. mi mm M r n r? nnnu . ... TtWnI nuuua mwnt. r-nwm- in . I ran spori ill ion will lie an t , mil Ihe Premier. ha a t . ly of galena, nn which is , :imllng indel. 1 A rom- r wa put on lhi properly ;!i(T and vainter quarier w being liuill. Suppl . g taken in for work that ' ; ? earned nut Ihruirlioiii nter. Fitzgerald llro.. . u: ii.inlf i Ihe company hm Jr.T'.iipiiig till properly. li'i American rreek. wveral (roprrden are l-emu prove" a: lni'r,,inij 'Manner Porter Id .o Ships The Pnrlep Malm wine on . i Marniil llivrr Iih liiiiped ISA '! high grade ore lui year l 'lifre l a large amount vkrj and riady fnr vhipnient "":) parking condition What a CANADIAN SERVICE T. "V iteil X Glorious Trip to Europe! 622Jtaitlng( Sjt., W. lV4. II l r TAKE the largest ships of th?ir class in the world the magnificent 20,000 ton "CARMANIA " or " CARONIA," saillng'from old Quebec or take one of the popular " A " boats, the 15,000 ton " ANDANIA," " ANTONIA " or " AUSONIA " from Montreal. Thie fofm the Cunrd Cndion Srfvice by way of the acrnle. St, Lawrence route. Five reat Cunayl ateamalilpt each one of them fully In keeping with the Cunard itandard of convenience and comfort In transatlantic travel-each one famoua for the delicioiuneti of the menut, foe thouthtfut, attentive aervice, for that reatful comfort which meana to much when travelin. For Third Clata Patnencer the Cuird;Canadian ahlpa offer excellent ataterooma with comfortable herln, attractive meala. wide deeka for promenadea and gamei, dncina and concert! hy the ahip'a orchettrai, library, children'a I lay roon)i, lounBea, and the aervice ofobliglnf attendant!. Ak the Cunard Agent In your town fdr further Information, rate! and aaillnc datei, or write to j Tlic Cunard Steam Ship Co., Limited VANCOUVER, n.C. v Prince John ynaterday afternoon from I Ue (Juecn (iliai lul t .7. . II itabv cv . " """- Wauled for adoption a font, in .''K native mivci. resemble fruII) t2 ,(J l4 ypttri r (lg A BUJin"Ji" r . iiiiicii Mil niKII-giaUl' SIUIJ p'.rtMil'H TOWN. ui 'lnui'd from page one) eo:;. Ir-i-il IhkIi grade apprott-malely f"e feet in Ihe fHce. 'jhrn I.aks'tlcw Mining Co. 1.11. baft id,, properly and Richard Mall, It n.ir g "inn of Mperlj i4 I ) charge of operations. ! ' '1 ,.;-(! mile aliow the Dunwejl tr.A back from the l.nkeview. i tiie XorUi and South mine wlilcii : lirtiiir devdyed on Ihr unit y:riii by 'Mix Sciferl and JCaflfc Pc.Ii -'on Operations are now fen i-.vgm'M in a body of low grade (,:? .,( c I hnn ten feel' m Jlh li very attractive min eral oming out of the drift's. T.-.n X :ta and South gives .'!lli . 1' . I i. r ;if Item? a low grade mi m large and profitable T ansporlation will pre : dlfiKultie if the volume - proven. Taking In Supplies . a i oilier pmpirlien on i reck look very eneotir- I: dependence mln. about t in up Ihe HiMir Hiver from ;'3i. and Jul aero Ihe rfi'Hiti?.H ri'iiuircrl ll.at wa- lakiMi out of the Dollykyrlle Box 808, Daily News. s.lH aiu'ii ai Aiure .rm in II ney- lli'V. Dr. II. II. firaii lir n William raer lian a pr.erty hat nighl Iruhi for Huihk l.ak. on nil- oiarmoi J liver wnicn h hi. ....i. i.. i. i.i i..,.,,..