us: prince Rupert Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone 671 XIV NO 117 ORGANIZE INDIAN MINE Eminent Mining Specialist Is City today to Make Examination In iiieehoii Willi a i.runinl uouitlioii in Hi' inanagr- ! Ihr Indian Mine II ll. Lamb, mini-ill milling ,"! -I of Toronto and New i- in Ihr city lily n lu "oi-Ui. Ilr iirriwil lat night l v am urn) i ihmmhiiuiiiI,I by ' a If J. I'orlong of Ihr firm of Hiir Korlong iV Cm., Ilumillou t, looker. 'roniahl they ,,.iK-fiil to Slewnrl iMcoio- ' il iiy J. I'rtHl llilnhie. loral in nf (ho Iniliuii i.mi'iuu. doiikIi rHiiiiniiliini nf the .t 'y will In' inuili' ami fuhm ''ira will piolnilily di-jieud M I .amli . repot 1 AFTER BETTER FREIGHT RATES 10. He miunos. al in. He Allin I'lftberles. Salmon Cold Slontgi' and fie it.. - i utade without iiii-Ii.i hv LieuL Lowell .Smith. Lieut. Leigh Wade and Lieut. KriK NeWon in the flying iiiiuliiiio. Holcni. Chiriigo( i.ini v,.u itrli jinv ii.ivnic riosMMl 1 he inieriialioiiiii (luie line. :r the flier left Alio mi Friday morning in Hie time of the western FISH ARRIVALS Nine Boats Marketed 217,000 Pounds Canadian Prices Bolter i- m.' ui..imin.(.r Utile. I'l-iee for red King-Jump Discloses His Inten tions NIAV W'LSTMI.NSTKIt. May 11. speaking here laal night. 'rv "tier Olm-r deelaied Hint il li - intention lo make npplii'alion I" the board of railway eoinnOs -imifri. fop fni'l tier redut'tion1 i 'eighl rutcK un export and do iiPHlte grain uiul Tor eiinll ulinn " .expiTKH ralen llnoiighotil Can- SHIPS LOST OFF OREGON otoam Schooner O. C. Llndauer Broke Back and Nicholson Also In Serious Plight I'dUTLAM). Oregon, May 17. "ie Mien iii ichnoner, (1. U Li-liiuer. which went nslmre on at Die moulh of Ihe Uuwua Hiver, wn broken in two and in a tlnl lo. lie Admiral .NlelioUoii, a ''iiHlwino Hclioouer, which, went "Knniiiil yileiilay in an orfort to lld Hm Liiidaeur. Is loaUing badly gjiy tUo be a total lois. nl a renl over yealeiday' price. The arrival, were: American Allen. 7H.HO0 poundn. nl 10.2c and Be. to the At I hi I'isberien for Kelchikiiu delivery. Wixaril. BO.OIMI pnuuil!, al Kl.le and Be. to the Pacific rish-erics. (Iiavlln. pouiid.i. al in r.e and Be lo the Canadian PUh A Cold Slorago tJo. Canadian Dorreen. 0,1100 pound), at to.Hc and fie: W. .V . 1.000 nl lil.Hc and or to in- Canailiaii Fiih & t:o. Volunteer, pounds, al ii. .....I He: Western. S.000 111 - nl 10.7c and fie. lo the Iliinlli I'lsberli'fi Canadian Co. Murlneag. 11,00" poundu, ami tic.: I . "r"M' lo the nl. ILov. 8.500 lied, at In the .VI t ill Fluheries. C.A. :iB0 Ih'ds al ia.Sc; 100 150 Ue.U al la.'-fc unit r0 whiles nl 2n In I lie Itoyal I'lsh Co. Sleainer Pilnce Albert has te-luiiied to Vancouver afler a I wo months-' liijuur voyajfe to Muj;Ioo. hrmipbere an. I armeo here on Saturday of the lvat Lieut. Low I'll Smith, in phiii-niand of Hie expedition. Imped Unit from, now on his iiuudron will be able lo make Ik-Hit lime than bus breu dime finer euiUK tlmi-!""" u ' m i kmi w uniuuu I hrer American and hi l"lal i -m-n... n- .. .... ........... maikeleil .lii. M-hoonein a ha now be.M. eom- ealrl, of SI7.0IW ,.uiuU of hali-!'