Thursday,' July 10, 1024. TBI DAH7T nWB. PREVENT FOREST FIRES -IT PAYS! DANCE At the Audltorfum Friday Evening, July 11 Kasson's Orchestra. Ilefrfsliiiipnls served. Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles 50c Phone Illaek 1 10. L, 1 Marren, Proprietor. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. prompt Karly Morning VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. mcurlde Street. OF INTEREST One of the principal attractions nf ibis count ry is undoubtedly Hip facilities for sport and anji-lin' is one of Hie best in litis ilis-Iriel. areiirdintr to a statement issued hy the local Fisheries office. 8ome of Hie areas where Irout may he abundance are difficult of access ;and fl may he that the more easy of access Hie waters are the inrore intensively they are fished. I In order to preserve these areas for .porl, it is advisable (that every angler sliould live iclosely up to the regulations and il is possible that the regulations (arc violated, chiefly through ig-jnoranee and the following extracts from the Dominion Regulations affeeling angling in Northern IJrilish Columbia will :doublless be of value: i Angling i Definition "Angling" shall (mean the taking of fish with ;hook ami line held in the hand, or hook, line and rod, the latter jheld in the hand bul shall not in clude set lines tied to a boat, or jiggling. a -In angling no one . shall use more than one rod with one BOOKS ARE GOOD COMPANIONS Keep them neat anil clean in nn improved Sectional Book-case sell Den anil Library Furniture of Hie best .quality. Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. BYAfroiNTMJNT rURVEYOM TO HIJ MAJESTY KINO CEORCE V There is no uncertainty about "JadiaN jT WHISKY The age is guaranteed by the Dominion Government. Observe its Stamp over the capsule We guarantee that these whiskies have been matured in oak casks in Rack Warehouses for the period indicated by that Stamp. Read the label on the bottle Your purchase is made from the Gov ernment Store, which is a guarantee that you get what you demand. DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BY ' Hiram Walker & Sons. Limited WALKERV1LLE . ONTARIO DlMltrt of Fin ' Whlklt$ tlnct I8S8 Montrtal, Qu. London, Eng. Nw YorV, U.S.A. This advertisement It not published or ditplayed by the Lkpior Control Hoard or by the Government of Ilntisn loiumuw, vr.a linn attached thereto, or one line held In (lie haml; anil except un-ider the provision of section 20 TA AMfl EDC of ",f",e ""PrulalioiiH, ml one 1U HllllLLiilU s,,al1 fi"h rnr- aU'b or kill, any Dominion Fisheries Issues Statement Setting Out Regulations and Suggestions Do minimi nf waler found in Meeineau, or cutthroat, rainltow or dolly vardeh Irout or trout of any kind, in non-tidal waters otherwise than hy angling. h No one shall fish for, catch or kill, on one day, by angling or Hulling, or hy both means, more than twenty-five cutthroat, rainbow or dolly var- jden trout, salmon trout or rocky mountain while fish, or of Hi" different! species- named than will in Hie aggregate amount to more than twenty-five fish. Restrictions Sub-Sec. t In the Waters of the mainland east of Hie 121st meridian anil in that portion nf the mainland lying north of a line running due east and wes through the town of Clinton, no one shall fish for, catch 'or kill Irout of any kind from November 15 in each year lo March 31 following, both days inclusive. Sub-Sec. 2 (a i No trout of any kind under eight inches in length shall be taken from the water ami if caught shall immediately be returned to Hie water alive and uninjured.. (Ii), No trout under three pounds in weight shall be bought, sold or exposed for sale in the Province of Hritish Oolumlda. nor shall any trout be bought, sold or exposed for sale in Hrilish Columbia during the close season provided therefore. Fishing for trout through the ice in any of the lakes or streams in liritish noliniibia is prohibited. Section 31) . The fry of food fishes shall not he at. any time destroyed. Lakelse District The body of waier known as Unit porlion of Seallabitchan, Salmon and Williams Oeeks, emptying into I.akelse Lake. Skeena lliver District, Province of Itrilish Columbia, lying within two hundred yards of the months thereof, and those portion of Lakelse, Lake extending a