Thursday, July 10, 1021. For every wash-day method is ideal for any wash-day RINSO method you use. You do not have to change any of your usual steps just use Rinse where you used to use ordinary soap. If you like to boil your white cottons, Rinso will give you just the safe cleansing suds you need in the boiler. If you use a washing machine, follow the advice of the big washing machine manufacturers use Rinso. Just soaking with this new Jcind of soap loosens all the dirt until a single rinsing leaves the clothes clean and spotless. However you do your wash, make it easy by using Rinso. Rinsn ii sold ij all grocers and department stores If you use a Washing Machine, took your clothes in the Rinso suds as usual. In the morning add more Rinso solution and tsorl( the machine. Then rinse and dry Jwu Trill have a clean sir ret snon - nhile a ash. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO R-a-M Extraction of Teeth During Hie siinmu t m...:,h ,; i- . U is.dile to have (he TEETH dial slimiM Ik- . ! ,m. , , removed and preparu-t ion will lie made tin PLATES or BRIDGEWORK before Ihe winter month- et in. Pain will be eliminated. I need no recommendation to you. Your friends and neighbors are my patients. ASK THEM. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE - DENTIST. Prjone 575. Get Your Appointment Today. Smith' Block. KODAK SERVICE W'e are now having our Knlni'Kements made on the new 1.5 Kastman enlarging, machine, which gives the best possible picture from .your negative nnd the price is low, too! See snm'jde en-largemenls in our window. Films left in our store before noon, will be developed' correctly, printed properly and ready for you by six o'clock the same day. Wo have Kodaks, Brownies, Films and all Accessories. ORMES PI: LTD. The Rexall Store ones - 200 and 82 Ask Your Grocer for Electric Bread and Cakes Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Hayuers, Undertakers. 351. Phone 41. JJasvbatl tonight at 0.15. vs. S.O.C. Phone tf Gil's Prince Hupert Annual Exliibi lion, September 9 to. 13. If Friday and Saturday Special Mats ami H'ujrs at, reduced prices l Tile's! lot The westbound train due this afle'rnoun at 1 o'clock is reported on time. Washable rag mats at bargain prices at Tile's Friday and Saturday only. 101 Father Godfrey arrived from Ocean Falls on the steamer Prince George yesterday after noon. The Hupert Table Supply Ct was fined $10 in. the police court this Mui'iiing for mi infraction of I lie street by-law. Provincial Constable Ponder and Mrs. Ponder ed on Ihe Prince George It. P day afternoon after bavin? companied prisoners soulh. ac- The contract for the resliing- ling of King Edward .School has been let by the school board to 1'. Knss Mackay whose bid for Ihe job was $7I'..50. Other tenderers were: John S. Nelson, if 1 025; K. II. Sbockley. 1300; Tom (iosnell (Port Simpson) $1500; C. K. Ylreberg, 7(55; Mitchell & Currie, I25; A. SI. Louis (Smitliers;), $3.00 per lliousand, board to furnish material. BIRTH A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Liusin, (5ra-bain Avenue, W'rslview, at the Prince Hupert (ieneral Hospital on .luly III. 22 CO for ever tde Recipe calls for Pitlk Because it is: pure and good safe and clean 11 I economical 1 1 I cjsy to keep 1 1 I easy to order l St. Charles Recipe Beck Fret Writs 1 The Borden Co. ?n Limited A II eAnCUUVER I) ' ST.C.'U-K THE DAILY KHWB. PAQH TfllllE 1 from all other laxative! and reliefs for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Nature's Remedy (Wf Tablets) is more natural and thorough.. The effects will be a revela tion you will feel so good. Make the test You will appreciate this difference. Utmd For Ovr Thirty Yoora Chips off the Old Block rfl JUNIORS -Little I Th aama NT In one-third d candy-coated. For children end d rfl I doeee, I adult I a-J SOLO BY TOUR DRUGGIST JST METHODIST GIRLS OFF FOR SIMPSON Leaving Early Tomorrow Morn-; ing on Their Annual Camping Trip The Canadian Girls in Training are leaving on their annual summer camping excursion to Port SiniDsoii on the novven boat (preparations for the reception H. S. Hum, who is leaving for of the party and Mrs. T. Ross H ere an dThi ere In response to the appeal of the University of Bishop's College, Len noxville. Que., for $500,000, to meek present needs, the Canadian Pacific Railway hat supported the plea by subscribing $15,000 to the fund. Canada will soon be the mecca of many moving picture director, according to Herbert Brenon, producer for Thomas Meighan, who recently arrived at Banff to film the big outdoor scenes for James Oliver Cur-wood's -The Alaskan." The fish