncement of (lie year, at least as far as the Hrilish Umpire is concerned. Klecliuu lo the I're.Mdency of tbe Hrilish Association is regarded as one ol (lie highest marks of recognition which (Jreat Hrilain can bestow on .-dentists, and in Sir Haviil Hruce there has been selected one whusc successful campaign in I lie medical halite asahisl cer tain widespread diseases, has rendered him entirely worthy of the distinction. Knowledge of Disease Sir David has chosen as the ubjeel of his presidential dis-erlalioit. Advances Made in Our Knowledge of Disease, lu keeping with tin' aim of the Assoc iation, previous presidential ad dresses have drawn public at tention to the recent stride which have been made in various branches of research and incidentally have emphasized the In Iheir crusade against (hi sleeping sicklies which has taken millions of lives In O-iilral Africa. Sir David, ably assisted by Lady Hruce, was able lo show thai Hie infection was spread by the bile of a tsetse lly. ifllhouli the insert itself does nol posses a venom. The parasites which prry alternately on, the fly and on human beings were finally isolated, and named rryi'anseoma llrueei, in honor of Iheir discoverer. With its origin and method of transmis sion made plain, the method of combating Hie disease was ob vious, ami eiiervelic enforcement of preveulive measures has re sulted in minimizing the slaugh ter which the dread sleeping sickness caused each year in Af rica. For the DEAF PORT-O-PHONE Supreme in its field, only one that uives the natural lone Write for particulars. 8. P. Miller, 207 Campbell Bldg., Victoria, B.C. Sterling Furnace COAL Dtllierad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Tlila la a very auperlor ruruaie coal. It Klvr a clean hot fire and I entirely rree rrotn oot. clinker, alack and dirt. Some or tlie laraeat beatlna; plant In the city are now ualna- It with eullrely aallaradory renulli. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sack. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Arenli ror the Famoui LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Of flea Hotal Cantral. Phona IS JUST RECEIVED from the ha I, sortmeiit of a large us. Summer Dresses On Halo Saturday at cepliounlly Low Prices. BENT'S t Optician and Optometrist After one month of careful conscientious eye testing, our patrons are Advising their friends to come lo us for glasses. This is conclusive evidence llial our jjlass" urt' Kiving entlrp satUfaclion. Mr. Ireland has made the eye a long aud careful I study, and has Ibe know ledge, skill and experience l'j fit any eye that glasses will Nip, and in rase you do not need classes, can give you valuable advice. We arc getting the optical business by descrvliiK it by givinjr superior optical service. "A Milch in time saves liine" has no more filling application than in Ihc case of the eye. REMEMBER, YOU RUN NO RISK HERE. Satisfaction Is positively assured Max Heilner Jeweller and Diamond Specialist Note Wc tan duplicate lens or repair any frame. IS NOW CAPTIVE A deer was captured alive on I'orrher Island lr' several Prirrrn K ti pert men ami it is now per fectly al home in their hunk house. Wriliti? of Ibe event from all Lak , I'orehrr Island W. M. Stephens -aye: At I'oreber Island early in the morning, a deer was sin swiin- uiiiiK across a lake thai a few of s are lowiuy on near by. We tart led it by our excitement and swam back id' short. A few minutes laler Iwo deer I lien larted fur the Able we are mi. rcstimably Ihey'were chased by wolves. SOCCER OLYMPIAD !. 