- I.U. PM. lAehange, u ; - morning. or this total un ""1'7" iiii'i niiif. iIiiiim uliiiiilil In' iii'iiiinli-ri-il I , In- Ameiiwiii. hroutht in i"". ' .iM pouniK ,,r v,'; iKurlh-K. Then l.e.lebu. on the AmeriiMiii fih varieil from e- i.,,,,,,,.,, ii.niv while the urn " for Ulll- niliiiii flrnl rlaHM olli'iina few piiinln ami Mroml eiar of. ferina JhiiiiwhI ;i ent. In ml urn lo halibut l'..HMi pound of red King Hiilmon and 50 pound (.allium wuk olleii'U lot i. ..... i- M.t.Tnf while !ltnti.l. iiifiiur will In. mni'liiMl. ,r '"i- " roir II . Forced to Aiioni IIUUMKIlTtl.N. May 17. The three United Stale army air cruiferi. which llew from Attn lo Paramushiri Ulaml, were forced by a Htorm lo liglil nee a liuliogram says. I be Might. which wan the longi-sl of the ex pedition, was made largely in a Mitownlnrm and wind. PIONEER VANCOUVER industry. MERCHANT IS DEAD George I. Wilson Came to Coast In 1BS6 Was Also Interest ed In Lumbering JACK REDDICK WON JUDGE'S DECISION OVER ENGLISHMAN MOOSK JAW, .May 17. Jack Iteddlck, claimant of the middleweight championship of Canada, won I lie Judges' decision last i'llghl over "Kid Moose" Lancashire, the English middleweight. I I was a twelve round CANUCK FOOTBALL TEAM IS BEATEN SYll.NKY. .May 10. The louring Canadian football team I os I iti first game here today when il wai beaten Jiy a learn repre-M-nlins New South Wale by a fcore of five lo two. The Canuekn played poorly ami misMil several cliances lu hcon;. KING'S PLATE RACE IS RUN Material Prldo, first; Thorn-dyke, second; Maypole, Third TORONTO, May 17. The historic King's Plate race, the opening event of the Eastern Canada turf season, was run at Woodbine Park this afternoon. The winner was H. Wilson's Material Prldo. Thorndyke, the property of tho Thorncllffe stable, was socond and Maypole, ownod by the Brook-dale stable, was third. The one and an elehth mile course was covered by the winner In 57 3-5 seconds. J. .Myliill-.lones has recovered VAXCOlVKIl. May 17. - tieorge sulliclenlly from ho receul lu- t vvn..i. i.ui..l 70. ii oncer mer- uisposiimn to oe nach ai oust- chanl of this cily, died in Los ness again in the l aintly Mioe Angeles yesterday morning. He More. came to Vancouver in IHHo and was also interested in lite lumber mix PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIUNCU 111 PKHT. H.ti,, KATLMIlAY. MAY 17, ISi. Vilrdtr'( Circulation 1664 BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION AT WEMBLEY From Itft (at back), The Stadium, Canadian Pacific RuIldlnC Canada, Australia, The Ornamental Lake, Palace of Engineering and In the foreground entrance to Palace of India. American Flyers Have Safely Negotiated 878 Mile Passage from North America to Asia P.MtAML'.-illim ISLWll. .Muy 17. The .ruling or the Vnrlh Paoifir ci ii fniiii Attn IImii(I. Aleutian l-laiids. North Atnerira, to Paratniiliiri Nluinl, Kurilc An-hilepapo. Jhjkiii. Amu. wu MiiH-'-wfuIK iirjrolili"l hy Hie Hirer Unilcd Slates army runnd-llm-world mr TiiiMr today. The K.K mile flight was Liberals of This City Instruct Delegates to I Strttt Sl 415 Nominate Mr.Pattullo The nomination of Hon. T. I). Pallullo, minister of lands. jki eotilesl Prince Huperl district in the Liberal interests al the i forthcoming provincial election va assured night vdien the j Prince lltiperl Liberal Association u( a general meeting selected jrorty out of the GG delegates for the district