-. ,.w Knowing up jual a well an llie aflernomi I. . . i rorier-iiiMiio. I Iieveioptneni oi I lie (iol.l CJIItT m. A. J. Pellelier arrived on properly, eloae baefc of Slwart a,i rveiiliiB-'x I rain, from Smith on ine wi ae or near lllver. er!4 al)l m ,he eaiuei by A. II. I rile who lul laul prf,.,, j,n for Slewart weel liondeil it from William I I unli and anwoetatex will mean M. I umi mi. I. itnilim r piueji to Hlewarl, Mr. Hawkinon iurne.1 to the city latl night after initoiN. Mr. I rue Imi decKletl holklaying for about a month in on Jill exleiieivr outlay Of ex- Vinnli." nn.l virinil penflilun lo lliornutlily prove the . property and Inl l lookijd , ,. Pree of Hie I lank of on with a' great drat of Malixfae- Monlreal etnir called lal niirlit llott by Hlewarl people, ir IUI l he prince Hupeerl for Vie proving up work prove- ucce-horja on yn annual vacation trip. ful.- It will ilefinllPly put lite lleor Hiver valley on Ihe map. Annual meeting of the lUwkel- Salmon River Active iM, .iMialion in lheCounei In tbe tarnion Hiver valley, theciianihr. rhurixlau. October 9 Premier roniiiiu. w lo lilp and Lt h p.m. Kveryhwly welcome uevelopuifiil i proeeeding on I 23h the It.C. Silver. Daly-AlaVa, 4- . . . . I ierMl and Indian. .almon iim, Klrat N.ll.C. Ilaaimeul arr ilivcr ilevelopiiii-ut lia. however, amt lo organuc- a Siarnal See nvl been co p-clariilar tin year iinn. 'en younst men required a ha ben that on Ihe mutrl tatruetkHi will ba riven in Mm Thursday ntglil. (elobr V. He- Weitholsne Orchea- Provincial (ktnstable J. V, lift glenliaw arrived fi-oin Terrce l.il night bringing a man natneo-William Paton who will orve thirty days in llie local jail foe allowing druifienness on Itla pro- iiiifes. i Mr. and Mrs. George liufhby have taken llie'houe until r renlly occupied by Millon Oon- nales next the Convent on Fourth Avenue. West, ami will live there during Ihe winter. A charge again! .1. Saldan of Uie Western llooms of havinv game unlawfully on his premise al Ihe Western llooms wae dls-iiiN-eil in (lie city oHca court this morning. The chm ciime up in connection with Ihe visit paid the Western Hooms this week by provincial police who found ven- is-ou and goal which Indians were charged with offering for sale. ANNOUNCEMENTS llospi'tiil Annual Hall, Oct 31. Anglican Church llnia.'ir, Nov. G If I.ullienm Hain.ir, Decemher J. Mrli'iipo Hall. ... Hill tilt Cliapler LOHi.E. HaU lowe'en Tea and Sale OAlotmrSS "Sun Flower Sereniule1' Melli- .Jl-! flMireli, ..enil-r ' :itid '.. ceeded Ruprl lo CaflforvU on day (rip. - L. H .Hinlon. mod of Mr. and vfrs. J. A. Hlnlou of lbi eily turned yesterday afternoon , on he Prtncp John from the Queen Charlotte Inlands. He was en vaged during I lie summer with Ihe eoasl triajtaTttbjtion survey party headed by A. E. Wright of Prince Rupert i i FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirty .Sharon IS BtrrrKucc 5473 i V "Oat in ccrry trunk" shM bt the rule applied lo this 'btufant little froci when girls art being fitted out for boarding-school and college KVws .ui.i ctattoma dUTer with individual achoola and oollegaa but in most of them youna; Kids rank a change from their sport ckttbMt prattv little frock for dlwier. la ao- srVma) a Mml-dianer drsa in a dainty cotnr and with short alstves and a. round neck U iermitteit. laoilur the dn-v is made in a color that cava iUi !, it- I ( ten. church and pave Mackenzie pioneer of the city and engaged Willi the pro vincial government Island roa crew, was taken lasl night to llie Omral Hospital suffering from blood poisoning in his hand re sulting from a slight injury sus fainyd while on the job. Mrs. Hal. Kane Clements, spec ial correspondent of llie