PAdKTWO. THE JJhX NRW8 Tuesday, 'Aprrr '.; Irtit, The Daily News y PHIiNCR RUPERT- RRITISII COLUMRIA. Tfce Man n the Meto ( . SAYS:- j PuMiMiofl .Every Afternoon, ecspt Sunday, Die Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. HKAVKX is a place when '. . II. I PUI.I.KN, Managing Kditor. lUMKlibors never borrow tnnlrhes. Mi W$ , IZt tRQDIBTI AH navro. wwHuwiiiriivn rm i toi Cily 'Delivery, ly rmiil or carrier, per month $1 00 Hy mnil to, all parts of the British Umpire and the United mates, in advance, per year . . $0.(o til tVv "iner countries, in nuvanr.e, per year , ., $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . , .$1.40 per inch per insertion ........ .r.H.n .in i linn i-gc.. . per men Local Ho."lilirs np incorllnn of. -..I ! . ni'f ' ... .i. , . . rir, per - line . . . (.lassinod Advertising per insertion 2o per word Legal Notices, each insertion. ...... Vl I, .. .15c per- nirale line i.iiiiuiiH Minn cm application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 ; I . Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All, advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. ' liAII.Y EDITION Thought Messages Across The Sea. in i i Made in CANADA taw i noauU 3ip Tuesday. April t, 1021. l)osp;drhrs 10 southern, papers lell of plans lit seitd.'llioiiglit messages across the sea. , Harvard University is taking the mat ler tin anil already lui hadsome surevss in sending" mosaic fio:li iiije castciTucily lo another. The 'Vancouver Province draws oHenljoii to Hie Tact that Archbishop Du Vernet of this city liad . been viiinliictiug, experiments in this little understood field and had achiovrd notable results in sending thought emanations a distaifcu of "over 500 miles. ..j- Arrival of Fliers v . . . Is Sly Event. ' . j-" . . The arrival of the American fliers this'w'eekiwill be a big event suit! doubtless most local neoole will I ! 31 II Y ii at ' Ilk wl I - ...... . - v- awn-- hf .-V. them. It is also understood that movie men will be taking picture aii ineir arrival ami it woum lie well for a good showing ..f ......I. I.. I... l .... . . . " ii'i--iuiur iu uc niiiuc. .vs soon as worn is received here or their leaving henltle, which it is said may bj on Wednesday, the news will be bulletined at various points iii town, including Hp; newspaper offices, and that will give people an opportunity ' to .trot i ill I lit view lh fliirlil jiVihiiuI lln il- lliu loi..l;..rr . ' - O ' Mll'l HIV lll.g. Hie landing will be near Heal Cove, a great mauv people will go ii....... . . .. i it. Liu i. il. . i . . . . r in:n- ur m im' ii i n muiiiMiMiig me covi iii oriier to waicn the birdmcn alight. It will be rather a spectacular event to most local people. " r . . - Qreaterv Activity Ori Oueer. Charlottes. - " '- Activity on Queen Charlptle Islands iV reported from linie to lime and this is sleadilv incrcasm?. Tim l.itr mill ni ii..r.uv ay is. vncreasiug its ootput and at other points burcriiic- and- mining going on. The black sands near Massetl are being cspenmenieo on wjiii a-view io extracting the gobl.-Thefe sand contain irftld Iii fia vlnir iTrfanllliPs Trir..'Jin1,l T.o J..l i, TTir r - - -T t;- - a o -i . . ... lwuiu k- -mi u, i nr nil fiCJllty is that it is so fine that il is verv difficult lo spn:ir.nli il from the sand and to do it cheaply enoiish for the operation lo pay. Some day this will be done and then there will be a .big industry there, for there is any quantity of the sand. Too Early Yet To Comment on P.G.E. It is too early yet io coinnienl on the P.O.B. investigation. The commissioner who is a judse of supreme court of- British Columbia and absolutely independent of the provincial government or of any other government will give his report soon, hi the-meantime the only thing we. know is that so far as the public is concerned the investigation fell flat and they are little concerned in what the report will be. It is understood that the Mcllae adherents complain that the newspaper did nut give it enough of