PAUJJ TWO. "FRulH-TIVES" ENDED THREE YEARS OF HEADACHES A FIRM FRIEND OF THE FAMOUS FRUIT MEDICINE VALIQUETTE- Nervous Dyspepsia' completely relieved Althoush "Fralt-a-tiTM" hare ieen before tho people of Canada for nearly a quartf? of .a century, their marvellous success in over-coming disease Is nothing sliort of a miracle to tWse bo try them for the first time. .nl these grateful people are prouil and happy to tell what this fruit medicine lias done for them. Mrs. Honor Valiquette, llSlXotreDame Street West, Moutreal, writes, "1 wish I rould tell crery sufferer in he world what "Fruil-a-tives" hate done for me. For three years, I was troubled with' Had Headaches, JCerTOus Dyspepsia and Liver Improved and now, thanks to these wonderful fruit tablets, I am once more entirely -well". "Fruit a-tives" perform such marvel because they are entirely different from any other medicine iu the world; Ijring the concent rated and Intensified juices of apples, oranjes, lies aud prunes combined with tonics. They have, proved their marvellous value in all rases of Stomach, Liver,, Kidney and SUin Trouble. Try them. 2.1e. and K)c. a box at all dealers or from Kruit-a-tivts Limited, Ottawa, Out. The Daily News IMUNCE HUPKUT - MUTlSli C0I.U.MHIA. Published Every Aflernnon. exespt Sunday, the I'rince llnperf Daily News. Limiled. Third Avenue. II, F. PULLKX, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. UAII.Y ED1TIOW once (lie grain mils westward to this irl. Saturday, March 13. 1924. Let Economy Be . Tempered With Reason. . Keonomy is one of lite pressing needs of the day. Wc all nre agreed that we have been spendthrifts. There has been n tendency to dissipate our resources and to go beyond the limits of .safely. The excuse is that the conditions in the' country wrre such as lo deniand extreme action. It is useless to look back jind blame Mr. Borden or .Mr. Meighcu for throwing nw-ay mil-.Jious of the people's money. The war couditions' demanded thnt jjniich money be spenl. Perhaps ihey somefimes spent foolishly, Juil so did authorities elsewhere tinder simifar condition-. 11 i difficult lo judge action taken under the stress of war and disturbed social conditions by the calmer standards of today and sit will be difficult lo judge whal is dune today by the even mora jseitiea conditions which are expected lo gradually develop in the i'ouulry. We niusl ad in the present according to demands or Jhe day and Hit' outlook for Hie future. Immigration Js Commencing. vv'ni. 11. . ... . . -KLlM FCWDTRCD wttOU MAX Sold by RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. HOSPITAL BYLAWS Suggestion Made at Board Meet Ing Last Night That Extraordinary ' General Meeting be Held The ralliiix uf nn exlraorditi-ary peneral nicotinic of the I'rince lluperl Oeneral Hospital Assncia-liim wilh in tin' next month In consider llic ul nalulily of making certain changes in the bylaws of. Hip nosiicinliiin was slijr-peslcd hy S. K. Campbell a I Iho resular monthly mcclliu; of I he hoard last iiIkIiI. The two point which il is proposed to hriiifrVp are reconimeni datious that llie yearly nienvher-hio foi lie reduced from 5.00 tit SPLENDID WORK OF HOSPITAL LADIES Supplying Institution With Linen and Assisting Materially In Furnishing of Home Thai Iho Ladies' Auxiliary of Iho hospilal is doing valuable work was indicated in a report given hy Mrs. "W. It. Morrissey at last nlghl's hoard meet ing to Iho offoei thai supply of linen xvas about to ho made a a result of funds raied al a rocVnt ron- corl and Hint M0 had been ex. pointed for ciirlabis. chairs and tables for Iho N'urses' Homo. . Provident Mrllae spoke appror eiatively of iho a.silance being ...... ...... ,e. ..,1 in- iMin-usr ami iiM-iy 10 ie given by Iho Ladies' Auxiliary ii-rrpn.'il r.'1.tni. in l. ... ..... 'u . I c. :. ,'," , , , -"r'" '0 iiiniioK '. 