Chicago Herald, visited the city yesterday iflernoon and was shown arotin hy C.N.Jl. otlicials. Mrs. Clement hs been on Ihe prairies and i returning lo Chicago hy way of Vancouver and Prince Huperl She arrived from Ihe south by Itoat and proceeded East hy train. Mrs. Thomas F. Peterson (rami Matron of the Order of llie Eastern Star for Hrilish Col uniliia, arrived from Vancouver on Ihe Prince Huperl yesterday afternoon to pay her otlicial visit to the local chapter. She will he here until Saturday and many hostesses of Ihe order are planning oiaK functions in Ucr honor while she is in Ihe city. AI least one local wholesale house reports having received communications from customers on llie Oueen Charlotte Islands complaining of "llie disgraceful service" now being given Ihe Islands by Ihe Canadian National coast steamers. It is suggested that Hie matter be taken up with Ihe Hoard of 'Trade. The people on Ihe Islands, it seems, would he more satisfied wit li a fortnightly serv ice such as was given last winter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wynne, who arrived lhi week from llie Slik-ine Hiver after having spent Ihe - linnier there, sailed last night on Ihe Prince Hupeerl for Vancouver where they will spend a fortnight on vacation before he- turning lo Ihe city where Mr.l Wynne will lake up his duties with the customs department for I he winter. Mr. Wynne will receive treatment at the hands, of an eye specialist in Vancouver. Practically the only social function which Ihe "Prince of Wales attended while, in Vancouver was a dinner parly and informal party given on Saturday, hy Major and Sirs. J. (5. Fordhani and their daughter. Miss Catherine Fordham, in their home on C a d e r o SI reel. Among Ihe guests al Ihe dance was .1. A. Hobday, a commercial traveler well known here, who arrived from the south n (lie Prince Huperl yesterday afternoon. ... 'The (iyro Club held its regular monthly business luncheon In the SI. Regis Cafe lasl night. Or. 1.. W. Keigin, director, presiding in Ihe absence of President Mil-Ion (ioniales. The main topic under discussion was in the program of Ihe club for next year. F.xtension of playground facilities and the possibilities of Ihe gymnasium idea are being 'considered. The club is making great preparations for Ihe Hoe ;)ovn dance to be held in Ihe Stal::y dnnrr Almond creen. Oowder 'Auditorium tomorrow night. The btae or o;io of t:- ,.w cranberry or alTatr promises to be one of llie curnn' ; u r (. oM- purpnae. .most novel and entertaining ever lg" 1 ' ' "ii'lrv cjiajue staged In Ihe city. The ticket .mi caii oi inrwin. .latin, sale to dale already ensures a I- ,-r. p,- d- t!:inc arc softer. jlarKe luin-oul. 0 October 9, 1024. THE DAII NEWS PAGE THRER yOU WANT THE FINE8T CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics choose "Hupcrt Hrand" Salmon. A few tins fu Hi e pantry are always handy. Slock a supply n your Itoat -that's a good luea, 80LD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Local and Personal t Hayncrs, Undertakers, Phone 351 U.C Undertakers. Phone il. TAXI ami PllOlle 078. Moengur Service. tr Mrs, Field, Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. tf - - -- OYIIO IlOF.DOWvM Cure the hlueal Ocloher 10 in the Auditorium. Everybody welcome. 