FAOI FOWHV SPECIALS Ladles op Growing Girls' Velvet Slippers .Ml sizes nt $2.75. Ladles' or Growing Girls'. ' Patent Oxfords f.ow or medium heel $5.75. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For TickcU, Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic ! Bread Hrcad is your best food. Kat more of it. Kept by the lending grocers. La Casse Bakery i Ph6ne 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar food Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. , Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME, FROM HOME. MQCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Stenm Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates, by Day or .Month P.O. Box 75. Phone M8. ' " - - BRINGING UP FATHER HEY' FOR THE LOVE OP MIKPi WHAT 5 ALL. THE BUCKET. WOERSON? l CITY HEALTH BYLAW IS BEING AMENDED Poultry and Stock Cannot be Kept Within 25 Feet of Dweillno Goats Provided for tell have Aii amendment In the city .health liylaw In govern Ihe keep with ing of nals was introduced and fare given its firsl readings al last not nighl's council .meeting. II provides dial no poultry or slock may be kepi, within 25 foot ofb'' any building Formerly Ihe limit Wits 20 feel hut goals were not provided for. In answer lo a and question by Aid..' OollnrI, Oily I Solicitor Jones staled that anolher section ilf the bylaw for- hop iiid (he Weeping of swine anywhere the within the fire limits. Some of only (he aldermen were doubtful if the amendment would cover the complaint in point satisfactorily but it was the concensus of.opin- ion that it was the medical health officer's duly lo lake action if any nuisances arose regardless r of their proximity lo dwellings, MARCH WAS FINE . t MONTH IN RUEERT Very Satisfactory Weather Report the Is Issued Today by Dominion Meteorologist A very satisfactory wealher re port foe the month of March bowing more sunshine and less rainfall llian usual for that mouth is submitted by II. O. on Orew, Dominion meleorolngisl. The figures are as fidlows: Mean lemperalure, SI. 4. Maximum lemperalure, on March 23. Minimum; temperature, 22 on March 211. (lain fall. 5 inches. Snowfall, 5 inches. Tolal precipitation, 5'4 inches. Total hours of bright sunshine, I 120. RAMSAY MACDONALD WILLING TO RESIGN SOON AS NOT WANTED Impresses American Correspon' dents as Delightfully Democratic and Affable LONDON, April t. F.ngland probably never had a prime mill isler who appealed so tiuiversnlly to he instincts of Immunity or who so nearly met the popular conception 'of "a man of Ihe people as Hamsay Mnrdonald lleared irt humblest circum stances, the m'an who now directs the destinies of a greal empire has insisted, even in his present exalled position, oh following rigidly the simple life nnd ex eluding all social or official os tentation. American correspondents who were privileged lo have nn hour' Inlk willi Ihe premier recently. found him delighl fully ilemn eratie. affable, anil outspoken Wears Brogues Silling al a suvill flat top des in Ihe foreign office, Ihe premier ClVtMC A M031CAIE. I 1-5- , SIR j a .j BAD BLOOD PIMPLES AND BOILS Banished By BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ! MiM Irrne a. M...h,ws. suyrnir. on.. writes: thoiiRhi l wouM writ nut you of the eporlenr ami benefit I derived from Rurdurk Mnmh Blltra. Some few month ago I wa troubled liad blood whli-h brokn out on rny In Ihe nature of pimple, boll and rlnir-worni. and I (rut hi bad 1 really did know what to do. I was abained to ra anywhere, and the Itching and burning raued aiirb a terrl- len,l",f"1 ' eould ret no relief day of1 IUKIK. One day a friend advl.oed me to ue Burdnrk Blood Bitter. I II wl one bottle felt l"iie a relief, and by the time had taken 3 holtlM I was completely relieved. I cannot praise B.B.n, enough and I anyone affllrled like I was will ret Hnu benefit I received." BuroVwk Blood Bitters Is rnanufartured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. wjih his finely shaped head, strongly delineated face. kindly eye, ami great wealth of hair, presented a picture reminiscent t,se of Lincoln in