11 woiiiu. secretary Hirch handed over q ""'Hsu ui iniji uiivii ii(iiii aim say we woiuo spein no money. N'e musl keep pace with the growing demands f iho timvs or ve shall drop behind. People are demanding that provision be made for settlers. There is a demand for reasonable facilities for development and a stop must be put lo the agitation of ex-Jremisls xvh would hold back on everything. It is foolish to be extreme because from extremes there is always a reaction foul iu (bat reaction people go to extremes in the opposite direc-jion. Let us practice economy individually, provincially and nationally, lint Io not lei the scaremongers Warp our viewpoint. We must look forward with faith in the future and if we have that faith we thall not be afraid to spend a dollar sometimes in legitimate development enterprises. NURSE Will SAY'f KLIM Whole Milk (fn the brown 1V and yel low tin) fully meets the exacting requirements of both ours and doctor. They know that It 1 made from the finest fresh milk and that only the water Is removed. Kllm Is more digestible than liquid milk because of the tender curd nnd smaller division of the butterfat Slobulet. .'.iat. ,,..W,,J' the ' Kllm Whole Milk for baby feeding it being Increasingly recommended by specialists. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG lis! of maintenance roipiiromenls with which the Auxiliary might assisl. STEWART A rnnlract for I in moml drilling on the Indian mine has' been let to Hoylo Bros. A complete examination of the properly was made hy Angus Ibivjs, M.K. ro-. rently and ho expressed satisfaction with tho showings. A method for conrenlrallnn of the ores is now being worked nut. 4. - The I.akoviow. properly on ilaeier Creek Iu Iho Hear niver ivalley has been bonded Ifi Vic toria inlorosla. Tho mine is owned by .lames McKay and Charles llihcau. Mrs. .1. S. Slickney has gone lo I'rince Hiioorl and Ynrwoovne ISho plans on starting h ladyware si ore tiero. 4. - A seini-diesel engine and compressor hvo arrived for the lliverside mine and are now being installed on Iho properly. STOMACH SUFFERING disappears as If by magic when Jo-To Is Used, (la pah,, acid slnmnch, sour stomach, burning and all afler-eallng dislross relieved III two mlnnle All liMitr 'Htores. ' It the iiienihersliin nilehl bo irreiillvl r TIIR DAILY NEWS. Salt rday. .Mhi pI, ; - The Man in the Moon MAY BE ALTERED I j SAYSi- AhYK'.K to operators of nudor-boats: Keep your halHrieS charged. i -- AllVK'H to everybody eUe; Keep your hallerfes idiiinred. - - V - niM'tlimiMTY knock nnro lull onie people are always fciiockinjr. V SO.MK people would never hear opportunity if he were lo break in the lMir, yefl, hullo! ami throw li lioiuli at (he occupant's heail. s?2JiO ami thai doctors ho allow-t recall where, whey, how aid :nl lo become ollnjr mcjnhcr. nfiwny you raujMii me nmi lyifii Trouble. Then, I commenced taking J(he hoard. Mr. iJainpbell Tell lhal!irw have. "L'r,, 'Krult-a-tives". I.. Very ..,,. condition .l:: '.. , . . .... ..I soon my A tiOOli ineniory lol j Iryins (increased ami a more general in-1 HY Iho by. did yon eer hour if teresl laken in hopilnl affalrs.u sreal man Killing asjrjde a if the fee wax reduced, lie alojronco. He may hac 'heoirMhero 'fell Hint Iho hoard should have hut I h.-l ho Is'nevrr remembered !lb npporlunily of enlisting lhr on thai account; aluahlo services of uioilical inenj in its deliberations hy having' I hem ns iliroclors. President Mcltae approved iho snjrpesllon. NURSES' HOME TO I BE OPENED SOON Good Progress Being Mad Construction Beautifying of Grounds Discussed on 'llio formal opening of tho now Xures" Homo will lake placo on (March 27 according lo present , New Phase Of plant, s. K. Campbell, chairman 'levator Case. f Iho nurse' homo committee. There is u now pltac t The grain elevator argument, reported to tho hospital hoard JSniiihers Huurd of Trade declares thai the placing of grain hiii- last night. Kxrellent progress i ping facilities here would have the effect of developing the being made on third floor work tHiilklcy and other interior valleys as grain growing dislricl und ami the building should he rutins would mean the clearin-' up of more land and the advent of liroly completed hy thai I into, more settlers in the valleys or the interior. Oars of grain have! Mackay said it was iho Veil shipVed from the Bulkley at various times hut the market'"1''"1""'" of tho. grounds coin-is so far away aud the difficulties of handling so great that fnr-i'n'Hoo. of which ho was chair-niers have, not been enrouraged to develop this lintnch of their!nan. ' do work that would business. Smilhers has added a new argument to those alreadv make the exterior surrounding's extant in favor of a grain elevator and oilier facilities at thi harmonize with Iho beautiful in-jmrL torior. He suggosloil tho ntaking of a semi-circular driveway to Cars Returning the main entrance and Iho dump- Carry Ties. ... . jnfr of ashesi o as to ovejitually T The annual ctltling of Railway ties 011 this section of the provide a tennis court. V. C. :nnnilt6nNatidifnl 'Hallwav iinivides nfKtod dirt of aMunr.u,II,MJ..uA'RC'tcUsUi . !..!