similar distance from Hie mouths of the above mentioned creeks has been set apart for the propagation-of fish fnlm July 1ft to Seplember 30 .jn each year, both days-inclu sive. Some Suggestions If undersized fish are caught, never grasp I hem while the hand is dry; hut heller far. do not lake them mil of the water. ' YVherv these small fish seize a hook, il is usually a very simple matter to slip the hand down the line to the hook without touching tlirr fisli at all, and it is usually quite easy to release the fish without even taking hold of it because it is only on very rare occasions that the hook lias penetrated to -any depth, and certainly Seldom over life barb. If only undersized fish are being caught in any particular part, a true nngler would leave that area. Do not endeavor lo take all Hie fish in the stream in one day it might be that you will wish 'to spend another day nn these waters. F.very angler is a true sports man, and no sportsman will lake risks with fire. When leaving camp make doubly -sure your fire is out. Ilemenfber: "No forests, no fish." LAND ACT. Nolle of Intuition to Apply Land. In Skeena Unci District. neporillnir DM rlrt of Coast, ami situate on Campania land. Take Notice that Clarenre E. Balfitor and James Mobility, or rrlnce Rupert, B.C., orcmiatlon Inturanre arent ami broker. In tend in apply for rx-rmisjion to lease tin- follow ln dearrllwd land: Commen rlnr at a bom nlanleil at the head or liav at the cal end ol Cainnanla Island and nix hi l one, mile from the south end nf the Island; tlienia fnllmvlnir the sinuosities of tne more line at nnrn water line aroimo the island to the plate or rntnmenfcment, ami rfintalnlnr s.ivno arres. mors or l C, E. BAI.-NTEn k JAMES MCNULTY. name' or Apnpcant. Per W. E. WILLIAMS, Agent. naleil April nt. 1084. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In Ihe Matter or (lie Administration Act; and In the Mailer of the Estate of Christ peteewm, Defeased: Jnteslnte. TAKE NOTICE that by order nf Hl Honor K. MfM. Yimn. nmde this JMI d of June. A.h. lOil, I was appointed Aftln Administrator or the Estate or Christ Teteraon, deceased,, and all pnrflei havlwr rlalms aralnst ihe estate are here-lit reiiulred to rurnlsli mime, r.roiirl' verified t rue, on or liefnre 1lh d or Jnlv. A.n. !, anil all fwrtlen Indebted in the estate are rinlred t iwiv the ammit of their Indebtedness to in forthwith, WAt.TEIfnU.E. Artlntr Orrielal Administrator. rrlnce Rupert. B.C Dated this S7th day or June, m. PLAYGROUND v NOWREADY Report on Project Made at Busi ness Meeting of Gyro Club Last Evening The members iff Ihe fSyroClub were inforniVd by thnir playground committee at the. regular business meeting Of Hie club lant night that installation of the Me-Glynionl Park playground equipment had been completed and that only a few final details remained lo he arranged before the formal opening.Wmilil take place, possibly towards he end of 1101 week. The projeqt represents an outlay to Hie club, of somelhiiur like ft i50. Thanks to the city council ami officials and the dry dock management for co-opera- lion freely given were expressed and will be formally conveyed when the opening ceremonies lake place. The club had a communication from the Kelowna Orowers' As sociation asking for endorsalion of a resolution with respect lo Hie Crow's Nest Pass agreement and discriminatory rales against the shipping east of H.C. fruit. The letter was filed, it leing pointed out that the matter had already been finally -dealt willi at Ottawa. The entertainment eommittco reported arrangements under way for the first annual picnic of the club. It Is proposed now to bold this event In August. Holand A. Harlow, O.N.H. road master, was admitted to member ship. The appointment of commit tees for Ihe ensuing uarle was announced by Piesfdent Milton (ionazles as follows: Knlerlaiiuiienl Io. Waugln chairman, Douglas Stork and Norris Pringle. Athletic Art K.isson, G. C. Mills am W. .1. Nelson. RAIN STOPS LACROSSE GAME SECOND PERIOD Match Last Night Resulted In Score of 3 to 2 for Maple Leafs Over Kalens The lacrosse game last night between the Maple Leafs and Kaiens was called at Hie end of the second period on account of rain with the former ahead by. a score of 3 lo 2.. It will-nol be counted in the standing. Only