and instructed them ito endorse Air. Pattullo's candidature. The meeting, which was irulled for Hit particular purpose of appointing delegates, was J presided over by Aid. Theo. Collarl, vice-president of the asso- 'ciation, und" there was u fair alleudutice. Mr. Pallullo was the unanimous choice nf the nw-et- ing no other name being men- 'tiinied in this connection. Following Ihe explanation by 4.1 the chairman that the city was ienlilliil lo forty delegales, a re- sniuiion was passen eousitiuiiiig the association under the new liouinlaries set out under the recent rrilistriiiulinn and the nomination of delegales proceeded. The following were chosen: J. A. 'Lindsay. 'S. K. Parker. J. MeXtilly. (ieorge Johnston. I'avid Thomson, It J. Itrailbury, L P. McCarfery. K. '.Morgan, L. W. Patinore, W". F. Cameron, F. V. Moersch, Aid. Theo. Collarl. Fred Lana, J. Collier, W. I'.. Williams, F. V: Hawson. J. J. Muldoou. Dr. W. T. Kergin. Aid. S. P. McMor-die. II. F. Classey, N. P. Murphy. lUtncan Kennedy, Hubert (Sordon, Jack Nelson, Harvey Frnser, Leo lllaiiie. Hen SelL W. Oration, Aid. II. F. Perry. Jack Mclnlosh, iliuinas McClyiiwmt, Thomas Trolier, Joe Canni, P. Ltnlrad. T. Silversides. Hert Orecr, J. Lome Macl.aren. A. Ivarsou, J. C .(iavigan, and lr. L. W. Ker-gin. A motion proposed by S. E. Parker and Ceorge Johnstone instructing the delegales lo give their support to Mr. Pallullo was passed after some discussion. A rrew of sixteen men cam? north on the Princess Beatrice litis morning for the Inverness cannery. PUBLIC MEETING Hon. T. D. PATTULL0 MINISTER OF LANDS Will Address Public Meeting in tiie Empress Theatre on Saturday, May 17, at 8.15 p.m. All electors tiro cordially invited; DIGBY ISLAND CABLE IS NOW TO BE RESTORED Engineers of Radio Telegraph Department Arrive In City to Start Work A. N. Fraser, of Ottawa chief engineer of federal radiograph department, and L. W. Sleplien-son. divisional engineer from Victoria, arrived in. the cily yesterday afternoon. They ate here in connection with the installa tion of a new cable from the cily to Digby Island station and will also make an inspection of the local wireless facilities. The new cable to lie installed is to replace the cable swept out by storms last winter. ST. ANDREW'S LADIES Successful Affair Last Night In Society's Club Rooms A very successful whist, drive was belli last ulghl by the. SI Andrew s Ladies' Auxiliary in the club headquarters. 'There was a good atlendanee. Tim winner of the lmlies' Jirsl prut was Miss It. Lemon (in a cut with Mrs. J. H. Kelly. Mrs. J. Arthur was the vvinner.of the consolation prize. A. Clapperlon was the winner of Ihe gentlemen's first prize and J. Arthur was the winner of the consolation prize. .Dainty refresh I mollis were served during the evening. The eoiiunillee respon sible for Ihe success of the even ing consisted of Mrs. D. S. Cam eron, Mrs. M. .MeAriliur, Mrs. Cliristison, Mrs. J. S. Irvine and Mrs. Howard Siren. W. S. (Duke) Harris arrived In the city las! night from llazellon and will be here for several days on business. Mr, Harris is now recovering from n broken leg which Im sustained some, months agg. The Latest In Restaurant. