Pkam row. TBI DAILT HIWS. Safin-dar May I - BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan Money J OUHT LU JUV VTEP N TM.-n t- ttT OUU Now TO CE INT fA KC TV vni I Orders OUVT THKTt WHAT THE TMCri WHERE ., 'O Out fNQ ee r I'M -,OIM M-erAt MAM,E( III "r i moi; l I, I TO oo ( On Norway. Sweden and' "I I J I i n Denmark at Current Rates J of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit lo the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Gary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship ' Agency, Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Out any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 5S0. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand ; Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our fclock of fiarden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Fertilizer, Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Phone 53. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy. sell and exchange all kinds of new and secondhand goods. 839 Third Avenue. Phone C46. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 21S. P.O. Box 895. HOME FROM HOME. MOCH1DA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8L Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 76. Phons 659. Dr. E. S. TA1T DENTIST. Htlgerson Blood, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, SUI. Phone 888. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. Clty to be Asked to Take Over' P.luita I In r.t l..lllH.. ( . .....WW Wl IIISIIbUIIUH loi ter from Mclh Davie-", HI Fori h Avenue F.ast. for permission In conned hi house In Hip scwcp came- in for a lentrihv dis Ilnspilal Hoard lat tiiphl. Prc- ipnt at t lie moplin? wore I). G. Mcltap, rh'ainnan of the hoard in I he chair; S. In. Camphell. vicp-pro.oidenf of the board: J. H. Tliinison, T. Ito Mackay. A. Haines, Harry Ilircli. socrelary lo Hip Imspilal; AM. S. I). Mac- donald, Aid. Sniilh and Mrs. 1. V. Morrisspy, niernbpr lo Hip board of Hie Hospital I.adips' Auxiliary. J). C. Mcltap stated that Iherp werp a numbpr of linuses con- nerled with Ihe hospital sewer which service had been furnished free tip U the present and it occurred lo him the hospital should fret some revenue mil of I hat service. S. K. Campbell considered Dial if Hie board slarled in lo" con nect up private bouses to Hip sewer lo obtain revenue that, in all probability, the requirements of the hospital would be crowded out especially when the hospital e-xlcnsions within Hip next five ypars might become neces sary. Harry Ilircli, secrelary, staled there was no record of whal house were connected to I he ho-pilal sewer at the present lime. He said Hip sewpr was in a bad way ami was sadly in need' of .repair. He (bought that any bouses desiring lo lie connected up should first obtain permis sion from I he board. Aid. Macdnnald considered that the accommodation lo Mr. Davie should he riven if no interfer ence with Hip hospital require. inenls was occasioned thereby. He also thought Hie matter of the swer should be from' into as quickly as possible by a committee. I). C. Mcltae said that the sum of $20 bad been spenl on "maintenance of the sewer last year and Hull more money should be spent on it now. He did not think the sewer larpe enough to take care of Hie locality. How ever, be I bought it would be quite safe for Mr. Davie to oh lain Hip conneclion he required now. City Take It Over T. Iloss Mackay considered the sewer was in a very precarious condition at present and would like to see an application made for Hie city lo lake ovpt the sewer. .Now thai the sewer was installed be considered Ihc city should take over the niainten ance. The wooden piers, he said, should be replaced by con Crete piers the wooden ones hav in? rolled. Mr. Campbell siifrfrested the DISCUSSION; OF 80 TUB OF AGE HOSPITAL SEWER WAS TROUBLED WITH! SHORTNESS OF BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART I AND FAINTING SPELLS Mr. 11. O'Connor. WtilirMntv. fmt writw: I have hern troubled, iwwt r .rar lire, wtlb shnrtnei of