eight men a side wore fielded. Harry I.ipsell, in goal for Ihe Maple Leafs, and Lance Styles, both old timers, starred. Ralph Smith wan injured at I lie hands of I.ipsolt. V. Gray scored two of the Maple loafs' goals and D. Ilalfour, one. G. K. Foster and II. H. Skinner were responsible for Ihe two points made by. I he Kaiens, Harry Love refereed, Jack H'aloliford and .1. Taylor were goal umpires and Ihe teams lined ui as follows; , Maple Loaf Harry Lipsetl, Alex Saint, Lance Styles, Alex. Mitchell, W. Gray, 1). Halfour, J. Milelrell and W. Mitchell. Kaiens A. Ham, 1'red Gilhuly, H. N. Delnionieo, Ralph Smith (first period), Douglas Frir.zell (second-period), Harry Menzios, 11. U. Skinner, G. K, Foster and II. Frizzell. Sport Chat j On account of the Dominion Day cut) play-off, the organization meeting of the Junior Football League which had been called for Friday night of this week will be postponed until next Tuesday. The meeting is being called by the Football Association to arrange a serios during the Htiinmer vacation for the HochestT Shield which is now being held by the Junior ColN. It was the desire of the public school teachers, thai the series hn not started .until after the holidays this year ami that is why It was- delayed,-' With thu Acropolis Hill grounds dated up for oil other days of the weclc, Guide Posts of Business along an unfamiliar road, you depend upon Riding sign posts to guide you. Whether you're hitting the thank-you-mams in a flivver or soaring along in a costly car, they do their work equally well. To-day as you spend your money to fill your needs, advertisements are waiting to direct you.. They are the guide posts of business. They point the short, straight road to satisfaction in buying. They will serve you well, whether you spend much or little. Do you stop to read the advertisements? They are published to tell you exactly where to go for what you want. They lead you to values which you would never know were they not there to guide you. And remember that advertising always points out goods of unquestioned value. When a store or manufacturing concern puts its name on goods and tells you about them, you may be sure that they are worth consideration. It does not pay to advertise unworthy merchandise. Be guided by the advertisements it is proposed to stage. Ihe .fun-J ior League games regularly on j Saturday afternoons with the series starling as soon as the1 arrangement can be completed. j 4 1 Tonight Ihe Sons, of Canada and Oil's will meet in one of Ihe postponed fixtures nf the first hair of tlie City Baseball League. Of the two remaining postponed games between Oil's and Hie Columbus Club, il is likely I hat only one will be played and it will lake place next Tuesday. The schedule for the second half of the season will start on Friday of next week or Monday of Ihe week after. Ilalre Foil in, who arrived from Ocean Falls last week, will take his place on the Golumbus Club leani and Len Shormatr and F.rnio Warren are going lo re main with (he iSnns of Canada with whom they have already been playing. The placing of I hose players b,as beet) approved hy lhe Baseball Association. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from I p.m. until 6.30 p.m. and on other weekdays at 2, I and C.tS p.m. The last boat bonis each day will leave the Salt Lakes float sharp al 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale and. hire. 1 Prince Rupert Doalhouse. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. Effective June 30, 102L S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements anil Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 n.m. For Skldegato anil all ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I.ev Prince Rupert 8.00 p.m. ror.rAINXE GEOnflt, EDMONTON, WIN-NirEO, ill points Eastern Canada. United Ships. AQKNOV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltj Tlcktt Ornet, E2S Third A... Prlne Ruart. PhM ISO.' CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle June 14, 21, 25 July 2, 5, 12, 16, 23, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 0, 16, 20, 27,30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 2S 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Eella Bella, Ocei Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. W2d