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Boxes for Party Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS.; THROUGH SNOW AND WIND BY AIR TO JAPAN MINISTER OF LANDS WILL SEEK RE-ELECTION IN PRINCE RUPERT RIDING NOT TO FULFIL ! RUSSIAN DEMANDS Oirmany Still at Outs With Soviet, Over Raid Communist Leader Arrested (! : .UN Muy 11. Tin i i ' ; leader. Iliiln'iijiinll. (. ! .11 " whom hh''I Hi - nl tin the lliiiaii truilc, i a arnld m Friday i delegation narltr- hep ! wauled on u charge "' w '.r i iitiin tttriiiiinl tin"' ml to Ullllll I III noli re- j ''"Mil ,MnWW in runner - ' ti ihr iuhI lit 1 1 ii i known i ir null demand ifcoBiii-1 r-xiru lrnlrwliiy of J I, -lan delegation' offi'ii. unit of lii police re'"n- 'In- raid and ritu-tu- damaged itiir1y Ii t r dial thr government isl i '., arrrdr to tin- demand I -;piiali"i wiiii repecl lo! tist bill l ! Hip other dr- KjIi3IBMfljPP mbSE'9K sP 7Jaa 7 SSSK JBfPBjMBBJMflBBm 'aJWKI rTBBLJjjF T yw, JBSja f SSsWsaBBsUSSSaiMB i!BSBftlBBSBsBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBB Bx 47SSBBBBBM x ORMER LOCAL 1 TEACHER DEAD Miss Marlon B. 'Johnstone Taught School In Prince Rupert for Three Years YANCOIVEH. May 17. Th'e death occurred here yesterday of Miss Marion li. Johnstone, ono of the city's oldest .school leacli-crs. She taught here for 33 years with Hie exception of three years in Prince llupert. She wan a daughter of the ex-city treas; urer. Many local friends of the late Miss Johnstone will regret to hear of her demise. Hie left the city about ten years ago and many of her former pupils are now grown up and living here. She was active in Anglican Church and I.O.b.E. circles. Her age was about 50. ROYALTY AND LABOR PLAY Duke of York and CapL Brooks -J .JBeaten-by. Frank. Hodges'and Evan Williams at Golf PONTYPItHH), Wales, May 1(T. The Duke of York and Capf . . Hasil llrooks were beaten two up and one lo go in u toursotue golf malch here , today by Frank Hodges, M.P., and Evan William', president of the Miners' Asso ciation. The match arousal much interest. It was the out-t, come of a challenge made al a dinner a year ago which was im-2 mediately accepted by Ihe King's son. b TO START ON LOCAL ROAD Minister 'or Public Works In Announcement at Victoria Says This Is Intention .Making a general announce 1 nieut of the government's roait-program for the year, Hon. W. Il3 Sutherland, minister of publi works, stated In Victoria tlitH week that it was the intention t? proceed with the building of the Kaien Island road out of I'riiicrT llupert. Other work will include. linn WHKT nRIVPi11" ak'g l,r improvements on? IlLULf IWllJI 1A1T 1.1.- ....,, Kpi..,,., Hniellon ami Terrace and the completion o the Port Clement i-Tlell road on; the Uueen Charlotte Islands. PARTH WINNER OF JUBILEE HANDICAP, Verdict Is Second and Soldumeno,' ' Third Twelve Horses Ran, KEMP TON. PA UK, England? May .17. Parth. owned by A. K. Macomber. al nine to two, won the great Jubilee Handicap for three thousand pounds run here' today. Lord Coventry's Verdict," three to one, was second and Lady Uullough's Soldumenu, six to one: was third. Twelve horses ran. LEAGUEBASEBALL National League Philadelphia I, Pittsburg 3. Huston 8, Cincinnati 3. New York 16, Chicago II. llrooklyn 5, St. Louis 6. American League Detroit 3, Philadelphia, 1. Chicago 3, Host on 4, Otuurs-raifl., v;