NEW YORK, July 10. Charles W. Bryan, governor of Ncbiyiska and brother or William Jennings Bryan, was nominal ed Tor vice - iiresidenl by the Democratic National Convention early Ibis morning. There was only one ballot after which the convention adjourned sine die. The little republic of Haiti in the West Indies will be represented in the Olympic games by its crack rifle team, and Haiti is pulling strongly for its sole representatives in France. Decision is Reached That Arbitration is Best Means to Apply PAIUS, July 10. .Premier Macdonald of Oreal HfiftiirmiiH idled a il U well kiimvn ih Premier Herriot of France decided yesterday upon arbitration' known or chose lo admit, if he! Hc-mot also consented lo an American silliug with the coin-did know, Ihe difficulties (hat I mission and Voling on the question of whether Germany was have had lo be so carefully managed to impress the advis ability and necessity of gelling Will Embark For Canada, With Four or Fpe Friends, as Ordinary Passenger SOUTHAMPTON,' "July 10. U i announced that the Prince of ments are being made for the 'lip, Iho Prince's request being bat he travel as nothing more or less Hum a first class passenger. VANCOUVER ROWING CREW AT OLYMPIAD Had Stiff Work-out Yesterday and Will Draw For Their Competitors Today PARIS, July 10. The Vancouver fopr-oared rowing crew entered the Olympic events with a stiff work-out yesterday afternoon. They draw today lo decide their position in the competition on July ID In which they will op- e eight other crews. u failing lo curry out her obligations." Premiers Statement LONDON, July 10. Premier a definite start made on an cle-iiMsic,,0"a,a lan?.l today in the valor here, lie might not have "f Commons that he had been quite so quick lo make a ma,lu M ,r'i' ,0 ,,im ,0 n" protest when a step has been ",0VB "nnrimiui smiaimu taken in the right direction. l,ich ,hm,lp,,etJ dcs,,"' !' III the meantime, the Ncws'ork that had made possible the feels justified in accepting;'1"'''!"? 1,1 l."tlon on July 1ft of what has been offered wilh the intention, however, of fighting to the last dilch if Hie necessity arises (and we do nut think it will lo fight to have the money voted to complete the elevator. Such action as the mayor has taken we believe is dangerous. This view is concurred in by the city council, and the board of trade. PRINCE SAILS ON AUGUST 25 an inler-Allied conference on Three to Nil ADELAIDE, July 10. 1 1 ill vi nir P.n tt ti i H n it It it ! I :this iificrnoon defeated a - The leant team dale is nine games won, five lost, and six drawn. i Subcribe for the Dally News. WORLD FLIGHT AND WEDDING Officer on Steamer Thlepval Falls to Return to Victoria for June Wedding II is seldom thai Cupid takes a back seat. In fact the lillle archer customarily lias a front position next to Hie driver. II.. I II'. - .1! reenl rule at Ottawa is lo limit ns u Nvu' out of "u''r H ff icul tie. with regard to the application when the pathfinder Tliiepval nei-onrv sary evtpii(lilures expenditures nl at any niiv!"'' 'he Dawes 'plan for reparations payment. sailed ailed away away (o lo chart chart the the one lime as far as possible. II would be unfortunate if an unwarranted fuiix-pas at this time should kill the whole un- iIoi-ImL inir If llii tn.-iviip nut. mere uie some limit's liial interfere with "Dan's' plans, and one Is I lie around the-world JlrHUlv,rilli, which will nol be concluded for some rime. Down in the cily of Victoria. roulc Premier Macdonald conceded to Premier Herriot thai tlie!of the British plane across the reparations commission should not be robbed of its right- lo say North Pacific; a prominent nf-wheii (lermaiiy was in default on (hat plan.. Herriot agreed in ficer of the-'boat said farewell exchange lo give up France's preponderance of vyles in the; coin-j to a pielty maiden, and promised mission. lo return in time for the June wedding. Visions of orange blossoms, flower-scented altar and a blissful honeymoon haunted the the Dawes' report. He said that gold-braided oilicer all the way Hie lli-IIIsli i ioveriiiiieiils view was thai the report should be put into operation without delay. Ureal satisfaction is expressed today throughout British officialdom over the results of Premier Macdonald's -visit to Paris. Two New Field Records are Hung up by Nurmi, Great Finn, Winner of Important Races at Olympiad up the coast and across the Alaska front. But on reaching Pelrvpavo-lovsk it was found that il would be necessary for the Tliiepval lo wail on Hit coast and I rail the flight plane across the Pacific lo vendor assistance if 'necessary. Alas, the scent or the orange blossoms faded in I he pilot house, and the disappointed maiden in Victoria, now rawails another dale when the orders of the govern me id will nol send the Tliiepval away on world flights or so Tar from home. COLOMBKS, France, July 10. Paavo Nurmi, the great TnTiTr n i n Finn, crowned himself as u double Olympic winner and one of -If AW VrK HA the