-i.f Vjt J rt. .t J -,.., ..A.i'j .. n. ti... . . . tnirrl.i'l.-A.iinfrrx.i - -W' ..J-' (irrigjii 1 or 1 ne tart uiai wmiiii nruir me . -grain . io inis prt ii'";e i""1""'. .'u.jinr.aj ryj there were an elevator erected here. That i one oT the desirable;'""" ,na' ro""1 "' taken things in developing railway haulage. Just now cars have to Pan" "f atl'r approach had rome west empty lo felrh the ties. All this will be rhnnged '"''" settled iiK)n. WHAT n rilyXiiiHii likes Is ,po- HtTir lo tho rotmlry and whal a of country man like I pointt 10 ilhe rily. AXYOXK starling n now di-Ileal parly is lierehy ndvisejl never to put up a bluff thai can be Called. Xo only do you lose but you fool cheap when you fall lo make good, nnd then you look ch 'ap ntnl everybody knows you arV rheni. OXK does md womler al some of IhesO women who go into publlr life. They have- In do something to get away from themselves. THK lliinl finsor of a- girl's left hand is a pretty good in dicatinn of a girl's oullook upon I if.. HK sure yo'tiro righl then slop on tlie fas nnd nons itie Horn Jako says Hial's all Tight if you'n sincle hilt if you nro mar rie.1 you don'l Vimw thai you are right. IlKIXO aked if horseback rid- 'ng did no! she bun a headache tho polite man replied "Kinphnt iraiiy no. madam. jnt llie ro vorso. And sine lhal Hino the lady has been wondering what ho meant. OTTAWA is a long way front Hull. It Is necessary lo cross Iho river 16 ge.1 there. Hence the loneliness of Iho Ollnwn pen pi" sometimes. OXK of these, lonely sldoks broke into verso recently and Mils is what he produced: I waul a pal for a dusty (rail Thai winds through the rolling Wesl. A boh-hairod pal with a hearly hail. To join a vagabond' ipiesl. A pal who can feel the old odd Ihrill Thai comrades only can know. Who'll hold my hand 011 a wind swept vhill, hen Iho washeiUoul stars hang low; Who sing with inn when Iho moon rides lilgir A drowsy old gipsy song, And say ginnl-night as (ho coyo los cry - Willi a kiss Dial's warm and long. OH what n joyous found II is W hen n boy 'first learns lo drive Tm; Hut lis nothing compared wild I Iho sweet Mpn, puL" Thai is heard In, the spring by Iho mulorhoat mil. FATH nf speakers All remind Us , W should make our Speeches brief, And when iiiing Leave behind uh An audience that's Filled Willi g-rief. WIIKX nn tnsiirunro man mar- .jiinmtj-i Um CrKnl !hl la.lh at 'hro4gheullhnlit Knlh cl in Tlln(UndlTiinlh.k4S imrottikU. CKnl Grind lvalue. MMONBS CANtM 1IW Ml tiHwilt MBHim (.Jtks.t l. MlCr LuctlMU CmtCil a.n t.i Ten Years Ago in rilnca Kuprt j ... , Iteorge Friill comes bar .rom n trip lo Iho Bulkley Valley a most oulhtisiiislic boomer for lhal sr- Ion nf the country. Ho says thai it cannot bo properly setm from the railway and lhal many fine ranches ami promising mining properties lie bark within a short distance, lie predicts that the valley will bn supplying I'rince Itupert wilh moat ami all farm produce, at no far distant dale. Tho conned ing point on Mm western seel ion of llie ft T l. will be reached in Ion days, W. 13. ('.. Mohan, general superln- leniienl, announces. Only four- NO MORE WEAK AND DIZZY SPELLS Since She Used MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mill Rrrlti ClMrrrll. Ilecln. Si- wrllfl: "I lute Irait I lot or troubla Ulrly, lili what ilmuilit wn hnirt IrmiMc. mil iflr ny uuunuit. leUuii iwiyi rrn lies. My (liMtiir iu!iriffl t riminlri l-c.t mil rlitiiK, but till I wm tiiialiln 14 uka. I Imh'iiik iniriYiitM in Mlllitirn' lli-irl ml rve I'IIIa, if 1 nurlril Uklur Uwin. have I111W llklll Ihrm litilr n1 am miirl'i Iniprnveil I ran to alxibt my daily worn uMimiii rninr my ifir ill errrcti, have lint tiail inv ih Mtir 01111 tor siiiiio tirrte. Vrnir iiwdtetiw In d.MM! nm' niif ItihmI tlian anjllilur h ever taken, ami I mil gladly rrrcmiiiwiil Ml 1111 ni- Heart and .Hrrve rilli 10 my wiiman lio I wn md rim ilnnrt." Mii W! it Imh at all doners; .r imiiK-d -dinri mi rii,i of prim liy Thm 1. Miinurn to, uniiied, Toronto, Ont, 1.1 Health