Wton Yn Want A TAXI ib a hurry Fkene Beet Car and Beit Servloe In th City. Rates Reasonable 1 V()l XIV , NO, 01, ciivirr iki rnimTiim quenou oi scnuiug a ucicgitT dALYAut, 111 LUUlU ,liou lo Ottawa to urge building an elevator here wax disrussed. In It wii decided In wire Fred Stork ami Hon. T. I'. Pallullo and Hon. A. M. Manon in regard lo Ihe mailer and lo consider it furlher - early in Ihe week. The mailer Salvage 8,11,1 5.ut,(J wl" I'loltably he discussed with is riaimml hx'lhe owners. mis- Ihe city council on Monday nijrnl bus! A couunitlre coiislslin? of M. ! mitt Pfpd' il f the local hunt I'nchena from Ihe uleamer Amur in an nrllon romnienciMl In ihe Admiralty Court al Vancoiit rr l Is based on assistance rendereil the Amur when she was MrniidCd teeeiilly on While Cliff Island m ar here. Jills action has uolhiiitf to do with a separale claim of. one half or the value of the harjte and e.oal which wns beinjf lowed by the Amur when she stranded. This claim, which is considerably holier than the oilier, will be sell led mil of court il is expected. VICTORIA PROPOSING TO ERECT ELEVATOR i Talk of Forming, a Local Company at That Place to Start the Business Going VICTOIUA, March 15 A movc-'neul Is on foot hero lo form a local company lo erect an eleva tor. The chamber uf comou-rce Is takiuK Ihe mailer up and proposal has been made lha as a basis cauh member of tin' chamber should either .nliscrlle a Ihousitml dollars or el someone else In do so. If Ibis were done II wns Ihouuhl Ihero would lie lillbt dlrriciilly in financing the rest, 'Ihe Canadian National Hail-ways-would be keenly Interested mi lids movement because Ihey P. MrCaffery. Joe Scott und S. K. Cttmphcll drew up Ihe trlcRi-amx The one lo Fred Slork said there iviK ii olrmiL' i il ti il ii ill line Ilia! ileleualiou should be sent ami asking whnl was Ihe present sil-nnliou mid what would he advise in recant to il. The telegrams (olhe Provincial ministers also asked their co-op (Million ami advice. CLASHES BETWEEN LAWYERS IN P.G.E. PROBE AT VICTORIA VICTOHIA, March 15. Markci hy freiuent and strenuous clashes between opposing counsel am chart's I lint the. Provincial Parly lavyers -were misrepresent injr farls. the p.tl.C. investiga tion yesterday plunged into mass if technical evidence on the 'charge I lint Ihe government wrongfully paid 5 1,000 lo the .Northern Construction Company for certain Pacific Oreal Kiislern const fuel ion work. TURKEY RESUMES RELATIONS WITH HUNGARY REPUBLIC . .O.MON March 15. A Constantinople despatch says (hat have tin, hg- docks practically ,lhe Turkish assembly at Angora Idle here now and Ihe erection of, passed by ncclamallon a treaty of an elevator would make them, useful. The city, loo, would aid Ihe lnuvcinenl. amity with Hungary under which diplomatic relations wilh that couvirv are lo bo resumed. The Latest In Restaurants. j 8(p I jT?r BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. market. Ami whereas the natural I rend of wheal shipments from that valley wiiuhLbc via Ihe Pacific, on account of il proximity and pen all the yenr round ports. "And whereas Ihe Canadian Na tional Hallway is in great need of branch line feeders for lis main artery'. rherefore Ihe Prince Kupcrt Hoard of Trade requests thai a branch line in a westerly direction from Ihe Peace Hiver block hi) constructed lo ;couuecl. with the Canadian National dlailway iu Ilrilish Columbia al the most ailvaulaueous point to serve economically that portion of the Peace Hiver valley." CANNERY AT TUCKS PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIIIXCK HI." PHI IT, 11.