breath, palpi- The question of responsibility TJ "'1'! ' for the maintenance of the hnsp- iri and .trre run. whim i nt. and ilal sewer and Hip reading of a)1 onrt tuund relief, ind 1 have never had a really bad (pell alnre. I are l yrars of are and alayi keep I hern ta the bune. and ben I reel any symploms of my oM trouble coining on all I bate- to do Is to lake a rew dovi cussion al Hie meeting or Hip j) ."l IT ' "f"t W " mny jet. ! ii.,.,;i..i i . i . .V.. always rerommerol ihem to anjr lv t. n-ffertnj from heat trouble."' .Vllbum't. Heart and Serve PIIU are JOe a boi at all dealer, or mailed direct on receipt or rrlce. by The T. Milburn Co, Limited; Toronto. Ont. oily engineer should go along with any committee uniminled. He did not think the hospital should be the owner of a public utility. In oilier cities Ihere was i lax levied against properly owners for sewers. If Mr. Da vies, MACDONALD'S Fine Cut I.0.D.E.MAKE THEIR OFFER Hill 60 Chanter Asks Permis sion to Equip Children's Ward In Hospital Al the meeting of fhe hospital hoard last night. Miss lllanche MHcdoiiabl, regent of Hill 00 Chapter. I.O.D.F.. appeared lo suggest the installing and equipping of a children's ward In Hie Oeneral Hospital on behalf of Hie chapter.' Miss Macdonald explained thai while it was generally known that Hill CO Chapter had been ! ward would he housed. In reply li. C. M'llae, chairman of I tie IxKird. staled lliat the suggcritinn of Hill 60 Chanter 'wHsoiiiclhing-willi vvliiuli Hie en- tire board would he very pleasel DiHittlless full permission would lie siveu In jro ahead. Hp thought Hie liest plan would lie to refer! Hip mailer to Hm houe com. mitlee. ' S. K. Campbell Htoiifrlil Miss McCaul, Ihe matron, had some ideas in mhii) for Hie establishing of such a wanl and had discussed lite matter with Dr. V. T. KerKin. He believed thai Dr. Ker;rin had an idea for re-onran-izintr soine of Hi" ward. He thereupon moved thai I he bouse committee be rpqne-ted to investigate and Collaborate will Hill f0 Chapter to ascertain their wishes and. if eninpalilde with the requirements (,f the hospital, thai they bring in their report accordingly. The inoiioii wit seconded by T. Ilo Mackay and carried. I. H. Thompson, chairman of the house comm-ltec said he was not in a great-rush he would would confer Willi Miss Mae like In see Hip matter taken up'donald and Dr. Kergin and at the with Hip city firsl. I next meeting i.r ihe hospital A. Haines moved that Ihe'lioard report -on mailer. house committee hp authorized i to look into the application of! Mr. Meth Davie and report back. Also, that before the next meet ing oi me rioant the same com- ATTPn I"1! IfllT 3!S ssMV'l::! uVfcK rLMiHl iiiendalion as to approaching Ihe city with a View to taking over the sewer. The motion was seconded by Mr. Campbell ami carried. ! JAPS ANXIOUS Are Watching Round-the-World Aviators With Mingled Admiration and Envy TOh'lO. May 17. Mingled n.l-miration and envy, tinged with a vague fear lest Japan be left too far behind in Hie development of 'mllil'irv in t hi ,liu rui'i erifna lllllllUl ..uii..i, ...a i. -.. . . . the comments of Japanese on Hie riiiind-l he. World fight by American and Hritisli aviator already under way. Intelligent Japanese are aware of their country's backwardness in aviation. Therefore their ad miration for the exploit of Hie Anglo-Saxons, although genuine. is accompanied hy regret that' endeavoring, lo raise funds for jonsly, ias intensified Japan's in this purpose for some llmtf past Hie matter hail never been fifll-cially brought before the hoard. allolled in the institution for it. The chapter proposed to put in the plumbing, beds, hathroom. For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACOONALDfS Fine Cut Hritisli ami American airmen will be crossing Japan at liie same llijie in opposite directions, ami Msibly, will be refilling at Kas- iiniignura, near Tokio, slmultune terest in aviation.' ' The 0aka Agahl, after describ ing Hie American ami lirflln This had not been done earlier'fijci,! plans ami