Ihe Civil war days, lie was atlired in Ihe conventional home-spun sack tlrz? ZH Si I .11 lllll ntonn --, . spacious wen-worn orogues. "II seems to me all wrong," premier drawled in his broadest Seidell, "for a man to expect a large salary and oilier emoluments and privileges upon entering public, office. "I would be perfectly happy to resume my former private life, an income of (no or 500 pounds a year. .My idea of a man who served his country wxill, is one who leaves office poorer llian hen he enlered it. Opposes Extravagance "It if a greal mistake lo make public service an axeniie for an extravagant mode of life. Vheneer the spirit of Ihe HrTtish people indicates I am no longer wanted as primp minister, am quite ready lo go hark In my porridge, potatoes, and' plainness as simple citizen." COL MCMORDIE WINS HIS BILLIARD GAME F. Aldrldne Eliminated from In dividual Competition Last Night Score 500 to 281 Col. S. P. McMordie defeated F. Aldridge in last nighl's bil liard tournHinent by a score of r.00 lo 28! thus eliminating Ihe laler from Hie cily Individual championship competition. Th game was a ralher flukey affair and neither men were, playing in Ihe best of form. Hot h players missed many easy ones hut made up in a measure for (heir misses with flukes. The high break of the evening. 13 made by Col. McMordie, slarl- ed with a lluke iu-olf Ihe red. Another (hike was made wilh tin polling of Hip white for Ihe Id con nl. and Hie balance .of the colonel's run was mado by eight in-olTs Ihe red wilh Ilia while olT Ihe (able. Aldridgc's high break was 17. There were 101 innings wilh MACDONALD'S Elite Git 5 MRf. JIGGS IS For those Smokr who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Fine Cut Yzb. tin80 TBI DAILY. ICIW& Tile-day, April t M;'4, (tmisisa fime how IfUn f f yTZIT DE-DO! CAN'T V NOW GIRLS'. P4 4 P?50L EVEN TAKE T I PATENT nMrEMORFJ A MAP IN ONCE MOKE. tJJJ- UCA.THER 11 mi average for Col. MoMordle of 1.8 ami for Alilrii! -i nl '2 .7. 'l'lii ,,M, "f,1,c tfa,", w, ,vv,, hmtr ami inree nnntilos. Owing In Ihe illness of C.eorgo .Mcllmnvle n cliiin-rn hi. lumn ' I'10 n 'ed.ile ,.f gnmes.j ""'l'! f Mellmoyle and O. Hal-f agno playing their first round game tomorrow night, Art F-issonj aiftl. YV. Hutchinson, who had' oyp in hip uraw. win meel in ihe . spcuiul round, Mcllmoyle nnd Italaguo playing a week hence on the night originally scheduled far Kasson and Mtilchiusnn. f ( Sport Chat j a- The J'rince ionise I'oiinis Club has been reorganized foi Ihe summer with the fiillouiii) oltlcers: Honorary Presidenl. H. Wilson; president. J. (). Wilson; secretary, Vincent (iiles. Ilesides Ihe Wilson Cup. significant of cily championship, two more trophies are. Jn be conlesled for Ibis year one foi Ihe ladies Ihe other fin- Ihe men. Handicap will be set for Ihe competitions. r .Vol only in' Prince Ituperl but in various other towns of the northern and central districts, preparations ale alreo ,'y under way lor uthlelie activities during the coming summer. Universally winder sports have given place 1i planning for I lie outdoor sea. .on. Central alhlelic organizations and club for Ihe various lines of sports are being organized nl inanr points. Those who are closely in touch willi Ihe Inlanders and llyros. who will compele in Ihe opening baseball game of Ihe season nexl Sunday, note that Ihe assuraiU' carried recently by the rival fne. lions .is last diminishing. The days and hours between now nnd Ihe big fracas are being anxious ly counted and, while holh sides Ail I doublless retain I heir hope and courage In .the! 