catch of the world approximates $1,000,000,000 a year in its cost to the consumer, of which $780,000,000, goes to those who harvest it, statistics furnished by the United States Fish Commission The value of the tourist traffic to Canada is proved by figures supplied by the Parks Department of the Dominion Government, which show that the enormous sum of $136,000,000 was pent by tourists in this country in 1923. This represents the Dominion's fourth largest source of foreign cash income. On her arrival at Quebec, lun 14. the Canadian Pacific steamship "Empress of France" broke the record for the fastest time made between that port and Southampton, England, from which she sailed, having maintained an average speed of over 19 knots. This vessel also holds the record for the- run between Quebec and. Liverpool. Arrangement for the Pageant of Empire, to be held at the British Empire Exhibition July .21-August 30, are now rapidly completing. Episodes showing the history of Canada and the other Dominions as Towcn a,. Capt, J. Field, early lo-Pv ? Mother Country from iir:in!fP!.w.i.' HirMiin vvHll hnlmnrrovv innrninir 'Hip narlv. will f"f " me present amy ..'. . . , , . , i-,-, v--- are Deing organned with the assUt- lield i at Dimity 'Island instead of ,debark at (ieorgelovvii and will,ance of prominent residents of the luawell as .advertised. Hoats walk (lie eight miles to Port; Dominion now in London, leave Cow Hay all day. 'Dance in'ijimpson. 'Miss I. Haddock, dea Metropolc Hall tf lo 12 sion 50. Admis- coness of (he Methodist Church, 102 will leave in advance to make Hon. J. E. Perrault. Minister of Colonization. Mints and Fisheries for the Province of Quebec, on his return from a recent extensive trip to the Temisraming district of that province, stated emiu tnat vnew .there .lucre were were Ihe soulh ...... tomzht, gave the .. ad-Mackay . Ur i will in accompany ii the girls i over 2.000 omsnectors exDlorine-th- ilress at the Rotary club lun- tomorrow morning. The person- gold-fields of Quebec and at least cheon today taking as his sub-'nel of the party includes the mjon dollars would be eipended jeel "The Future ,fc.n cf Misses Jean Maekay. Evelyn Dal- Iffi,, " SsS? Education." ' .by, Alice .Nelson. Wadeal Mussal- lent. Irene Morrison. Cathie Ir-! According to figures prepared by Mrs. Hen Self who has been to vine, field Sims and Nellie Our- fsjiXSrl Winnipeg attending the Itoyal vlcli. Miss, Haddock and Mrs. I. grain movement via Vancouver Purple convention, returned (in Ho. MacWay.vviJl " ' have charge of reached a total of 48,971,930 bushels he steamer Prince (ieorge yesterday afternoon from Vancouver. Mrs. Self also visited in nellingham and Seattle. Frank ltalagno. cellist in the Itoyal Victoria Theatre. Victoria, will arrive towards the end of (lie week from Ihe south to spend several weeks visiting in the rily willi his brothers. Charles and W illiam ltalagno. ROSS MACKAY GETS Tender of $719.50 for llnq King Edward School Accepted by Board M . . A a . ... the party whilnat Port lmison. ?n .I1. i?ri' Wltn MRS. SARAH: BRADBURY after an illness of six months. SCHOOL BOARD JOB Ul ",e ''nT1;. w", i"? rTd .city for the past fourteen year.. Us survived by two married ,,,rs ii t. n,.niu.iirv Kirili Avenue West, and Mrs. Aiders of Juneau. The funeral will take place from the lt.C. Undertakers' chapel on Sal unlay afternoon lo Fair-view cemetery. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Cleveland 3-0; Philadelphia 1-3 SI. Louis 1-0, lloslon 5-5. Detroit 5-2. Washington 2-1. Chicago 8. New York 0. National League Hoston 0, Pittsburg 3. Philadelphia 3, Cincinnati 6. Other games postponed on account of rain. Digby WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. Island Cloudy, Hull Harbor Overcasl, calm; baronn;ter 30.12; lempi'taturo 51; nioderate swell; 8 p.m. spoke steamer, Oriffco bound from Nnnoose Hay for Anyox 222 miles from Anyox; 8.15 p.m. spoke steamer venture arriving Hardy Hay northbound. Noon May 31, 1923. In each Instance the ngures cover me crop year com mencing September 1st The in mm 1X1 UACniTil fres ' """for 31,584,215 uiLu in nuoriiAL, Dusneis er p cent. I . . : - Enthusiastic celebration. IaaV Had Lived In Olty Fourteen Years place at Vancouver and Victoria, and is Survived by Two Married Daughters The death occurred in (ieneral Hospital last night the of Mrs. Sarah Hradbury, aged 52. B.C., when the special service sauad. ron or tne Koyal Navy, headed by H.M.S. Hood, the largest warship In the world and flagship of the squadron, visited those places recently. The squadron is expected on the Atlantic seaboard in August, when