the right kind of pub-rIinty. S hat they would have liked would have been report-Wliu'h would emphasize their side and minimize the other Hut tli0rncyspapers wilh a Tew minor exceptions are not doing that a!'V I'r'l: .T"cy i,re glvi" U"' liews "I" bolh sides as far as possible. If M. llae and Topper aipl Ihe others had made the charges s M-k. Hie newspapers would have shouted it hmd enough in I k, 7H'"'. Hut they failed, judging by reports sent oul and by Ihe disappointment evinced by the lenders uf the third partv Magic Baking Powder b scientifically made and has never failed to give the maximum leavening efficiency. Because of this and the uniformly satisfactory results obtained by its use, we recommend it as Canada's perfect baking powder. t W. Goutt Company Umjtto TOUONTO - I1CWTMAV TIIKIIK was -i time when neo- ple had liltlu money at the ih- Kinninjr of lh inimlli luil now Krantoplioni records conic oul jusl Hum) ami the result is fatal. Til Kill? have heeif-sewral eitU demies in lliis cily during llie early sprint,'. There hns.heen measles, flu, briilire, and sli-rlil atlaeks it(f badminton and. fallen arches. . I'ATTI.W. a man on I be hark is liable to make, his htad swells ""' TIIKHK are a vood nian Ihinirs to lie thankful for.. Think what a world Ibis would have Ihm'ii if born rhtiuicil spectacles bail really become (be vogue. - IT i said Hint money lalks bill' if il does iUsliuill.l he Tim-sled for the kind ; of . language "l ' uses. ab are wulchintf for tin' planus The acroplaiiPv Nicy'll he here .miiiii mil rains . I'onr aeroplanes I I'o see them we will all' turn niTi. 'Twill he a sifrht, Ihere is iki dnubt it And as Ibey land shout weiiHsliall ' Welcome aeroplane's. A l.tlf if people slick lliein noses iulo ihis newspaier busi ness, , Jiiil you neer see I hem ilo that wilh Ihe. ferljlizer business. - AT a dance Ihe girls were all labelled and Hie men on urrivbv had lo take them from the ties' rriplion. There were hlue eyes, bohhed hair, red hair, auburu looks, curly fringe, old maid's lick, Ihe girl in while, Ihe freckled jirl, the girl wilh Ihe gnhlei eyehrows, and all the resl etcetera just like Hie meals on a hill of fare. One old grizzly veteran of many matrimonial scandal" looked over the lisi mid remarked: "Mring me the whole Maine.! bill uf fare." V IF money , lalks Jake wants In know what il says when il s sunk in one of lliose dry holn Ibey call oil wells. CHII.OItKN are, ihe coupons cni from Hie bonds of DHKSSKS gel old Friends hcpnmg cold I Hi : wearing a smile Is never oul of style. SO.MF people leal and are sent lo jail while others uevor pay their debts and look down wilh contempt on those of us who live in grub slree!. Ten Years Ago j In Pi lnc Ruprt April 1, 1914. A banquet In which enthusiasm and palriollsm were noticeable failures marked Hie formal dis bandinenl of Hie Karl irey's Own Iliilles last nlslit. Ollieers and men were all present and (lier were many expressions of rii,iel al the decision of the govern meat to lerminalo the aclivilie if Hie rettiineni. The speakers included Oapt. Slork and l.ieut S. I'. McMordie. . II. 0. Ilrewster and John Olier are due in Hie cily Ihis week io Ihe course of a speakinpr lour Ibey are now on I heir way up the coast ami will fro from herv to Hie interior. - William .Manson, M.P.P. ex-presses appreciation wilh Ho' manner in which the two local Conservative ortrans discuss Is sues of Hie day. TERRACE NOTES The Misses James nf tJsk and Miss Marshall of llanall were visitors lo town on Sal unlay. Hilly Doiuibl is laking'over Hie cookliouse a) Hie mill. Mr. ami Mrs. Swan who hav been in charge of II Ibis Winter have tfone back lo their ranch. Miss J'ower and Miss IMdi went up o Pacific Friday evening lo attend the 'dance given In the Hotel there in aid of Hie llazellou Hospital;. Jimmy l.ever and 'llilly lionnld were anions,' the men from Ter- race to alleml the dance. , Mrs. ook teturned recently from Prince llupert much lni-proed in health. Mrs. T. J. Marsh s(cnl a. coujile nf days wilh Mrs. il. .Y. Wilson at llemo Ihis week. PRINCE GEORGE The tax rale for the year l'J2l has been se at HQ mills hy Hie cily council. This is Hie same rale as was imposed last year. The Sons llf Cnnnihi In.... second vice-president. J. fi. Juinn; Ireasurer, It. W. MacLeod; secretary, F. J. Shearer: chaplain, H. It. Itenwick; ser-tteanl-Hl-arms, A. M. I'allerson: inside p-iiard, K. Thompson; tlul- side truard, A, McMillan. 