greatest distdnce winners of all times today when, two hours) rill vUU T Jbli 11x10 after winning the 1,500 metre race in Olympic recoi;d lime, he j won .a thrilling victory in the 5,000 metre evenl from his fellow countryman, Hilola, selling another Olympic und world's record. Nurmi's lime in the 5,000 metre we was I 'i minutes and III ;i-5 seconds, bettering the previous Olympic record by more.' than five seconds ami the world s record, made by himself in Sweden in 1022. of 11 minutes and ;15 3-10 seconds. His time for the 1,500 metre evenl was 53 3-5 seconds, three seconds faster than the previous record. Wales will sail for Canada with! United States and Finland are four or five friends on August leaders in points so far, the '5 returning about the middle of former having 157 and the latter October. No special arrange-. 103 f CHARLES BRYAN NOMINATED FOR VICE-PRESIDENT CANUCKS WIN NINTH GAME ANOTHER FIRE McAllister Mill and International Junk Co. Building Destroyed VANCOUVER, July 10. Fire last night destrftyed the McAUU tcr'lunijber mill, the International Junk Co.'s building and several smaller buildings at the east end of False Creek. The damage is Defeated Team Representing teH1""!1''1 al lw,;e S5,000 and South Australia hu Smni nf v-v.vuu. CONSERVATIVES HOLD OLD COUNTRY RIDING ,rcpi'cs.c.-niiuK South Australia by Capt. Beamish Ejected to Succeed Ta score of three goals to nil. The team work ol iho Canadians was fr I hvi 1 1 In li I mill iwminiultir friwul t-nu "HIIIU ...... -V .7'I.UIIIItJ QUI... their defence. LleuL-Col. Campion In Lewes, East Sussex LONDON. July 10. The Con. The Canucks are being royally 'servatives retained their hold on entertained and were the guoslsewes division of East Sussex in or the Lord Mayor at a civic re-, the parliamentary by-election ceplion. On Saturday they will' made necessary by the recent ap-plny ll final lesl match or poinlmenl oT Lieul.-Col. Campion their (our here. Their record lo'lo be governor-general of West Australia.. The vole was; Capt. Beamish, Conservative, 9,581; Capt. Hall, Labor, 0,112; Howard Williams, Liberal, 2,718. 25 TAXI and BOSTON GRILL Ambulance if- Largo Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dance, banquets and wedding Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties. and 6th St, PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston WATT VIDECK, P,;'.,, Orill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. "IO il . . f " VOL, NO. 101. XIV., .V,y IMUNUK lll'PEHT, B.C., TJ1L BSDAV, JULY 10 H21. Y.iem.r. circuhiion. Untt s.te.. m PRICE FIVE CENTS CONFERENCE OF FJFJttff AS SUCTFOT "' ' 1 STORM OF DISAPPROVAL AT CHIEF MAGISTRATE'S ACTION IS LET LOOSE EDITORIAL UNFORTUNATE WIRE MAYOR NEWTON OF The iJaily News does not wish to take issue with Mayor New ton on (he question of the es-i tuLtlishtneul of u grain elevator here. This paper is just as keen! as His Worship is that grain shipping facilities should be es-1 tablished at the port and, for the j past year or more, we have been just as insistent and, we believe. ! effective in our demands as lie has been. However, Hie tele-1 gram of protest sent by the mayor to Ottawa yesterday atid which is published today was both untimely and ill-advised. Jl is the usiiul practice, we believe, to make votes for public work? in a successive manner. Tins is done so that the estimates at any one lime may be kept down to a reasonable level, liming made the decisinn to build an elevator at Princ Hu-pert. il is no donbl the intention of the government to get the project under way and fin-j ished as soon us possible. Toj ensure such being done, il is reasonable lo believe that the estimate of $150,000 was made at a time when a larger estimutc might possibly have been re- . EDMONTON GIRLS BEAT PARiSIENNES.. PARIS, July 10. The Edmonlon . Commercial Orads, lady basketball, ' champions of North America,, made a grand jslart on their series of Kuropeuu fixtures loday when they defeated a picked Parisian team by a score of jj to 10. Judge "Andy" Calhoun of the City Court of Atlanta, Georgia is the first president or the newly formed Pipe Smokers' Association. He has been a devotee of the weeil for almost 00 years and is-still smoking strong. Speedy Counter Action Follows Messages Sent East by Mayor Newton A storm of protest resulting in the emergent eaUinir of special meetings of the city council and Hie executive of the Prince Rupert board of trade was raised last night when it was learned thai Mayor Newlon had sent telegrams lo M. Hon. V. L. Mackenzie King, premier or Canada; Fred Slork, M.P., and Sir. Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National Hail-ways, charging them with failure in carrying out their oromises in having placed in the supplementary estimates the sum or only sioo.uuu 10 commence the construction of a lerminaT grain riouiur ii vie. i ne Million oi ine mayor s message was repudiated in no uncertain terms by both bodies and messages denlorin? ils sending were immediately sent lo Mr. Mackenzie Kfng, Mr. Slork and Sir Henry Thornton. In addition to these, telegrams were also sent by the Board of Trade to Mr. Mackenzie King and Mr. Slork thanking them for their success in having t lie item included in the estimates. Council Meeting The special meeting of Ihe council was held in the mayor's (dtlce und His Worship and all a committee aHer Ihe meeting lo further interview the mayor wilh a view to having hiinal least, postpone his action. Despite Iheser efforts, however, his tele-grain was sen!.. Following it uj the council, on motion of Aid. Collart, seconded ty Aid. Mc- Mordle, despatched the rollowing gram sent tonight- by Mayor Newlon regarding the grain elevator at this port, the cily council has gono on record as hcing unanimously opposed to ils sending." .; The council was called together by Aid. Collart Imm.edialely , on being advised that the mayor's wire had been sent. Board of Trade Tin council of the Board of Trade, at a brfef session in .Iho hoard office attended by members or the cily council and by .Presi dent S. J. McLeod, unanimously! MAYOR'S WIRE IN PROTEST AT Says Citizens are Disappointed and Officials Absolutely Failed The following was the telegram sent last night' by Mayor Newlon lo HI. Hon. V. L. Mac kenzie King, prime minister; Sir Henry Ihornlon, president of the Canadian National Railways, atVl Fred Slork, M.P.: "Very great disappointment over the small appropriation for grain elevator. It is viewed as meaning there will be no elevator here for year and a half at earliest. Cilizens led o believe mil lion would have been placed in estimates to complete elevator Ibis year. Consequently strong feeling existing both you and Sir Henry Thornton have absolulely failed in your promises to build up this port. Couldn't you yet 'at this session secure million an. tpropriution for ' elevator and award Ruiwrl-Alaska. ship con-fract lo local dry dock. We would be pleased if you could. S. M. NEWTON, Mayor." MAYOR NEWTON GIVEN REPLY Sir Henry Thornton Expresses Surprise at Criticism Against Railway For Elevator Vote Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National Rail ways, wired lo S. J, McLeod, pre- sident of the Prince Rupert board caused the following lelegrams ,lt ,ade. today as follows: to be sent on motion of E. C. Oibbons and C. II. Orme: To Premier King and Fred Storki M.P. "The Prince Rupert Board of Trade extends to you and the government its hearty thanks for Mru successful placing of an amount in Ihe estimates for the terminal grain elevator here." To Premier King, Fred Stork and Sir Henry Thornton: "I am much obliged for your message of July 10. I have telegraphed Ihe mayor as follows; " ' do nol understand why you should express criticism, of the Canadian National Railways in the mailer of the. construction of a grain elevator a( Prince Rupert. The railway, have nothing what-eer lo do with the matter. II is one that is entirely under the control of the government to "The Prince Rupert Board of whom I have already expressed a Trade strongly deplqrcs the per-1 favorable recommendation as to sonal action of Mayor Newlon, the construction of an elevator Ihe aldermen wilh the exception,1" Ui sram of criticism m at your port." or Aid. Evitt were present. Uu-Iierm""" ,Um '-"vaior. u is successful efforts were made in 'absolutely contrary lo the gen- have Ihe mayor reconsider his nil reeling or Iho citizens." action and withdraw the mes- " sage but Ihese were unavailing.' As a last resort, Aid. Macdonald and Aid. Casey were constituted! DAVIS PLEASES GREAT BRITAIN Satisfaction Expressed at Choice of Democrats For U.S. LONDON. July 10. Great sal "With reference to Ihe tele-isruc.lio" fs sl,ow" ,,,!rc u''0'1 ll,e nomination of John W. Davis lor president by the Democratic con OLIVER STILL LIBERAL CHIEF Cabinet Determined to Retain Him and Seat Will be Found After July 14 VICTORIA, July 10. Liberals all over Ihe province seem lo he a unit behind Premier Oliver and will not hear or his retirement. The veteran politician is 158 yeaw of age but has 'many years of service. ahoad of him. tention. Duo to his popularity! The Premier would not be averse when ambassador to Orcat Brit-1 to returning lo private lire, but ain, it is considered that he, there is no outstanding man lo would show much sympathetic succeed him. Every one or his friendliness to Britain. Ho mado cabinet is determined that he many personal friends. (shall remain premier, so that The London Dally Telegraph after the counting of the ab. recalls the speech of Iho Princo senlco ballots on July 1 1, il is of Wales at n farewell dinner lo expected that an early unnounee-Mr. Davis. "Ho lias been more mertt wilt bo made regarding (ban nit ambassador. He has been the Premier's plans A seal wilt a i rue rra-nd, said the Prince probably selected for him that time. 8ub6oribe for M Dally News, from the four or five which have been gladly offered by sue-cVsu.'ul Liberul itfemUor elect.