1'AIIIS, June 2. In quarter finals in Ibe Olympic oecer series yeslerday Uruguay tlofealed France 5 to 1 itid Sweden defeated Kgypt 5 to 1, WESTMINSTER WINS VANCOUVKIt. Juno 2. New Weslmliisler defeated Vancouver in a Mlnlo Cup 'lacrosse 'game Saturday by a sc'oii of fix goals to four. ' s . WISHES TO GO INTO MUSKRAT RAISING KDMO.YION, Juno 2. Applica tion for and imiuiries in Conner. tion with hoincMcad land in (he 'centra! and northern Alberta dis trict are showing sinus of increased briskness, according lo officials at the dominion land office here. (hie particularly tiuhiue request fur information came in (he Wednesday morniiiK mail from a resident of Auburn. Wiish.. who contemplates the es tablishment uf a niuskral farm. "Would you pe'ie," he write, "send me information concerning homestead. lauds in Alberta. I would prefer land with a small lake mi II llial would be apl lo contain lots uf iiiukiMl, as I want ( start a mu-kral farm. I would also appreciate any help li could obtain from the Canadian rov eminent. "I'lease send me any maps yon may have on homestead laud." NEWSPAPERMEN ARRIVED SOON AFTER MIDNIGHT AND WERE NOT ABLE TO ENJOY VISIT TO CITY. continued from pace one; dent of Canadian I'ress, e. James Fisher and Mrs Toruulo. Wiimi- Fisher. W. J. Taylor. Wotslslork Sen- luirl-lleview: L. II. Dinsmau, SI. Tluuireis Times Journal; and D. It. Taylor, assistant maiiaver f C.D.N.A. ('.. F. liulillhwaite, publirily dept. and Mr-, (ioldthwaite. II. II. Ilurifoyiie, St. liilheriin s Slamlard, Mrs. II. It. and Mrs. W. H. HurKoyne. John Markey. WiHnlslurk Sen. PORCHER ISLANDirV :.-iiii- i(iiii-s afi .iifs. y iriiiiiiii. A. V.. WtHslwartl. Chalham Local Men Have Eicltlng Time at News ami Mrs. Woodward, nnd Salt Lake Trussing up Animal We heade.1 ul wilh Iwrt row- boals and after an excilins chase managed lo' rrp on of them. 'olka He ()IT ntaiie a frantic iiive for it when we Kd alotittside, and with Will Stephens' ami Jack Sherman' ropiujr experience soon had it trussed up. We now have il in Ibe bunk house and il is perfectly al home. IIioiikIi this afleruuon Jack tried to play with and Hum it evolved into a wrestling malrli. We are poiug lo lake a picture uf him (a year liu? buck as soon as the wealh er permit. LEAGUE BASEBALL SATURDAY GAMES American League I'liiladelphia (1-5. New Ynrk 5-3 Washiiujlun 12, Hoslon 0. I let roil I, Cleveland 2. Chicago 12, SI. Louis 2. National League New York i. I'liiladelphia 3, SI. Louis 0. 1'illsburg 7. Hoslon K, Hrooklyn I i. Cincinnati 3, Chicago ti. SUNDAY GAMES National League Cincinnati 2, St. Louis ti. New York C, HoMon II. Chicairo 2, 1'illshurK I. Hrooklyn H. I'liiladelphia 0. American League SI. Louis S, ChiciiKO 7. Cleveland C, Delroit l. I'liiladelphia-Wasliinirlou, rain II. M. Hamilton. Quelph Mercury and Mrs. Hamilton. F. 11. Leslie. Niagara Fall He. view and Mr. Iesi. J .W. Outran. Saull Ste Marie Star, and Mr, f'.urran. . J. W. Ml. Kitchener NVw. Hr-ert and Mrs. Mnlz Puberib for lb DMIv Nw. PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT. DECLARATION OF RETURNING OFFICER. Province of British Columbia n me Prince ituperx tieciorai District. I'LllLlf. NOIICK is hereby ivcu thai in accordance with (See ion 1C3 of the "I'roviurial '.leelmus Act" Chapter 27. the folliyvitijj have been appoinled Aenls fur the respective candi dates: ! Mr. Henry l.etuurneaii. Sixth nol I'tillon Street. I'rinre Ituprr'. lAl h agent for Thomas lluss Maekay; Mr. William K. Fisher. ThirJ Avenuea aent for Seville Mar- lineau New Ion; Mr. Lewis W. l'almore, Third Avenue ami Fulton Street. I'rinre lluperl. H.C., as ayeul for Hon. Thomas DulTerin 1'attulbi; of whieh every person is hereby reipilred to lake mil ire and govern himself acrordiiiKly. FD. II. Ileluruiiig Officer. 1'rince itupert, H.C., May 30, 1U24. 