expressing ad- ' ' .a ... ... a uie meimier or uie tjtiapter miration for the daring of the .... .11.1 I.. loll- nl.JKll ll,'.l . .. Hz Lb. ..15 e6 TO HK.NT. broomed suite wllh bath and range David 11. Hays A Co. XF.W APAHTM F.XT for rent. Modern. Meeker lllock. Third Avenue. I SI OFFICK FOIl ItRNT, with modern living quarlcr. Wcslenhavcr Hro. If FOIl HP.NT. Palmer House for cheap rate and home com forts, tf es," continues the paper, "the achievement will be an import ant point in the history of nnnl'll ! a I ( itll . A t . tl' I Mil II Ik 1 4t I IXI t , Wl MUII1 ( niey eaiinoi enier uie comjieii- ,,irI1n., IH,nl , die r,.C(,r, f Hon for. Khd.e-glrdling Honors. cVji,aHon. Fn.m this stand the pruliahilily dial Dot It I lie i point we hope for their success, However, we must not forget the fierce compel ilion in aerial ex pansinn nnw in progress between America, Client Itrilaln ami Fratiro." The Asahi exprees hope in Hie possibility that the pacific llrilish Labor government may do something to lessen the dangers of Ihe and llieu III llll- I Competition, con " " '. r ' -tnyers. says: .Mii.ougii we wouui compn i Kinllr the ,..,... ,. , u a..r.r.Ki Inr our own aviaiors to par- 1))( hy nlr mf hliu, cnn. were sullicienl funds to carry out licinale in the eomnellllon. we ..:,. .. i.i. .i... . i.ti. Ihe wofk. She slated that ?t00 must rea ize that they are In no .,., ,.r n. i. .i u ... I ,1... .. I ,. ....... ii , .... . . (,y , poMiirm jimio o. It I litpiity re- ,.,,,, i,,nl v,.iM stnto.H was lltat(tit IMK I It I u nnftidu nriil ....n.l.l.. .. I 1 t I ""'T'" " ""'"' Kiel,.,.,..- .naiwe musi ue cooieiii nfluonced by the llrilish nod it I tt t i.nnf.itnni.,l..iliM l.n ...111. I I 1 . a . . . t . it . " ijiui unoiiimouuiioii . w 1 1 11 wil I " II I ll m 11 lid Hiiiiivinir inn iki.... n.i.. progres or aviation shown.' 'he rnund-lbe-worbl flight. An .vsani men remark tliar no nvta- ,incenient of the Aiiff'ricnn plan lor nave ever erosseii ine I'n. i. i.i ..i...n... . . . . i .1 i iMoiiMiii mil J l l 1 1 ll l riijri;is mummy in-L-oriiie no- wans unu cine ocean, ami iiiai ine japan- Hritain and France. This being mm in uie eiuiiimeni irom iime ese, pecaiihe or their pnslllon, will H. Clltt0 i nntural that dis to nine a money nuereu. now- simiy ine su.-cess of ttie American riiMHlrin Is iroinir on of n ever, I o I n 1 1 of the scheme could not he gone into until Ihe chap, ter knew where the children' allepipt. dlsarmnnienl conference. Newspaper's Remark To Meet Situation new vwiocicr may win me inur- "If ihes,. flight are planned ,to further peaceful eoniuiiiiilca- tiou throughout the world they should receive every Hiipporl. If, however, I hey nre inlemled In assist in the expansion of mill lary afr forces Ihey niiisl be de rrlfd; they shoiihl he slopped. If the llrilish and Amciicuns seek 'only lo demouslrale the fcaslbll jlly of travelling around the world Jby air, Japan can be content with jber role of onlooker; bul If Iheir fllglil nte preparallon for ex. paiisloii of Ihelr military aviation ' a a iieiense, Japan must adopt plans lo meet the situation," Prosperous adveri.nimK. mean regular conlliiiioun advertlninv, j Jj l ClH4 w tuft, fTm StovKl. hc Daily News Classified Ads. Lla CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No AdTrtlimnt Taken for Lea thn BOl4 WANTED YVAXTKD. - liirl for general hoiyework. lioixl wage. I'llone . Itliie or apply 755 Sixth Avenue West, corner Taylor Street. till WAXTKD. Furniture of every description. Highest price paid. Prince Rupert Kxehange, Auctioneers. I'hone 653. IlI'.l.nlAN woman wants hoiie-work by Hie day or hour. I'hone Hack tIO. lit FOR RENT XKAIl DIlYDOCK.- Four roomed bousp to rent furuihed. Or would sell furniture and rent lioijsp cheap. Al-o rhiekeii for ,sale. I'lione lllack 113. FOIt Jll-LVr. Five rained flat. II. f.etuurnenu, Sixth Avenun NVesl. I'lione lllack 35. If FOIt IlKXT. Furnished house-keeping rooms, 110 Sixth Ave. Hast. Phone Itlue 317. tf FOIt IlKXT Four room, modern, healed apartments. Apply SmilhAMallelt. Ltd. r FOIt I1F.XT. Modem furnished house; for about five months, Phone (ireen (07. 