23'J Towing and freighting. Tug Towcna, 50 h.p., Capt. M. Clifton. Phone Wue 400. Night phone 23. If Dr. A. II. Itayne arrived on Hi" Hiver. lanhorn and Mort lelevrauhr GOOD PROGRESS AT BLACK SAND PLANT Herman Block of Balllmors, Vice-president, Here Yesterday on Way East Herman Work, v ire-preidenl oMhe P. It. C. Mines Lid. wiieh ha in "lulled an extenoive plan I at Matf lo evlraet the goH from Ihe blaek aands of (Irahata Island, arrived in the city on ttie Prlnee John yealornay aflertiMii and prueeeiled by train to I Willi mon". Maryland. (ertrge II. Fletcher nf Philadelphia, is lill al Wassell. (UmmI progre i be are ing made on Ihe plant lntnlla The siiieller returns for lion and, arronling lo word ar- rimt shipment ran I7( per rising from Ihe Islands, the Apply Lieut. J. lUrnalejr, 023 Second Avenue. Kngll-u lranparent china free - "SL'PHKMK" eoffoa coupoae !n and picked ore ran 300.ipropecU for succesful ami pro- . Tin properly l being worked I filalde operation are eeii bolter ,(1jioll four wt. :i uie unit eyiem by r.lay ror- tnan ai nrsi wa aniiripaico Klk' Popular Homo, Daito 231 tf - - Why purchase Chri Iotas Carrf from Fjtlero bnua or Uieii ranaser when you oan ire: litem printed in Prince Rupert a' lloe. Cowan A (ilia's. Phwrn S3I. . . KW ' V Hae you en thai dainty hand minld china in H. H.. Iltiiimingf' window? HI ImllA thcidroliiulMono. XaV T"i miralnilktorrTFrr AkW aV WH ttrip. Ofd.llr m fm nfC Wili(or$l.CMrl jgf tU UrUn C. limlui jff Itc'i;'.l!.il lii.'..ll!l I'"- I. AlidlTW'-i Si ! ty, Icloliei lo, H p. m. 'ling of Friday, Colonel W. II. jClayion, former ly of llfin cily and now of Van couver, baa been visiting in Vic toria, r- 0 - Joscnb Rogere of the Prince Huperl By-Produets ., Lid tailed laxl uttTUt n Ihe I'rinc lupert for Viotonk. on busine. Mrs. W. R. Mariia and family ailed las! night on the' Prince Rupert bound for I.rts Angeles where Ibev will loin Mr. Martin who left recently for that city 1 Mrs. Peter Wold, wife of Ihe skipper of the American balibul nat, Kanalak. la spending lh lay in I be city having arrived 'on her husband's boat after trip lo Ihe fishing bank. Mr. and Mrs, J. Kelch of t'k arrived in 'tha city nn ye- terdjTy afternooa'a train and pro- by Ihe alranier tric a holi- Major Uulloek Webster has opened a branch of (lie II. C. Dramatic School in a tdudio on fii'ti nvill. Klri.i.1 Vunrnlivpr 1 1 1.4 " ' 1 headuarlers remain in Victoria. Mrs Morte Craig sailed Jal mghl on llie Prince Huperl for Victoria on a holiday trip. She ,was accompanied by her son-in-law. D, D. McTavbth, who has been vimliiig here foe the past few days. ,1 S'ipeudiary Magilra!e A. II. Mallory of Port Clements is in lie ' ily on business, having arrived yesterday from llie Islands ,4in Hie Prince John. He is re ndered at the Prince Huperl Hotel. After the luncheon lo Premier Mackenzie King on Monday afternoon, a public reception will be liHi in Ihe luncheon flail at winch everyone will have an op portunily to meet Ihe premier. 210 Major Fred M. West of Ihe United Stales Army was a pas oeneer arriving from the East on last night's train. He board eil llie sieamer rrmce iiuperi aim went south bound for Camp Perry, Oregon. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRJC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F Your Then I had ea. . Without Ihe noise Took olf the boys. FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Saitlnn From Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate Points, eu h WEDNESDAY 8.00 p.m.. each SATURDAY 12.00 midnight S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. For all ports QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 1200 midnight Oct. I8thr Nov. 1st, 18th. PASSENGtP TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNOAY. Leave Prince Rupert S.00 pjn. Tor PRIMCE GEORGE. EDMOSTO.H. Wl.V fOPta. all point. Eastern Canau. tinned States. aOINCV ALL OCEAN (TEAMSMie LINKS. Olt Tlti Off lea, S2S TMr ia erlnca Rnael. Phana 280. ONLY TWO DAYS IN lightest bit "of strongest A Little Girl's a little cat, Cat of our Maybe, you'll ne'er forgelthe lime When that first shiver ran down your spine friends I hey took one look at you saiiL Hy gad; you've got the Hue. , I made a pet of him Ami called him Pat, Hut he got so lazy he would not' eat n rat, So I threw him out and said. "Kxii eat." 'The verse must have to do with some form nf animal life such as a bird,- fish, animal, insect or germ. 11 may lake any form desired such, as an ode. a quatrain or even limerick. Three prizes will ottered. for llist, :i for, j. second and $2 'for third. 1 The verses will be published WHICH TO SEND VERSE;",;-- - iused only in case of his winnin? There are hut two days in: a prize. " which to enter the verse compe-j The verse should lie neatly lilion ami try for that ten dollars written on one side of the paper or a part of it. There are three only and aJdressed to "Gompcli-prizes five, three and two dol- lion Editor," Daily News. No lars respectively and the compe-( manuscripts will be returned. lition cio.sos absolutely Saturday . night. Following are entries: The Germ , A little dust; a mile rain. A little chill: a head of pain, A leaking hoe; a'loud ti-choo. Oh! germ of Flu; I kpow it's you. A Germ Do yog remember, not long ago, Perhaps a year, or two, or so. A germ, came tloatiu? through the air, Which gave you, and me, an aw ful scare. germ so see, s mall, we could not Came o'er the land, and 6'er the HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert F. H. Worlock, Victoria: tt. C. Spare. Montreal; J. A. Hobday and Mrs. T. F. Palerson, Vancouver; Peter "Mack and Francis Douglas, Forest, Out.; T. L. Williams and A. 11. Mallory. Port Clements; Oscar A. Hvans, 'To ronto; Constable and Mrs. J. P. Kggleshaw, 'Terrace; Mrs. A. J. Pellelier, Smilhers; A. Kngeners, Seattle. Central John Steele. Pacific; J. J. Ilowey, C.N.H.: Mr. and Mrs. II. Wagner. Uueen Charlotte Is-. lands. The Safest and Best Family Medicine TIMBER SALE X 6440. Scaled TmdVr will rereivfil by the Minister or Land.-, at Wloiu. not later tliau noon on tlx' 3rd iUv or oriotwr. Hit. fur Ihr luirilMM- or Llreore l, tu rut t.SA,0o fret or lkiiiorli. Balsam. Sivrure and i '-! r n an area ti trie tl tvM'e or Ilakrliury Nlainl. liitsaway Channel. Hanr t. Coa-t 1'Klrltl. Threw (J) rear will be allowed for removal of timber. ruriher partlmlara f ttw chler ror--ter, Vtriorla. B . or tr..:Stt orlir, t'rtnre Rupert, B.C. . Timber sale X5129. Sealed Tender will be rrtetvw t$ the Vllnliier of IjiiwN not later than ii""n n i the t etrt day of Orlcber. 19SI. ror the urrbae or I leenre XJUS. fi eul t.7.-Lh fe-i f ItemkM-k. Sprue, rlr, IMne faint Blrrh. ttl lineal feet tt r.nlar . IMVa and 1'lllr.r. and IS.iao llrralork awl ' "Ine Tie nn Lot !. Banf . Cal tWairlrt. Ihe nonular Tw ( year will tw alfciw.-.i for ' "J. linova! nf tlmbe. Of ineiner naroruiar or ine rmer fores ter. Vletoils, I'rliov tiiM i-l B.C. B.C.. or OIlrl'-t Kore.ler,