12S LAND ACT. Notice of letantlon to Land, Apply to Laaai In Skeeua Land lilnlrtet. Iiertirdlnt tilt rlrt or Coaat, and alluale on Campania aland. Take Notice that Clarence E. Painter and jainca mc.Miiti'. or rrinre nunerl. n.c. iD-rnpallon Imuran' e arent and broker, In tena in , apply ror xTmi.ion to lrae the roiiowmit oesrritied land: Coinmen rlnar at a Mit planted at the bead or i bay at tlie ct end or Campania laland and alHiul one mile from the aouth end of tlie Inland; tlieno followlnf the alnuoaltlea or the wiore tine at turn water line around the laland to Ibe place or commencement. ana rontaitiinr s.onn acre, more or lea C. E, BM.VIMl ii JAMF.S Mr?iULTT, name or Applicant. Ter W. K. WILtJAMs, Areot. Haled April tnd. t4. NOTICE. I. THE MATTUt of an application for the Issue or a Provisional lelllfKale or Title ror Ij.t rive (8), pluck thlrlv-rive (is), sreuon one 1 1 . iny of rrlnce 10111 1, Man 03. Hallaractory I'fixif or tlie loa of tlie i.ernricaie or inm covrrma iiik above land hailnr lMcn produced to me. n I mv in. leution lo laaur, arter the etplrallon or one montli rrmii tlie riral piiblicatlou here or, a Provisional Certirirate of Tills In the alsive land In tlie name or Man Nocy and Mall loo r.lninir. the oriaiii.l iniri. cat or Title la dated the mill November, 1HI4. alio la iiiiiiiiifiru aiiai, Land IW'irUlry Office, prince Itupert, SHI March, I9M. II. K., MACLKOD. . htriMrar of Tltlai Monday. June 19; j Cash and Carry Specials for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (No Telophone Orders) Until Further Notice this Store will Open at 8.30 a.m. and Close at 5.30 p.m. daily. ENTHUSIASM! Enthuslaim is the greatest business asset In the world. It beats money, power and Influence. Enthusiasm trample, over prejudices and like an avalanche overwhelms all obstacles. Set the germ of enthusiasm afloat In Prince Rupert and watch tills city go ahead. II would spread like contagion, and would have a tremendous effect upon her every Industry. It would Inspire the citizens to goals never before dreamed of. It would leave a deep Impression on every visitor. Briefly, enthusiasm would get results with-out which no city or business could pay dividends. Leap Year Specials SUGGESTIONS FOR THE JUNE BRIDE IN THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT 72" Vaba-o I'ure Hlearhed Sheeting. -r ar-l $1.10 Pillow Slips in sufl finish l otion. VixA'i, 2 mh 7&C Absorbent llm k Towelling, IK" wide. 3 yard- $1.00 Damask Kil' hen Table Chillis. IKxIH, each . $1.85 Damask Serviettes fur everyday u. per dux. : $2.15 Pure Irish I. men Semelles, speeial 931.10 F.mbroidered Med Sirrd .lovely design. II"-- JVhile. Illue. Site (lH. rtoeli . . . '. . $645 Fancy While Turkish Towel. Pink. Illue and Mum- IhmJerv Sue WxS:. YWU $U5 Pure lrih Linen (iuet Towel. 8erll, 2 lm $U5 SPECIAL 15 REDUCTION ON ALL SPRING COATS. Since MiiiMuiiKiiig (his reduction, we disposed if -:t o( our Sprmir 0at. We pleased al the mteret token m ihi ideo, ure the Miblu that the price marked ,. gd nil cut are lb original selling prtrr. m ' wonU the realiictMMt i a genuine mr. who '' k be inreetl when ho get down to (he hi- garment. tinie in early vhill ite and leave a gixid sele lion to i Insi.e from. Shoe Department 25 Pairs Women's Dress Shoes Murray-Maid make. Oun-melal Calf (liford. OnlVi-nienln si Hiii on MayfHir lost. Half llubber Ihel. Here Is a snap at $4.46. 500 lbs. Sultana Raisins Special, 4 lbs. for 35c. 12 lbs. for $1.00. 25 Pairs Mep's Dress Shot Genuine Slater ' Here i a real m tbe June brideai .95 ! f Ton No. 1 Jap Rice Special, 5 lbs. 35c Limit IU lbs I" ' a- ' loiner. Alberta Spuds 12 lbs. for 25c Men's and Boys' Department Tooke's Shirts In neat Stripe desitnis. Suitable for Hiislnes or Dress Wear Sizes H lo 17. Heir. Special, $1.45. Hatchaway Underwear Nu Hutlou. HA, 1 1, style. Fine finality Nainnouk. Sites 31 to It. Special, $1.25 per suit Boys' Bathing Suits ItXl per cent Pure Wool. In Sombinaliou Colors. Sue :' In 31. Special, $2.45. Men's Cheney 8llk Neck wear lleveisible Ilea, va' " ' Half Price, 75c Seal Brand Coffee i0e 1 lb. tins " 2 lb. tin 5 Ih, tin ZJ 100 dot. California Lemons Per Dm., 20c 600 lbs. Orange Pko T III hulk, lieu vie 0. Special, 60o lb. Limit 3 lb. lo card lomer. Universal Trading Co. Watch this Space Wednesday for change of AdvL ii