(1, SATIHUAY, MAHCII 15, l2i. INLET TO OPERATE Announcement Made That Plant Is to Run In Spite of New Regulations Announcement Is made Dial tho Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. has decided to operate lis salmon cannery at Tucks Inlet (his summer. There had been a question as lo wliellicr il would be advisable In operale Ihe plant owing to Ihe regulations pcrmi! ting gas uoai risiung dial are coming into effect this year THIEPVAL AT YAKUTAT Establishes .Supply Depot for Aviators and Leaving Tomorrow for Chlgnak. COIUKIVA, March 15. Pre parallons were nviule yesterday at vakatat, southeastern Alaska for a supply depot for Hritlsh aviaiors, who attempt to encircle the globe. The steamer Thlcpvnl will leave tomorrow for UhjgnaX. Hy means of the new machin ery which has J een ynslalled, ; Mr. Nieholls staled that the ice in fuliire produced by Ihe r-om-ft pany will be clear, transparent.! solid and hard and Will last twice as long as before. The new system eliminates discoloration and; defects caused through air being' taken in during Ihe process of fircjimr seven TWO WESTERN HOCKEY TEAMS PLAY IN EAST Vancouver and Calgary are to be Contestants for tho Stanley Cup WINNII'F.O. March 15. Hoth Vancouver and Calgary hockey teams will play in the Stanley Cup championship in Montreal. I.esler Patrick, president of Ihe coast league slated loday. A game will be played here tonight nnd Ihe winner will play the Cana- liens Tuesday night. HOSPITAL IS BUSY PLACE AT PRESENT Ihe second (ladles.) floor is almost full, all private ami sem'i- YtiUrdar't Circulation 1592 This remarkable air -iev hows he lal of Harry P Sinclair, on king, al Great Neck, I..I. Mr. Sinclair has returned from Kurope lo far ' senate mvcsligaliou cotnmillee on oil leap disclosures. URGE THAT RAILWAY dd k kiru dc Dim t th Better Ice and Bait Here Than PEACE RIVER FROM B.C. t,vet Before Says Controller of The rouncil of Ihe Hoard of I'rade yesterday approved a re volution brought in by Hie Trade nn.l i j int tit t t ri ttti in i 1 1 ca rif I lin i . . .. Ikiunl ot trail" in reani m ine local altitude lo Ihe Hrulc branch railway. The resolution reads as follows. . "Whereas Hie Peace Hiver Val ley hi Ilrilish Columbia is one of I New Cold Storage Co. in an Interview Willi a liirir PAHIS. March 15. The Senate today adopted the section oT Pivmier I'oin-cate's reform measures which provides for a Iwenly per cent increase in French laxes. FISH ARRIVALS Boats Marketed Catches Totalling 184,500 "Pounds at Exchange today , 1 - II Lk I 1 1 Onlv Three Beds Not Occuoled l-q-e. poimos, a. mi. on Socond Floor Devoted to piargaiice. ,;oo pounus ai u.c Women nl,d 0c. to the Atlin Fisheries. The Oeueral Hospilal is a very OFFICIAL APPOINTMENT Olisy lliu K jusi iiiiw urconioiK lo report received from Ihe institution loday. privalc wards being occupied l(.futIsL labor member of pallia S'.ttt ! 42 Dest of Food Good Service. Private Boxes for Parly Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. LAPOINTE ATTACKS LEADER OF OPPOSmON EARTHQUAKE SHOCK IS FELT IN ENGLAND AND RECORDED AT VICTORIA Earnest Lapointe Flays Arthur Meighen for his Gospel of Gloom Tour OTTAWA, .March 1 7. lit tlie lluiise ol Commons yesterday Krnrsl Lapointe, niiinli'r of justice, answering critirisuf of Arthur Meighcn, oiMjMlii)ii leader, tnnde during a speaking lour during (ho summer, tuil I lie Conservative campaign was a "cur-iiivol of iiiirepreeiitalinii," and Hie sKech of Mr. Meighcn on 1 lie address in rrl lo I lie speech from (he Ihroue had been filled Willi dismay and IjiI terne. Spreading tin' gospel of gloom and vhijrs of death lliroiigliuiit the rounlry liad been Mr. Mcighc-u's occupation dur- 1 1 1 1 -: ,ing recess, lie said. Apparently SAMITE DFMfT AM !Mr Meinheu as ''.' to make LUWrijliLnLt UIl " a ,li"icu" o w"IWc f'r the present government (o clean up I A DAD RJI ATTCnCJ ''r liaitl.v mudillc-t and nw)ie" LADUK lYlAi 1D10 H. l. I.a.l Lee,, ,,,ir legacy from their predecessors in office. Mr. I.aioinle denied thai Carta-Deputy Minister McNIven Re- J,-,, !,. WPre hinder than those turns From Meeting In Ed- f nnj. other portion of the F.m-monton and Tells of pirr and closed with an appeal Outcome . r0r iihIioiihI jinily. 1 It i understood that an ar- VH'IOltlA, March 15.