1 1 K FOR SALE lot, one I -acre lot at Terrace. Prince fSeorge, lot 10 and tl, block tit; lots 10 and II, block 110; lots SH and 2V, block II?; lot 0, block 131. Apply A. C. Little. Hecoiut Avenue 05 FUll SAI.K. Sixteen rom room ing house and store; all furnished. Full siied Ims-inenl with new hot air furnace. Price 7.3no.l)0. Terms arranged. This building Is right in front of the Dry Dock. UU Ambrose Avenue. if FOIt SAI.II--25-H) h.p. Sterling engine; Itosch ignition; eom-plele to And Including coupling. S750.00 36 foot cruiser 20 h.p. Just overhauled. toilet, galley. 1 1.000. M. M. Stephen. If FOIl SALBAI Terrace. IM 15. consisting of In. acres. Mock 1711, one mile and a half from station, church, store. .1. BEAUTY PARLOR. FOR SALE -Five roomed bouiel implete up. to on Second Avenue, llulldlug on Parlor. Uobbmg OovtVnment wharf use as jlainlreiiiiig. II a i new stand. Mne iu-aer,tip, ekin ami h. t, posl othe-pholel iinjl sehiKd.JTo Anvox.i Allc4Arm Price iafr7cfts1i. Ady .C It WeneMly. Utile. BOARD AND ROOM INSURANCE. FRED H, STEPHENS tr FOIl SAI.H. Dining room suile. wicker ehairs, ImnIs, dresser, cols, kitchen iileii-ils, elintrs. tables, wash lub. (Killer, Hiir-ney Oxford healer, ele. Phone lllack 21 H. 117 I.OHCIXli OITFIT for sale and ga shoal 33 feel long in good condition. Can be seen al the Aeroplane Ark, Seal fl FOIl SAM'.. .New and used Machinery, Host and Knglnes. Norlhern Exchange. tf HKSTAUHAXT for Sale or Lease Apply l(ox 175 Daily News I10AIID a ml lloom al the liilumhr centrally located, one hair block from Posl Oilier, H.'fd Second A ven. Phone 137. If LOST LOST. Hunch of key on chain ring willi monogram.. II. H.I'. Finder pleae relurn to Dally New ofllce. FOUND FOUND. n I.O.U; Owner car have .same al Dally .New olllce by proving ownership ami paying for Oils advertisement. I.f. MISCELLANEOUS W'AINWIIHIHT (Alberla) OIL-FIF.LDS. Wrile for free booklet contalnliiK authentic Information on thi wonderful oilfield. Ilaslell, 12Q Seymour Street, Vancouver. 11.12. HO Non-Hoanl Insurance - National Hen Franklin. Second Floor. Federal lllock. . TAXI Taxi 07 Phona. (Call Georgo or Oust) Rosa Brothers. Prompt Service and Comrorl Day or Night Slaiid: Grotto Cigar Store. Third Ave. AUCTION SALES. , v Ooods Hought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQ8, Auotlonser. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones lllock 130 nnd lied 412. Sunday Tuesdays 't' Violet Hay. 1'rtre It i MRS. LOVE, Ilnom tl. Steph, i Denny Alien Co ! I! MAIL SCHEDULE For the Cast Mondays, Wednesday rl fn. day, closed al & 0 p.m. From the Eaal Monday. Thiiredar : I Sat urdays, Oo p.m. To Vancouver 'I'uesdiifM. Mail i-l an at 'IhurmUys Saturday - Sundays .. May i. I t in ' From Vanoosvsr Sundays Wclnesday Fridsys Saturdays. . C P U. lay " 10 ., Sttnilay From Anyox, Alice Arm Tuesd.t lliiirda) . To Port Simpson Sundays 1 From Port Simpson Tueiday . To Alaska Points May U, I 'J and Ul From Alaska Points Mhv 1. I.i ami .' i Pt 1 Al 1 P. . Pi IX. ' . 11 To Stewsrt and Prsmler ' Sunday . 1 Sal unlay From Stewart and PrsmUr At To Quson Charlolte UUnd Pol"" May 10 and .'I From Queen Charlotts Po'nU Mnv H and J ' Tn Nana Nlvee Points and Prt Simpson Thuredays 1 pM- From Nass Rlvsr Polntt Saturdays ... - - Box Collection I'M Ornharn X Allin ,xc 11 Ave. l.ighlli "I ' Cth Ave. It Pulton St Hlh Ave. A Thompson ' SI. ... I Mth Ave. .VSherbrodke Ave. ... v Itlh Ave. A Conrad SI I I 2nd Ave. Si 2nd St "0 3rd Ave. A Fulton SI 5 3rd Ave A rtll. HI . "J PRIN0I RUPERT TIO" AX- iU It 8 ntli Ave. Si Hay 0oc Ave. ... ... ..4 V43 . Cdh Ave. liny Cpe - Circle ... " Hlh Ave. & Col Ion SI l u. 5th Ave. .V Mcllrlde st r.nrt Pro. (lov. Hldg. .... ' Pro. Oov. Wharf ... O.T.P. Wharf ' l ' 85 e.f!" 9 9l tl.U 9.: 9. 9.! i fcee Saturday, May 17' lliiiii i .it tt til. Low 0:10 nib , H:30 pjv. 14 49.. M Mtu. in High Low lligl 1.1:21 l;tii. 7 :0.i ai(. 10: 10 p.uV Monday, May 19 i .... 11:07 itfr. o.i 0.9 1,3 '43.? ?o.s Low 7:50 njfn "u 20:01 pirt-