'end, it Is apparent Dial lliey are rapidly de veloping a degree of respect for cueli other. Judging from Ihe reputed tnerils of eilhcr side, it looks as if il will be unynly's ild ball game. Member of Ihe Inlander are somewhat puffed 'up over Ihe fact I hal holh winners of championship cups in the lladmintou louriiaiopnl this week were mem bers of lharinstitulinii. A num ber of members are Interested ill various kinds of sporl. .ow I hey are looking forward lo base ball uinl tennis in which they are likely lo be heard from favorably. Hob Harllell. wlio woo Ihe men's singles championship al Had minion, is illso n good basketball player. Winter racing in Hie Old Country Ibis year has, been marked by an 'unprecedenle number of fnlalitles oer hurd les ami sleeplechasing due h slippery ground ufler overnight frosls. During a recenl perio of J8 days, eleven horses were killed while participating in vat ions meetings, one being I lie steeplechaser " Southampton ' i II I III M m Vk Lb. -15 Daily News Classified Ads., 2 CENTS PER WOKO IN ADVANCE. Nu Advtrtlamnt Taknn for Lr Ihnn fJOir UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE al "..'to p.m. Thursday. April 3. We have been in- slrttcled by owner, who is leaving town, lo sell by publi auction without re- serve at 8i$ Third Ave. Wesl the following High Grade Household Furniture: three upholstered chairs, mahogany ami walnut 4 cabinets, jardinieres, bra ami china, parlor rhuirs, centre settee. folding lnils, clothe closets, rug and rarpels of all deserip- lions, electric lamps, elee- Iric sloves and healers. . hall ciirpels. lnir ettrpets, mahogany and walnut dressers, dressing tables and ciiilToiiicre. ol iwiuil- ings and wall pictures, iiullresses. blankets and quills of every deserip-. lion, walnut library tuhle, blinds, curtains, chairs uinl a I.AIllii: ulaxhty (IF IIOLSKIIOLJl liOOIl.S too ml'mkiull's to mkx- iion. Prince llupert Exchange, Aucllnncivs. '.i i WANTED W ANT F.I L - To buy direcl in sulall lols rum risiiermeii or shippers, while-mealed Chinook Salmon and oilier good Cheap, fish lo iiilroditcc to I'.asiern consumers, (live all in formal ion possible regarding supply, prices, routes jiihI rales. Odell Co. Syracue, N.Y. WAXTKD. Pen of rt lo 10 lllaek Minorca or Hlue Ahdaluslans (tin disease on premisesU llooni 12, Oyer Apartments WANtF.D. First class net and tally man for Skeemi lliver cannery. Oive refl-rences lo jbiX 171, Daily News Office. WAN 1 KD. Miriillure of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince llupert F.xchange. Auctioneers. Phone 052. STftONO HOY wanted lo deliver groceries. Apply' Linzey' (Iroi-ery. AUCTION SALES. floods Dought, Sold or Exchanged H. M. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones lilnck 130 and lied 2 V worlh 1 0.000. There were I wo cases in which horses stippei and broke their necks, one had a broken back and the others vcr so badly Injured I hey had to he shot, Curiously, Die Jockeys in each case were nol injured al all The llaskelball Association held a meeting lasl night nod decided lo singe , a banquet, in tin near future, Ihe main fpaturc of the affair lo be the presentation of cups won by various I rain's ;diiring Ihe past season, A fitiau clal report for Hie season's, no ilhitics was also presented nnd a substantial cash balance was shown, Those attending thn meeting, which was held in Ihe F.lks' Home, were Presidenl Fred (Hlliuly In the chair, P. Lapnrlc,, It il .1. Smilh, Fdille Smith, Harry Loe, Harry Hreen ami J. By FOR SALE I'OH SALK. Five roomed house on Second Avenue. Ilnildlng on iioernmeui wnarr used as n news stand. .Nine 10-ncru lols, one I -acre lot al Terrace. Prince lieorge, lots 10 and II, block III; lols lo and II, block 111); lols 2H and Sl. block II?; il, block 1 51. Apply A. C. Little, Second Avn-nue. ' 78 FOIt SAM!. 25-10 h.p. Sterling engine; Hoch ignilion; coin, plele to nnd Including coup ling. ITSO.OO 30 foot cruiser, 20 h.p. Just overhauled. toilet, galley. 1,000. .LJU. Slephens. If FOIt SAM: or Kxebaiwe for small pleasure bout. Ilebulll boa I hull. 33 feet A Inches long, U fiol (i beam. Suitable for salmon t roller or halibut boat. Apply lint (Oft Daily .News nlHee. If FOH SAM'.. Pleasure launch. 2rt ft. x 8 ft benm, spacious cabin eonlaifiing slove and uleusils. I h.p. Ilegul iMiginc. newly Itaiuted and in A.I. eoudiliioi. Snap.' Apply I his 172. Uaily News. If FOH SALK. Soda fountain equipment. glasses, Vortex system, elerlrie drink-mixers, soda cylinders, butler milk cooler, sloi'ds. slmwrnse. elr. Apply W. J. McCulfllieon. 