efforts will be made by Canadians on that coast to outdo the Pacific cities in the warmth of the welcome they extend. The an-ticipations are that thousands of visitors will gather at Quebec and elsewhere to demonstrate their affection for the officers' and men of the fleet. "You may say that Canada Is becoming more and more interesting to Englishmen and before long additional English capital will be used here in the development of industries. I am very optimistic and I believe that we are now progressing towards an era of unprecedented prosperity. What we need more than all now is the immigration of gwd men who will become an asset to this country," declared Sir John Aird President of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, on his return from Europe recently aboard the Canadian Pacific steamship "'Empress of France," If you find you cannot get the daily News regularly, call in anu subscribe for it and have it delivered to vour home. tf IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill the Mailer of the AJniliiistratiun Act; i:ilin 1,111 naroineier ou.jj; temperature ul;. Sweeney, IiereaseU Intestate, sea smooth; 11.30 p.m. spoke I)r"k ilTe Z stnamcr Prince abeam .ffitrVfivVVVhe VVXUTZ Iriplo Island boiillll for Nllidspil: swn-ney. ilcrt'ised. and all parties having; ... . rlalni aralnst thn fld estate liere u H ...-.L-,. i..r-' t i are p.m. spoke tug Lome irtirnnt ty rvqulrrd to rurnlsh same, property White Hock bound for Cantninsi. '"VJ- J'1 ". 0"!'.r l"efre.the fih day Cove. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, ciilm; barometer 30.15; tcinpera-,ture 52; sea snioblh. i aukuii, a.ii. lvri, ana an paroes m- firmed to the estate are required to tay ihe anmimt of llielr lndoLiedness to me fdrlliwlth. WALTER T.ALE. Arllnfr orrirlal Administrator, 1'rlnce Itupert. B.C. haled thU nth day or July. tf. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP COLUMBIA. Ill slennier Oriffco tluo Anyox 0 p.m. forthwith norltiboundf Dead' Tree I'oinl Cloudy, calm: baromeler 30. 1G; tenipera-Itlre 57; sea smooth: noon out I'rinee .John southbound. Hull Harbor Clear, fresh northwest wind; barometer 30.13; temperature CO; light swell; 9.30 a.m. spoke Venture entering Milbauk Sound northbound. BRITISH the Matter of the Administration Act: and In tl Matter or the Estate nf Potiald J. McDIarmld, Deces.ed; Intestate TAKE .NOTICE thxt hr onler tf IIU IKiiior r. Veil. Youna-, made ihls 3rd dav ir July. A.M. Mil, I was appointed Artlnir Administrator or the estate ot Donald John 'MacDIarmld. deceased, and all nartlfts har- IftV r I . I n . u .In.l lh. ..M ..lit. . k.M. I lipby Island : (Uoildy, calm; by' required to rumlsh "same, properly .verified, to me on or before the sin ImiTimnlnx naiomeier to 'II I .,..,..... i ... day jii.ji, lenipeialuro.or Auwst, a.d, vh, and ail parties, in- f.n Uiii...IIi 41 I r: i. debted to thi ustatp in rpnnlniri tn ruiv r ,. --." .v.... .v.- ii.iii. spuK tne ,n,,mt of their Indebtedness to me WALT Eft OAI.E. Actlnr Offlrlal Administrator, iTince nuperi, uji. tlil mh dav of Jnlv. tt?. rCZEMA You are Dot when you use Dr. Tk rM. 0 luir IVIiaao tnent for Eczema and Sktn Irrtta- ktlonj. it relieves at ones and (radu-&11V he&U thn Bkln KamnU hnf Itr Chase's Ointment free It you nicnUon this paper and send Sc. sump for postage, boxi all dealers or Cdjunnmo. Bates & Co USUI 0GDENS CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN - C. ALWAYS THE SAME (80) Ilb.TIN um OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service tinder management of Mrs. M. Haven. Ideal place to spend your summer holidays. Reasonable rates. Good home cooking. Comfortable rooms. Fishing, Hoating, Bathing in Lakelse Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TA.XI Motors Operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrace and Lodge landing, assuring guests of quick, comfortable trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the valley. For reservations and rates, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnrs from Trlnre Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bar, and Alert Bar, Tuaaday, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Altrt Bay, and Swanaon Bar, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa laland, Sunday, S P.M. for PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvtr Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 823 2nd Atanu. J. Barnalay, Prince Rupart, B.C. Hills & Underwood London Diy Gin A mature gin known since 1762 for its unvarying high quality. $3.25 per bottle This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia,'