- I.ahor ranjirmcnt has been reached by siqqdirs Tor western Industrie u, three parly whip that a dl-wtll Iw handled on a nriich more . on ,,all he reached on Tues-olfartry basis than ever hf-'.lny uIkIiI and it is staled in fore a a result of a conference Coii-frvalive circles that no fur-bHwcen lalmr official of. the Hier amendment to the address gitvemuilnl of Hriiish Columbia. ,e moved. AIIntU. Saskatchewan and Man itoba oi tUlnimiton this wck. J II, MrNivcn. deputy minister labor, returhed from lUliuonton yelrrdsy ami reported that new basis of ro-opcrullnii he. I ween Ihe four province in labor inatlrr would be the chief outcome of the ronferenre. LOCAL BOAT CLAIMS Action for $5,000 Started Vancouver- Second Claim Likely to be Settled Out of Court ii CONSIDER SENDING DELEGATION OTTAWA Council of Board of Trade Took First Steps Toward Local Action on Elevator M the nici'liiifi of the council of the Heard of Trade yesterday Council of Board of Trade Ap proves Resolution Ordered Drawn by General Meeting Earthquake in England i Startles People in the Cambridgeshire County i ' LO.MjON, March I.'i An earlh Iremor of sufficient violence lo overturn light furniture accompanied by a rumbling noise sbirlled Ihe villager of lluddcnhum, Cambridgeshire, this ui(orn-ing. Seismologists here have no record of the niuvemeiit. WASlllNCT.ON, March 15. An earthquake was recorded' here early this morning. It wns rnlhcr pronounced and in esti-tirated to have been at a distance of 5,1)00 miles. : VICTORIA, March 15. A severe earthquake was recorded al tionzales Hill Observatory early this morning. The shock continued for Iwo hours, The centre was estimated to be 4,000 miles away in the vicinity of Japan, South Kamcliulka .or in the Panama vicinity. LOWER PRICES FOR TR A IN RI nWN CANNING SALMON Packers Issue List of Rates go Into Effect This Year V.OCOLVKH. Marcli 15. stork of fine hcrrimr bail which will fill .le. canned salmon section of to; The the iiimniu i..p dm nniin. knu.iiii unit nnirli imi.ri.vi.il .im.iiiv i.r (asadiau Manufacturers Associ being turtied oul us a result of new machinery installation which a"0" l0,lay ,!"'ue,, l,,e iyiX i,ricc" has just been completed, the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. tor raw salmon caught with sill- kill be in a position this vear to provide halibut rishermen with a In "Strict .No. 2, usually exvice than company, slated (hi , everuietore, j..v. .mchoiis, controller oi tnc mr .'nr. lis morning' in an interview wilh the I)ailvr The pre-ent depressed condl The herring run this vears past. .Mr. .Mcliolls winlvr has said.; ' inj.lti.iil nml lifpnusi. f if lint fart iT the mo.l fertile sections f lhcj(ia( a Knat ir.aV n( ,,. fjt ,,a; Iiomtniou. especially auapieu io , eau..u, i ii. liri,,ir Veryi wheat arowiiijr. L,)iM, o ,,M. ,a u Uiiii Wild whereas the settleuu-nt or1,,,,.,, . . Iir , ... itl.ti.r 4 II, al valley Is retarded by lafk ; of j(.ffl .r wiiitr have now .!.- railway iraiispor, .,, .,, .,, , but '"al,lt.alt., froin the harbor are and selllers already locale,! there . il( cauhl ouMe are-being forced to leave on ac count of the inaccessibility to ! itioii of the salmon market rRUM BRIDGE Many Killed and Injured on In dian Railway When Tornado Comes up Suddenly IiKLllt. India, March 15. -From forty to fifly natives are believed km&daml.iaota J.han fifty InJureiT unrT'aKuropean with as a result of a tornado striking been belter than Tor munv Prices ror canned snekeye salmonla mixe.l (rain i on the lloliilkaniJ- - -- at less llian Ihe cost of packing Hamanun railwiy. The train Ihe sire and nualily has been cx-l has uecessilaled. a reduction on was crossmsr a bridge near TWENTY-PER CENT. INCREASE TAXES IN FRANCE ADOPTED 4 last year s prices Tor raw risll. naruiuy anu live carna;.