81 Oil SAI.K. First class dweltii.tr on Fourth Avenue on Ihe hill. Two lols, lane corner. Marine view. Fully modern. II. O. Helgerson, Ltd. 70 'Oil SALK. Power boats of every description Including pleasure, trolling and work boat, at reasonable prices. Apply N. M. McLean, Cow Hay. (Ill SALK. Dahlia roots, all colors, 35c; planted In tubs, 11.50; perennial flowers 'grow every year). Ilhubarb roots. K. L'lley, llnysporl. H.C. 81 FOH SALK. (iood dwelling l;'0 Kighlh Avenue Fast. Four rooms and bath. 2.0on.oo. Terms In be arranged. II. O. Helgerson. Lid. 70 FOH SALK. Small Y. hollimied gasoline launch, 200. Apply Cnrelaker, Prince llnperl Yacht Club. 70 I O II SALK. New and used Machinery, Hoals nnd 1'nglnesi Northern Kxcharige. If FOR RENT OFFICK I'OH' HKNT, wilh modern living quarter. Weslenhnver Hros. . if FOH JIKNTPnliiier House for cheap rales and homo coin forts. If BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone t37, - tf - TAXI Taxi 87 Phone. (Call Ocorgo or Oust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Scrvlco and Comfort Day or Nlghl Bland: Qrctto Cigar Store, Third Ave, l..,lTIM.kl Itftnt li CATARRH el Uit IBLADDER BlrxrVlrW 'Rath Caatuta mm utara nania tUtwnr nfpmi u rA IU George McManus prince nupErrr tides Tuetdsy, April 1 High II.').' a in t'( H Low - 5.MI ii.nMn '4& r IH.08 p.nl.'w ' ro n Wednesday, Apr-It i- High - o r: " iii.vj f I iM p m. ..' 1 iw n.3ii ,,.i,i i j .jo p 1 8. 17 p.uf EJ 3 ; f Thursday, Aprlr3 llltfh - 0 55 a in .'m 8 i 13.15 ii ii,' ; .1 t II Ml, 10.23 n.ni. Friday, Aprl 4 High I ?: n m f .i.5:i p in, . . , liw - ;.iu a. in. , . T'.iTiB p. in MAlLEDuTi For the East Mondays, Wednesdays )ind prj,. flay. loe nl 6..1A jt,pi. From the East V. Mondays. Thursday, ns1' Sal unlays, 1.30 b.mj., 3i from Vancouver-Sundays V. M. Wednesdays .... ,' If M Fridays A M, C.P.II. March 7. Ify-ni ?8 To Vancouver - Tuesdays, Mail elnnM I' M Fridays 8.15 A M Saturdays -'A-?- A M O.P.It. March II lit To Anyox, Alice Arm,- Stewart, Premier-Wednesdays mwmVh P M, From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier ' Fridays AM To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 I' M From Port Simpson, . Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Tuesdays AM To Alaska Points-March 7. 17 and 28. From Alaska Points-March 11 and 27. To Queen Charlotte Island Points March l"2 nnd 20. From Quean Charlotte, points March 10 nnd ?l. To Naas Rlvor Points and Port Simpson-Thursdays 35-?.?10 P.M. From Naas Hlver Pptnti Saturdays AM m TIIVIOCR SALE XC0Q3. Mt-alrrt Ti-mlrr- will l mi-lvisl lijr th PUtrlrt t'omti-r. iHit lati-r lli'in ihm.ii I Ihe tlllli iy iif Airll. Holt, l-.r Mm lull -i or l.lri iin X i.uiM. iiuir. W-ii i'.. e. I'lit raiiif ii nriffm i ll, 1 ' mi S7W.UUO r.iiui ir iti-Viik, ihimiiii. Slirm-e, alul Crtlar Slu- Tun (, jpv will lm allow nl tut t UHial of linliir. ' fr'llrllli.p fmrtlrllljir-. nf IU.r S.liltr INin-l ! ler. Vlrloria, in tin- l'l7l:aL'.lr'll I'rtiire iiiipfri, lix. TIMBER 3ALEXG101. Snalnl Tfiulora will l.ollircf ln-il liv llii liUlrlrt Knri-otrr, m lati'r tlmli ihniii nn nn- win nay y in .ini, mil, i'-r in imr fha of Lirrnn' X mot on l.lililln iHiami, i:aHlar,, to nil tr,,nnii l.im-al fin rr ili-m Ili-ni' una riiniK ami i mi, nun r uin, or III Hi' liii'k, sprnre anil llalani SanlnK Two (Hi Jitara will lm alluwi'il rur r: mnval of llinlit-r. I'liMlwr irtlrnlar nf lln r.lilrf Kuit- trr Vlilniln, or Hi" tiimrirl l urrsiir I'rliK'f. lli'TI. LAN0 ACT!. ; , Nolle of lotanllon to ApphrfU faait Land. In Cnl I. ami Matrlrl, lli-l'iflnir PU IrlM of skrsna, ami situate ami lilinr liar Ulntul, nn llii- norm liranrh or tiio Kki-rna lover, near orcanlc Canm-ry M THkli Ndllrn Dial 1. .Iliniifiilt W 110 Tharker, of I'rlin-r Hiiu-rt, ,lt.i: dnmpaiioii linilnet-r, liilriiila in applf Tor Pfriiilanlim in lia.n Ihs fiiltiiwlna: ili-agilli'il Ian1 Duiiiiiriirlnv al a nt plnntt-il.at th most KnuiiirriT Miini on nay l'iini; unMirn imr ilwrly anil wrutorly.; tlipina miiiilniily ami raalsrlyi fiilluwliir llin slnuollli-i n, lli" illotr linn In point of I'nimiu'lHKiurul, ami rnnulnlim (111 uti-k, inoiH or Ipsa. IMUMA, .H.K1H. Ditprl ri-lmiary Hlh, 1011.