1 lie directors of Hie Prince fieorKO Agricultural & Industrial Association have elected Hie fo lowlntr ofllcers Tor the year: Pre-sidenf, II. J. Illaekbiirn: vice-nie- sident, William I.nckyer: secre tary, F. t. Taylor; treasurer, A. Doutdas; assistant treasurer. M K. Ilariier; auditor. Cporu-p w. lenwick. the dales for Hie fair Ihis year have been selected as September i and a. Hon. A, M. Manson. attorney. Heneral, reached her a Hie end of die week aecomnanieil from Kndako by II. (I. Perry, M.I..A, President Wilson of Iher Prince (leortjc. Hoard of Trade has' naih-ed the followhii,' foinmillreij for the Hr: FinmiCe ' Jones, (J. A. Pyn and Mayor Alwanlr roads. C. I'. Heykin. A-.'-JI; Motrall and i love that hcvafDics First Comes Safety Two forms of Investment you can safely buy "on faith," they are Government Bonds and Life Insurance. Every dollar invested by a life insurance company must be reported to the Government at Ottawa. In every public library or life insurance office you may sec the Government Report which gives a list of the securities owned by each company. Government inspection, plus good management, makes an investment in life insurance safe. . Life insurance should be the foundation of every Estate, and if you have not enough, you should at once consult a life insurance man. "Better be sure than sorry." Life Insurance Service (j. II. Williams; advertising nii'ij publicity. NV. I.. Arnislronjr. It. , j Itenwick anil .1. II. Johnson; nfcr! eiillurc. It. J. Illacklrtirn. .1. .W man mid Karl Anderson; liuiiio . II. (i. I'erry, M.I..A, M. s; Caln and Al. Johnson: enterlalrinienl. A. Mcll. Younif, T. (Jtrir. "V. .1 Pilmaii. J. O. Wilson anil W'il-liaiit Itexon. GENERAL HOSPITAL TO GET 60C PER CAPITA City Council to Pay on Sam Rate In 1924 as Was In Forca Last Year A report from Ihe finance com mil lee reeoininendintf that a per capila trrant of (Hie for all pa 1 fonts domiciled in llrllisli Col. ',nh,, "' lM'''' ITine Hll ed Ihe following nm, t... .!. yeari Presidenl. If II r.n,v. I""'"' ,!,'"ral Hospital during Hie first vice-nresidenl. A. !" c.r,,,'-?'ar ,ns' alPlt by Hu ' ,ih:i.. '. I ...... i i . ... . . ciij- i-iiuinii ihhi infill wiinoiu discussion. This is Ihe sanie rale as was paid last year. When you buy advertising yon buy CIRCULATION, and new thai C0ULDN7 SLEEP HEART WAS BAD NERVES A WRECK Mr. II, A. KH1, Ipis-r MuwiufKloliolt. .n.s., wrii:-"i am ry liiiiikmi t tlw Ix-iirnt I liive rerHvN hy uln( Mil-lium' lletrt ami Aerve I'llln. WUr.a f-aiw jij(u fixua ovfrM, lu into, my heart a vrry badly arri-rln ny ronriii,ii, ami my hrrvrf were a Iri-adfiil wrerk, I wai vry tlMiri wlmlcil. ami roiii, not iMMflhly tltwn at nlttit. in fart, 1 waa In aurh a rendition I frit an lr I did nm wlh anyone to Mak lo tne. tliotiirlit I would try unburn' in-art ami Vrve I'llln, and Ix-fere 1 hart laknn Iwo Isitra rould rlil.iy a ihkI iilrhl' ml s a anyone, Tlwr ar U i.t reiurnul awn who are aiirferliiir the nam a ni,, and I feel ure tint if ihey would only try Mil- huni'a heart and ,erre Mil they will re. elv the nine relief that I have." rrlee io a boa al all dialer, nr mailed dirwt on receipt ct prim by Tlia r. Mlluuril Co LUnlld. Toronto. Ont. wBm .f. ii I 1 f . Win Her Af f eqtions A BOXIOF Purdy's Candy WILL DO IT The Autocrat of tie Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY 01 A Toolhome (Might in a (leant Sole Agents: All All Price THE THEATRE il llox. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Vi. Third Avenue. WE SH CHEQUES. 7 "Electric" BREAD fm Iniitt upon it 4 your Grocer