A Live Subject At Afternoon Teas 'IT is under such circumstances that Mjicri-I encts an? exchanged and women tf II one X another what treatments have been of most benefit to them. It is a pretty safe tfuess that in these tete-a-tetea no melicine is no frequently mentioned as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food anl there is a ver' Kod reason why. Any physician will tell you that most of the ailments which most bother women are are due to lowered vitality. In these days of surgical tpccialUUi the operation is too frequently the first thing recommended whereas in many cases restored vitality would enable nature to restore the natural functions to the deranged organs. lowered vitality may come from the strain of irregular hours, loss of rest and Bleep, too much excitement or 'worry. 'it may also, result from lack of proper nourishment, from overeating or from sedentary habits. When vitality runs low there is no end to the troubles that may arise and you are an rio h'e looks tils fm nis wife over and considers whet tier li.' is a good risk or not. . - - THK more corrupt the Male Iho more numerous the Iaw, I I.IKK those sort of people who the yon everything there Is in Iho well except Iho water. YOU have heanl b1muI lhal tenant who when his landlord said ho would forgot half Iho rent, replied lhal ho would gladly forgel Iho other half. And 'bus they sell led lb difllciilly. easy prey to colds, pneumonia and all sorts of germ diaeaM-s. Restorative treatment is demandwl and because Dr. Clia-se's Nerve Food has proven to be the greatest of restorative of the blor.i and nerve force is why it is so grwiUy appreciated by women everywhere. At tliis season of the year particularly, almost everybody is in need of such asm, ance as is found In Dr. Nerve Food, Put this popular restorative to the itU when you find yourxelf nervous, irritable and sleepless or nifTer from indijesf .on, headaches or tired, depressed feelings. You will soon be convinced of its merits and will realize then why so many thousands of women find a joy in telling their friends of benefit received. You will notice that while the price of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has been increased to GOc. the box now contains GO pilU uUtd of r) as formerly. . likewise Dr. Cha-se's Kidney-Iivrr IIX are 35c a box of 35 pills, instead of 25r.'far 25 pills. Hdnutuon, liaU & Co., lx Toronto. teen mile of steel remains lo be laid. William Manson. M.l'.l'. ml. drossoil 11 lUniservallve smoker lnt uiyht giving an arrount of his stewardship al the recent session of tho Ifglnlaliire. - -Tom Slovvarl. formerly of I'rince Itnperl, u to tnnnago 11 ri-opeCHlive store which U. owing started In 'IVrraro. A l'.anad';i: order-in-roiinril iWbarniig nil lal 1 -ileus Iroui Uhile-I si. 1 I British Coumbt I,..- a similar wnlr 1 illio Dili I e.1 Hlaie-dalrer from Bn' - 'enleritiK UtiUct M I...1... ' 1 1 or uninns iii-j inn' llioir Hskrl. Work on ti redi tat OllNn ha ". proposed lo give 11 jfn.i iliirieen m-ttilf seven s nl orr!-' ... h ' s or V I 1, . n 1 ' COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sail from I'rince Kupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8 CATTLE, Intermedlste Points Frldsy, 10.00 s.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, March 20, April 12 and 26 PASBEraabrt TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT 8UNDt. L Prlnen nuprrl it I pjn. for rfU.ICK OR0E, IDMOIT'U.t wi.i IX all ill hfilnli Dolnli tm... :irn r.n.,1. . i'..ih .. . : Plll'f.O. AOtNCT ALL OCKAN STIASIIMIO UNKS Clt TIclH Off, S2S TUIH A, Print Ruttrt. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouvarf Victoria and 8eattle, , March 11, 21, April 1, 11 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. , For Butedale, Swanson Bay, Cast Bella Bella, .Oc" n Falls, Namu. Alert Bay, Campbell River, andjVen-couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all 8teamshlp" Lines. Full information from HI M ABeUaDII A.h.a.l ' ' Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C, ttD. Sillinn rrwh Vrltirs nert. v . Of VANCOUVtN, VICTOHIA. 0n SwMtoS TMlldif. r- tot VANOOUVtH, VICTORIA, AUM BU. M ein !, WvrUt e ANVOIC, ALIUI AUM, STIWANT, Vtwl li. tunUt 'Sh!?., ' for posit SIMPSON and fli'ai Rita Oansarlaa, trUii A-M. aC 411 Hid AVrnoa. t. Baratllf, L frlnc ' I