-c were The canners slate llial llojy arc blown over. packing al tfrices that show no' 4 return, hut are packing in the Vfil IINTPFR TITTP HFRF A I,,..... Il.nl W.na in I ho for- I VUUM 1 UUW liklUi eign markets will improve. At present nliuost no sockeye is bc-4 ing sold in the Uniled Kingdom, (he cheap Siberian product liuv-4 ing caidured lliat market. The 4 fall of (he franc in France and 4 Kelgium, the chief markets for H.C. cheap fish, has- practically which has no preretit indications of improvement. It is anticipated thai there will be less gear in the waters of Dis- V. II. 1 tnr 11... ' '..J.. .iii'.. ' n. furnla. she will I UIIIMIS lllv llllUllfk UUHU I'll VII V i i i i i Halibut arrivals al Hie Fisl.number oT boats in an endeavor.1"'" - Fxcbange this uiorniug (olidled lo effect a saving on equipment. Ht.5()U imunds Ihree Americanj The prices as issued by Ihe ALIMONY IS ORDERED Poals taniliiig lou.uuu ioumis canners are as roitows and four Canadians, 21,500 pounds. Arrivjils and sales: American l.ilicily. 15,000 pounds, at 12c and Se, lo Ihe Pacific Fisheries. llelgcland, 85,000 pounds, ut 12c ami 0c, lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Majestic. 30.000 pounds, al 13.1c and Ce, lo Uk Atlin Fish, erics. Canadian Alii. 8,000 pounds, and M. M. Christopher. 10,000 pounds, al 12c and Co, to the Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co. Sockeye .( Cdioes and White Springs . . . lied Springs, lh. . Hed Springs, over Hi lb., each Pinks Chums liulrtH-iuirut Cinnrry our. 3ic 22c 15c 5V4 85c le KNOCKOUT MAN IS Ur. 22 Ke- toe 3V4c 50c MONDAY TO LOAD ORE Will Take 500 Tons of Duthla Mine Product to Smelter at Selby, California C.O.M.M. steamer Canadian I J.....I I.. I... XI. i put an end to any big shipments 1 " ' 2 u France and packers are rather " TL ' MtJ IIMI 111 i..iiiiii iiiiiit; Ulli l"t Ihe smeller at Selby, California, .Providing she arrives on time, . she should gel away Monday night or early 'Tuesday morning.. Coming direct here from Call- call at Ocean PAID BY LOCAL MAN VANCOIVF.H, Marcli 13. W11--Ham (ioldbloom, fur dealer of Prince llupert, was directed yesterday by Mr. Justice .Murphy to. pay alimony amounting lo $100; u mouth to his wife, Hachael' 2 V4c (ioldbloom of Vancouver, who U. 3o jpelitioning for a dissolulioif of ttlieir marriage which took placo iu Winnipeg 12 years ago. The order for alimony was GIVEN OWN MEDICINE,;;;?;;; S'S' '&rS Paul Berlenbach Goes Down In Fourth Round' Before Jack Delaney NF.W YOHK, March 13. The ami only three beds being left in.menl. as Lord High Commissioner FRFNPH QFKIATF 1Q Ihe surgical ward. . Oilier do. Iarltnenls of (he hospital are also very nearly full. . BIRTH A son was born at Ihe Prince Hupert General . Hospital on March U, to Rev. nnd Mrs. 0, (1 Hacker ... .... ... .. ..r O...H ... .. "vii uumiu IV III IHU l.llllllll OI CUUllUOIl IS Ul' ficially announced, TODAY'S EXCHANGE Sterling, ?U3W. Iloug Kong, 52.75. United States 3 15-32 II.MUC pre- BEHIND POINCARE PAHIS, March 15 The Senate last night gave' a vote of confidence lo Poincare on the question of granting Ihe government au- I hnpll v In I jaiin iiAfinnAS ItiA vnln iivi 1 1 j i j -s j ; urv, i n s ii V wiv Ii st.Mdi'ij !5i to til the action. CHANGE ANNOUNCED IN ISLAND SERVICE sensational knocko.ut slreak of Paul Hurlenbach, middlcweiglil Prince John Will Arrive From the 1 A...l.l ln..l ..ll.l I... . .. -. . ' . . .. AP Utrtl rrtUMICCinUCD 1 n"ir" i-n n, soum on i nursaaya ana sail Uf nlUn tUlTimiOOlUnLn was knocked out lii the fourth 0n Saturdays round or a spectacular twelve LONDON, March 15 The ap-round match by Jack Delaney; of poinlmenl of James. Drown, o-i"ridgeporl. A change in the scliedulo of the Uii eon Charlotte Island service performed hy the steamer Prince John i( announced at the C.N.H. .office today. Effective Marcli 27, the vessel will arrive here from, the soulli via tho Islands on nltenliite Thursdays ami will sail on her return south on alternate Saturdays. The next arrival of the sleamcr will be on Thursday, March 27, and I lie next deparlure. Saturday, March 2V.